
Chapter 1245: The Abyss Descends, the Kingdom of Light (Part 2)

The cracks disappeared, but they seemed to have blown the first horn. In an instant, not only Tiragandis, but endless flags, those ancient families that only existed in legends and survived the war of demons, They all raised their family crests!

brush! ! A stream of light shot straight into the sky. At the beginning, in a dark mountain, on top of an ancient castle, in a house a hundred meters above the top, an old demon who was about to die held a golden handle with a carving on it. The short sword with the head of a demon god was handed over to the hands of a demon whose whole body was covered in gray-white mist.

"The ancient demon family...the light of darkness, now, I will give you this sword, and you promise me to stand in front of the devil's oven."

"I promise you." The demon in the gray mist stood up, holding the dagger tightly in his hand, surrounded by more than a dozen demons standing in the gray mist. The sword-wielding demon roared with all his strength: "I will let those so-called original families know who is the strongest in hell!!"

"The dark light of the ancient demon family, the dark Barnes, sign up for the Abyss Arena!!"

"I hope the gods will witness my glory!"

boom! ! Over this ancient castle, a two-headed wolf, a poisonous snake's tail, and broken devil wings rushed into the sky, covering thousands of miles in a radius, causing all devils to crawl in the magnificent devilish aura!

"Roar!!" In the room, all the surrounding demons roared, and black spiritual energy rushed into the body of the sword-wielding demon. The old demon on the throne stuck out his scarlet tongue, suppressed the boiling in his heart, and roared as well.

This is the most primitive and direct way for demons to express their fighting intentions.

"Go! Barnes!!"

"Tear those arrogant bastards apart!!"

The End of Ice, the Seventeenth Hell, an eternal ice palace carved into the shape of a sitting skull, covering an area of ​​millions of meters. At this moment, on the top pinnacle, there is a demon who is like a living ice sculpture. , wrote a name on the huge ice block in front of him.

"Ice King Perez, join the Abyss Arena and the Holy Battlefield!"

Behind it was a demon covered in ice crystals and covered in black armor, with an ancient ice sword stuck in front of it. Seeing the words on the ice burst into golden light, it stepped forward and pulled out the sword in the ice.

There were thousands of demons in all directions, standing there quietly like spectators. As the sword was drawn out, the entire Ice Skeleton Castle emitted a vibrating buzz.

"The first time you sign up... it will definitely attract too much attention." The demon who wrote the text did not turn around and slowly said: "What they want is not victory, what they want is magic crystal and endless wealth."

Ka... When the sword was pulled out an inch, terrible cracks filled the ten-thousand-meter square.

"With attention, there will be the first round of investment, and it will not be a problem for them to enter the elite ranks of tens of thousands..."

Kakaka... More and more swords were drawn out, cracks were everywhere, and the entire castle began to shatter.

"But we are different!" The Ice Demon suddenly turned around, his blood-red cloak more than ten meters wide flying, opened his arms, and shouted: "What we want is victory! We are in the top ten!!"

"The Ice Demon has experienced the battle between gods and demons! Why should he bow to those original families!!"

"We are also the remnants of the divine war!! Our ancestors also killed countless angels! We are the real kings!"

"Draw your sword, Perez! Go, go to the Ice Silver Tower, go to the Abyss Arena, and tell them that the ancient survivors are not dead yet! Victory will always belong to us ancient demons who abide by our creed!"

Boom! ! As the sword was finally drawn, the entire palace collapsed. There was a ten-meter block of ice at the feet of all the surrounding demons. At this moment, they were all half-kneeling on the ground. The hoarse magic words made the place extremely gloomy, but the red fighting spirit was rippling in the gloom.

"In the name of the Ice Queen! I grant you eternal victory!!"

The family emblems of Hell lit up one after another, and families whose names many demons had never heard of shone in all directions. At this moment, under the huge abyss arena, stars twinkled. Endless ancient demons have submitted their own declarations of war.

Buzz, buzz... As the devil's oven fired his spiritual consciousness, the first burst of stars like rain reappeared, and countless streamers of light and meteors rushed backwards, rushing towards the oven in the sky.

In the midst of deception, deceiving the evil palace, at this moment, seven family emblems with a radius of 100 meters lighted up at the same time!

No one expected that right at the heart of the deceiving demon, there were seven ancient demon families living in seclusion.

Brush... Black clouds were entrenched, red light spread across the sky, and a rotting lion's family emblem shot up into the sky. Accompanied by a majestic voice, it resounded throughout the land: "Deceiving the direct line of demons, the ancient demon Xinluo family joins the war."

It's not over yet. On the other side, a thousand-meter-long golden airship slowly rises into the sky. Countless demons blow desolate horns on both sides. Under dozens of flags, an elk with bone spurs all over its body Hui Fei flew into the sky: "Deceive the Demon Zhili, and the Gumoluo family joins the war."

