
Chapter 1262: The Origin of Life (I)

He took a deep breath and felt the essence of demonic energy pouring into his heart. His heart accelerated a little. As the demonic energy surged, his bones creaked and his figure climbed higher again. A few seconds later, the pale demonic body appeared in the black world.

He walked to the center, sat down cross-legged, and the infinite truth began to circulate. Suddenly, the void in all directions trembled slightly, and all the black mist actually formed a huge vortex, and strands of it poured into his body.

"Infinite truth?" Yuchang asked tentatively.

Xu Yangyi's eyes seemed to see the tree diagram in the sky through the layers of boulders, with a touch of evil spirit: "Good steel must be used on the blade, no one is willing to waste a minute or a second, now even if it becomes stronger, it will It’s a one-point chance of winning, which represents a step closer to that supreme peak.”

"A month of practice or a year of practice is of little use compared to my longevity at this level... But the truth of infinity is different. Jeet Kune Do is just its usage in combat. I have never touched its essence. I encountered it. In the past, the skills and realms did not match, but as soon as they matched, the battle in the abyss began. "

He closed his eyes: "There is no hope in following the steps. Why not try the infinite truth and see if you can surprise me."

A mature advanced skill is far more than just fighting. The infinite truth can be said to be a thorough investigation of the origin of the world. Moreover, this Doppo also used it to reach the point of surpassing longevity. If it weren't for the subsequent body being too difficult to calculate, it would have theoretically achieved eternal life.

Strengthen the origin and pursue the transformation of genes. This is its foundation.

Sha... With the Saint-level skills in full operation, before he could react, a white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, as if the universe had just opened. The next second, he had arrived in a deep and boundless black world.

It's like the universe, but there are no stars.

It's like a dark night, but there is no night wind.

It's just black, pure black, boundless. He is in the spiritual state at the moment, a one-inch-sized little man, with a thin layer of azure brilliance shining all over his body. His hand gently passed over the floating clouds floating in front of him, and there was a trace of mist between his fingers. He closed his eyes, felt it, and said with certainty: "Devil energy."

He felt that something was calling him not far away from the depths of these demonic energies.

The incarnation of his spiritual consciousness turned into a stream of light and flew away, passing through layers of mist and flying across the pure darkness. At this moment, there was a flash of light around him, and Yuchang had already followed.

"You can enter too?" Xu Yangyi was a little surprised.

Yuchang smiled and said: "Don't forget, you and I are one. Wherever your consciousness goes, I will definitely be able to go. I just tried to see where your consciousness entered, but this place is not out of the sea of ​​your consciousness. Of course I can come."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, and the two flew forward in silence. Soon they saw that very far away, the demonic energy was so strong that it almost formed a whirlpool, and there was a huge creature looming in the whirlpool.

No thunder.

There was no rain or snow either.

The clouds and mist turned into strong winds in his ears. A few minutes later, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a body in his own demonic form appeared in the vast sea of ​​mist.

The pale body, eyes closed, wings folded. It is hundreds of meters in size, like the only star in the lonely universe. He was like a baby before his demonic body. The appearance is exactly the same as usual. But... when he saw it, he discovered that although the appearance appeared in his eyes, he could see something deeper!

It is an endless ocean. Every drop of sea water is a talisman, densely packed but very regular.

These talismans are like woven chains, chains of genes, becoming a chain of genetic talismans coiled like double snakes, revealing a strange orderliness in the chaos. Endless talismans together formed this devil's star.

"This is your Yuan Shen." Yuchang said: "The evolution of Yuan Ying into Yuan Shen is the biggest change of Zun Sheng. The power of Yuan Shen can support a more majestic spiritual consciousness and consolidate a more powerful physical body. It cannot Exposed to intuitive practice, it has been subtly strengthening your physical body.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. This was the first time that he was so close to the soul. As recorded by the Infinite Truth, after running the technique, he could see his own soul, using the soul as the base point to feed back to the physical body. Even standing here, you can feel an inseparable sense of familiarity.

He didn't take action immediately. Instead, he watched this huge soul ponder, with his brows sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing, as if he was weighing the pros and cons and making a decision.

"I have a multiple-choice question." After a few minutes, he rubbed his blue chin and said: "The essence of infinite truth is to trace the source, starting from the most basic talisman. But I only have one month at most. I can’t strengthen too many talismans in January, so...where should I start?”

Where to start cultivating the infinite truth?

Yuchang also began to ponder. This question seems simple, but in fact it is not simple at all.

The internal organs begin to strengthen, and the spiritual energy can be swallowed up faster. As the muscles and skin begin to strengthen, the spiritual energy filtered and inhaled will become purer. The head begins to strengthen, and the mind will become more agile... This is not brought about by the truth of infinity, but by the self-change caused by the improvement of life level.

