
Chapter 1243: Key

Xu Yangyi said nothing and turned into black light and left the underground. Kendra Mo immediately closed the passage door the moment he flew out of the underground.

There was originally no servant demon in the cold obsidian palace, but this time, when he came to the gate, a mechanized demon was already standing there.

It had the appearance of a succubus, but its whole body was made of wood, and the clicking sounds of confidential instruments could be heard from time to time in its body. It was a puppet demon.

"Dear Master Xu." The demon spirit was very anthropomorphic and bowed: "The Vice Speaker asked me to wait for you here."

Xu Yangyi looked at this alchemy product indifferently, and suddenly smiled: "What is your identity?"

"I am the chief steward of His Excellency Deputy Speaker Kendramo. I have been accompanying him since his birth, and it has gone through thousands of years and gone through twelve upgrades. Currently, I have reached the high-level demon spirit alchemy realm. Next time I'm afraid you have to wait until you reach the level of Demon Lord." The demon spirit replied mechanically: "My name is Alice, and you said that if Master Xu has any needs, he will definitely meet them."

Xu Yangyi smiled even more: "In other words, your relationship with that old monster Kendra Mo is extraordinary?"

"Please allow me to think that this is a provocation to His Excellency the Deputy Speaker. In addition, I am its companion, which cannot be described as extraordinary." The demon spirit said calmly without any fluctuation in its voice.

"That's it..." Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded. The next second, the Holy Spirit's energy spurted out without warning, and with a power that was enough to crush the demon spirit into ashes, it instantly enveloped the entire demon spirit.

Without waiting for it to react, all the auras converged toward the center. This demon spirit was only in the early stage of the Saint. With his strength, the demon spirit would be shattered immediately with one blow.

Kakaka...Alice's whole body trembled violently, as if she had received a huge shock internally. However, just when the spiritual power reached its surface, it suddenly stopped.

"Damage...20%, repair..." Alice's eyes flashed, black and purple alternated, and after a while, the cracks on her body were strangely healed, and her voice returned to normal.

It bowed slightly: "Your Majesty means to meet all your requirements, except for its treasure house. This includes destroying me."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Then, lead the way."

He followed Alice and walked forward, and in his consciousness, he was already talking to Yuchang.

"Can you feel it?"

"There is no fluctuation." Yuchang's eyes were blazing and his voice was like fire: "That old monster is too cautious. It is obvious that Alice has an extraordinary relationship with it and even holds the key to its treasure house. This is still its lair. Only Alice can Si is a big steward, if you want to destroy it, the old monster won’t even come out.”

"It has really locked itself up and has no idea what's going on outside. After all, this is your body, and it trusts you not to take any risks."

Xu Yangyi's eyes gradually became cold, very good... His attack on Alice was not without purpose. He was testing Kendramo's boundaries bit by bit to see how clearly it understood the outside world.

The ants are eating away at the dam bit by bit. When he understands the dam clearly enough, it is the time for him to really take action.

In a life-and-death battle with Taixu, if you don't move, you will plow the court and clear the holes, without giving the opponent a chance to counterattack.

As Alice walks along, the road winds upwards, and finally, a huge doll appears in front of her, with its mouth open, forming a rippling mirror.

Alice stepped into it, and Xu Yangyi also walked in. Her eyes were slightly dizzy, and she had arrived at a strange hall.

The hall is very large, three to four hundred meters in length. Dozens of tall dolls stand around it. Each one is twenty or thirty meters tall. The ground is covered with talismans. Two rays of light shine out of the eyes of all the dolls, intertwining in the center. It forms a holographic image light curtain of about ten meters.

The shapes of these dolls are very unique. Two or three of them are demons, and the others are all races from all over the world, including dragons, humans, orcs, undead... lifelike, and each one exudes great power. .

It's like dozens of gods are staring here.

"This is the confidential room." Alice bowed and said, "The Vice-President made great contributions to the Ferrers family in his early years. In order to highlight his great achievements, he made all the Taixu he killed into puppets and jointly built this display. Pavilion.”

"As the status of the Vice-President rises day by day, as the top of the Ferrers family, it has too many secrets. These secrets are stored here, and it has also been converted into a confidential room. It is also protected by dolls from the early years. . I must remind you that it is strictly forbidden to use any power in the confidential room. Once these puppets detect power fluctuations, they will immediately destroy this place and... chase the user of the power to death."

A Taixu-level guardian?

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes, this old monster is really a big deal.

"Your Excellency, the Deputy Speaker, has something to give you." After Alice bowed again, she raised her hands and danced in the air like playing a piano. Suddenly, the eyes of all the puppets burst into light of different colors.

All the brilliance intertwined in the center, and the colors kept changing. For five minutes, with an explosion of white brilliance, the alternation of colors finally subsided, and a key appeared in the center, as well as a book burning with flames and covered with scales. Ancient books.

