
Chapter 1256: Rules of the City of Eternal Life (Part 2)

You can go back!

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, endless white light suddenly shone in the room.

"Brush..." Pieces of silver-white rectangular light curtains landed all around. Old Long stopped talking, Xu Yangyi took a look, and his eyes flashed suddenly: "Have the first batch of winners come out?"

"To be precise, they are the first batch of winners within an hour." The old dragon scanned the circle with his spiritual consciousness and said: "There are 3,400 people in total... They will be here soon."

Xu Yangyi looked down slowly and saw that there was a pill spirit with a photographic memory. He was very fast, but there were too many of them.

One line after another, when he saw one of the lines, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"The Red Night Demon...lost?" Yuchang also took a deep breath in his spiritual consciousness: "The one who defeated it was...Anonymous?"

"An unknown demon without any certification or family?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his eyes wandered around. Suddenly, he saw names that shocked him one by one.

"The 172nd Arena, the original family, the ice demon Siwa versus the original family, the evil king Felnik, Siwa wins. High level of the Eternal Diamond."

"The 82nd Arena, the Ancient Demon Family, the Twin Demons, Pace and Muse versus the Ancient Demon Family, the bottomless abyss seed players, Mendesus, Pace and Muse win. Eternal Diamond High Level."

"The 340th Arena, the nameless family, the slayer Tao Wang, faced off against the terror, Karakler, the slayer Tao Wang won, the Eternal Diamond is at the highest level."

"The 107th Arena, winner: Headless Demon Cinders, no family, no surname, unknown bloodline, high level Eternal Diamond."

Diamonds of eternity... all diamonds of eternity!

And... the Red Night Familiar was far from the only one among the top three original losers in the first audition!

A total of three top three players from the original family fell in the first stage.

This is just the audition!

"It's unbelievable..." After a long time, Yuchang said in a deep voice: "Hell is too big, no one knows where there is a peerless talent hidden. Maybe no one has heard of their names before, but at this moment... everything... came out."

Xu Yangyi gently touched the light curtain of the Red Night Demon with his fingers. He remembered clearly that his judgment at that time was that after the domain was fully opened, there was more than a 60% chance of winning.

Such a player also lost?

And... lost within an hour?

He looked at the names of the other two original families. Such players could never be weaker than the Red Night Elves, or even stronger.

But, still failed.

No one could predict whether his next opponent would be a giant or an ant, and he felt a rare anxiety in his heart. He is confident, but not arrogant. He is not so arrogant that he does not need a red line or Yuhe to break into Qianqiang.

If he meets an opponent who defeats the original family, what are his chances of winning?

"Top three..." Old Long looked at his fingers and raised his head: "This is normal. Hell is boundless. The strength of those hidden ancient demon families is definitely not weak. The original family is just too powerful. But In terms of true strength, you may have to lean back.”

"Ancient Demon?" Xu Yangyi looked solemnly and said in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, the old dragon shook his head and said deeply: "Human, you must remember that the strongest person in hell... is not the devil."

Not a devil?

This answer made both of them frown slightly.

"What is hell? In legend, this is the place where the sins of the gods are committed and the source of all evil. All the evil in the world is released here. All negative emotions and desires condense into demons - of course, this is a legend, we don't know Is it true or not..."

Its voice was obviously tinged with trembling - a chill that would have made even the Late Saint tremble: "Some things... actually exist."

"Abomination, fallen angel."

It gritted its teeth and said these two names from between its teeth.

"In any abyss battle, they will definitely take the top three spots. These...are real monsters! Any talent is a joke in front of it, and any effort will only reveal itself to be insignificant and ridiculous...Believe me, you will never think encounter them."

Divine evil, fallen angel?

Xu Yangyi pondered, and remembered the two names in his heart. In the era of the earth, these two things were famous, and the roots of any Western legend could not escape their presence. The so-called divine sins are the sins of God. God sealed the sins to form divine sins.

They carry a hint of divine power and endless desire. Some people may think this is a joke, but Xu Yangyi never thinks so.

Yahweh...the supreme god, many evil gods existed in that battle? Where did the immortals with their hands full of blood place their evil?

Maybe...this is the answer.

As for fallen angels, it goes without saying that the famous Lucifer is a fallen angel.

"They are not many in number, but their strength is absolutely terrifying. They are the most powerful gods..." The old dragon trembled: "In the Great Perfection of the Saint, you can face Taixu!"

After a long silence, Xu Yangyi nodded: "Continue and talk about the previous topic."

For this plan, we must get the red line!

