
Chapter 1252: Heroes gather together

Silence again, even the sound of heartbeats can be heard. In this hot silence, the numbers suddenly began to soar!

Tens, hundreds, thousands... soon reached the ten thousand.

However, at this time, it slowed down, 100,000, 200,000, 300,000... After a few seconds, with a brilliant black light, the whole number stopped at 500,000.

"One hundred times 500,000..." A demon looked at the number dully, only feeling that the excessive excitement made his heart beat wildly: "Five... fifty million..."

"Except for half of the profit from the arena, one battle... he earned 25 million out of thin air?!"

Yes, this number is not too big, but that is for the Grand Duke level, for most demons, it is an astronomical figure.

And... how did you get these 25 million?

Did you sweat?

Did you bleed?

Just strolling around like this, 25 million in hand? !

In an instant, they felt that the fire in their hearts rushed to the top of their heads.

What human beings, what do humans have in front of magic crystals and power!


Ten minutes before this arena ended, another arena ended the battle earlier.

And... this arena was just as silent as the arena he was in.

"The unknown person wins..." When the emcee demon spoke, he couldn't help shaking all over. Horrible... Too terrible... Where did this monster come from? I've never heard of it, but it's so powerful!

The scene was silent, and dozens of grand dukes in the first row were already looking at the pale demon in the arena with burning eyes. It seemed like a half-dragon, with blood-red bone spurs all over its body, and red eyes all over its body. It was only about 1.5 meters tall, the smallest among the demons.

It hovered in the air, and the ominous demonic energy that had never been felt before gushed out like a tide, almost forming a substance. Just below it, a tall demon, with its entire bone shell collapsed, countless wounds emitting flaming blood, was gasping for breath while holding its chest, and fragments of its weapons were everywhere.

Red Night Familiar!

Hearing the announcement of victory, the Red Night Familiar gritted his teeth and tried desperately to stand up, but as soon as he straightened half of his body, the blood all over his body immediately turned into flames.

"My target is not you... but you'd better be good, otherwise I can't guarantee how long you can live." The pale demon licked his lips bloodthirstily: "I'm surprised that you can hold on for twenty minutes under my hands."

Boom! The Red Night Familiar fell to the ground again, with gravel flying, and gnashed his teeth and asked: "You... what's your real name?"

Da... The pale demon landed lightly on the ground, grabbed its neck, and sneered: "Have you heard of the legend of the Morning Star?"

The Red Night Familiar gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"Frog in the well." The pale demon sneered twice, and turned into white light and disappeared in the call of the Abyss Arena.

Silence, extremely quiet in all directions.

An upset... No one expected that one of the top three of the Ferrers family would fall here. The low- and middle-level demons looked at each other in dismay, unable to believe their eyes.

"Oh my God..." After an unknown amount of time, a demon trembled and said, "Red Night Familiar... actually... actually lost..."

From discussion to noise, to the boiling of the whole place, the atmosphere on the scene was no less than that of the arena where Xu Yangyi was, or even worse!

If that was boiling water, this was magma! Bubbling and emitting black smoke, an active volcano that was just about to erupt!

"It didn't even make it through the first game..." "It definitely has the strength to impact the top 10,000. This... Which family's top demon did it encounter?" "Absolute dark horse... A huge upset! If this news gets out, I'm afraid all the arenas will boil!" "It's hard to imagine... One of the top three of the Ferrers family actually fell in the first game... I, I put all my family assets on it!"

However, this is just the beginning.

In one of the arenas, a demon with only half of its wings left roared with earth-shattering fury, and the surrounding void shattered. It was seriously injured, but its opponent had already fallen at its feet.

The MC looked at everything in front of him in shock. After a few seconds, his eyes turned red, and he puffed up his chest and suddenly shouted: "The 231st Arena, the winner... Let us give the warmest applause to the nameless person who has never been heard of, who broke out a great upset and killed the top three vicious demons!"

"Oh!!!" Cheers from all directions were like the sea, a great upset... The top three fell! The battle of the Eternal Diamond! No one expected that the opening would be such a dragon-tiger fight!

In another arena, the ground was completely frozen, and even the air reached absolute zero. In the void, a demon made of frost all over his body was emitting a monstrous fierce power here.

Kakaka... The surrounding air turned into ice and snow, and everything showed that this was also the level of the Eternal Diamond!

And below it, there was only a 30-meter-tall ice sculpture left.

"The 172nd Arena, the winner: the original family, the ice demon Shiva! Preliminary judgment of the high level of Eternal Diamond!!"

