
Chapter 1246: The Abyss Descends, the Kingdom of Light (Part 3)

"I just don't know how many monsters like us there are in the whole hell."

Their voices were not hidden. No one expected that these top nobles would speak. Their fanatical emotions were suppressed and everyone looked at them.

Then... they saw an incredible scene.

"Come on." Prince Grizzly Bear restrained his smile. Now, only these top princes and princes stand proudly in the void. Their figures are so obvious that they cannot be ignored. It took the first step under the spotlight.

"This is...Prince Grizzly Bear?" Below, there is a small castle, and a baron lives in it. At this moment, it has prepared all the family property, and there are more than a dozen magic crystal boxes behind it, which have been prepared for a long time. A big gamble at this feast.

It looked at the sky with some disbelief. That figure was too familiar. Even if it was not familiar, the demonic energy that was enough to make the void tremble was opening uncontrollably at this moment. Everyone knew that this was a demon king.

"Is it going to..." It thought of an unbelievable possibility, and its pupils suddenly widened.

Below the Deception Palace, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked up at the sky with burning eyes.

Everyone had a premonition that the hundreds of millions of demons in the whole deception palace were all staring at this huge figure like a mountain of flesh.

The ultimate decisive battle...

The highest level battlefield...

Is it... really going to be unveiled at this moment?

The sound rang out, and it was an uncontrollable discussion. Watching the Grizzly Prince walking step by step in front of the light pillar and stretching out his hand, the discussion reached its maximum!

"Is it true..." "Could it be..." "Oh my god... the demon king is going to fight in person?" "How many demon kings are there in the entire Tiragandes? How many will participate?" "Isn't it possible? Abyss gladiatorial battle The field does not matter life or death, if they die...all their glory and wealth will disappear..."

There was a tidal wave of discussion, and in the center of this tide, the Grizzly Prince did not hesitate in his steps. When it stood in front of the light beam and stretched out its hand, the huge family emblem of a roaring grizzly bear behind it shone for a thousand meters across the entire sky...

The whole palace of deception is boiling!

"The devil is on top! The devil is on top!" "Really... this is true!" "Is there really a devil who wants to do this?"

It was the same voice at first, but after a few seconds, it became uniformly shouting "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

They don't know that throughout the Eighteen Hells, there are already dozens of hands, demonic hands, all placed on the light pillar.

"Deceive the devil, directly from Felus..." Prince Grizzly Bear's voice was like a loud bell, reaching everyone's ears. Every half-kneeling devil's chest heaved sharply, breathing heavily, and stared at it.

"Prince Grizzly Bear, Solomon Ferrers..."

"Eternal Diamond Level, now twelve thousand three hundred years old..." It slowly raised its hand, the strong wind flying in the air blew its cloak billowing, and then, a golden light shot towards the Abyss Arena: "At this moment, sign up to participate Abyss Arena, Taixu Battlefield.”

boom! ! ! As its voice fell, the first salute of the Demon King's battlefield in the Battle of the Abyss started. In an instant, the earth-shattering cheers covered everything! I don't know how many demons stood up, and their eyes started to turn red!

"The Taixu battlefield!" "It's really the Demon King's battlefield!!" "It's unbelievable... the history books are true! There will really be a Demon King participating!!" "I can't believe... this is a prince! Standing on The prince of the devil!"

Buzz... A golden light sank into the sky. Within a few seconds, every small hole in the vast abyss arena erupted with golden light, and then... many rectangular light curtains flew out.

However, the light curtain this time is different from the previous ones. This time... it's all golden!

They are like cards, with the frame being the shadow of a poisonous snake, coiling upward and twisting into the shape of a diamond at the top. And the first one to appear was Prince Grizzly!

In the midst of the violence, a figure in a black cloak, under the fiery gaze of the endless demons below, stretched out his bandaged hand and gently pressed the light beam.

"In the midst of violence, Arcane Prince Antonidas, of the Eternal Diamond level, joins the Demon King's battlefield."

In another hell, there are dozens of magnificent devil auras in the sky, dominating everything and silencing everyone. Heavy knights riding hell horses surround the light pillars with water, and in the center of all the heavy knights, a short demon , stretched out his arm with green flames, and pressed the light beam at the same time.

"Between the festers, the Prince of Rot, Exodane, of the Eternal Diamond level, signed up to participate in the Demon King's Battlefield."

At the same minute, at the same second, just when the demons were still worried about whether anyone would sign up, these circular light curtains flashed together. In just one minute, dozens of towering figures were imprinted on them.

"In the beginning, Deputy Speaker Malekin, with the Eternal Diamond level, signed up for the Demon King's Battlefield."

"Between the vicious and jealous Xiuda, with the Eternal Diamond level, he signed up for the Demon King's Battlefield."