There are benefits to any place. If you take your time from head to toe, inside and out, even hundreds of years will not be long. but now?


Ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi slowly said: "In such a short time, we must put good steel - that is, limited energy and time, on the blade."

"What is a blade? I think..." He paused and looked at a place: "The place you are most used to is the best choice."

The two people's eyes moved at the same time and fell on their right hands.

Yuchang did not refute, and said in a deep voice: "Have you decided?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, took a deep breath, and the hesitation in his eyes disappeared. This is his character. Since he has chosen, he will not regret it.

"Please protect me, senior." He looked up at the endless talismans above and said meaningfully.

Yuchang's eyes flashed, and he nodded deeply. His body turned into an endless sword rain while floating, protecting Xu Yangyi on both sides. The sword energy was fierce, without any perfunctory thoughts. Anyone who trespassed must first experience the baptism of the sword rain.

The two people's eyes met, and they nodded silently at the same time, with a tacit understanding.


This old monster is still hiding in a corner of his body. Yuchang is still doing this unnecessary protection in his body just to prevent the other party from suddenly attacking.

Plan carefully before you act. A cultivator of his realm would not waste energy just because of enthusiasm. He has learned to think twice before anything, to think of danger, to think of retreat, and to think of change.

Especially... when time is so tight, no mistakes are allowed.

After doing everything, he turned into a stream of light and rushed into the right hand of the demon body.

In an instant, he seemed to be a drop of water entering the sea, and endless talismans were all around him, so friendly, like water meeting the Dragon King.

The ocean of talismans was so friendly to him, and this feeling was very novel. Scanning inch by inch, he entered the thumb of his right hand, but it was just a thumb, and the amount of talismans was beyond imagination.

"Hmm?" After just two seconds of looking, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his hand couldn't help but stretch out. At the same time, a talisman flashed with black light and responded from where it originally belonged.

"This is..." The talisman rotated in his palm. There were many unclear parts in this technique. He was a little confused about how to do it. However, when he saw this talisman, he suddenly understood.

This talisman is broken.

It looks the same, but it is full of cracks. A gray substance spreads around it, spreading in all directions like plant roots. What's even more weird is that a majestic vitality sprouted under it, but it was suppressed by this broken talisman.

His consciousness immersed in the talisman, and suddenly, a distant memory came from deep inside.

"Back then... Zhu Hongxue took action and suffered multiple injuries on his body... Was this the hidden danger back then?"

He suddenly raised his eyes and looked along the double snake gene chain condensed by the talisman. Countless double snakes condensed into black tree trunks, going up all the way to form the whole hand.

His spiritual sense flew past quickly, faster and faster, and he kept a photographic memory and made desperate records. He didn't know how long it had been. He took a deep breath with a flickering look in his eyes: "Only one palm... there are 8.2 million broken talismans?"

"Is this still the case when my realm is constantly improving and the Heavenly Dao is constantly making up for the gaps?"

The seemingly perfect body, under the scanning of the infinite truth, no flaws can escape his eyes. This is from the origin, there is no mistake. He didn't expect that there are more than 8 million invisible flaws in his body, just one palm!

It's like a dam, which is integrated, but there are countless small holes on it. When these small holes become more and more...

A thousand-mile dam is destroyed by ant holes!

So... what effect will it have if all these talismans are repaired in advance?

Without any hesitation, almost as soon as this idea came into his mind, he immediately spread his spiritual sense, wrapped the talisman, and quickly pulled it out of its original position.

A strange scene appeared.

As soon as the talisman was taken away, it immediately turned into a black mist that spread across the sky and drifted away with the wind. But at its original location, a green light suddenly burst out, and a young seedling composed entirely of the green wood spirit that symbolizes life slowly emerged.

"This..." Xu Yangyi was also a little stunned. Is this the process of the birth of the origin of life? The previous damaged talismans blocked the growth of new talismans, which is exactly the same as the metabolism of the human body, but it was shown in this way, which was somewhat unexpected.

"Talisman rebirth? Make up for the origin of life? Is it equivalent to artificially accelerating the metabolism of the body?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at the entire palm. If he could take away these talismans that suppressed the blooming of new life at one time, would he be able to "repair" the damaged talisman gene chain immediately?

After completely repairing this hand, at least the origin of life here, the gene talisman has reached a perfect balance. At that time...what will happen?

Practice makes perfect. With a photographic memory, he remembered the locations of all the broken talismans clearly. His spiritual consciousness immediately spread out like tentacles, but when he touched other talismans, his brows furrowed deeply.

Unable to devour.

When this talisman floated up, the other talismans seemed to have taken root and could not move at all!

"Exclusive?" He looked deeply at the seedling in front of him, and shook his head after pondering for a few seconds: "Only one talisman can be repaired at a time? This is too slow... Never mind, let me see what the result will be after repairing this talisman."

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