
Chapter 1259: Powerful

"Can I think that you are looking for trouble?" Xu Yangyi smiled and said calmly.

Although the shadow of the cloak covered the upper half of his face, it was obvious that the corner of his mouth was slightly raised with a cold arc.

All the demons did not dare to speak, and knelt silently and stepped back a few steps, looking at Xu Yangyi like a ghost.

This player from the Fellers family... Is he crazy!

This is a god! The existence with the highest bounty in each hell! The existence that can take the top three in any outbreak of the demon furnace! You... you, are you really not afraid of death?

"Fufu..." The figure under the cloak of the god moved, and the next second, hundreds of shadows suddenly rushed out of the opponent's cloak.

These shadows formed various biological characteristics, like substance, some were deformed wolves, some were elks, some were dragons, and there were all kinds of creatures, all with blood-red eyes of different sizes opened, like the gates of hell opened.

At the same time, the infinite truth in Xu Yangyi's eyes no longer needed to be operated by himself and started at the same time! Even this unique skill felt the opponent's horror.

The world once again became the border of black and white, but Xu Yangyi took a look and found...

No flaws!

The other side's black tide was extremely complete and perfect. His current infinite true realm could not see through the opponent's flaws!

It was a whole, seamless!

He was not panicked. Facing such an opponent, negative emotions could only accelerate his failure. Facing the opponent's extremely aggressive demonic energy, his whole body of spiritual power roared out, forming a thick protective shield around him. Almost at the same time, the black tide quickly engulfed the entire space, and all directions fell into the dark and lonely night.

Silence, all this was just within a short second. Within a radius of a thousand meters, he seemed to be isolated from the world, and then... blood-red eyes in the sky opened at the same time.

Swish! A consciousness that he had never felt before rushed into his mind. In an instant, he suddenly pressed his eyebrows, his brain and heart accelerated wildly, and the desires of his whole body were boiling.

Lust, greed, killing desire... Endless negative desires roamed his body, becoming larger and larger, as if they were about to devour him.

No... that's not right!

The crazy desire almost burst his brain, but he held on to a clear mind. He could feel that in this pure black world, there was an extremely sharp murderous intent, which was the opponent's real killer!

These were just appetizers.

At this moment, thousands of purple lights suddenly burst out from his chest, and all the boiling desires disappeared in an instant. His mind was clear, and his somewhat confused eyes were instantly firm. However, before he could completely withdraw his mind from the crazy vortex just now, he had seen a hand deeper than darkness in the darkness, approaching his heart like lightning.

Silently, the dark night flowed.

There was no time to think at all. He kicked out with one leg, like a sharp sword breaking through the air, instantly destroying the layers of darkness around him. The dark world around him collapsed in an instant, and a circle of terrifying shock waves exploded the entire space.

Rumble... like thunder rolling over. The next second, with a muffled groan, a figure flew straight out of the hall, like a bullet breaking glass, and the void along the way was shattered! After flying backwards for hundreds of meters, the figure stopped abruptly, and looked at the hall solemnly with his chest heaving.

It was Xu Yangyi.

No one could see that his right leg under the robe was still trembling slightly. Just at the moment when there was no hair, the opponent changed his claws into palms and hit his knees hard. Above the knee, a strange black residue remained, like a maggot on the tarsal bone, trying desperately to break through his spiritual defense, but with the continuous rotation of the purple light in the chest, it was getting smaller.

The silent fight in the dark ended with him losing the wind.

"First time." After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked deeply at the hall. The opponent did not chase him out: "For the first time, someone can make me lose the wind in a physical fight."

"The realm is not enough." Yuchang said.

"More than that." Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "The density of its body is simply at the monster level. At that moment, I felt that I hit a super-high-density plane. Its body is far superior to my current body!"

Yuchang did not speak. He watched Xu Yangyi walk through the Tower of Babel, the battle of all worlds, and the struggle for spiritual fire. He knew very well how strong Xu Yangyi's body was. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a humanoid Tyrannosaurus! But... now there is a demon who can suppress him! And in the brief, lightning-fast fight just now, he did not take the initiative!

From beginning to end, it was the opponent who controlled the rhythm of the battle, and it also saw the black on Xu Yangyi's knees. This was a kind of demonic energy that had never been seen before, which was extremely weird.

At this moment, a low voice of discussion made them look away a little.

Below them, thousands of contestants had arrived here at some point, but did not go in, as if they had made way for the evil spirit. The dazzling eyes were like torches, all nailed to Xu Yangyi. Watching this scene with gloating.

