
Chapter 1247: Admission

Demon Chronicle, Angry Samael 37409th year, 32,000 years have passed since the 18th Demon Furnace eruption, which is the longest record in history.

Tens of thousands of years of waiting and accumulation have pushed the eruption of the Demon Furnace to the highest peak in history.

In the 37409th year of Angry Samael, 100 days after the Demon Furnace eruption, the registration for the Abyss Arena officially ended. The list of the Venerable Saints, 250 million. The Taixu Demon King, 3,841.

They formed a silver light column, with a golden ring crown on the top, illuminating the eternal sky.

Any one of them is famous in their place of origin. There is no level or data statistics on the light column, just a name, and there is no magic energy statistics.

In the same year, 215 days after the outbreak of the Demon Furnace, the Speaker and the Vice Speaker of the Original Chamber issued orders at the same time, "Deception, Tyranny, Malice, Festering, Corruption, Death, Ice..." Every demon lord tower in the Eighteen Hells issued the demon lord's decree. All the evil palaces opened all the Faustian gates, countless professional demons poured out, and the Abyss War Roulette officially opened.

On the 216th, all statistical lists were released, and there was no data, only basic races and families.

On the 220th, betting began, and the betting in the Eighteen Hells on the first day reached 700 trillion magic crystals. The data was jointly counted by the eighteen original families, and there was no mistake.

On the 250th, the first round of betting statistics reached a terrifying 3,500 trillion!

On the 260th, after the first round of outbreaks, one plane tycoon after another, one top chamber of commerce after another, huge planes, some civilizations that were not weaker than demons, and endless plane shuttles stopped at various hells, and the betting funds rose sharply!

Sixty-four days, seven thousand eight hundred and two trillion!

This number has reached the total amount of funds for the eighteenth Demon Furnace!

However, it is not over yet!

Tens of thousands of years of waiting have brought tens of thousands of years of madness. Ninety days have passed, and the dust has settled. The total funds... one trillion, three trillion and seventy-six million five hundred and twenty thousand!

Converted into magic crystals, it is enough to fill a small plane!

In the 37409th year of the angry Samael, the three hundredth day since the outbreak of the Demon Furnace, the betting was closed, and a series of fiery eyes had been nailed to the Sky City, and the whole hell was suppressed with heavy breathing.

Time passed quickly, and finally, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes.

"How long?" He looked at Yuchang and asked.

"If your information is correct, it is today." In the void, Yuchang slowly answered.

The sword energy lingered around it, but it was not as sharp as the previous Yuchang. This is a kind of implicit power, like the sea, without waves, but containing earth-shaking power.

Everyone is getting stronger, and no contestant wants to stand to the end in this supreme battlefield.

Right in front of him, an old alchemy furnace stood. The whole space was filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, and hundreds of jade bottles were suspended in the void, each of which exuded an intoxicating mist.

"Heavenly Heart Jade Holy Pill... Nine Turns Life Pill... Ten Thousand Gods Breaking Evil, Heavenly Fragrance Jade Dew..." He was tired and clicked on the bottles one by one, and nodded with satisfaction after a full half an hour.

He had refined all that he could on the Wanhua Zhenjian, and he had a better understanding of the method of violently integrating the infinite truth with the alchemy. At this moment, he was no less than Jiang Lao. Of course, this only refers to the richness of pharmacology. If it comes to success rate, medicinal properties, and speed, he is better than five Jiang Lao.

"It's a pity that there is no higher formula in hell, otherwise, if I could make a signature pill of a grandmaster, I would be a grandmaster now." He sighed with some regret.

There were three choices for retreat at that time. First, to deduce the infinite truth, and reach the realm of the saint. The talismans he could see were very close to the origin of life. He could try to change his own form and break through the shackles of human form and demon form, and combine the two. But this would take a lot of time. Before such a big battle, he didn't want any regrets to disturb his mood of letting go of the battle.

The second was to practice a demon magic, but it was still abandoned in the end. It was only a year. Even if he got the magic, he still had to analyze its talismans little by little. Unless he saw the other party perform it with his own eyes and engraved it in his memory, otherwise, he would only be able to draw a tiger but not a dog.

The last one was the way of alchemy. After careful consideration, he finally decided on this one.

The elixirs around him perfectly responded to any damage, broke illusions, protected against spiritual attacks, and healed the body... He almost refined all the elixirs that he could think of that were beneficial to the battle. As long as the opponent couldn't kill him in seconds, he could eat the opponent crazy!

This is also his plug-in, a plug-in unique to alchemists.

"How long will it take?" he asked in a deep voice.

"The last hour." Yu Chang replied: "It will be twelve o'clock at midnight. If your information is correct, the Abyss Arena will be fully opened at that time."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment. Is there still an hour?

"Then, just wait quietly." He slowly closed his eyes: "Welcome this unprecedented opening ceremony."

Time passed by minute by minute. No one in hell knew that the demon furnace they had been thinking about would be fully opened. Only in Xu Yangyi's training room, the sound of the second hand could be heard clearly every second.

The kind of anticipation that makes people's hair stand on end, suppressing people's breathing, becomes more and more intense as each minute passes slowly. After dozens of minutes, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and shook his head with a wry smile.

