
Chapter 1261: Tree Diagram

A completely wooden room was dug out of an ancient tree. The carvings were very detailed, but they carefully did not reveal any information about their own civilization. The door is lined with precious aqua crystals as a curtain, like a Milky Way hanging down.

The style of the house is also completely different from that of the devil. If the devil is wild, then this place is exquisite. The ground is covered with a carpet of flowers, and lamps with unique shapes are flying in the air with wings. Each arcane talisman seems to be alive, shining with brilliance from time to time, spiraling out into dazzling bands of light.

A blue hand with golden runes stretched out from the cloak and gently touched an arcane rune. Suddenly, the opponent's ripples spread, forming a light curtain the size of a bronze mirror, which reflected Xu Yangyi and his party under the ancient tree.

"Who is this?" said a hoarse voice.

There was only this slender figure in a cloak in the room, but strangely, a second voice rang again: "Master, Yi Ferrers, the alternate seat of the Ferrers family, defeated his opponent in twenty-two minutes and seventeen seconds. Even Chen Xingjun’s opponent is too weak to judge his value. Do we need to investigate?”

The figure paused and shook his head: "No."

"We have already contacted any strong players at the beginning, or have contacted us, and the rest are insignificant figures. There must be dark horses here, but..." It took a deep look at the scene: "I I don’t think Dark Horse is a foreign race.”

"Master..." the voice hesitated for a moment: "Defeat the opponent in twenty-two minutes, and the opponent is still the golden peak of Henggu..."

Before the voice could finish speaking, the cloaked figure slowly said: "What are you thinking about?"

"We are all creatures with the most profound research on demons in all the worlds, and each of us is a demon master with a well-known reputation in the world. Our joining will make a qualitative leap for every player, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is of great importance. If Anyone can invite us, so aren’t we too cheap?”

"When the Devil's Furnace is opened for ten thousand years, there are only so many people with the Eye of True Knowledge. If we don't strive to maximize benefits, how can we be worthy of the ten thousand years of waiting?"

It waved its hand, and the light curtain immediately dissipated, and said calmly: "If it's not valuable, don't expect the favor of the goddess of profit. Even if he kneels down in front of the Eye of True Knowledge, he can't change our decision."

"How many people do you think are of the Eternal Diamond level? Let me tell you, the current statistics are that there are 870,000 known people, and there are only 520 of us. Where do we have the time to deal with these worthless creatures?"

"Here, only your own strength is the qualification to speak. If you don't have it, then just stay silent and don't expect some gifts that don't match you." The figure snapped his fingers, and a void appeared in the seat. He sat down slowly. , as if entering meditation: "Continue to pay attention to each arena, and activate the isolation restriction of the Eye of True Knowledge in the future. Those creatures who want to recommend themselves... should not be let in."


Under the ancient tree, Mao Baer looked at the big tree in disbelief. After a few seconds, he suddenly jumped up and cursed angrily: "Fuck you! Dogs look down on people! Hey!! It's upstairs! Did you hear that? Rejecting this person is your biggest loss! The odds are one hundred to one!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Let's go."

"Why are you so calm!" Mao Baer was unhappy, biting his trouser leg and pulling him towards the tree: "This doesn't look like you! Come on, fight! Let them see how much gold they have given up!"

"Then what?" Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Reveal your true strength in public? And then be beaten into a pulp by Taixu who is guarding here?"

The dog's mouth relaxed immediately, and a frightened expression appeared on the affected face, and he coughed dryly: "Is there... Taixu?"

Xu Yangyi didn't answer, and pointed to the top of his head. Cat Baer immediately huddled up, trotted to Xu Yangyi's side with his tail between his legs, and said with a flattering smile: "What... I suddenly feel that the weather today is not very good, why don't we go and take a look? The two's new love nest? As for the magic's really vulgar!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and led the two of them towards the city gate.

"Fellow Taoist, are you just giving up?" Yuchang said thoughtfully: "You and I don't know anything about demons. There are only great benefits to having a professional team join us."

"Give up?" Xu Yangyi's voice in his consciousness was completely devoid of laughter, and he said coldly: "Am I such a tolerant person?"

"I'm very petty. I came to my door all by myself, but they actually said I'm not qualified... Then, when the time comes, I'll make them desperately beg to sign a contract with me!"

Yuchang had a real expression on his face: "Are you ready to explode?"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, licked his lips and sneered: "I have to break out, the gods are watching with eager eyes, and I don't know what more terrifying monsters there are... If we don't collect one billion quickly, even I don't feel like I have any hope in my heart." end."

At this moment, a bright light suddenly burst out in the sky.

