
Chapter 1244: The Abyss Descends, the Kingdom of Light (I)

God said, let there be light, and there was light.

In the primordial space at the top of hell, a vast white light shone up, like the words of God descending from the sky, unveiling the veil of the night, and suddenly blooming in the entire Tiragangdis.

In the Hell of Deception, the Palace of Deception, in a huge castle, the Grizzly Prince stood in the void with a glass of wine, looking at the annular solar eclipse in the sky like dawn with a fiery gaze.

The wind blew silently, blowing its black robe all over its body fluttering, like the wings of the god of death.

And just around it, at a distance of 100,000 meters and 1 million meters, the King of Thousand Throats, the King of Evil Eyes, the remnants of the Holy Flame, Prince Sumendar... Not only them, at this moment, at the same minute, at the same second, between tyranny, between viciousness, between festering, between death... one by one, the top nobles of hell, opened their ancient eyes in the darkness, looking up at the light that did not belong to hell in hell.

There was no panic, because they had waited too long for this outbreak. There was no fear, because the anticipation had made their blood boil.

"Finally I've waited for this day..." The wine glass in the hands of the grizzly prince was already creaking, and he spoke hoarsely: "Finally I've waited for this day..."


As the annular solar eclipse became smaller and smaller, the whole hell was swaying.

It was the intersection of light and shadow, the creatures walking in the darkness, the demons serving sin, all their lit silver candles, those candles that could not be blown by the wind, one by one, the candlelight like the stars in the night, the light swept over, all extinguished.

Countless demons came out of their houses, any demon, no matter how huge, or petite, or weird and rugged, all knelt on the street at this moment. A magic prayer sounded, followed by a second one... dozens, hundreds, thousands, in less than half an hour, the whole hell was left with only pious prayers.

At this moment, a white light far exceeding the previous one, even a light that was countless times brighter than the sun, suddenly appeared from the sky.

This piece of light is so majestic and magnificent that it can be seen even from light years away, like the birth and explosion of a new star field. It is so unstoppable that the crystal wall system that permeates outside the hell is instantly annihilated and becomes an infinite talisman lingering in space.

The sky is like the ocean, and this light is the Dinghai magic needle. As it falls over the Deception Palace, the clouds on all sides are stirred, and they are tens of millions of meters long and madly converge above the Palace of Deception. After a few minutes... it actually forms an endless and majestic cloud cave, covering the sky and swallowing the stars. Only a series of white light penetrates from the cloud cave, and quickly connects to the kingdom of light.

Rumble... Countless stones seem to be pinched by invisible hands and quietly float up, and in the underground training room, Xu Yangyi can no longer bear it, and suddenly rushes out as a black light.

As soon as he rushed out of the palace gate, he saw a dark place. There was silence in all directions, and all the demons looked up at the sky in a daze.

"This is..." He frowned, looked up at the sky, and immediately gasped.

"Heh..." Yuchang suddenly flew out, also looking at the sky, slightly opened his mouth, and shook his head gently. Even if he couldn't believe his eyes, he also knew why the scene was so silent.

In the center of that huge cloud cave, a vast building that dominated the entire sky, with clouds all over the sky, with wind and clouds surging from all directions, like an alien civilization landing, domineeringly piercing the crystal wall system of the entire Tiragangdis, penetrating the endless clouds, and standing proudly above the sky.

Hua La La La... The fierce wind blew its surface, as if it was the drum of its arrival.

It blocked the light, blocked the sun, moon, and stars, and looked around, and there was no end at all. Where there is sky, there is it, and where there is it, it is the sky.

The day turned dark again because of its appearance. This indescribable ancient holy city is in the shape of an inverted spiral, made entirely of stone, and engraved with countless talismans. It is majestic, majestic, and magnificent... It is difficult to describe it in any words. It is like the immortal's home, accidentally breaking through the clouds and appearing in the world.

The stairs spread in a spiral shape, and there are countless honeycomb holes on the top. The top is immersed in the clouds and cannot be seen at all.

The vast sense of time and the heavy sense of history are transmitted from every brick and tile, and countless clouds are lingering around. From time to time, flames spew out from those honeycomb holes, making it impossible to take your eyes away. Intoxicated by this wild and magnificent beauty.

The real Yunding Palace.

"Abyss... Arena?" After a long time, Yu Chang said with a trembling voice: "Is this... the Abyss Arena?"

"I think so..." Xu Yangyi also looked at the sky in shock. This was the most magnificent scene he had ever seen. No one expected that the Abyss Arena would appear like this. This building, which carries the ambitions, capital, desires, blood and life of countless demons, is so majestic and domineering, falling from the sky.

