
Chapter 1250: A battle without suspense (I)

Fiery gazes stared at the smoke-filled scene. However, when the black smoke became thinner and thinner, a demon who was cheering at the top of his lungs suddenly stopped.

"This... this is..." Its raised hands trembled slightly, and it opened its eyes wide and looked at the center of the black smoke in disbelief. It didn't know if it had seen it wrong. There... a looming shadow was rising in the black smoke. It stands still and immobile, like a rock in the sea.

No one noticed that it was wrong, and all the demons present were at the peak of excitement. This is magic breath! One of the devil’s strongest bloodline talents! Infused with the power of Tiragondis, the flames of hell surging, the devil's signature skills, no creature can resist the breath of the high-level devil! Its fame is like the name of the devil, resounding throughout the world!

Let me ask, how could a weak human being survive such a breath?

These confident roars were like igniting flames in the sky, but soon, the sound went out. With his hands raised, the demon with exposed veins on his neck looked at the center of the arena as if he had seen a ghost. Then, as if a drop of ink called silence dripped into the basin, it quickly spread to the entire audience.

The excitement and noise fell silent, and when the black smoke cleared, an incredible rainstorm poured down from the sky, extinguishing the torch of excitement.

A pin drop could be heard, and only the sky-shaking roars from other arenas came from all directions, making this place as quiet as death.

"This... is impossible..." A demon's raised hand trembled, and then his arms felt weak. It covered its mouth and looked straight at the field.

Not just it, a hundred...a thousand...thousands! One hundred thousand million! Thousands of eyes were looking at the center of the arena, where a black figure in a cloak still stood.


It's okay!

In the complete silence, the sound of violent heart beating echoed through Lian Chen Xingjun's heart, so clearly. The expression on its face was frozen. If it couldn't understand the punch before, how could it not understand it now?

The strong...

Super strong!

"Boom..." At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps sounded. It was obviously very light, but it felt like it was stepping on its heart, and its heart beat faster and faster uncontrollably.

"That's it?"

"The quality of the auditions is really worrying..."

A drop of cold sweat slid down Lian Chen Xingjun's forehead. His body trembled violently, and a string of ancient magic words crazily recited from his mouth. It was quiet at first, and then the sound became louder and louder, resounding throughout the sky.

"Jiuli Demonic Body!!" With a loud roar, thousands of black lights condensed on the body. After a few seconds, the black light suddenly rose a hundred meters high, and a dark blue Asura roared and flashed in the black light. It had a green face and fangs, three heads and six arms, and a body with asura-like skin. , tearing apart the monstrous black waves, roaring and punching down!

Brush... The sky wind swept away, and the space in the void was pressed down hard, and then burst without any suspense. But it's strange. Although it was a real full-out explosion, there was no cheer from all directions.

"Death!!" The sound was like thunder, and his fist brought forth a torrent of jet-black karma that was as continuous as the sea. He broke into Xu Yangyi's ten meters distance at an incredible speed. However, Xu Yangyi only raised his head slightly, and his eyes under the cloak glanced lightly: "The flaws are too big."

Then, he gently raised his hand.

The next second, the strong wind suddenly stopped.

"Zi..." "The devil is above..." "This... this is..."

Amidst countless gasps, several figures in the first row suddenly stood up and looked at the scene with great solemnity.

"Kakaka..." Lian Chen Xingjun's eyes were red, and the Shura phase's blade-like teeth interlocked with each other, making a clicking sound. A layer of cold sweat was secreted all over his body, which instantly turned into beating flames, and the veins all over his body were bursting with demonic energy. , the bulging muscles can be clearly seen from thousands of meters away.

Use all your strength.

In front of it, a hand gently held a fist. It was a human hand, yellow, and very ordinary. The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle. A fist several meters in size was blocked by this tiny palm. Like ants hitting a wall, the cloak didn't waver.

"Gudong..." Some low-level demon swallowed his saliva, but his voice was extremely clear.

"" Lian Chen Xingjun gritted his teeth, anger and panic flashed in his vertical pupils. Impossible...impossible...something must have gone wrong! There is no way that Zun Sheng, who has only been around for more than a hundred years, can use his power to this extent!

It's easy to lift a heavy weight, but it's a big skill but it doesn't work... Why... Why do I feel like I'm facing the Demon King?

Xu Yangyi slowly raised his head: "More than a hundred years ago, when you were showing off your power outside Anlin City, did you ever think about today?"

"Kill!!" Fear and anger intertwined into an uneasy whirlpool, spinning crazily in Lian Chen Xingjun's heart. With a roar that shook the sky, its figure rushed into the sky like lightning. A black lotus with a radius of several hundred meters bloomed in the sky. The divine chakra behind it shone. It looked down with frightened eyes, and let out a loud roar while its chest heaved violently. , six hands fell like raindrops.

Boom! The sky shook, and even Chen Xingjun exploded. Every punch he punched was filled with shadows of stars. In the cracked void, star patterns shone like a meteor shower covering tens of thousands of meters.

Stars fall into the ninth heaven!

