
Chapter 1260: Eye of Truth

No one said anything more. Xu Yangyi entered the hall, and he also wanted to choose his next address.

There were many people lined up at each of the hundreds of windows. He stood silently behind a demon. The demon's huge skull-like nostrils twitched, and he turned his head with undisguised disgust on his face: "Human."

"Who allowed you to stand here!"

"I was beaten so hard by the evil deity that I didn't even dare to fart, and now you dare to stand behind me?"

"Go away! Go find a garbage dump that suits you. This is not the place for you to stand..."

boom! ! Before he finished speaking, the whole hall shook. All the demons twitched their eyes and immediately looked here.

Xu Yangyi looked as usual, but stretched out a hand, and in front of him, the demon who just spoke was lying in a huge pothole with a shocked face. The surrounding area was covered with spider veins, and streams of blood flowed out of its seven orifices. It opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, trembling and wanted to say something, but when it rolled its eyes, it fainted immediately.

"Knock out Margus with one punch?" The demon in front of him turned around and saw Xu Yangyi calmly stepping on the opponent and kicking the unconscious opponent into the corner like a ball.

"Do you have any opinions?" Xu Yangyi asked in a calm voice. The devil in front of him narrowed his eyes, but said nothing and turned around.

Xu Yangyi glanced at the gazes that were thrown at him. All the demons' eyes flickered and they calmly moved their eyes away.

Soon it was his turn. He scanned around and designated a training room with a purity of 100 near the city gate. He paid a month's rent, a total of fifteen million, and left here.

Just as he was about to walk towards the cave he had chosen, he moved his brows slightly and said without looking back: "Follow me."

A husky followed him sneakily, hiding its head behind a pillar, but its huge butt was exposed.

"How did you find me?" Mao Baer stuck out his tongue and came out from behind the pillar. He looked at the pillar suspiciously: "That shouldn't be the case... My pillar escape technique is impeccable..."

"I don't want to hear you being mean now." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Since you are here, come with me, lest you die here without anyone to help you collect your body."

Mao Baer covered his heart and took a few steps back, with a surprised expression: "Who are you! You are ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable! Take off your mask! You won't do this to me!"

Xu Yangyi frowned, raised his legs and walked away. Anyway, this bitch would follow him immediately.

However, he felt pulled at the back of his robe.

He sighed and turned away: "I'm not angry, and time is very tight. What else do you have to do?"

Mao Baer had a flattering smile on his face and made several secret glances at him. He came over and leaned against his feet with his plump body, trying hard to put on an expression of "I'm very cute", but the look on his face was lewd. , and couldn't get any more excited: "Do you want to I got up here?"

The previous anger and murderous intent in Xu Yangyi's heart had been dispelled by the dog's full interruption skills. After hearing these words, his eyes gradually became serious. did Cat Eighter get here?

It definitely cannot get a quota from the Ferrers family, and I have never heard of it getting a quota from another family... If it can go up, can it go down?

One billion... The appearance of the evil god has given him a great sense of oppression and urgency, and it also illustrates one crucial thing.

Since Karan Sinner appears here, then...the group must be the same group as them, and belong to the same deception.

It also shows that... they will have an earth-shattering decisive battle sooner or later.

If he encounters this monster or other monsters in advance, his current strength will not be at its strongest. The result... I'm afraid it's a disaster.

"I can't go down." I have to say that at some point, Mao Baer became serious. After thinking about it, he said, "But, I think you should go somewhere first."

It bit Xu Yangyi's clothes and pulled it to the other side. In a blink of an eye, he saw a pure black building.

The style is very wild, and at a glance, you can feel the murderous aura on it that is so strong that it cannot be dissolved. The dense demonic aura turned into a bloody dagger floating in the sky, and a line of magic words wrote its name.

Shadowsong Brotherhood.

"It's the place that the old dragon said..." Yuchang recognized it immediately and looked at Mao Baer in disbelief. Could this dog come here and be related to this organization that collects money to buy lives?

"Sorry, we turned to the wrong place." Mao Baer coughed dryly and pulled Xu Yangyi to turn to another place. While the two were speechless, a large dark green tree came into view.

About a hundred meters high, it is very huge, but the leaves have withered, leaving only the bare trunk. However, the stairs spiraled up and disappeared into caves in the trees.

"Every time the Demon Oven is opened, an organization will appear. They are called the Eyes of True Knowledge. Everyone who can enter this organization is a famous scholar in the world. For various creatures, especially demons, their genealogy , bloodline, talent, etc., studied extremely thoroughly." Mao Baer led the two of them towards the ancient tree.

What does this have to do with you coming up?

There was a flash of doubt in the eyes of the two people, but they did not ask, but continued to listen.

