
Chapter 1248: Opening Battle (I)

The wind blew across my cheeks, bringing the fresh air above the clouds. The sun seems to be closer, and the wind has a warm smell.

The dizziness caused by the teleportation lasted only half a second, shorter than any other time. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was already standing proudly above the clouds.

Underfoot is a vast sea of ​​clouds, and at the end of the sea, a rising sun is looming, spreading out a golden glow.

Occasionally, a huge magical beast flies over the sky, which is extremely conspicuous. From time to time, a majestic tail emerges from the clouds, slapping down like a whale, and the sky is filled with clouds.

It's very quiet, even giving people a feeling of tired laziness.

"Spirit state?" He stretched out his hand from his cloak, looked at it, and said in astonishment.

"It's not just a spirit body." Yuchang flew out and looked around solemnly: "It's also your body. This is a... technique that transcends Taixu. The consciousness is sealed, the spirit and flesh are unified, and it is still in the state of the spirit body. , I’m afraid it will turn into flesh when you appear.”

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. The wind here calmed down his burning heart. Around him, there were countless spirits like him, but they were all demons.

Looking around, it looks like heavenly soldiers, more than billions of them are shining brightly!

"Are all the contestants here?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, then took a deep breath and looked down: "Then here is..."

Looking around, a huge sculpture appears in the eye.

Its lower body is hidden in the clouds. It is an aggregation of seven majestic demons, and its entire body is carved from obsidian. Towering and majestic. Like a pillar reaching the sky.

It's hard to tell how big it is, but it dominates almost half of the sky. It freezes the sea of ​​clouds like a sea-fixing needle. It has thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. The two hands faced each other far away, and in the palm of each hand, there was a ball of hellish flames beating.

Shura in the clouds.

"This is the statue of the Seven Monarchs..." After just one glance, Xu Yangyi found Mammon among them, but at this moment, the fireballs in all his hands burned together.

Countless golden numbers danced in their hands, spinning rapidly. At this moment, all the players in the sky knew what it was.


There is no time for people to rest, because the blazing enthusiasm of the arena does not allow them to rest. Ordinary demons and top nobles are all eager to see a supreme feast. The impatient mood turns into flames that burn the sky, and they are already clamoring eagerly. With the first group of warriors!

Opening match.

There was no sound around, so it was impossible to determine the location of the Abyss Arena. All the contestants looked at the statue of the Seven Thousand-Armed Lords. Breathing stopped. After a few seconds of turning, thousands of hands, five hundred pairs, all stopped.

"43820754, 64543546." "32716437,12671." "123867164, 32."...

Xu Yangyi looked at them one by one, but at the end, his eyes suddenly jumped.


three million……

His number...

He was actually selected to be the first player in the opening match! The curtain of this feast is unveiled above the sky!

"Very good." He licked his lips: "I'm still thinking about what will happen if he gets too far back. The first one is me... I didn't let him hold it in for too long. I can give him a chance to survive."

The next second, golden numbers suddenly flashed on his body, and his figure slowly disappeared into the air.

There was a slight dizziness in front of him, but he was not allowed to relax at all. The next second, a deafening sound wave suddenly hit his eardrums.

"Oh!!!" "Salute to the great Tiragandes!!" "Invincible!! Deceive the devil to live forever!!" "Come on! Hero! We have been waiting for it for a long time!"

Wow! It was like going from the silent wilderness to the thundering sky in an instant, the roar as grand as the sea almost condensed into substance, and the air was trembling crazily.

Not tens of thousands of demons, but millions, tens of millions of demons shouting in unison, mixed with meaningless, hoarse roars. Those blood-soaking shouts echoed in unclear sentences, forming a tsunami that shook the sky. , stirring the soul in the nine heavens.

There is endlessness in all directions. Wherever you look, there are demons that tend to boil. There are thousands of them in all shapes and sizes. It is endless as far as you can see. No one can not be boiled by this cry that covers a whole plane. No one can be in it. Indifferent to such a high-level arena. No matter how calm you are, you only have one feeling here.


This kind of blazing heat destroys all the mentality called "calmness". The sky-shaking sound waves tear apart in all directions, tearing apart the clouds with a radius of millions of miles, driving people's blood to reach the boiling point in an instant, and they are in madness.

This is the cry of the plane, the carnival of all demons. It is a path of glory witnessed by all the worlds!

Even Xu Yangyi's heart was speeding up uncontrollably at this moment. A burning heat like a flame spread from his heart to all his limbs. The spiritual power all over his body is like a hungry gourmet seeing the delicious food, forming an instinctive tremor, attacking in all directions without concealment, and the cloak is like a demon spreading its wings, flying in the air.