This is its most powerful magical power! none of them!

The black light bloomed, and the mighty power of the sage made no secret, wildly devouring everything around him. The weaker demons had been made restless by this terrifying demonic energy. As its fist became faster and faster, it actually formed a vast rotating black hole with a radius of several thousand meters. Inside, the sky was full of stars hanging upside down, and endless morning stars fell.

Like a dream.

boom! ! Hundreds of huge sinkholes appeared on the ground, and the power of the falling stars was so great. However, at this moment, it took a breath of cold air and flew back tens of meters like a needle.

In the turbulent black fog, it saw a hand.

An ordinary human hand.

It was very small. The opponent was not as big as one hand of its Shura body, and it was even more insignificant in the shadow of stars falling like rain. makes it feel like it covers the sky with one hand, and everything about it is controlled.

Time seemed to slow down, and it looked like a slow motion in its pupils, watching the hand slowly bending and flicking towards it.

bump! ! !

As light as a feather and heavier than Mount Tai, two different feelings instantly erupted on his forehead. The stars in the sky suddenly disappeared, and even Chen Xingjun's body... actually flew upside down with his head raised.

"Ha..." There were countless gasps, and tens of millions of eyes saw a line of blood pulling out of the air, sprinkling a red stain in the eyes of the silent demon, and then turning into flames and disappearing.

boom! !

There was a loud noise, and if time were to turn around again, all the demons could not help but tremble, and even Chen Xingjun's huge body fell to the stage like a hill, with rubble flying all over the sky. But the other party didn't look at the injury at all. Instead, he stood up suddenly, his body rising and falling like a bellows, his jaw kept shaking, and he looked forward tremblingly.

Right there, a figure in a black cloak slowly took the second step.

Boom... An invisible shock wave rippled in place, swaying slightly and approaching a hundred meters in an instant. They still maintained the distance where they were almost face to face just now, without any difference. The huge terrifying tsunami that grabbed hold of the heart engulfed Lian Chen Xingjun. It only felt that the tiny figure in front of it turned into tangible fear, broke away from its Tianling Cap, and grabbed the heart tightly. And it is a mortal standing in front of the gate of hell.

"Kill!!!" There was no room for thinking at all. It seemed to be emboldened, and with an angry roar, it punched the air.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. The reason why he didn't kill the opponent immediately was to test the truth of infinity.

The pupils turned into black holes, and just when the opponent's fist was raised and the demonic energy surged, a finger popped out!

Outsiders can't see it, but in the eyes of low-end demons, they can even see both sides taking action at the same time. But the demons in the front row, at this moment "hoohoohoo!" Their blood-red eyes lit up under their cloaks, and they looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

There was a loud sound, and a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye spread wildly. Even before Chen Xingjun could straighten his arms, he immediately screamed and fell back, and a huge blood hole appeared in his palm!

"The last strike comes first...hit the weakest point of the opponent's punch exactly..." A demon at the front took a deep breath, and a trace of the power of the demon king slowly overflowed from under the cloak, and his hands unconsciously caught it The fence in front: "A great demon at the level of a saint...can actually use his power to this extent!?"

"Ahhhhhhh!!" The horror between life and death swept through Chen Xingjun's heart. After falling back a hundred meters, he suddenly kicked out with fear.

This kick was like a sword breaking through the sky, with a loud bang, and a crack several meters wide opened in the ground. It was bottomless and spread crazily with invisible air waves. It seemed as if the ground was about to be cut into two sections!


However, Xu Yangyi calmed down, and there was another wave of void in front of him. Lian Chen Xingjun screamed again, covered his legs, and retreated another hundred meters.

"Again they attacked at the same time... and they were repelled without any suspense... He, he, is he a monster..." A demon's mind went blank and he shook his head dully: "Who is the demon... "

Loud noises resounded through the silent arena, and they shot simultaneously again and again, retreating again with screams. Punch after punch, retreat and retreat again...

No one spoke, looking at this endless cycle in shock. Even Chen Xingjun's roar could be heard ringing in his ears.

"Get out of here! Human being!!" "Go to hell!!" "Ahhhhh!!"

The only thing left at the scene was its screams. Three minutes later, it was panting and retreating a thousand meters. With a thud, its face was green and yellow, and it was looking at the light curtain behind it tremblingly.

I have retreated again and again, and now there is no way to retreat.

And it didn't even use a single move completely! Not even a single punch was stretched out!

As soon as he made a move, he was immediately intercepted, and now he was covered in bruises.

Only three of the six arms were left, and only two of the three heads were left. There were countless wounds all over the body, and flaming blood was everywhere.

The heart was completely frozen. In just a few minutes, it punched hundreds of punches, but none of them had any power! The demonic energy that just broke out was immediately cut off, which was extremely uncomfortable.

The emotion called fear walks through all the limbs.

The fear of strength and the worship of the powerful are the marks engraved in the devil's bones.


It's really chilling from the bottom of my heart. I never thought that I would be forced to this point by a human being, or a human being who could easily be crushed to death in front of my own body a hundred years ago!

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