It can be called a miracle.

From the starry sky, the eighteen terrifying buildings that occupy one-fifth of each hell, like the star destroyer mothership of alien civilization, slowly press towards Tiragangdis. The atmosphere ripples under them, and below them, there is no end at all, and the crystal wall system that is crushed into talismans.

Dead silence, dead silence in all directions, I don't know how long it has been, this huge building has not yet finished descending, and is still falling from the sky ten thousand meters high. The feeling that the sky is about to fall completely ignites the boiling ambitions of all the demons in the entire Tiragangdis!

From silence at the beginning, to a little noise, and at the end, it has become a sea of ​​madness!

"Roar!!!" I don't know which demon finally couldn't hold it back and transformed into its original shape a hundred meters high, shooting out a red flame into the sky. As it started, huge demons appeared in all directions, shrieking sharply, tearing the sky apart crazily!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!" Endless demons soared into the sky, surrounding this indescribably magnificent building, becoming more and more numerous and dense! In the end... a terrifying wave of demons transcended the clouds and surrounded the sky with water!

Under this black cloud, countless lemures climbed on top of the tall demon, puffed up their chests, and erupted into the sharpest scream in their lives.


"Tiragondis is invincible!!!" I don't know who shouted out first, and then, the whole hell finally fell into a boiling carnival!

"Kill! Kill!! In front of this cosmic artifact, let it witness our blood and glory!!" "We are the real strong ones in all the worlds!" "Come on! Contestants, we Can't wait! Let our magic crystal baptize you! "The devils in all hell are watching you!"

"Kill!" "Kill!!" "Kill!!" "The magic crystal blesses you! Let's see who is the real strongest!" "Eighteen hells will witness your tens of thousands of years of journey together!! Come on! Warriors!”

This is the carnival of devils, the paradise of sin.

There must be no trace of the old monsters left behind from the last Devil's Oven outbreak. It had been too long this time. They had only heard about the grand arrival of the Devil's Oven from history books. However... after seeing it today, they realized that some things could never be expressed in words.

Xu Yangyi's face had calmed down and he was breathing deeply. Even he felt that his blood was boiling and his heart was beating uncontrollably.

The decisive battle here...

A decisive battle on top of the clouds...

Let all the demons go crazy for one person, no... for one human being! All eyes are on you, the focus of the plane!

This is the place worth fighting to the death.

This is the true place of glory.

At this moment, the fighting spirit in his body had never burned so fiercely!

It has nothing to do with race, it’s all about self-proof.

His hand gently pressed the fish intestines. For no reason, he now wanted to draw his sword and pay tribute to the unknown opponent. Pay tribute to this arena, which is known as the only artifact in the universe. Salute...this majestic atmosphere may never be seen again.

However, before he could draw his sword, a desolate horn sound suddenly resounded throughout Tiragandes.

It is so unique, it has traveled through hundreds of millions, the screams of mega demons, pierced the siege of the carnival, suppressed the excitement, excitement, and bloodthirsty carnival, and reached everyone's heart.

"Woooooooo..." The horn sounded through the Palace of Deception, and all the demons were stunned. Then, a huge space vortex opened in the sky, and a huge creature with a ferocious horn appeared on the sky. .

It was an ugly demon with black skin covered in red lines. It tore apart the space channel arbitrarily, opened its mouth, and a silver figure suddenly flew out.

"Roar!!!" Shocked for hundreds of miles, the silver demon was covered with tentacles, its body was like an old tree trunk, and it had four wings on its back. As it roared, the void collapsed in all directions. Many low-level demons fainted in an instant.

boom! ! Behind it, an ancient clan emblem rose, a huge poisonous snake. Its voice was like thunder, sweeping across the sky above the entire Palace of Deception.

"The Ancient Demon Family, Fenrir, a high-ranking Eternal Diamond, sign up to participate in the Abyss Arena!"

Dead silence.

The surrounding demons hovering in the sky were silent, and the demons below were as dark as the tide and silent, but a second later, they all screamed.

"Diamond of Eternity!! It's a demon at the level of Diamond of Eternity!!" "Which family is this?!" "I don't know, I didn't sign up!!" "Sure enough, what the history books say is true! The last moment is the real one! Candidates who are truly confident in their own abilities sign up! "Kill them all! I support you to reach the top!"

Countless grand dukes who stood proudly in the void narrowed their pupils after seeing the demon tearing apart space.

"Bloody Sika...are you not dead yet?" the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame asked in a deep voice.

"You are all still alive, how can I die?" The demon laughed loudly: "Come on... Taixu battlefield, the peak of the demon king, I am waiting for you!"

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