
Chapter 1253: The City of Eternal Life, Skettios (Part 1


Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flickered.

"Will all winners come here?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, there are no exceptions. But this time, Vincent and I both felt that a demon escaped this 'rule.' It won, faster than you, but didn't come here." Hundreds of green eyes lit up under Hogg's cloak: "So, you are the first."

Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched slightly. He was already fast enough, who was it? It was faster than him! And... could it escape the rules of the demon furnace?

"I felt its breath once. It didn't belong to Tiragangdis, but it had a hint of the devil's taste. I dare not trace it." Vincent said truthfully: "And as the first... you can ask us certain questions without anyone knowing."

"Is this a rule?"

"No, this is the right to abuse public power for personal gain."

Xu Yangyi finally smiled. Since he wanted to ask, there would be a price.

With a flick of his finger, two pills flew straight to the former Speaker of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The other party almost couldn't wait to grab it and put it in his hand with cherishment.

"So beautiful..." After a few seconds, Hogg sighed deeply: "It's been so many years... I haven't seen anything so beautiful again... If it wasn't for the first outbreak when the Ferrers family briefly informed me of the contestant information, I wouldn't have known you would come. We've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Although this place can make time stop forever at this moment, there is no magic energy to practice. I really can't wait..."

It swallowed it suddenly and let out a groan-like sigh. This was the first trace of magic energy after tens of thousands of years. It was so comfortable that its whole body was trembling slightly.

After a few seconds, he asked in a deep voice: "Two seniors, where is this place?"

Vincent breathed a sigh of relief, his voice was more lively, and he said slowly: "This is the interior of the Demonic Furnace. I don't know which great man completely condensed the demonic energy and built this holy city."

"This castle has existed inside the Demonic Furnace since its appearance, and no one lives there. But it is undeniable that it once had residents, and now it has become a trading center. Any purchase of items in the Demonic Furnace, including alchemical products and refining products, can only be traded here."

The voices of the two demon kings became solemn: "It is called Skettios, which means Si is the city of immortality in the language of demons. Master Xu, you must remember the following words clearly. I am afraid that these things will not be known by those who are not princes. "

"Although you are now inside the Demon Furnace, you can't reach other spaces at all. Since the tenth outbreak of the Demon Furnace, Tiragangdis has opened this place. Before each battle of the abyss, most of the plane merchants from all the heavens and worlds will gather here. They will not leave, and they will also provide you with the next supply. "

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly raised, and Vincent said lightly: "Have you thought of it?"

"You mean... we can't go out later?" Xu Yangyi asked, suppressing the fluctuations in his heart.

Plans can never keep up with changes.

If this is really the case, his plan has been almost completely rewritten!

"No." Vincent replied: "This is the only supply point before you reach the top 1,000. You can only enter, not leave, and if you don't enter here, you can't get the summons of the Demon Furnace. You can't reach the competition venue. This is the 'rule' here,' which has been implemented since you set foot on this plane, even if you leave now. "

Give up the qualification?

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his brows were deeply furrowed.

"Damn it." In his consciousness, Yuchang gritted his teeth fiercely: "How could this be!"

This damn rule almost restricted Xu Yangyi to death!

Yuhe is still in his palace!

This is his "reserve food." He has fully realized how powerful his opponent is this time, and is waiting for Yuhe to improve his cultivation. If he encounters an extremely powerful opponent before reaching the top 1,000, he can only face the opponent in his current state!

"No... It's not the current state..." He closed his eyes and sighed deeply: "It's a worse state."

Yuchang was slightly stunned, and then clenched his fists fiercely: "That's right... Hongxian is not with you to take care of Yuhe..."

"Your trump card is the domain, and now that Hongxian is gone, the strength of the domain will drop too much! The deception demon's 'real deception' cannot be launched... It is equivalent to weakening at least one-fifth of your combat power!"

Don't worry... Xu Yangyi suppressed his fluctuating emotions, at least... He had to understand this clearly first, before he could see if there was any way to solve this sudden dilemma.

"You look bad." Vincent said, "Perhaps you can talk. You know, we haven't talked to other creatures for tens of thousands of years."

Xu Yangyi's heart moved slightly: "Is there a way to leave?"

"You can't leave here." Hogg said, "Don't think about these impossible things. The second contestant may be here soon. Before that, there are some things that are more important than your idea. For example... the 'rules' here. "

It continued regardless: "First, Skettios can only enter, not leave. This place is full of marks of sages. Once you enter, you belong to the protection of the demon furnace. If in the outside world, non-contestants are not allowed to harm contestants. Then here, even fighting between contestants is prohibited. Prerequisite: You have to bring your own necklace."

