
Chapter 1255: Rules of the City of Eternal Life (I)


"Your price..." After grinding his teeth for a long time, Xu Yangyi said coldly: "Is it too much?"

"It's not too much." Old Long blew out the smoke and said very comfortably: "Do you know how much the rent here is? It took tens of thousands of years to open it this time. And... do you really think you can sit back and relax here? We are all brothers and sisters. ?”

"Are you kidding?" Old Long closed the book and carefully inserted a red leaf bookmark. Pushing up his glasses, his expression became solemn: "You are the first one to come in, but you actually asked me these questions, which shows that you don't know much about the famous eternal city of Skettios, and you haven't even known it before. heard about it."

It stretched out its white cone-shaped nails, pointed at Xu Yangyi and said: "You shouldn't be deceiving the devil's top three, or even the high-ranking direct line. They all know this. This is a required course. And I don't smell the devil on you." The fishy smell, oh...gosh, a foreigner, a foreigner has entered the four quotas, no wonder the devil won't tell you."

"Every top player from the original family knows this. If you don't know, then you have to pay for your ignorance."

Xu Yangyi was rarely angry.

He just smiled slightly, and then the majestic spiritual energy burst out, and countless gold coins in the room suddenly levitated. The treasures buried under the gold coins buzzed and flew into the sky. He looked at the old dragon with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

The terrifying demonic energy made the old dragon's pupils sharpen suddenly. He silently put down his pipe, and an equally vast spiritual energy surged out of his body. It was far less pure than Xu Yangyi, but the powerful pressure of the late saint was fully revealed.

"Come and give it a try?" Lao Long sprayed out two flames from his nostrils and sneered: "Who dares to open a shop here? Who doesn't have a few pounds?"

"Really?" Xu Yangyi smiled contemptuously. In the late stage of Zunsheng... he had killed too many monks and demons across realms, and he didn't even pay attention to the senile and senile late stages.

With a flick of his finger, a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in the air. Light burst out from Lao Long's eyes, and his chest was about to bulge. However, circles of blue-black brilliance suddenly bloomed one meter in front of him.

Boom! There was a muffled sound in the void, and the whole building trembled. Old Long's bulging chest felt like it was struck by lightning, and he immediately suppressed it. For the first time, a gleam of fear appeared in his eyes.

So strong...

His own realm surpassed his two smaller realms, but the other party was able to break its magic before he took action! What speed! This is the War Chamber of Commerce, surrounded by countless restrictions, but these restrictions seem to not exist for this man!

"The red dragon..." Without thinking much about it, the scales on its body stood up, thunder and lightning surged below, and a terrifying aura filled its body.

Dragon's Reverse Scale!

However, before it could be used, three "dong-dong-dong" sounds were heard in the void in front of him again. Xu Yangyi flicked his fingers repeatedly, like Huang Zhongdalu. In an instant, if it was just a fluctuation, at this moment, the whole room seemed to have been shaken!

Crash clatter... The gold coins trembled uneasily, and ripples visible to the naked eye vibrated in the air, impacting the foundations of the surrounding houses. And the old dragon's magic was once again interrupted without being used.

How can this be? !

Old Long opened his mouth wide, and the beard on his chin trembled slightly. The opponent didn't know Skettios's secret, so he must not be a core player, not a core player... He could actually transcend two small realms, and sit on his seat and let himself move with ease. Can't hit a single move?

Shock and fear suddenly appeared in his heart, and he had been in a state of being beaten since the fight. It roared, and the dragon's tail suddenly flung out. The void shattered like a giant axe, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi like a sea wave.

However, there was another finger flick, and the menacing tail strike collapsed instantly. As the old dragon screamed in surprise, a finger shot came straight to the center of its forehead!

Swipe... Just when the finger bullet almost hit the center of his eyebrow, several black talismans suddenly bloomed in the void, swallowing the finger bullet strangely, and Xu Yangyi felt an invisible line of sight looking at him, which was very dangerous.

Can't take action anymore...

He squinted his eyes, remembered a rule, put down his hand, and said calmly: "Are you a player too?"

Lao Long took a deep breath and looked at Xu Yangyi with a deep look: "It's not just me... all the people here who can open big stores are players. However, we immediately withdrew from the competition after signing up. If we attack real players, You will be punished by the furnace just now... The artifact of the universe is everywhere in the world, don't try to deceive its eyes..."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "It's very smart. With the status of a retired contestant, at least the safety of the product and himself is guaranteed. Then..."

He smiled slightly: "Can we talk now?"

"Why are you talking to me?" Lao Long looked at Xu Yangyi cautiously: "Nothing is allowed here. You should have felt it just now."

"That's right." Xu Yangyi glanced at it coldly: "But that doesn't mean I can't make your life worse than death."

He came slightly closer and his voice was like a whisper: "Don't forget, the rule is 'even the use of force is prohibited,' but it does not mean 'you cannot kill the opponent.'"

