
Chapter 1257: Money Thief

Silence again, this is the second most important part. Since he knows that the so-called rules can be overturned, Xu Yangyi never wants to be the next one.

"This method is actually related to the first and second rules." Lao Long said in a deep voice: "Skettios prohibits all players from harming each other, but there is a prerequisite, remember?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Put on the necklace."

"No, no, no." Lao Long raised two fingers, but did not say anything, but rubbed them in the air.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

The old dragon coughed lightly, picked up the teacup casually, and took a sip: "The pill just now tasted good..."


Xu Yangyi sneered, flicked it casually, and another pill flew out: "You'd better finish it in one breath, I don't have much patience."

The pill was still in the air and had been swallowed by a bright red tongue. The old dragon narrowed his eyes comfortably. After a few seconds, he smiled and said: "This is not a prerequisite, because no one will take off the necklace. The premise is..."

"No fire magic is allowed." Xu Yangyi was so smart that he immediately understood: "It is not allowed to use large-scale power, and fire magic is strictly prohibited."

"That's right." The old dragon took a deep look at the other party, and drew inferences from one example... No wonder he chose the target when he came in, and he turned from a layman to a master so quickly.

The Fellers family... I'm afraid this year will be a surprise...

"We have done experiments. Only by using fire magic, the demon furnace will be wiped out in an instant. Especially using fire magic to attack buildings and the ground. As long as it is affected, it will be immediately judged as a provocation."

"But... what if, I mean hypothetically, you induce the other party to use the power of the fire system?"

"Even further, you create this kind of 'illusion' that the other party has used?"

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes.

That's it... The same simple truth, but most people don't think of this when they hear the rules of the gatekeeper, the blind spot of thinking. But in the outbreaks, the businessmen who don't get up early for no profit have figured it out.

"It seems that you understand." Seeing his thoughtful look, the old dragon nodded: "I won't keep you. If you want to kill someone, go to the pure black building in the center - it's easy to find there. It's the only formal practice building, not the one we pile up randomly. Excuse me, this place is just like a garbage dump..."

At this moment, Xu Yangyi raised his eyes and looked at it with a very deep gaze.

"What's wrong?" The old dragon was puzzled.

"What?" Yuchang was also puzzled, but he immediately heard Xu Yangyi's consciousness: "I probably know why this place is so strange."

"How do you know?" Yuchang frowned, even it didn't think of this.

"Go out and tell..." Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "The rules here are mysterious, but it's not difficult to avoid them. I am now very interested in the existence of the City of Eternal Life itself. Why did the Devil's Furnace send us here? I don't think it's aimless."

"It's just..." He paused: "It's a mystery that no one will ever solve."

He made a gesture to continue, and the old dragon narrowed his eyes again, picked up the pipe, and took a deep breath: "The pill just now..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuchang had nailed it to the table with a thud, and the hilt of the sword was still shaking slightly.

"How about the pill?" Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Ahem...very good...master's work..." The old dragon wiped the non-existent cold sweat in an anthropomorphic way, and said with a dry cough: "In addition, if you want to survive, it is best to release your spiritual sense at any time. Believe me, maybe you are famous now, or maybe not, but the opponent's team will analyze all seemingly dangerous enemies. Once you are equated with danger by them, don't want to know the means here..."

"In addition, there is a red building in the west of the center, where all the players' magic crystal cards are stored and accessed. You'd better go there and take a look."

After saying this, the old dragon closed his eyes lazily.

For such stingy but powerful customers, he swore not to receive them! Tired of heart!

Xu Yangyi pondered for a while, and there was nothing missing. He stood up and turned into a black light, appearing at the door.

Ten minutes after he left, the old dragon's dim eyes opened again, raised his head and listened carefully for another five minutes, and then there was no thought of sleepiness at all, suddenly jumped up, and began to desperately search in the dense space behind him.

"Human... it should be obvious... with a cloak... found it!"

"Yi. Ferrus?"

"Not even a demon... but you can come here... you say... should I bet on you?"

Xu Yangyi didn't know what happened after he left. He had already come to the street. There was a forbidden air formation here, so he couldn't fly and could only walk step by step.

"What happened to you just now?" Yu Chang immediately asked in his consciousness.

"I thought of something." Xu Yangyi pulled the cloak to cover himself completely in the shadows, looked deeply at the sky, and said in a deep voice: "I'm not sure yet, I'll talk about it later."

"Now, I have to find out where my magic crystal is. Otherwise... as the battle progresses, I'm afraid I will always live in fear."

The two of them were not slow, and soon arrived at the center. This is the highest building in the entire Eternal City. Seven 200-meter-high buildings are located here. He saw what Lao Long called "the best building" at a glance.