Alice picked up the key with great solemnity, raised her hands respectfully, and half-knelt on the ground: "Master Xu, this book records all the skills of Master Kendra Mo, which are all the skills of the Demon King. "I hope it helps you."

"And this key is what you have to get."

Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand and the key flew into his hand. As soon as he took it, he frowned.

The key is not strange, but the strange thing is an oriental key!

The ring key head is engraved with complicated patterns. These patterns are just decoration and have no other functions. The key head is a typical oriental style.

Very ordinary, without a trace of aura, but what is even more weird is...

"I should have seen this thing!" He said with certainty in his consciousness. This answer made him unbelievable. This is hell, it's Tiragandes, it's the confidential place of Deputy Speaker Kendramo! How could an Eastern key appear? And it still feels so familiar to me?

"You can't remember?" Yuchang said in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi shook his head. If he was still confused above, it would be weird here.

With the elixir that has a photographic memory, it is impossible for him to forget that he has seen it, but this key... is obviously very familiar, but he can't find the source!

"I can only vaguely recall that I saw similar things a hundred years ago. However, once I go deeper, it becomes blurry. It's like... this memory has been forcibly erased." He played with the key thoughtfully. He said in a deep voice: "The last time this happened, it was related to Yahweh."

No one spoke anymore. The key to the East appeared in the Western genealogy, and was so solemnly collected here by Kendra Mo. This is a mystery in itself.

Alice's voice sounded at the right time: "Master Xu, the Deputy Speaker asked me to tell you... the road is at your feet, and the sea and the sky will be brighter. And after you really take this step, this key will be of great use. In fact, Deputy Speaker The speaker's serious injuries were caused by robbing this thing."

"It reminds me that this key cannot be seen by anyone. All the top demons in Tiragandis are looking for something similar. Once discovered, you will only die."

Xu Yangyi frowned, put the key into the personal storage ring, and said calmly: "Is there anything else?"

After getting a negative answer, he turned into a black light and left here.

"It really has no good intentions." After walking out of Kendramo's exclusive space, Yuchang gritted his teeth and said: "It only gives you skills, not magical powers. It doesn't want to increase your chances of winning at all. If you practice its Magical power... Once you take possession of your body, you will be the best carrier!"

"I know." Xu Yang looked at the black sky above his head and casually put the book into a storage ring that was rarely used: "I didn't plan to read it at all."

Withdrawing his gaze, he licked his lips: "The most important thing now is to fully improve my strength. The first time of condensation - the second time of condensation - eruption, there is not much time left."

"As for this elusive key... I believe that Kendramo will come out and tell me himself when necessary."

He quietly returned to his palace, without telling anyone, and entered seclusion again.

Time passed like this bit by bit, although slowly, it never stopped its pace.

In the blink of an eye, seven years passed.

A full ten years have passed since the Devil's Oven first condensed. The Devil's Oven also revealed its ferocious features more and more.

In the void, the silver stars no longer flew in. After all, in ten years, hundreds of names flew to the Devil's Oven every minute, and no matter how many they were, they were swallowed up. However, now every hour, a circle of strange ripples converges on it.

Silver-white deception, dark green fester, red violence... From the Eighteen Hells of Tiragandes, huge energy is erupting every moment, flowing into the devil's oven.

The vast coercion that fills all the heavens and worlds has become more and more intense, as if it can condense for the second time anytime and anywhere. The entire hell fell into boundless silence, leaving only tens of millions of silver candles, lighting up the Eighteen Hells and illuminating the starry sky.

Undercurrents surged, and pairs of blazing eyes opened in the dark night. Whether it was the Grand Duke, the Prince, the Demon King, or the Great Devil... everyone was suppressing their excited hearts, waiting for that moment that would make the universe shine.

It was in this silence of hundreds of millions that Xu Yangyi, who had been in seclusion for seven years, opened his eyes again.

A two-meter-tall shell stood in front of him. No...if it weren't for him, outsiders would hardly be able to see its existence.

Mimicry is not transparent, but the body changes to the same color, making it impossible for people to distinguish its existence.

He quickly made a hand seal, and a few seconds later, a brilliance flashed in front of him, and the implanted armor turned into a golden light, imprinted on his shoulders.

"Has it been seven years..." He breathed a sigh of relief and touched his shoulders: "I finally completed the refining of it..."

"Fish intestines." He called softly in his consciousness: "No change?"

"No." Yuchang replied in a deep voice: "But... the first time the Devil's Oven condensed, I felt that it had reached its peak. Now... even on the ground, I can feel the majestic pressure that overwhelms everything. It’s no surprise when the second condensation happens.”

Before he finished speaking, the entire void suddenly trembled.

The two of them were slightly stunned, their hearts accelerated for no reason, and their eyes looked up at the sky.

An unprecedented palpitation rushed into their hearts, and the second condensation of the demon furnace... after ten years, it finally began.

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