Shulala... He took a few deep breaths, suppressed his heart that almost jumped out of his chest due to the strong atmosphere around him, and looked in all directions.


This square is hundreds of thousands of meters long, and the stepped auditorium is full of demons, even though it is high up in the sky. But in front of this fire-like enthusiasm, no cloud or mist can get close. It is like a torch that burns the sky, completely igniting the deception.

Its scorching heat makes the hearts of every creature within thousands of light years around it beat.

Its boiling heat covers all the brilliance above the nine heavens, and even the sunlight is dimmed by it.

"It's really... it makes people's blood boil..." Yuchang took a deep breath. Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but his eyes were burning. Just when he was about to step forward, he suddenly found that he couldn't move.

It was a very strange state. Now he seemed to be in a different dimension from here. He could see everything, but he couldn't step onto this supreme stage.

"Gentlemen! Dear demons, and visitors from all the heavens and worlds." At this moment, a voice came from behind. I don't know what kind of magical power was used, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. Suddenly, the crazy demons quieted down like the tide.

Xu Yangyi turned around and saw a tall demon standing there, with flames burning all over his body. His chest rose and fell like a frog's belly. The sound was so loud that the surrounding space was fluctuating.

After a few minutes, the scene finally stopped making noise. The demon nodded slightly and continued, "Between Deceptions, this is the main battle stage between deceptions. After the top ten of a hell are decided, they will go to the demon furnace for the final showdown. I am Qila, the chief steward of Lord Mephisto Ferrus of the Ferrus family."

Wow! ! The earth-shaking cheers and roars, the waves crashed against the shore in an instant, and with screams that tore through the clouds, endless magic crystal coupons floated down from the sky, like a black snow of millions of meters.

"Let's not waste any more nonsense, let's see which two noble demons won the honor of the opening battle."

It snapped its fingers lightly, and suddenly, a light curtain appeared in the void. When the demon in the light curtain appeared, Xu Yangyi was stunned, and Yuchang was also stunned.

"It's it..." Half a second later, Xu Yangyi sneered and said, "Is it better to say that enemies have narrow paths... or that we are destined to be on the same boat?"

Swish! As the name of Lian Chen Xingjun shone, infinite white light rose in a corner of the arena. The next second, a powerful demonic energy suddenly rushed out of the space crack. With a thunderous roar, a not-too-tall figure suddenly appeared on the scene.

It has very oriental characteristics, completely different from those aliens in the West. It is actually close to humanoid in appearance, with blue hair, black skin, and star-like marks on it. It has no demon wings, and its body is only two meters tall, but it has a tail of ten meters, which coils itself up like a snake.

There are only two winding horns on both sides of the forehead, and the eyes are slender and extremely wide. A mouthful of sharp teeth, coupled with a terrifying face, made the audience crazy!

"Oriental genealogy, Lian Chen Xingjun under Chi You! Who is the opponent of this saint!!!"

Its voice is so huge that the crazy screams from all directions paused for a second, and the next second turned into a more vast tide.

"Lian Chen Xingjun!!" "Lian Chen Xingjun!!"

Above the Nine Heavens, at this moment, countless arenas and demons were screaming the name of the first person to take the stage. Perhaps they didn't know each other before, but here, under such a terrifying atmosphere, they couldn't think of anything else to express except this way.

Lian Chen Xingjun's eyes flashed with a burning heat. Yes... That's it. Who would have thought that he would be so lucky and take the first place. As long as he can win... he will definitely attract the attention of countless people! Below, he can be said to be rolling with magic crystals!

Premise, don't meet those damn monsters! He is definitely not a weakling in the same realm!

It puffed up its chest, and then suddenly burst into a roar into the void.

"Roar!!!" The ground in all directions cracked wildly, and it stood proudly in the arena that attracted everyone's attention like a provocation.

Without Kirado saying anything, the light screen changed again, and a set of numbers appeared.

Odds: win 5, lose 3.

The gap is not too big, which means that he is not a popular player. After all, it is too difficult for the demons to find a favorite contestant among hundreds of millions of contestants.

Qila smiled and retreated. As he waved his hand, the picture on the screen changed again. However, when the next picture appeared, the scene suddenly became dead silent.

It was a human face.

Even Chen Xingjun's eyes suddenly became sharp. This person... he knew him.

Is it him?

He almost forgot the existence of this person!

How could it be him? He is still alive in hell? No... Not only alive, but also got the right to participate? !


A human! He opened the crack and never cared about it again. I heard that he entered hell and was lucky not to be eaten by the demons, but he actually got the right to participate! ?

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