Unable to meditate.

No matter how much he wanted to reach the peak of energy and spirit, his heart was beating faster with the sound of the second hand, and his adrenal glands were soaring. The hand holding the fish intestines was beating unconsciously, and the whole body was anticipating, shouting, and roaring at those evil monsters that occur every tens of thousands of years.

He looked at the hourglass in the training room for the last minute.

There was no sound, and the sixty-second second hand clicked clearly in everyone's heart. When the last count was over, he gently took out the fish intestines.

A pool of autumn water lingered, as if absorbing all sounds, and at the same time, the entire Tiragandes trembled slightly.

A number appeared in my mind without warning.


"Is this?" Yuchang also felt it, and his voice was extremely solemn: "Has it started?"

Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the sky, his eyes burning: "It's begun."

"Three million, this is my number."

"I believe that at this moment, all the contestants have got their numbers." He narrowed his eyes and gently brushed the fish intestines with his slender fingers: "Who... will be the first to fall under my sword?"

brush! In a forest, there was a towering tree, about a thousand meters high, like a living thing, covered with demon corpses, and at this moment, a corpse moved.

It was not a corpse, but a rotting demon, yet strangely alive. When this slight tremor sounded, his black eyes suddenly widened, and a kind of throbbing from the soul traveled through time, passed through any obstacle, and penetrated straight into its heart.


A large lake suddenly stirred up huge waves. A 100-meter-tall demonic figure stood in the night sky with the patter of lake water. His voice was filled with unconcealable excitement and he looked to the sky: "Start...start?"

A vast volcano, an ugly demon rushed out of the volcanic lava, letting out a shocking roar that shocked all demons. It breathed rapidly, its chest heaved, gritted its teeth and looked at the abyss arena filled with sky: "3427462... It’s ridiculous that my Descadripo Valley ranked over three million.”

"The devil's oven count begins, contestants enter... Jie Jie... come on... come on! Climb under my sword! Cowardly maggots!!"

Extremely far away, tens of millions of miles away, in the deep void, a pure white shadow stepped on the void, looked at the Yunding Heavenly Palace overhead, opened a golden eye from the white mist, and sneered: " 723149...Very good, let me see who dares to challenge the great Morning Star Demonic Dragon."

"And you... little human being, you'd better hope that you can survive until the last moment... Without meeting you, I always feel that this journey is somewhat flawed..."

One by one, numbers appear in the hearts of each contestant. At this moment, the hunting forest unfolds, and the bloody curtain rises. This stage belongs to the most high-end hunters, and belongs to the truly talented people hundreds of thousands of light years away. The stage has been blown. A magnificent horn.

The first ray of light came so suddenly, shining straight on an ordinary demon. No one could react. The light flashed and the demon disappeared on the spot!

This is the Original Palace of Evil between the Original Origins. Everyone saw such a conspicuous scene. Suddenly, the demons around it were stunned for a moment and immediately screamed and ran away. But after just a few steps, all the demons stopped.

Their eyes began to turn red and their breathing began to become heavy. An old demon looked at the spot in shock. After a few seconds, he raised his head tremblingly and looked at the huge thing blocking the sun in the sky. His lips trembled violently like a stroke, and he spoke hoarsely: "Open... open, open, it starts..."

"It's started!! It's started!!"

It waved its four arms like crazy and shouted at the top of the lake at the top of its lungs: "Cheer! Roar! My friends! The Abyss Arena is completely defeated..."

brush! Before it could finish speaking, the second ray of light accurately enveloped it and immediately disappeared into the void without any suspense.


No one escaped. Half a second later, endless waves of sound and a boiling scream swept through the entire Tiragandes!

It’s started, it’s finally started! This once-in-a-million-year feast started without any warning, unexpectedly, but within reason... at this moment.

Buzzing buzzing... The sky is trembling, suspended in the air, and the Abyss Arena, which has been quiet for a whole year, is swallowing up light in the void. Streams of white light shot out from the small holes and enveloped millions of demons.

More and more, faster and faster! Like a violent storm, it was impossible to take one's eyes away. Because the light was so strong, the world seemed to turn into black and white. Endless, the sky is blooming, the black tide, and the white ocean are silently alternating. The Abyss Arena seemed to have countless searchlights turned on and off inside, wildly devouring the endless demons throughout hell!

Guests are admitted!

In the Eighteen Hells, the white light sweeps across any demon's hiding place, leaving no place to escape in all the worlds. It sees it and takes it away. No one can refuse it, and it does not give anyone a chance to refuse.

Xu Yangyi was already standing above the palace, watching the world being abruptly pulled into the realm of black and white, and gently pulled up his cloak.

All the demons disappeared. They were still on the ground a second ago. At this moment, the entire Tiragandes was empty, leaving only the shouts that tore through the sky and the roar of all the demons gathered together.

"Come on..." His voice was calm, but there was a slight tremor in his voice. The next second, a white light fell, and all the contestants disappeared.


I originally wanted to update three times, but then I felt that the Chinese New Year was approaching, and I, with my handicapped hands, had to update continuously... so I did it 2 times... Thank you...

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