"This is a temporary organization that will only exist until the Devil's Oven appears. No one knows the true identity of any of them. Their sales scope is..." Mao Baer glanced at the dead tree with a burning look: "Knowledge."


"It's knowledge. Yangtao, I know you are strong, but this is not a one-person battle. The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame, the Prince of Grizzly Bear, and possibly others have all mentioned the team to you, but you don't care. Maybe you I thought that the Devil’s Oven relied on its own strength, but that was definitely not the case.”

It rarely became serious: "Any player has the right to form his own team! Including analysts, data scientists, coaches, and agents, a total of no more than ten people. These teams will investigate everything about your opponents for you, and of course, in the end, A good team only serves the most valuable players. The price is also quite high, but obviously, the Deception Demon Family doesn’t take you seriously. But I’m different!”

In the independent and bleak autumn wind, the dog's hair rippled slightly, and his facial expression was profound and far-reaching: "What is my relationship with you? You know my depth, and I also know yours... So, I took a huge risk and deliberately I came to you and brought you your magic crystal card, but you misunderstood that I would steal your magic crystal? Am I like this?"

...Well, the seriousness just now was just an illusion.

"So..." Xu Yangyi looked at this bitch in disbelief: "You want to be my agent?"

"I don't think so!" Mao Baer's hair suddenly exploded: "It's already happened!"

"During your retreat, the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame sent you a lot of top-secret information. I originally said I would give it to you later, but I didn't expect it to explode so quickly. I have signed up as your agent a long time ago. According to the rules of the Devil's Oven, any Official players are all qualified to bring their own teams here, so I was also summoned to the Eternal City, even earlier than you!"

Before it could say anything more, Xu Yangyi nodded: "Take me there."

"You agreed?!" Mao Baer was overjoyed and howled excitedly: "Ooo~~~ I am still the first real agent! I never thought that my cat would be like this! I will never forget you even if I am a ghost! "

Walking towards the dead tree, Yuchang pondered for a long time before saying, "Do you want to form your own team?"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and replied in his consciousness: "There are many forms of demons, but each bloodline has its own characteristics. I have no intention of understanding the genealogy of demons. Professional matters must be left to professionals. ”

"Especially... I will come to Skettios after every victory. I need my confidants even more."

After a pause, he cautiously glanced around the still somewhat silent Eternal City: "One Mao Baer... is not enough. I don't know if Fa Hai and him are together. That old bald donkey... has some moral integrity."

"Indeed." Yuchang said with approval: "You must now ensure that you are still alive before Qianqiang, and have a professional team to serve you, so that you can live well in Skettios."

"The audition is just an appetizer." Xu Yangyi's expression cooled slightly, and he licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "The real war will not begin until at least ten thousand people are strong. So, let's get to know the opponent for the 'main meal', a There’s so much the team can do in Scythios.”

Soon, the group of people arrived in front of the Eye of True Knowledge. Only then did they realize that the stairs above were all made of talismans, but they were all dim.

"Can't go up?" Yuchang was confused.

Mao Baer scratched his head: "It seems...can't."

"You haven't been here before?!" Yuchang's voice raised a level.

"Ahem... Well, giving up such a smart and wise me is their biggest loss!" Mao Baer said awkwardly.

Before its voice could finish, there was a ripple on the bark of the tree opposite, and then, an old face appeared on the bark.

"Number." An emotionless voice.

"3000000." Xu Yangyi answered calmly during a routine review.

But what I didn't expect was that after Shulian closed his eyes for five minutes, he opened them and said: "There is no number for you. I'm sorry, you can't enter. If you break in by force, you will be immediately attacked by the Grand Arcanist."

From the top of the ancient tree, there was a faint pressure. Xu Yangyi glanced at it and immediately confirmed that there was a Taixu sitting here.

"Is there a mistake? This is indeed my number."

"There is no mistake." The tree-faced voice replied without any fluctuation: "Yi Fellers, number 3000000, human. This is your information about the battle of the abyss. But..."

Its face began to blur: "You are not in the database of the Eye of True Knowledge."

"Hey! What do you mean!?" Mao Baer was anxious: "Isn't the Eye of True Knowledge only for the designated team? I heard that data engineers and analysts can all be rented out! Why can't we?"

"Don't you understand yet..." The tree face had completely disappeared, and the voice came faintly: "Because... you don't have this 'value.'"

"Any master of the Eye of True Knowledge is a true demonology expert, proficient in the bloodline, strength, burst waveform diagram comparison, etc. of all families..."

"They will only serve the most valuable players. Not..."

"A mere bench seat."

"Those who are worthless are not qualified to enter the Eye of True Knowledge."

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