"Ice Queen Kanchia, high level Eternal Diamond, sign up for Demon King's Battlefield." "Ancient Demon Family, Final Mourning, Eternal Diamond level, sign up for Demon King's Battlefield."



What followed was a complete eruption of boiling!

There are no words, no language, except the screams from the bottom of the lungs, which can no longer express the crazy mood of these demons at this moment.

Diamonds of eternity... all diamonds of eternity!

The first batch, one hundred and thirty demon kings who are extremely respected, participated!

The famous Antonidas, Prince Grizzly Bear, Prince Rot, King of Evil Eyes, King of Ten Thousand Eyes, Ice Queen, Lord of Eternal Flame...these names that can only be looked up to appeared so clearly for the first time in every In front of the devil.

"It's unbelievable..." "One hundred and thirty princes... one hundred and thirty demon kings..." "The demon king's battlefield, this, what kind of existence is this!"

Their portrait frames form a golden halo, towering over the saint's silver-white light pillar, like the immortal crown of hell.

On the light screen, you can only feel the vast smoke-like demonic energy of these devils. None of them are mediocre, they are all filled with eternal diamonds! The Eternal Diamond in Taixu! No one is sure who will win. This unpredictable excitement makes the excitement of hell become crazy!

The noise is like a sea, boiling and filling the sky!

In the carnival of infinite demons, Xu Yangyi's clenched fists finally loosened.

The abyss is coming.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky in disbelief.

Yuchang also came back to his senses from this grand scene that could shock all the world, and immediately noticed his expression: "What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi raised his hand solemnly, without speaking, and took out something from the storage ring.

It was the key that Kendramo had given him.

But now, the key is trembling slightly, as if it has sensed some invisible call.

"What is this?" Yuchang frowned.

"Su Xingyao..." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the sky with burning eyes: "One year..."

"One year?" Yuchang was stunned, and then immediately responded: "There is still one year before the Abyss Arena opens? One hundred years has been shortened by nine times? Are you sure? How do you know?"

Xu Yangyi solemnly put the key into the storage ring: "She told me."

"Her extremely profound consciousness was left here, and it has lasted for tens of thousands of years. How did she achieve this state?" He was also puzzled and frowned deeply: "This place... seems to be... This is what impressed her very much, just like...the turning point of her fate. It was this spiritual consciousness that told me that there is only one year left until the Abyss Arena is open. "

After a long silence, Yuchang finally spoke solemnly: "Now is not the time to think about these things."

"For ordinary demons in hell, this is a carnival, but for us, this is the last time to wait and see." He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, with burning eyes and a fighting spirit. Even it wanted to fight against such a warrior. The temple left a glorious mark.

"That's right." Xu Yangyi also put away the doubts in his heart. In any case, these answers can only be answered by truly reaching the peak of the Devil's Oven.

But now, he found that he still underestimated the devil's strength.

With his current strength, there is no guarantee that he will reach the top ten. There are two demons on the scene who are definitely not inferior to him!

This is just to deceive the Palace of Evil, Tiragandes also has a vast plane, the incarnation of the demon god, and the ancient demon family. He had almost no opponents in the same realm, but he finally smelled a powerful enemy.

Extremely pungent, extremely eye-catching.

"Let's go." He took a deep breath, suppressed his surging emotions, and returned to the training room in one step.

Everything remains the same, Yu He is still practicing hard, aiming at Xu Yangyi, which makes him full of motivation. Hongxian was looking at each other boredly.

"What happened outside?" it asked gloomily. Something big must have happened outside, but it was imprisoned by this damn human being and had no idea at all.

"It has nothing to do with you." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "You'd better practice with all your strength. I will consider giving you freedom after this matter is over."

His voice gradually became colder: "But if you dare to play tricks with me, I don't mind completely erasing your intelligence."

"Will you give me freedom?" Yuhe's eyes flashed. For some reason, there was always an uneasy feeling in his heart.

"You will get what you put in. I am not an unreasonable person. Besides..." Xu Yangyi disappeared from the spot and entered the other half of the divided training room: "You are my son after all, aren't you?"

Returning to his own space, he immediately contacted Mousavis.

"Dear Master, humble..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Xu Yangyi was not in the mood to listen to nonsense now: "I will give you a list. Each of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures on it will bring me five hundred kilograms. If you can't do it within a month, I will leave. Then find another agent.”

"Yes!" Mousavis was startled and replied immediately.

After closing the light curtain, Xu Yangyi calmed down, cleared his mind, and prepared for the final sprint.

He calmed down, hell calmed down, but the volcano below was erupting all the time.

From the princes and nobles to the ordinary demons, they are all prepared, and everyone is waiting for the call of the Abyss Arena.

Everyone is waiting for the call from the sky with the most ardent eyes.

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