
Chapter 1249: Opening Battle (Part 2)

The scene was dead silent, and Qila was stunned. Tens of millions of demons stared at the light curtain, as if the heat just now had never appeared.

After a long time, a demon in the front row stood up and said in disbelief: "Human?"

"How could a human appear?!"

"How could an alien appear in the Abyss Arena?! Which family allowed such maggots to sneak in?!"


A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and suddenly, the demons who had just quieted down roared together, "Ridiculous! Absurd!" "Who allowed humans to enter the Abyss Arena?!" "This is a feast for demons, and has nothing to do with aliens!" "Even if Lian Chen Xingjun is of the Eastern genealogy, it is a demon with pure blood! How can a mere human be qualified to stand in such a place!" "Get out! Get out like a wild dog! We can forgive your sins!"

It was a mess.

No one expected that a human would enter the Abyss Arena, and it was the opening battle!

This has never happened before!

Qila was sweating profusely, and was extremely surprised in his heart. Which family did this stupid thing! This thought lasted until all the demons saw a white light flashing on Xu Yangyi's head, forming a roaring ram behind him.

The anger just now was extinguished in an instant, replaced by incredible shock.

The Fellers family...

The original family...

"How is it possible?!" The demon who had just stood up stared at the light screen dully, and then turned his head to look at the arena where only Chen Xingjun was present, and his eyes almost fell out: "Four places in the Fellers family... He actually took one?! How did he do it! Could it be that he is the illegitimate child of the Demon Lord who was left outside?!"

Even Chen Xingjun was completely stunned.

The ruling family has some privileges. For example, now, when their people appear, the logo of the family will appear. Don't underestimate this point, this is the difference, the difference among hundreds of millions of contestants, because this little bit of eye-catching may bring hundreds of millions of magic crystals to the family!

It should have been envious, but at this moment it couldn't say a word. Who can tell it how that tiny human entered the original family? That's the direct descendant of the demon in power! How did he get one of the four places?

Qila was the first to recover from this shock. It must be said that as the steward of the demon king, it has experienced too many storms and is undoubtedly diligent. It immediately said: "Let us welcome the candidate for the substitute seat of the Ferres family, Yi Ferres!!"

It deliberately raised the tone. This is the opening battle. The passion of tens of thousands of years of waiting will never be annihilated because of Xu Yangyi alone. At this time, it dared to guarantee that most demons would scream.

But no.

Awkward silence, a soundless sound, at the same time, the void in the corner slowly cracked, no roar, no demonic energy, a cloaked figure just quietly walked out of the void.

No applause, no screams, only the disapproval and contempt in the eyes of countless demons.

"Long time no see." Xu Yangyi looked at Lian Chen Xingjun calmly and smiled peacefully: "I almost forgot about you."

"To be honest, I came to this damn place because of you. If you hadn't opened the crack of the seven realms, Deskadri Bogu would not have come. You made me stay in this smoky place for so long..."

He took a step forward, slightly raised his face covered by the cloak, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Tell me, how should I repay you?"

Lian Chen Xingjun trembled suddenly. In the plain conversation just now, it seemed to feel a breath that made it tremble.

Illusion... It must be an illusion. How could this human do this?

"Human!!" It also took a step forward, and in order to dispel the sudden fear in its heart, it roared: "Are you ready to die?!"

Boom, boom, this sentence used the magic energy, and the ground in front of it cracked layer by layer. Xu Yangyi glanced at it with contempt: "No sense of public morality."

But the other party's roar completely awakened the demons present, and the endless roar resounded through the sky like thunder along with the voice of Lian Chen Xingjun. "Get out!! This is not the place you should come! Who gave you the qualifications!?" "How could the Ferrers family make such a foolish decision! A mere human, a fly in the universe, can actually step on this sacred land!" "You stepping here is an insult to the Abyss Arena!!"

It has never appeared in any battlefield. This is the first time that the contestant has just appeared on the stage and received this form of "welcome."

And at this moment, the light curtain flickered again, and Xu Yangyi's odds appeared.

Win: 100, lose: 1.

One hundred to one odds!

"Go down! Human!" "How many demons don't think highly of you? An exaggerated odds of 100 to 1!" "Where do you get the confidence to stand here?!"

With this shocking odds, the surrounding demons instantly reached a boiling point. After a few seconds, the scene was filled with boiling roars of "Get out of Tiragangdis" and "Leave the Abyss Battlefield"! It was all one-sided.

In this overwhelming tsunami, most cultivators could not remain calm at all. The atmosphere of being surrounded by enemies almost made everyone's heart crack. However, Xu Yangyi was an exception.

"It's really exaggerated." He glanced at it lightly.

"Exaggerated?" With a bang, even Chen Xingjun's demonic energy surged, and the demonic energy belonging to the middle stage of the Venerable Saint was clearly visible. His figure had expanded to 50 meters tall, and he roared condescendingly: "It's not exaggerated... little guy, because you have no chance of winning!"

"And now, you don't even have the right to live!"

"I'm going to tear you into pieces in front of everyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, its tail suddenly turned into a black light and rushed straight towards Xu Yangyi.