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then, as if there was a knock on the door of his heart, a rootless green lotus slowly bloomed on the sky spirit cover, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky.

At the same time, thousands of streams of light rushed into the sky from all directions at the same time. Forming bright stars, in an instant, the stars above the Eternal City shined.

"Is this?" Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and he could feel a throbbing of destiny spreading from the bottom of his heart. The next second, all the streams of light exploded together, turning into frames of each player's avatar.

"This is the second screening..." Yu Chang's eyes darkened and he looked outside the sky. It had been more than an hour since they entered. Outside the Holy City, a row of meteor-like figures were approaching rapidly.

The second batch of contestants arrived!

At this moment, all the contestant frames sank together and fell to the bottom, forming a golden ring. Then a white light spread from the top of the avatar frame, crisscrossing, rivers flowing into the sea, and quickly condensing towards the center. Not long after... a majestic tree-shaped picture was formed in the sky!

It is three-dimensional. Below is the avatar frame of each contestant, and above is the frame that is getting smaller and smaller until it reaches the top!

The mountain of the peak!

Swish... a figure quietly walked out of his training room, holding a huge bone hammer, leaning against the building, looking at this tree-shaped picture with fiery eyes.

Another figure, emitting a terrifying demonic aura, appeared. The ground was shaking slightly when it appeared. It jumped onto the roof with a light bounce. The wind blew its tattered cloak, and a golden eye lit up under the cloak, looking at the sky silently like a rock.

Swish, swish, swish... In just a few minutes, the first-round players who were placing themselves all appeared in their respective areas, just like the beast kings dividing the territory. No one spoke, let alone touched the boundaries of others. Thousands of eyes followed upward with burning fighting intent and fixed on the peak mountain.

Silence, suppressed silence. From the moment this tree-shaped diagram appeared, the City of Eternal Life was left with only a boiling fighting intent like fire, which was suppressed by the players.

Xu Yangyi glanced around and did not see the evil god.

Is it disdain?

Or do you think that there is no one here who can defeat it, and the masters are lonely?

The wind blew violently, rolling up the clouds. After a few seconds, this huge 3D tree diagram suddenly burst into a dazzling light, reaching the sky and the earth. The avatars in the frames of all the players changed wildly. Xu Yangyi saw himself, saw those sarcastic demon players, and saw the evil gods.

"Ka..." I don't know which player used too much force and broke the ground. It was very clear in the holy city that was as silent as a tomb. But no one cared. The tree diagram of the second round of screening appeared. This was the supreme declaration of war. There was no grand scene, no vast sound, but it made every genius present feel excited.

Yu Chang looked deeply at the tree diagram, and spoke after a long time: "I agree with what you said, information often comes out from inadvertent places."

"You also see it?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "From the next game onwards, all opponents are in a 'controllable' state."

The appearance of the tree diagram fixed the positions of the players. Once the next abyss battle is over, everyone will no longer draw lots. Everyone can roughly guess who they will meet next and whether their tree diagram is the death group.

"At that time... the role of the team will explode." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief: "And the environment of this second battlefield will reach a real white-hot level. And... as the position of each person on the tree diagram rises, it becomes more and more bloody. This is really a poison pot."

He couldn't help but look at the city gate.

There, is the evil god.

Unintentionally, all the contestants looked over there. No one was willing to be in the same group with the evil god, which meant that they would definitely have no chance of qualifying!

For a full hour, the tree diagram did not select an opponent. The entire holy city was silent. After a long time, a blood-red figure swayed gently and disappeared. Following more demons, he took a deep look at the huge tree-shaped diagram in the sky and returned to his practice room silently.

Xu Yangyi turned his eyes away and took a deep breath: "Let's go."

There was no more nostalgia. Soon, the group arrived at the city gate.

The place he bought was a black underground abyss, burning with blazing flames. It was divided into dozens of layers and extended hundreds of meters underground in a cone shape. At the bottom, there was only his practice room, about two or three hundred meters of space.

As soon as he opened the door, a piece of extremely refined demonic energy surged in, and suddenly, the demonic factor in his body surged instantly. Almost uncontrollably turned into a demon form.

"Such a strong demonic energy." Yuchang flew out, looking at the black demonic energy that almost turned into black mist in the surroundings in astonishment, and smiled: "It's stronger than the demonic energy you used to deceive the palace of evil."

"One day of cultivation is equivalent to about ten days. It's 15 million after all. It's expensive for a reason." Xu Yangyi looked around and took everything in.

There was no decoration. The ground and walls were made of an unknown crystal, inlaid with talismans, moving like dragons and snakes, shining at the same time in a few minutes, through the black mist-like demonic energy, making this place shrouded in a gloomy and surging power.

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