"Roar!!!" In another arena, demons with only heads left spewed out magnificent demonic breaths. This place was a purgatory, and the flames blackened the sky. In the endless demonic breath, the host's voice screamed: "The 57th Arena, the winner, the ancient demon family, the tombstone forest, the one-eyed Eugene!"

Swish, swish, swish... streams of light disappeared into the void from time to time, and the battles in the arenas ended one after another. Those names that had been heard of or not heard of resounded through the sky at this moment.

"The 82nd Arena, the winners: the Ancient Demon Family, the Twin Demons, Pise and Muse! Preliminary determination of the high level of Eternal Diamond!" "The 340th Arena, the winner: Tao Wang the Slayer! Preliminary determination of the level of Eternal Diamond!" "The 107th Arena, the winner: the headless demon Sindes! Preliminary determination of the level of Eternal Diamond!"

In the opening battle of the first eighteen hells, one after another upset match, one demon after another whose name had never been heard of, but was so powerful that it shocked the soul, all drew their swords against the supreme demon furnace here!

This sharp cold light caused the most crazy pursuit of all the audiences in the heavens and the worlds! The entire sky was boiling, with crazy cheers, roars, and unconscious screams, clearing all creatures in the sky between deceptions!

Xu Yangyi didn't know about all this. As the light flashed, the players returned to their positions. After a slight dizziness in front of his eyes, he opened his eyes again and found himself in a different space.

This was a plane that was torn apart in space. There was nothingness in all directions. The planetary belt formed by broken meteorites slowly floated in the void. The ground cracked into huge gullies, and countless hell flames gushed out from them, dyeing the world red.

At the end of his sight, a strange thing appeared there. It was like an upside-down black bowl, completely black, but after a few minutes, a very complicated talisman appeared above it.

This strange black bowl occupied two-thirds of the space of three to four million meters in radius. Around him was a wall of bones, and flames burned from each bone, like a flame moat of the black bowl.

"What is this place?" Xu Yangyi looked around and finally saw the black bowl. Yuchang's voice murmured, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be demonic energy."

"Demonic energy?" Xu Yangyi was a little stunned. This black bowl was not a force, it was a solid that existed, and his divine sense could not pass through it.

"Yes, I don't know which great power materialized the demonic energy and enveloped this place." Yuchang murmured, "Be careful, this place is very strange."

Xu Yangyi nodded, turned into a black light and flew away, getting closer and closer. When he was within a thousand meters, two majestic divine senses suddenly swept over, and he stopped immediately.

Taixu Demon King... He looked at the front of the black bowl. It was already very clear here. There was a very small gap in the center of the flame moat. Of course, this small was relative to the black bowl of millions of meters. It was like a gate, and two figures that he had not noticed at all were floating on both sides of the gate.

"Number." The two demons were hidden in the wide cloak of more than ten meters, like the god of death hanging in the air. The demon on the left said in an emotionless voice.

Xu Yangyi blinked: "3000000."

Another demon lightly hooked his finger, and suddenly, he felt something in his body being aroused, turning into a golden light rising into the sky, turning into the number 3000000.

"Confirmed." The demon who spoke first nodded, flicked his fingers again, and a black light flew into Xu Yangyi's hand.

It was a black necklace, in the shape of a six-pointed star, with a Satan's head in the center. Made purely of obsidian.

"This is the certificate to enter here." The voice of the demon on the right was also neither happy nor sad: "Entering here as an alien... I have heard of you, Master Xu."

It seemed to want to express a hint of goodwill, but the long-term rigidity has deprived them of their emotions.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. Although the Bodhi seed in his mind is not of much use now, it has brought Xu Yangyi a way of thinking to unravel the mystery.

Information is often revealed in the most difficult places to ignore.

"Who are you?" He bowed his hands from a distance, but did not move forward: "Those who know me... should be the direct descendants of the Deception Demon, but I don't think I have seen you two in the Grand Council."

Dan Ling has a photographic memory, and he is very sure that there are no these two demons in the Ferrus Council.

"Because we have been guarding here since the last demon outbreak." The demon on the left slowly said: "I am the previous Speaker of the House of Lords, Hogg. Soon the Speaker and Vice Speaker of this term will take over. Then... they will sit here for ten thousand years like us. It's just that our luck is worse."

This outbreak was delayed for tens of thousands of years.

"You are the first contestant to enter here." The demon on the right looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, with a hint of temptation in his voice: "But... you are not the first person to win."

"Master Xu, there is a demon, a very powerful demon, it... is faster than you."

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