
Chapter 1258: Divine Evil

"Calm down!" Mao Baer clearly sensed the wrong atmosphere. He stared wide-eyed, leaned against the counter, and stuck out his tongue: "You should be happy to meet an old friend in a foreign country! The world is so wonderful, but you are It’s not good to be so irritable.”

Hahaha... Xu Yangyi gently rubbed the fish intestines with his fingers and stabbed it with his sword.

As fast as lightning, Mao Baer's soul flew into the sky. When the shock came to an end, the sword was nailed to the counter on the left.

The cold light was dazzling. When the blade of the sword was drawn out, Mao Baer stuck out his tongue, and then fell to his knees like a crab with a plop. Without saying a word, he raised his front paws above his head and respectfully held up a magic crystal card.

"I lost..." It lay on the ground without restraint and swung its tail: "From today on, I will be a qualified agent, an agent with pursuits, and an agent with integrity..."

"None of these adjectives have anything to do with you." Xu Yangyi sneered, took the magic crystal card, and threw it to the devil at the counter: "In addition, starting from today, I will change people!"

This sentence was so righteous that hundreds of years of grievances disappeared in an instant, and I felt refreshed.

Mao Baer suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of disbelief: "You... don't want me anymore..."

Xu Yangyi and Yuchang nodded at the same time, having wanted to say this for a long time.

"You... started in chaos and finally gave up!" Mao Baer was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly went crazy: "Men become bad when they have money! This sentence is indeed true! Okay! Okay, you! Back then, we were all around each other. , walked together by Daming Lake, today you climbed up a high branch and turned into a phoenix, so you no longer recognize me, Xia Yuhe!"

With its paws on its hips, it instantly transforms from an unemployed loser into the most combative street lady. If you give it a handkerchief, it can dance like crazy.

"Sure enough, sure enough! I have already guessed that you have evil intentions! The way you look at me has changed in the past few years! You are no longer an innocent, kind and upright potato! With the wild flowers on the roadside, you have forgotten that I am a rotten person. Yellow-faced woman! You won’t give me any way now! I… you… I’ll fight you!”

Woof! With an angry dog ​​barking, Cat Baer rushed straight to Xu Yangyi's lower road. Xu Yangyi was shocked. How come this guy's fighting ability is so strong suddenly?

"How dare you hide!" Without a bite, Mao Baer's eyes turned red when he looked at the magic crystal card: "Kick by the unemployed and defeated dog!"

"The bite of a dog at the bottom of life!" "The tail strike of hopelessness!" "The hind paw of disillusioned life!"

All the demons looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. The dog in front of them had a very poisonous mouth and was caring for a certain key part. Its owner actually tolerated this scene...

This kind of dog should be hung up and beaten to death!

"Then I'll take care of you." Xu Yangyi flicked his finger, and Mao Baer blinked, biting his arm, but without force, instead hanging on the other's arm and wagging its tail.

"Is there a training room here?" he asked.

The demon who was applying for the magic crystal card nodded respectfully: "Yes, the rental fee is from low to high, from 100,000 to 500,000 per day, and every 100,000 increases by one level. The same is done here."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Show this to me."

The devil bowed and waved his hand, and suddenly, a plane map composed of demonic energy appeared in front of him.

This is a floor plan of the entire Eternal City, with tens of thousands of shining dots on it. Each one is like a whirlpool, with a series of numerical values ​​next to it.

"Dark Square, purity of demonic energy: 100." "Red Yanwei Street Mansion, purity of demonic energy: 98." "Lair of the Abyss, purity of demonic energy: 100."

"This is it?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Your Excellency, this is the purest place of all demonic energy." The devil said respectfully: "100 is the highest. Each place has thousands of different rooms. Only the top floor can meet the purity of 100. From top to bottom, the rent is The demonic energy also decreases gradually.”

"Because you are the first one, all the training rooms have not been rented out. You can choose one from them."

Xu Yangyi nodded, his eyes slowly swept over, stopping at the center, where he was, and then immediately moved away.

"Good choice." Yuchang said in his spiritual consciousness: "Your strength is not at its peak now. The center is adjacent to major important buildings, but it is still a place where dragons and tigers fight. There is no need for you to get involved now. There are also cultivation with purity of 100 in other places. Room, I suggest you choose a place that is slightly out of the way, the less noticeable you are, the better.”

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. He thought exactly like this. He looked at it for a few minutes and landed at a place at the gate of the city.

The location is good, purity is 100, and... it's quite close to the door, and also very close to the two gatekeepers.

"You want to choose here?" The devil was a little surprised: "With all due respect, although every place will be invited by the oven, this place is too far away from the large shops in the center and...some important places. So convenient.”

"That's it." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Sign the contract now?"

Of course, the devil would not continue to persuade. It was not qualified to change the mind of an official contestant. He bowed and said, "Okay, the rent per day is five hundred thousand. The next battle in the Abyss Arena will be held in twenty days. I wish you good practice." joy."

It pinched it out of thin air, and a roll of parchment appeared. Xu Yangyi took it and looked at it, scratched it between his fingers, and when he was about to sign, he suddenly raised his head, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he looked back at the door almost at the same time as Yuchang.