The cruelty of the Abyss Arena is even beyond his imagination. Even if it takes one point, he must do his best to increase his control.

Old Long nodded, looked around cautiously, and said in a low voice: "It is indeed possible to go back, but it is very cumbersome. Let us recall the third rule - the gatekeepers sometimes remind monks who are not aware of the situation that they There is a lot of information hidden in their words, even our information is bought from them.”

"The third rule: Record everything in the Devil's Oven. For monks who enter here, everything will be branded. Unless purchased in the Eternal City, it will be judged as unqualified by other means."

"It seems that all roads are blocked, but in fact?" A hint of cunning flashed in Lao Long's eyes: "Since the twelfth outbreak of the Devil's Oven, omnipotent businessmen have found a way to circumvent it, but the price is the same. Terrifying. Let me remind you, humans, those who dare to do this must be more terrifying organizations than the War Chamber of Commerce, and you don’t even want to hear their names.”

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "How to do it?"

"Have you heard of the teleportation array?" Old Long licked his lips and asked.

Xu Yangyi nodded, but then immediately froze. Three seconds later, he slammed the table and stood up!

So Easy!

This is a blind spot in thinking, and it may not be thought of by anyone for thousands of years. Once you break it, you will find that it is nothing more than that!

"So that's it..." He closed his eyes, gathered his thoughts and said, "The teleportation circle... doesn't exist here, right? But... there is a rune master who can carve the teleportation circle here! And for sale The Chamber of Commerce that delivers the magic circle materials!”

"This is 'things that can only be purchased here.' The teleportation circle is made with the things here. The items brought back are naturally classified as 'here,' cleverly avoiding this rule!"

"Price?" After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and asked with some excitement.

"There's no rush." ​​Old Long picked up the tea and took a sip leisurely: "This thing is simple to say, but how costly is it to circumvent the rules of the Devil's Oven? This magic circle... can only be used once."

"The loophole can only be drilled once. This may be a loophole left intentionally by Devil's Oven... What I want to say is that there are many good things here. Don't underestimate this place and don't underestimate the stalls. Many things are difficult to see at other times. Come. Since you want to go back, there must be someone below to help you, why not use the things here to strengthen yourself?"

"Besides, you can't afford the price of circumventing this rule after just winning a match."

Xu Yangyi had a bad feeling in his heart: "How much?"

Old Long stretched out four fingers. Xu Yangyi's face was turning black. Of course he would not think it was 40 million.

"One hundred million?" He frowned and said, "How many games are needed?"

"One hundred million?" Old Long sneered and said word by word: "Yes, one billion."

Xu Yangyi looked at Lao Long in astonishment: "Are you kidding?"

"Of course not, because I don't do this. This is too dangerous. If you don't have the strength to overwhelm those monsters, the opponent who has mastered the rules will buy and sell by force like you. Although it can't be killed, it is enough to make it weaker than it. The seller’s life is worse than death.”

"Who's doing it?"

Old Long smiled mysteriously: "Do you think...who here has the qualifications?"

"Who is most familiar with the rules here, and..." It patted its tail and pointed downward: "Whose territory is below?"

An idea flashed in Xu Yangyi's mind, he took a deep breath and nodded: "No wonder."

"Gatekeeper..." Yuchang also completely understood. Except for the two Taixu gatekeepers, no one dared to do this business. If they could go back once, there would be too many variables! No one is sure what the other party brought back, but this secret, such a huge amount, who is not a super popular player can do it?

It must be done... Xu Yangyi shook his fist silently, his odds are one to one hundred... Wait...

"Where's my money?" He said in astonishment: "I won the first game with odds of 1 to 100, but I didn't receive the magic crystal!"

The old dragon was also surprised: "This is impossible. All the numbers in this big gambling game will be recorded in the devil's oven. No one dares to swallow your magic crystal. Before the game, someone will definitely give you a magic crystal card. You can only Use it here to retrieve the magic crystal!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and it took him a long time to calm down.

Who touched his magic crystal?

We can’t rush into this right now. The important thing is to ask if there are any other rules here.

"Go on," he said calmly.

A flash of admiration flashed in Lao Long's eyes. The magic crystal was gone... He was not qualified to live here. Money is the highest pass here! If there were magic crystals, he wouldn't even be able to live in the training room, he would have to sleep in the open air!

And as far as it knew, the training room here... was completely different from the one outside.

Here is the inside of the cosmic artifact in the devil's oven!

"A rare boy...a weird human being..." Old Long looked away and said in a deep voice: "Then...let me tell you the most powerful rule here..."

"Let me tell to...kill people here..."

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