"Want to challenge the evil gods?" A female demon sneered and said, "You are an ignorant fool."

Another contestant, the twin demons, spun black and red like Tai Chi, looked at the hall very vigilantly, and said hoarsely, "It's here, it's the first in this group... This alien race actually wants to climb to the top?"

"I'm afraid he doesn't know what a god is..." The demon next to him also sneered: "Against a god? Do you think you will be the first in the group after winning the first game? He is indeed a foreign race, and his simple-mindedness is outrageous. "

"Inflated to the point of calling out the evil god? Hahaha... If he wasn't here, if he wasn't a player, I'm afraid he would have been swallowed by the evil god..."

The sound seemed to be lowered, but it was just enough for Xu Yangyi to hear the cynicism. No one would give up the opportunity to attack his opponent. However, he turned a deaf ear and walked through the void step by step.

He gently held the fish intestines, and in an instant, the majestic spiritual power boiled like the sea. The fish intestines made a buzzing sound, and the light was brilliant. Just for a moment, Ping He's eyes suddenly became sharp, his right hand flicked his sword, and his body turned into a stream of light and rushed out. The buzzing sound of the sword and the tearing sound of the sky even made the surrounding void burn.

At this moment, an extremely dangerous feeling surged into his heart, and he suddenly stopped.

It's the consciousness of the Devil's Oven...

His killing intent was too strong just now, and he had already attracted the other party's attention.

"Human." The evil voice slowly came from the hall: "You should really be lucky..."

"If it weren't for the Devil's Oven, based on what you just said, you would have died ten thousand times."

"I remember your breath, Fufu..."

Before he finished speaking, a roll of parchment turned into a stream of light and flew out. The void opened up. Where Xu Yangyi's name should have been, a red line scratched out the word "Yi", like a scar of shame on the parchment, and another name was already imprinted on it. superior.

Karan. The sinner.

"By the way, thank you for your hard work. I've taken the contract. If you don't accept it, you can come to me at the city gate at any time. Of course, I don't guarantee that you can walk out intact."

The contestants below all looked at Xu Yangyi with a deadly look, and quietly took half a step back.

Now that we're here, who doesn't understand what's going on?

"Robbing something from a god? Is his brain the size of a poor mouse?" A demon glanced at Xu Yangyi coldly: "An alien is an alien, and he never knows his own status."

"It's okay to steal things, as long as he has the strength of a god, but... he is obviously an ant, why pretend to be an elephant?" Another devil player sneered and said mockingly: "The final result is to be beaten by a real big man. He was trampled to death in front of all the first batch of contestants... Tsk, will he still have the nerve to hang out in the Eternal City in the future?"

"Haha, I also want to see how strong the ants are that dare to challenge the gods. Unfortunately, I am not in the mood to compete with the dead yet." "As a weak and humble alien, if the gods want it, he should give it to him with both hands. "Even we don't want to offend that monster." "In this world, there are always some practices called arrogance, and there is always a behavior called sitting in a well and looking at the sky." "I'm afraid it's impossible for him to die happily." "

A slight noise echoed around, and all the contestants moved out of the way. The blood-red figure slowly walked out from inside, like a patrolling king.

It didn't pay any attention to anyone, as if Xu Yangyi, who was suppressing murderous intent in the air, didn't exist, and just left the hall step by step.

The contestants looked at each other and waited silently for it to leave before entering the hall like a flood.

No one looked at Xu Yangyi again.

In their hearts, this person is already a dead person. Maybe there is no need for the gods to take action at all. They do not have precious time to cast even the slightest glance at a dead person.

Sand... the fish intestines are gently sheathed. The knuckles of the hand holding the sword hilt were a little white.

"Don't let anger ruin your mood." Yuchang immediately advised: "What do you think you have a chance of winning against it?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, his heart filled with murderous intent. Coming to the upper realm, this is the second person who has forced himself to this point.

The first one is Yan Wangsun.

There was no provocation in the profanity, and the condescension hidden in the words, like a god-like indifference, made the blood in his body boil.

"Thirty percent." After a long while, he took a deep breath and said.

"So, don't do stupid things. This is not an opponent you can defeat now!" Yuchang said solemnly: "It...should represent the peak strength of a plane. What you have to do now is, first of all, Keep your odds and win a big bonus quietly. As long as you can return to Tiragondis, you have the capital to fight it! "

"I know." Xu Yangyi had regained his composure, his chest no longer heaving, and he said calmly toward the hall: "Don't worry, I will let it know that if it takes mine, it has to spit it out and then lick it back. "

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