"What's wrong with you?" the demon on the counter asked in confusion, but before the next words could be spoken, it suddenly froze, and then let out a scream, its chest heaving rapidly and it fell against the wall.

"Kakaka..." The quills, parchment, and cups placed on all the counters in the room... all started to click and jump at this moment, as if they were a sign of an earthquake!

"This is..." A succubus opened his mouth, countless cold sweats broke out all over his body, turned into flames and disappeared into the air, and his trembling voice could not speak out: "The high level of the Eternal Diamond? No... no... compare, compare That's even more terrifying... What kind of monster is this?"

No one spoke, but everyone felt it. Just below the steps outside the door, a vast amount of demonic energy surged. It was as if a boundless hell had opened at the door.

Ominous, twisted, and filled with unspeakable sin, it stood there like a mass of life that gathered all the evil in the world.

At this moment, the spokesperson of sin is raising his feet and stepping on the first step.

Buzz... A shock wave of a hundred meters suddenly spread, dust and gravel flew together, blowing a bloody and torn robe. A hand made entirely of black energy slowly stretched out from under the cloak and murmured hoarsely: "Obviously I have controlled the evil energy to a minimum..."

Before he finished speaking, boom! The layers in front of me were shattered, and a terrifying crack was formed at the door of the building!

"Demon God..." Behind the fence of the counter, a door suddenly opened, and an old demon ran out. His face was extremely frightened. He glanced outside, screamed and immediately knelt down.

Immediately afterwards, all the demons behind the counter knelt down at the same time. Their bodies were shaking as if they were having a stroke. They did not dare to speak. They touched their foreheads to the ground and were covered in cold sweat.

"God..." The devil on the counter in front of Xu Yangyi did the same, his teeth chattering desperately: "God... God, God, evil..."

"Deceive, deceive, deceive hell... there is actually a god, and the evil is there..."

The voice was very small, even unconscious, but Xu Yangyi's consciousness was so sharp that he heard it clearly, and his expression became serious.

God's evil...

Is this an evil act?

What a terrifying aura... Now he felt that all the spiritual energy in his body was boiling, and he could hardly restrain himself from getting out of his body!

This is not a brain reaction, but a biological conditioned reflex when the body feels a force that threatens its own life.

"So strong." The fish intestines flew out, looked down with the same solemnity, and took a deep breath: "Far more than the Red Night Demon, this kind of demonic energy... is too scary..."

Xu Yangyi suppressed the desire of his spiritual power to roar out of the body, and looked deeply below. Following a rustling sound, as if the wings of death were brushing on the ground, at the end of the steps, a short figure slowly walked up.

With every step it takes, the entire building trembles slightly, and the void in all directions continues to shatter, and then be reborn, forming eternal chaos. Its whole body was shrouded in a blood-red cloak, and it was very damaged. Only talismans could be seen swimming in the open area. Behind the talismans, there was a deep demonic energy like an endless sea.

It is as vast as the starry sky and as deep as the ocean.

With every step it took, the spiritual energy in Xu Yangyi's whole body trembled. When he saw the top of the opponent's head on the steps, there was a buzzing in his ears, and the spiritual energy had roared to its peak!

This is a conversation between strong men.

It has nothing to do with consciousness, just instinct. It is the roar of a lion when faced with a male lion that provokes its territory.

"Sand..." As it took the last step, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy could no longer be suppressed and exploded, forming an endless blue-black vortex as majestic as a galaxy. Everything around him, even the walls, clicked. There was a sound, as if it was about to be pulled out, and everything was slightly suspended.

boom! ! The two spiritual energies intersected instantly, and there was a loud noise in the void. The east wind did not overwhelm the west wind, and the west wind did not overwhelm the east wind. The god moved slightly for the first time and glanced at Xu Yangyi.

At this moment, countless blood-red eyes lit up under its cloak, blinking brightly and dimly, as if it contained an abyss of the dead.

"You are not a devil." In the silence, the breaths of both of them were like unsheathed swords. After a long time, God Sin spoke hoarsely: "So, you are lucky."

"You will lose."

"But I won't die."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "You can try it."

"Fufu..." The god of evil seemed to be panting and walked past him without stopping: "I am not interested in non-physical things. Fortunately...human have saved a small life."

The breaths of both sides continued to disappear in the space, and the other demons were trembling on the ground, not daring to say a word. Just when it was about to leave, it suddenly turned its head and looked in front of Xu Yangyi.

"Give you a chance to please me." It looked at it for a few seconds, then turned around and said, "You took what I wanted, and now I'll tell you how to do it."

"Put it on the table, put down the pen, don't apologize, I don't care about weak apologies...then quietly turn around and go to the other counter. Also, I appreciate you helping me pick this thing out."

Its short body moved over, but Xu Yangyi did not leave. The two stood face to face, looking into each other's eyes, and each felt the power of a sword in the other's body.

Sha...a scarlet tongue stretched out from under the cloak and licked around the cloak. His voice was filled with murderous intent: "Can I think that you are rejecting me?"

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