It was actually an ancient Chinese style palace!

He and Yuchang looked at each other, both feeling unbelievable, hell... Why are there Chinese-style buildings in the inner plane of the cosmic artifact, the Demon Oven?

"It's not just these." Yuchang said solemnly: "Look around."

Xu Yangyi continued to look at it. It was a huge square, very monotonous, with no flowers and no sculptures. There were some huge super crystals scattered around, all of which were rare treasure minerals. Each piece is several meters to more than ten meters tall. Around them, several tall buildings are stacked in a very strange way, but traces of carvings can be vaguely seen.

There are devil styles and gorgeous elf styles. He only knows these three, and he doesn't know the other four at all. There is even one that just digs many holes into a huge unknown precious crystal. The crimson building mentioned by Lao Long is also among them.

His eyes became solemn, and he did not immediately enter the red building, but slowly walked around these buildings to observe.

Ten minutes later, he stood there thoughtfully, rubbing his chin and saying nothing.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuchang asked, not satisfied with his hesitant expression.

"No." Xu Yangyi raised his head: "It's not enough."

"What's not enough?"

"The evidence is not enough." Xu Yangyi looked around quietly, then said carefully: "I have a guess, why did the Devil's Oven let us come here? Why do we have to be here?"

"you mean……"

"It doesn't have this need. Well, it chooses demons with the best temperament and strength. I admit this statement. It makes sense. However, there are more and better ways, so it chose here?" Xu Yangyi looked around and said: "I guess... there may be something deeper than the 'rules' hidden here."

Yuchang thought: "For example?"

"For example..." Xu Yangyi paused: "I guess... it's just a guess. There is not enough evidence now - this... may have something to do with Yahweh."

"The abode of God?" Yuchang gasped and looked around with burning eyes. After a long time, he shook his head: "I don't think any Yahweh has such unique taste."

"It's just a guess. I said, there is insufficient evidence." Xu Yangyi looked up into the sky again: "Let's go first. I have already felt hundreds of demonic energies gathering outside the Eternal City. My opponents... I'm afraid Coming soon."

The two of them walked quickly towards the red building. However, before entering the door, a familiar voice came out.

"WHY? Why? Didn't I already have the magic crystal card? Why can't I withdraw money?"

"Go away." A cold voice came out: "There is no entry number, you also want to claim the magic crystal belonging to the contestant?"

"I've said it many times! This action of rolling is too difficult! Please respect the dignity of a husky! And I repeat again, I am the contestant's spiritual pet! He asked me to collect the money!"


The smiles of Yuchang and Xu Yangyi were both cold at the same time.

very good……

I asked why it was so quiet during this time.

It turns out that this kind of plan has been planned for a long time!

Although I don’t know how it came up, at this moment I just want to cut the opponent into pieces ten thousand times!

Xu Yangyi walked into the room with a cold smile. This was a strange-style building. It's very big, about four to five hundred meters in space, with a row of long cabinets, and behind it is a fence covered with talismans. Each one is crystal clear dark blue. A two-meter-sized door opens above, and everyone is sitting behind it. A demon is in the Nascent Soul realm.

Ferrers is directly connected, and the silver-gray demonic energy is extremely conspicuous. It was empty now, but in front of one of the doors, a black and white creature struggled to hold up its legs, stood upright, wagging its tail, and was sparring with a demon.

It’s not just pandas that are black and white…

There is also a creature called a husky.

"I'm warning you! My master is tall! Strong! Invincible! Be careful he comes here in person! He is very busy now! I advise you to be more sensible!" The husky put his hands on his hips in a compass shape and spitted stars. It almost sprayed into the devil's face.

The demon's veins were already popping out, and he wanted to crush this damn thing to death, but he couldn't... There was still a demonic energy on the other side, which made him very afraid.

Just when it was about to scold again, it looked at the door, and a flattering smile suddenly appeared on its face: "Hello, sir, do you want to redeem your magic crystal? There is a one percent fee for taking it out here. Please forgive me.”

"What do you mean!?" Husky slapped his paw on the table: "You don't want to give the dog face anymore, do you?"

"So what if I don't give it?" Xu Yangyi asked secretly.

"If you don't give it to me..." The husky suddenly trembled, coughed dryly, turned his back to Xu Yangyi for a few seconds, and when he turned around, he already had a dumbfounded look on his face: "Potato... why are you here... ahem... why are you so fast? ...I remember that there was never an hour or two before you couldn't finish something..."

All the demons looked over, with an "Oh~~" look on their faces.

good, very good!

No need to talk nonsense, the money thief has been found, and he has eaten the dog's food inside and outside. Today, he will understand who is in charge!

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