
Chapter 1251: A battle without suspense (Part 2)

"Dong..." I don't know how many clear footsteps there were, calm and solid, but never stopped, just step by step, stepping on his heart and life. Its lips trembled violently, and its incomplete body leaned desperately against the light curtain, as if looking for inner peace, and it seemed to feel safer this way.

"Don't... don't come..." It lay on the light curtain with all its hands, trembling as it looked at the figure in front of it, sweating all over, and hoarsely said: "Don't come... don't come!!"

No answer, dong... another sound, the whole scene paused.

The giant is walking, and the horror is approaching.

"How could you!!" This sound completely crushed Lian Chen Xingjun's nerves. It trembled like a leaf in the wind, and its voice was extremely hoarse: "This... How could this be possible!"

"Over a hundred years... you, you... you... how could you get to this point?!"

The roar that was almost driven crazy by fear filled the entire quiet scene, and the scene was extremely ridiculous.

A dignified contestant, who stood out from the vast audition, was actually played by a cat and a mouse on the spot, and was frightened by the huge gap and had a mental breakdown?

But... no one laughed.

Lian Chen Xingjun is not strong?

No, countless demons looked at the ground that had been beaten to pieces, with cracks everywhere and sinkholes everywhere. The star fell from the sky just now, which was even more amazing. In an instant, the sky curtain was seen falling. He is definitely not a weakling.

I can only say... the opponent is too strong.

No one spoke, and everyone's eyes were all focused on this human being with great complexity. The previous clamor, now someone slapped all the demons on the scene, and it was hot and painful.

Xu Yangyi didn't care about the eyes of others at all, and walked to Lian Chen Xingjun who had no way to retreat, and his voice was as calm as always: "Why do this ugly thing?"

"You're going to die anyway."

Before he finished speaking, his right hand suddenly hit out!

Whoosh... Snap Snap Snap!!

Everyone on the scene seemed to have heard this sound. However, the face of every demon froze instantly.

Whoosh, that was the sound of breaking through the air at full speed.

Pah pah pah… That was heard only after breaking through the air… sonic boom…

A punch created a sonic boom… Without any spiritual power, this punch had already sunk into Lian Chen Xingjun’s dantian, like a nail, nailing this huge demon to death on the light curtain.

Severe pain erupted from the dantian, but Lian Chen Xingjun could no longer feel it. He could only feel his life slowly slipping away, but he lowered his head incredibly, opened his mouth, and said the word "you", and pieces of blood flowed like a river, turning into flames all over the sky.


His body was trembling, and there was still disbelief in his eyes. He stared at Xu Yangyi and said hoarsely: "This... is impossible... can't..."

"Nothing is impossible." Xu Yangyi replied lightly, and his spiritual power exploded!

At this moment, the sky of the arena was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, and a vast force swept across the entire arena, like a gust of wind passing by, and Kunpeng crossed the sky. Lian Chen Xingjun suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth and let out a silent cry, and the demonic energy from his seven orifices burst out, and his whole body was immersed in a black light, trembling.


With a loud bang, its body was blown into pieces, like a butterfly opening, leaving ugly flame marks on the light curtain.

Opening match: Yi. Ferres VS Lian Chen Xingjun.

Result: Lian Chen Xingjun lost.

Time taken: 32 minutes. Half an hour of cat and mouse.

Silence, Xu Yangyi retracted his hand, and a brilliance flashed in his eyes.

He... is really strong.

Lian Chen Xingjun, who was once unpredictable, is now no match for him. In the hundred years since he left the Seven Realms, he has become much stronger.

"What?" Looking at his hand, he raised his eyebrows: "Don't you want to announce the result?"

His voice was so clear that you could hear a pin drop. Qila, who was approaching the other side of the light curtain like a robot, was still sluggish and did not react to this sentence.

"Announce the result." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Ah... Yes! Okay! OK!" Qila shuddered, as if waking up from a nightmare. He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, took several deep breaths, adjusted his mentality, raised his hand, and shouted with all his strength: "Opening match, winner: Deception Demon's direct line, Mr. Yi. Ferrers!!"

Still dead silent.

This has become a world completely separated from other arenas. No arena's opening match has ever been like this. The cheers of landslides and tsunamis from all directions are still deafening, and the clouds around cannot be approached at all. Only here, the arena is shrouded in clouds and mist, ethereal like a fairy.

Qila, who did not get a response, was also extremely embarrassed. It had never thought that such a situation would occur. The game was over, and it was the opening match, but no one cheered. The whole scene was like a coffin.

Xu Yangyi didn't care about these at all. What realm was he in, so he needed to care about the mood of these lower-level demons?

