
Chapter 1263: The Origin of Life (II)

The seedlings with jade luster grew very slowly. He calmed down and pondered for a few seconds. He released his spiritual consciousness and demonic energy at the same time. The demonic energy was not absorbed, but the moment the seedlings touched the spiritual consciousness, they suddenly grew rapidly as if they were injected with hormones.

This black world fell into silence again. Time seemed to not exist here. After an unknown period of time, his eyes opened again. Right in front of him, a thumb-sized flower had bloomed on the top of the seedling, budding and ready to bloom, with black light looming inside.

"Is this the birth of genes?" Xu Yangyi sighed with emotion and flicked a finger. Suddenly, the flower shook gently, and nine layers of petals swayed and bloomed. In the center of the stamen, a talisman exactly the same as before floated down and filled the previous position with a sound of waves.


"So this is how to repair talismans..." He thought for a moment. Infinite Truth did not explain these things clearly, and most of them were passed over with the four words "see and know". In fact, this is also the case. The difficulty of the Infinite Truth is not how to repair the genetic origin, which is the most basic part.

Its real difficulty... lies in how to integrate the life origin of other races, how to calculate the degree of fit of the genetic talisman, and thus achieve another kind of immortality.

After feeling it for a while, there was nothing special. With a pull of his consciousness, his consciousness had appeared outside the Yuanshen.

The sea of ​​swords remained the same, and the sword energy was overwhelming. Yuchang sat cross-legged on the Ten Thousand Swords Lotus Platform and opened his eyes at the first time.

"How long have I been meditating?" Xu Yangyi asked after opening his eyes.

"Two whole days." Yuchang replied.

It took two days to repair a talisman? Xu Yangyi rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools. If you follow this speed, before the start of the second round, at most a dozen can be repaired, but there are millions of broken talismans in one hand!

The most important thing is that he can't feel any changes after repairing the talisman. Of course, it is good for sure, but what is good about it?

There was no obvious feeling, which was enough to make people uneasy in such a stormy situation.

"I was impatient." After a few seconds of silence, he raised his head and smiled: "The human body does not know whether the gene talismans are calculated in trillions or kilometres. A mere talisman is just a drop in the ocean. According to the degree of damage to the palm, I have to nurture at least hundreds of millions of talismans to repair it. At least the whole palm has no defects, then the effect can be seen."

"Since you have determined it, there is no need to retreat."

He closed his eyes again, but this time he still did not take action. Before sitting cross-legged in the Yuanshen, he considered new problems.

Is there any way to nurture more at a time?

It takes two days to repair one, which is too slow, even if he is not proficient in it, plus the previous thinking. It will take at least 24 hours to repair a talisman in the future. Then... repairing the palm is an uncountable schedule. Before the second war comes, he can't achieve a qualitative transformation at all.

Is there any way... to absorb more talismans at a time?

A few minutes later, his eyes suddenly flashed, and his body turned into a stream of light again and rushed into the right hand.

As soon as he entered, he pointed at his forehead without hesitation, and suddenly, a vast suction force surged!

Swallowing Talisman!

"Since I only need to move you away, my consciousness can't do it... let's see if other things can do it!"

Swish... The terrifying suction force formed a huge black hole, and all the talismans in all directions trembled together, as if the sky had a hole. Under Xu Yangyi's fiery gaze, they struggled for a few seconds, and actually broke away from their original positions and rushed towards Xu Yangyi like a tide.

Ten... one hundred... one thousand... ten thousand!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning, ten thousand... it really works! Who made the swallowing talisman? It can actually cross the gap of life!

These talismans are the origin of life, and the swallowing talisman is even superior to them! It has done what I can't do!

In his mind, countless information flashed because of this scene. After a few seconds, he murmured: "There is only one explanation..."

"It has come into contact with higher-level life forms, and my life cannot reach this step, so my life source has no obstacles to it..."

"It's terrible... Life... This is the biggest secret of all things. Even cultivation is to break through the shackles of life. If it is a rule, it must be one of the highest rules! And this thing can actually start from the foundation and genes... I don't know which monster made it... No wonder Su Xingyao desperately wants to get it..."

The sea of ​​talismans is getting more and more, and more talismans are shaking and rising from all directions as the talismans are swallowed. He suppressed the doubts in his heart and devoured all the talismans frantically. Like a garbage destruction machine, destroying all the garbage in the body that blocks evolution.

Fifty thousand... one hundred thousand... one hundred and fifty thousand!

Eighteen hundred thousand, two hundred thousand... Finally, when it reached two hundred and fifty thousand, he finally felt "full".

A feeling that was about to burst his consciousness rose from his mind. He suppressed the excitement in his heart, closed his eyes, and let himself wander in the sea of ​​talismans.

Swish, swish, swish... Green light slowly rose from the gaps in the talismans, and more than 200,000 emerald green seedlings made the surroundings green and lush. At this moment, he finally felt a slight change.

Very small, very subtle.