"Put away your pettiness."

Just now, he suddenly figured this out.

From the beginning to the end, neither the speaker nor the deputy speaker mentioned that they could not kill each other. But now, he was full of murderous intent. After he stopped, the will of the Demon Oven left him.

Here... you can also kill each other!

However, a special method must be used, a method that will not be found by the devil's oven.

"Based on this, when I asked, 'Is there a way to leave here?', the gatekeeper answered me, 'You can't leave here.'" He looked at Old Long with a burning gaze: "Instead of, 'There is no way.' '"

"Then, it immediately changed the topic. There is no way to leave, which refers to the way to do things. The inability to leave refers to the rules. It did not answer whether I could escape the rules, but directly answered me about the meaning of the rules and secretly changed the concept."

Old Long took a deep breath: "So... you just attacked me because you wanted to test the bottom line of the rules here? You... are really crazy! Aren't you afraid of being wiped out by the devil's oven!"

"Because I didn't feel your participation certificate." Xu Yangyi sneered: "Okay, put away your exaggerated price list. Give me an answer."

silence. Old Long's body rose and fell slightly, and he held his breath and looked at Xu Yangyi.

It can completely feel the murderous intent in the other party's words. It can guarantee that if its answer is no, the other party will really dare to make it worse than death!


These two words popped up in its mind. A player who had never heard of the rules of the Eternal City has now figured it out. He has almost figured out even the most obscure points. In addition to the great secrets of the city itself, The other party has begun to lift the veil... Those former contestants of the Fallen Prince who didn't know this news didn't know until they were about to die that they could really kill people here! You can really leave!

At that time, they understood the significance of the existence of the Eternal City. The screening of the Devil's Oven never stops, starting from the time they sign up, and it will not end until they are defeated or die.

"I really doubt...are you the illegitimate son of His Excellency the Demon Lord." After a long time, the old dragon snorted: "Follow me."

It snapped its fingers, and suddenly, light flashed in the void, and a staircase completely made of talismans hung down, revealing the stairway to the second floor.

It wriggled its fat butt and walked up step by step, with Xu Yangyi following behind it.

The second floor is a large room, decorated in ancient European style, with reliefs of the Demon Lord carved on all sides. The items are also very hellish-style. There is a row of huge lounge chairs covered with snow-white blankets. Old Long sat on one of them and waved his hand. , there was a slight mechanical sound, and four alchemical golems slowly walked out carrying the hell agave tea, a specialty of hell.

Opening the lid of the cup, a piece of non-burning flame floated slightly. Xu Yangyi took a sip, and the old dragon's voice was hoarse and said: "Rules are unavoidable. This is a world of rules. You actually chose the product, so you need to pay . This cannot be changed.”

Xu Yangyi gently flicked the cup and glanced at Old Long as if casually: "I hate being slaughtered."

"It's not about money, it's about whether you make me happy or not." He knocked on the cup and made a ding: "If I'm in a bad mood and my thoughts are unclear, I'm afraid I will do something I don't even want to do."

The old dragon didn't even crush his teeth, what happened to the Devil's Oven this time! How can you not follow the rules!

Before he finished speaking, a stream of light flew in front of him. Old Long took it and looked at it, his eyes suddenly shining.

Pill? !

It suddenly raised its head, and Xu Yangyi said calmly: "As a reward, answer my questions. It will be yours."

"Of course! Your Excellency!" Old Long's blood was boiling all over his body. He had forgotten the previous stick nine days ago, and only remembered the smell of sweet dates in front of him.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand and signaled the other party to start.

The old dragon fell silent, and after thinking for a long time, he said in a deep voice: "The Eternal City, this is a very ironic name. The number of players who have fallen here will never be less than that of the Abyss Arena. It also has another name. Dark Abyss."

"This is the name given to it by the players. In the arena, you rely on your strength, but here, you will see countless hidden arrows. Here..." It nodded its head: "This is what you rely on. "

"Do you think the Devil's Furnace only selects demons with high levels of power? No, you and I have reached the realm of the Saints and the Third Realm of the Middle School. We have already surpassed many worlds. To put it a bit exaggerated, we came to those worlds , who is not serving as the master of the plane?"

"At this point in cultivation, talent is important, but character is even more important! The advantage of talent has been gradually erased in the longer and longer lifespan. It is terrifying like a devil's furnace. It may choose demons in the realm of nothingness to purify it. Bloodline?"

"Every time the furnace breaks out, it is paving the way for the next demon king. Maybe if a certain demon king dies, someone must take over. These are all the ways it selects its agents to manage Tiragandes. Unless your mental strength reaches its peak, you will not be favored by it at all.”

Xu Yangyi nodded, with strong anticipation in his voice: "The first question...can I go back here...?"

Old Long took a deep breath, lowered his voice, and whispered: "Yes!"

"Evading the rules is the first priority to survive here!"

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