"Second, all large-scale magic, demonic energy, and the use of any power are prohibited in the city. magic." It said in a very serious voice: "Special attention should be paid to this, any creature that uses fire magic , will immediately trigger the 'rules' throughout the city, and be immediately obliterated."

"Third, after the audition, your magic weapons and alchemy items will be discerned by the Devil's Furnace. Don't doubt its ability. It will record everything here. If there are new things in the future, they will not be recognized. . For example, if you have a shield magic weapon now, you can only have this magic weapon in the future. Once a second magic weapon appears, it will be swallowed into the devil's oven. "

Xu Yangyi listened quietly, his heart spinning rapidly.

has a problem.

If the first rule is normal, the second and third rules are very strange. There is a very subtle sense of dissonance.

"But..." Vincent smiled meaningfully: "I have said before that this is a commercial city. Countless merchants under the demon plane are waiting for this opportunity. Because...the things purchased here are , does not fall into the category of erasure.”

"Do you remember clearly?" Hogg asked.

Xu Yangyi pondered and nodded. Hogg and Vincent slowly turned sideways. Hogg nodded slightly: "Then...welcome to the eternal city of Sketios, the place of decisive battle. Inside the Demonic Oven, the only artifact in the universe."

Swipe, pull, pull... The endless black behind them dispersed, and a huge fence door appeared. Xu Yangyi was about to walk in, but stopped.

Something looks familiar.

The elixir of photographic memory moved quickly, and then he laughed: "Excuse me, was there ever a guard dog here?"

He had seen the gates of Hell in the Valley of Hinnom in Jerusalem, which looked exactly like the one behind them.

Without needing to answer, his consciousness quickly scanned over and saw a huge dog chain next to the gate. Unfortunately, there was nothing on the other side of the chain.

"I know." He smiled, the door in front of him opened suddenly, and he stepped in.

With his disappearance, the Eternal City, which had been closed for tens of thousands of years, reopened. In an instant, infinite white light spewed out from behind the fence, like the gate to heaven.

The light in the sky dragged out two dark figures, and the huge devil wings were more than ten meters long, suspending the two people in the air. Vincent looked thoughtfully at Xu Yangyi's figure disappearing in the white light, and suddenly said: "Did he really understand?"

"Perhaps." Hogg replied calmly: "We have said what needs to be said. It depends on his own understanding. If he really thinks that everything is safe here, then... what we just ate was Master Xu The last work.”

"'Fighting with each other is also prohibited,' does not mean 'cannot kill each other,' and there is also something 'not recognized'... As for 'there is a way to leave'..."

It smiled: "This is the city of eternity... it is a magical space that will always stay inside the cosmic artifact..."

"Who among those who can reach the peak of the Devil's Furnace is not the most famous genius and evildoer in history? If you can't leave the Eternal City..."

There was a strange aura about them, they were very old and seemed to be decayed.

"Then...just stay with us here..."


The white light shone, and Xu Yangyi quickly entered it. After the slight dizziness in front of him, the sound of people filled his ears.

"! The first contestant! This...what race is this? It seems to be the human race? But the devil has a precedent of letting aliens enter the abyss arena? Who cares what race he is? Hey! This noble man Player! You should have heard the rules of the Eternal City. Do you want to come and see my products? Mythical merchant Orus is at your service!

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and looked around with interest.

It's very wide, and a huge castle covering an area of ​​millions of meters appears in the field of vision, continuous like a hill. With an ancient and wild atmosphere, the architecture is very similar to the devil's style, but it seems to be older.

The stones that build the castle are extremely irregular and vary in color, but in every hole and in every rugged street, there are many stalls, and further away, there are tall and ugly buildings, provoking huge Animal skins are used to outline the illustrations of weapon refining or alchemy with demonic energy.

Countless demonic energy rose up from the surroundings, and extremely complex talismans walked throughout the holy city. They were obviously messy, but at a glance, they could only feel majestic. Eclectic. The flames of hell burned on the bones, pulling out colorful hells.

His eyes passed over all the enthusiastic vendors, many of whose races he didn't recognize, but stayed at his feet. He slowly knelt down and stroked it inch by inch.

"Fire Demon Essence!" Yuchang gasped: "Seven SSS-level treasures of heaven and earth! Now... they are actually paved into a road?! This is too luxurious!"

"No!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were stern, and he passed over the ground and buildings solemnly: "Look around it, there are Su Geer Caiyu, the devil's one-eyed star, and Fenrir's teeth. These are all recorded in hell as infinite superiors. Super high-grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures..."

The two people's eyes slowly moved to the distance, and they all gasped.

The so-called eternal city is actually a city built entirely from the most precious ores in the universe, the top-notch natural materials and earthly treasures, and the messiest combinations.

The top treasure, the Mountain of Light!

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