It seemed that...his control over his opponent and the circulation of his palm's spiritual energy became more handy...or in other words, the hand could respond immediately when the brain gave an order.

Very seemed that the hand had become an independent creature.

But now he had no time to experience it. The repair of the talisman was not completed, and he put all his energy into it.

Time passed day by day, and there were more and more players around, but this place had never been opened again.

Five days, ten days, and thirty days later, Xu Yangyi quietly opened his eyes.

Looking back, the talismans on the whole hand were beating gently like living things, without any flaws at all! The hand with eight million defects, after this repair, was integrated.

The Devouring Talisman was still running. This was the last set. After this set, the whole right palm was repaired and there was no flaw.

Two hundred and fifty thousand talismans flew into the air together. Just as he was about to rush into the Devouring Talisman, he suddenly looked up.

Even within the Yuanshen, one could feel that a vast pressure suddenly descended upon the entire Eternal City.

"Has it started..." He breathed a sigh of relief. After a month of non-stop high-intensity use of his consciousness, he felt that his consciousness had improved slightly, but... what he cared more about now was how his right hand would perform after it was fully repaired.

"Then come on..."

Boom! The talisman rushed into the Devouring Talisman. At the same time, Yuchang, who was outside the Yuanshen, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Pressure? Such a terrifying pressure." He looked around in confusion. Just now, a strange wave swept through here, but it was nowhere to be found after careful search.


He frowned slightly and was about to close his eyes, when suddenly the entire void was shaking.

Rumble... like an earthquake in the galaxy, the terrifying pressure was pervasive! It directly penetrated Xu Yangyi's body, bones, and muscles and rushed into his Yuanshen.

Brush... Golden light flashed, 3000000, this familiar number suddenly rushed out from the soul! Turned into a stream of light and rose into the air!

Swords rang out from all directions, and Yuchang's face became extremely solemn: "It's started..."

"The second battle of the abyss has begun to be screened..." He looked at the soul: "What about you? How long will it take to come out?"

But at this moment, its expression suddenly froze.

No... No!

The strange fluctuation is still there!

It thought it was the devil's oven at first, but it wasn't! The oven had left, but the fluctuation still existed!

At the same time, Xu Yangyi in the soul had swallowed up all the abandoned talismans in his hands, and boundless green spread out from the gap.

"This is..." In the real world, Yuchang took a breath of cold air. He stood up suddenly and looked at Xu Yangyi's demon body in disbelief.

To be precise, it was the right hand of the demon body.

Kara... Kara... A series of cracking sounds came from the right hand. The right hand of the demon body was like porcelain being broken, with countless cracks, and in the cracks, a strong life force that it had never felt before burst out!

It was human, but also like a demon... The right hand of the demon body had reached the most perfect state at this stage and was evolving towards the next stage!

The third stage of the demon transformation!

"He has repaired all the talismans on the right hand?" Yu Chang stepped forward and looked at this incredible scene with a burning gaze: "That is to say, this hand has reached zero defects in the current demon form, and then... began to evolve itself?"

The sound became louder and louder, and the skin on the surface fell off layer by layer. After more than ten minutes, a blood-red hand replaced the original palm.

The color was completely different... Occasionally, small black bone spurs extended from it, red and black interlaced, looking extremely hideous. At the same time, golden talismans were wrapped around it, and in this evil hideousness, it actually revealed a sacred taste.

"What on earth is this..."

Xu Yangyi could not hear Yu Chang's exclamation, because his consciousness did not withdraw his soul. But he also felt that his right hand was undergoing some kind of change. However, he did not pay attention to this at the moment. Because... he found a strange clue.

Just now, all the talismans were nurtured, and the right hand reached the most perfect form of the Saint Life Level. He was going to take advantage of the remaining time to find out how many defects this arm still had. The divine consciousness went all the way up, and just when it reached the elbow, it had found more than 20 million broken talismans.

"Dang..." The talisman world on all sides trembled constantly. This was the urging of the devil's furnace. The second election was about to begin. The sound of bells and chimes resounded through his body, and he turned into a stream of light, making a quick estimate.

Forearm, 26.82 million, upper arm, 32 million, he found that the closer to the torso, the more damaged places. However, when he reached the shoulder blade, he stopped suddenly.

The body was like a hunter who encountered a tiger, and it instantly dropped, letting himself sink into the sea of ​​talismans, looking up with an extremely solemn look.

Right there... a silvery-white scar, like a cancer cell in the human body, only a trace, but extremely eye-catching.

Not only that, it even exudes a breath that makes him shudder. He carefully felt it for a few seconds, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "It's it..."


"It... is devouring my genes, I understand... The Heart of Entropy is a huge cancer cell, it implanted it into my body, this battle of devouring has been going on since the beginning, and it is not the final showdown!"

"The scary thing is that my body has no response at all! If it weren't for the Infinite Truth, I probably wouldn't have noticed it now! It should have spread from the heart like a virus. I'm afraid that's why the closer I get to the broken talismans, the more I see. My chest area... I'm afraid it's already riddled with holes!"

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