He felt several hot eyes, looked over calmly, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Low-level demons couldn't feel it, but high-level demons didn't. In the front row of the Abyss Arena, hundreds of figures stood up. There was no other demon around them, as if hundreds of kings were sitting there.

At this moment, all the kings' eyes were fixed on him.

He nodded slightly, and a powerful call resounded in his mind. Then, he turned into black light and disappeared in the arena.

"Yi... Ferres?" A demon king slowly raised his head and looked deeply at the sky: "I really didn't expect... to see such an amazing player in the first game."

"No matter how stunning it is, nothing can compare to our Death Cemetery." Behind him, a servant demon flattered: "With the Death Demon King appearing in the Death Cemetery, it is impossible for him to..."

"Shut up." Before he could finish speaking, the cold voice of the Demon King interrupted him: "You must learn to fear the truly strong."

"Investigate all his information for me immediately." It slowly leaned on the wall of the fence in front and said word by word: "It's everything, idiot. Don't underestimate this human being. I have a hunch that this is him." The tip of the iceberg of strength.”

After a pause, it continued: "Of course, the most important thing is to place your bet immediately! The Abyss Arena is different from the underground black boxing. It buys and leaves the hand and does not place bets at the beginning of each game. Fortunately... fortunately In this arena, this human being... he will definitely bring countless wealth to me!"

"Yes..." the waiter replied respectfully, but still asked: "So... what's the number?"

"Let's play with the three million first..." The Demon King licked his lips.

At the same time, almost all the hundreds of demon kings in front made the same choice, "Investigate the details of Yi Ferrers immediately! I want everything! Do you hear me clearly? It's everything!" "Go to the Palace of Deception immediately. No matter what, I want everything." All information about this human being!" "Investigate the number of his bets. If the odds don't drop, place your bets immediately!" "Damn it...when did the Ferrers family hide this monster?"

Compared to their orders, the mid- to low-end demons in the audience were much quieter.

This silence lasted for ten seconds, and finally a low discussion broke out. Then, the noise became louder and louder, becoming more and more boiling. After tens of seconds, it finally turned into a terrifying ocean!

"Did you see it! Did you see it clearly?" A red devil covered his mouth, screamed and looked at the unfamiliar devils around him: "I, did I see it wrong... Eastern genealogy, Ying The Demon King's hundred strong men are actually"

It couldn't tell what it was.



No, it knew very well that if it went up on its own, it would definitely be over in two or three strokes, let alone survive the terrifying starfall.


Nor...maybe it's stronger...but...but I really can't tell!

What they saw was a cat playing with a mouse, chatting and laughter vanishing into ashes, and the expected fight between dragons and tigers did not appear. Although this will not affect their emotions in any way, however... it is this human being who wins in the end!

It was this human being who gave everyone an invisible slap in front of everyone in the audience!

Now I still feel burning pain on my face.

"You read that right..." The demon next to him was equally sluggish, but his voice also became louder. He pointed at Lian Chen Xingjun's flame butterfly and said hoarsely: "The demon lost... Lian Chen Xingjun lost... Don't talk about you... I don't care. I thought I was wrong!”

"How is this possible!" "Is he really a human? He must be a demon in human skin!!" "I have never heard of such a powerful human being! This simply overturns my understanding of human beings!" "God forbid...if I hadn't been here, if I hadn't felt it myself, I, I wouldn't have believed that such a human being existed!"

"He's scarier than a demon... He's not a human!" "Did he really come here by himself?" "Oh my god... I can't believe it..."

The tide finally boiled after Xu Yangyi quietly turned around. Their moods were extremely complicated. It is the nature of demons to worship power, but this power just slapped the whole audience, and no one could say anything yet. !'s not that I'm speechless, it's that I can't see clearly how the other person moves! Why did Lian Chen Xingjun, who looked so majestic, lose?

Boiling, boiling one after another, and finally reached the boiling point, and finally the whole place was filled with belated screams and noises.

There were only six words left in their minds.

Dark horse!

Absolute dark horse!

The last four words are...

Diamond of eternity!

The diamond of eternity without a doubt!

This thought made them all excited. Duels are common, but dark horses are not common. A dark horse... Such terrifying odds mean...

Didi didi! At this moment, the light curtain standing in the void flashed.

Without giving anyone time to react, the 100:1 on it quietly disappeared, and then... turned into an eight-digit zero.

"This is..." Some demons saw it and raised their heads, and then all the demons raised their heads. Stare at the screen.

This is the most striking moment.

This is the most exciting moment besides the duel.

Bounty announced!

"One hundred to one..." The Dukes at the front felt their muscles tighten. This kind of odds was unheard of! And this dark horse who suddenly many magic crystals can he sweep away this time?

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