Rumble... The earth was torn open, and a Hydra that was hundreds of meters tall and wrapped in white armor appeared with billowing dust. From its mouth, a piece of golden light shone and shot into the sky.

"Deceive the direct line of demons, and the ancient demon Orn family joins the war!" "Deceive the direct line of demons, and the ancient demon Campbell family joins the war!"

Waves of incredibly powerful demonic energy swept through the air, and even formed into real clouds of demonic energy. None of the figures boiling up to the sky was lower than the level of the Eternal Diamond!

"Damn... these damn old immortals!!" In a castle, the sinful Peter Pan gritted his teeth and watched this scene. He had already felt that these figures... he was not sure about any of them!

As the top three member of the Ferrers family, when faced with challenges from the seven hidden ancient demon families, none of them could win!

On the other side, the Red Night Demon's face was a little calmer, but not much better. It looked at one of the figures, and every time its consciousness swept over it, it actually felt... a pain from a needle pricking its consciousness!

Where did the monster come from? Why have I never heard of it? The strength is so terrifying!

Isn't the Abyss Arena prepared for us? Why... where did these damn monsters jump out from? !

None of the demons below expected this scene. After a brief silence, they all roared at the top of their lungs.

For demons, battles, blood, sins, and pitiful order, this is what they want to see most. Only in this way can the unprecedented gambling game become a success!

"Well done!!" "My God...Seven Eternal Diamond Levels!! Oh my God!" "Waiting for your opening!! I will always pay attention to you!!"

The sound was like a sea, and the entire Tiragandes was boiling. Those family crests became the common protagonists of this moment, and everyone realized...

It's going to be an upset...

These families, whom I have never heard of or seen, are both Eternal Diamonds. When they meet the top three of the original families, it will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers!

However, no one noticed that among the countless demons, there was also a human.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The strong one... the absolute strong one! Everyone in the sky only has a six to seven chance of winning! For two of them, he could only say a 50-50 split.

This is just a deception of the evil palace. There is also a vast expanse of land between the deceptions. What kind of evildoers are hidden in those places?

His heart was beating hard, his blood was so hot that his cheeks seemed to be burning, and the veins in the hand holding the fish intestines were clearly visible.

"Are you excited?" Yuchang looked at the sky with the same fascination: "This unprecedented battle between monsters, once is enough. Hell... is truly an existence that makes all the heavens and worlds change their color. If you can see through it, they are better than the seven realms. Too powerful..."

The Eighteen Demon Lords outside hell are watching here.

One by one, the Demon Kings of Taixu stepped into the void and looked at the carnival of the world with expressionless faces.

And those... even the holy monsters who were not far away from Xu Yangyi silently showed their fangs.

This is a forest of flesh and blood, and the original family is the tiger in it, but the king of the forest... is definitely not a tiger!

Surrounded by wolves, pythons, wild boars, and giant bears, they are already waiting for the bloody coming in the dark.

"I hope..." A few minutes later, Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke, his eyes very calm, but with an indescribable determination: "Carve my name in this alien plane."

"In the name of humanity."

The whole hell was in a state of carnival at this moment. But this is just the beginning.

Brush... At this moment, Tianqiong paused hard.

All the voices were silent, and blazing gazes looked towards the Abyss Arena in the sky. It... finally stopped landing.

It stands like a fairy palace in the nine heavens.

Before they could react, the first burst of red light shot out from one of the holes, turning into a rectangular light curtain.

Above the light curtain, there is information about a demon.

"Angry Sanchez, from the Dark Forest."


There was no time for people to be silent. In the next second, endless light, with the flames of hell, spurted out from those small holes, and rectangular light curtains filled the entire sky, like dragons out of the sea, and like waves. Splatter.

"This is..." A demon was stunned for a moment, then roared crazily: "It's a contestant! It's a contestant! It's our hero!!"

"Roar!!" One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and in an instant, Tiragandis' demonic roar shook the sky. Countless magic crystals were already in his hands, and he couldn't wait to open the market immediately for this super gamble that would be remembered in history!

Swipe, swipe, swipe... More and more rectangular blocks are spliced ​​together, and finally, a surrounding light column is formed around the bottom of the spiral arena.

"Look! That's the Devil's Thorn! Eternal Diamond Level!" "I saw the Backwater Lord in our territory! Eternal Gold Level!" "It's Sad Annie, it will definitely hit a hundred thousand people!"

The noises came one after another, but no one saw that the figures in the void, the high-ranking princes and princes, finally moved at this moment.

"Ha..." Prince Grizzly Bear closed his eyes and finally saw the second condensation of the legendary Devil's Oven, and the opening of the Abyss Arena in the near future. Now it could even hear the rapid breathing of all the demons in between the whole deception.

"Have you started counting people?" It seemed to be muttering to itself: "Before, I had been hesitating..."

"Yes... I was hesitant too." Prince Sumendar, who was very far away, also said slowly: "But now, the moment I saw this thing, I no longer hesitated."

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