More than a hundred years ago, this boy was at the peak of Nascent Soul, so what if he is promoted to a Saint now? How could he be his opponent?

The general trend is mine... I will kill this ignorant human being with lightning speed! He is bound to become a popular player! Everyone in the audience will remember themselves as the maggots who tore apart this tainted feast!

The stepping stone sent by God...How can I be worthy of myself if I don't step on it?

He is in the middle of Henggu’s golden rank!

After taking action, the emotions of the demons in the audience were suddenly aroused to the highest peak. They were so eager to see a bloody killing. Everyone stood up together, thousands and millions of "Kill!!" "It was pressing down like thunder from all directions.

However, in the next second, people from all directions were like ducks holding their necks, with their mouths wide open at the same time, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Boom! There was a muffled sound in the void, and Chen Xingjun's body paused, his head suddenly raised back, the black light formed by his tail stopped, Dendenden stepped back a few steps, and then... stretched out his slender hand in a daze. His tongue licked the upper part of his lips.

Why... is it a little salty?

The snake-like tongue stretched out in front of its eyes, and in the instant deathly quiet atmosphere from all directions, it saw dripping blood on the tongue.


This is... my blood?

Before it could react, a sharp pain suddenly shot from its face, and with an unbearable roar, it took a few steps backwards, and the ground began to crack.

what happened?

who I am?

Where am I?

Who is hitting me?

It was a strange scene. Just a moment ago, the sky was boiling. At this moment, all the demons stared at the scene dumbfounded. Just now, something seemed to move. Then, even Chen Xingjun leaned back and his magical powers ceased, as if he was hit by an invisible giant from the front.

"This..." A wealthy demon businessman stood up and opened his eyes wide. The degraded demon wings behind him trembled in fright. He held the armrest of the seat tightly and looked straight at the scene with blood-red eyes: "This... this What happened?"

At the scene, that damn human was strolling around, and Lian Chen Xingjun suddenly covered his face and let out a heartbreaking scream.

How did the script flip so quickly? Shouldn't Lian Chen Xingjun tear this humble human being into pieces? Or... what kind of magic does this human being know?

Its blank eyes looked around, hoping to get answers from all around. But it was doomed to disappointment.

Every demon around him was like a clay sculpture, and even 99% of the demons still maintained the posture of raising their arms and shouting for a second, with the same blank expression in their eyes.

Screaming repeatedly, it was not until Xu Yangyi walked a hundred meters in front of Lian Chen Xingjun that he calmly said: "So unbeatable?"

"You were so arrogant back then."

The atmosphere was so eerie that it was deadly silent, and even Chen Xingjun, who was moving around in pain, put down his hands tremblingly. Suddenly, all the audience gasped.

On its face... there was actually a fist mark that was three inches deep! The whole face was almost cracked!

"He... this human... just took action?" A succubus covered her mouth, opened her mouth wide and shook her head. What on earth is going on? Can anyone explain it?

No explanation.

no answer.

There was only blank shock.

"You..." Lian Chen Xingjun covered the lower half of his face again, his vertical pupils showed a gleam of fear for the first time, and he stepped back step by step. How can it be! It obviously didn't feel the opponent's aura, and it obviously didn't see the opponent take action, so it was hit!

The body-protecting demonic energy had no defense at all, and there was no fluctuation in the space, but it just hit him.

Everything is said to be impossible, but the result is possible, how ridiculous!

"You...this..." As Xu Yangyi walked slowly and step by step, its chest rose and fell sharply and it retreated. The dream was too full, the reality was too skinny, and the ground was trampled by it under the excitement of the mind. There were footprints covered with spider webs.

"You... damn bastard!!"

When the self-doubt and panic in the heart reach the extreme, it roars suddenly, and its chest bulges sharply, and then a raging demonic breath covers dozens of meters in radius, and the void is torn apart, with a raging hell. The fierce flames rushed straight towards Xu Yangyi.

"Uh..." The raging magic power that broke out again finally made the audience's emotions reach a peak again. An old demon waved his arms subconsciously, and then roared in a voice that was much smaller than before, but still full of energy. Said: "The devil's breath... let this human being see the power of the devil!!"

As if seeing hope again, tens of millions of demons in the scene that had been completely silent suddenly became crazy again.

"Let him be wiped out by the devil's talent!" "So arrogant? Give him a way to die without any bones left!!" "Kill." "Kill!!" "Kill!!" "Tear him to pieces!!"

But they didn't feel that the cry was much weaker than before.

However, it was still loud as the sea. If sound could kill, Xu Yangyi would have died countless times.

Rumble... Everything that the devil's breath passed by turned into powder, and the smell of burning remains in the air.

Huh... Lian Chen Xingjun wiped his mouth, die... It's time to die... Don't think about scaring me, how long have you been promoted to the Saint? ! And I have been in this realm for nearly a thousand years! Listen to the boiling voices from all directions, everyone wants you to die! Isn't it good to die here quietly! !

Because of excessive anxiety and the inexplicable fear, it used all its strength just now, it didn't believe that the other party was unscathed!

I am a Henggu gold level!

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