
Chapter 1264: Demon King's Traces

Golden shock waves came from all directions, and the void vibrated layer by layer, but Xu Yangyi seemed to be unaware of it. He just stared at the silver-gray trace.

I don’t know how long it took, but the other party didn’t show any signs of action. He finally carefully used his spiritual sense to mobilize several talismans and approached silently.

Ten meters, no response, five meters, still no response.

He didn’t feel relaxed at all, but was extremely solemn. His spiritual power had been reduced to the lowest line. His heart was like a taut bowstring, and he couldn’t even hear his heartbeat.

It’s not that there was no response.

But he was examining. The other party was much more cautious than he thought! Just like a predatory spider, either don’t move, or move and kill!

The sound of the bells and chimes seemed to fade away, and the vibration seemed to be imperceptible. He pinched a handful of invisible cold sweat, took a deep breath, and quietly sent the talisman into the one-meter range.

At this moment!

Swish! The silver-gray scar that was silent just now suddenly leaped up, and hundreds of tentacles suddenly rushed up from below. Even Xu Yangyi didn't react. The talismans had disappeared silently in the silver-gray.

He still didn't move, and stayed quietly in the sea of ​​talismans. After half an hour, his nerves felt tense, and then he heard a faint "sand" sound from above.


After swallowing several talismans, this scar slowly pushed outward at a speed that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye, and then there was no sound, like a lurking death.

His eyes flashed with cold light, as expected... Kendramo never considered peaceful coexistence. With its strength, it only considered what it saw and conquered.

If there is really a plan for peace, what is this?

If the bridge is really the bridge and the road is really the road, what can't be brought out? Need to hide so deeply?

After another half an hour, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and left here silently.

Outside the soul, Yuchang saw his spirit and immediately said, "The second audition is about to begin. You..."

"I found Kendramo." Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. Yuchang was stunned and looked at the soul with great vigilance. The sword rain from all directions gathered silently, separating the soul and them. Then he whispered, "In the soul?"

Xu Yangyi looked behind solemnly and nodded, "It is spreading. It can only be seen by tracing the most fundamental genes with the truth of infinity. It is very slow, but it does not stop. I have not found a way to stop it."

Yuchang pondered for a few seconds and suddenly said, "No, maybe... there is a way!"

There is a way?

Xu Yangyi looked at Yuchang in surprise. He had no idea, but it actually had a way to deal with Kendramo's silent invasion?

"Do you remember the Eye of Truth?" Yu Chang sorted out his thoughts and said with a burning gaze: "Do you remember the titles that Fellow Daoist Mao introduced them to?"

"The person who knows the most about demons in the universe! Even if they don't know how to crack it, they definitely know what it is!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up.

Yu Chang continued in a deep voice: "In addition, the Heart of Entropy is so hidden, but it is not without weaknesses! It can't know what's happening outside! The amount of information is not equal, we have a chance to arrange everything and wait for it!"

Eye of Truth?

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath to hide the sudden burst of brilliance in his eyes: "You mean..."

"The second game will start soon, this is the best opportunity for them to notice you!" Yuchang has lived for so long, and he speaks more and more smoothly: "Just bursting out... is not enough!"

"No matter who it is in this game, you must win it as quickly as possible! In the best case, we meet a popular player. No matter what tactics you use, you must win with overwhelming momentum!"

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "No backup?"

"No!" Yuchang was very sure: "I know what you are worried about. After this game, the position of the player is no longer a lottery, but can be reserved. Once you burst out too much, you will immediately attract countless eyes. Your next opponent, the next opponent, will definitely get rid of you as soon as possible. This is a dilemma."

Skettios is never peaceful. When this game is over and everyone has settled down, it will show its sharp fangs.

Cities can also eat people...

"But if you don't explode now, Kendramo, there is no way to solve the problem of raising 1 billion yuan. Choose the lesser of two evils. From this perspective, this is also killing two birds with one stone!"


No one spoke. Xu Yangyi put his hands behind his back, unusually anxious. He walked a few steps in silence and nodded deeply.

It can be expected that once he explodes with all his strength, after this game is over, his next contestant, or the contestant who is expected to fight him, will be on pins and needles.

What to do with an uncontrollable battle?

The best way is to solve it before they meet. He will face countless assassinations!

However, opportunities and dangers are always equal. Under the deep waters of Skettios, there is also an opportunity to quickly raise 1 billion yuan and attract the attention of the Demon Master of the Eye of Truth!

Which is more important?

He has already made a decision in his heart.

"I really didn't expect this..." He turned his head and took a deep look at his soul: "I didn't expect that I would have to fight with all my strength so soon..."

"Then... come on. This is a good opportunity to let the demons who doubt me see that only the strong stand here!"

"No matter what race he is."

"When facing a strong person, you must learn to respect him."

Swish... As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the world of the soul. He appeared in the real world.

Boom... As soon as he appeared, the call in his blood became stronger and stronger, and the entire underground palace was shaking. He immediately turned into a human form, and the blue-black aura turned into a cloak covering his figure, and a stream of light rushed out of the palace.

There was already a sea of ​​people outside. After a month of retreat, the number of contestants who came had reached a terrifying number. On the roof and outside the palace, there were almost all demons, and each demon exuded a terrifying aura.

No one spoke, and all the contestants looked at the sky quietly like stone sculptures. There, the tree-shaped diagram symbolizing the peak had burst into thousands of rays of light, and the avatars of all the contestants changed more and more slowly.

Ding... At a certain moment, the void seemed to ring with a sword, and all the contestant images suddenly paused. Every contestant, whether squatting on the roof or leaning against the building behind him, stood up straight, with a sharp gaze. At this moment, the world seemed to have stopped breathing.

Xu Yangyi's consciousness was completely released, and he immediately felt countless consciousnesses in the void. He swept out a passage savagely and quickly checked the names.

One row after another, after hundreds of rows, he finally saw his own name.

"Yi. Ferrus, against the twin demons, Pis and Muse."

It seemed to be one of the demons who had mocked him before the evil god... But he didn't pay attention, but searched faster.

Evil god!

The ranking has been determined. Following the tree diagram, he will immediately know how many times he will meet the other party!

The tree diagram is divided into a thousand smaller expansion tree diagrams. He is in the 930th tree diagram, in the same group of a thousand demons, which is a good position. If the other party is in front, he will probably meet the other party at the end.

No... No, still no!

He has been looking at the 600th group of tree diagrams, but there is no name of the other party. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his consciousness swept slowly.

A thousand-player match would take at least one or two months, and he would have to go through more than a dozen battles. He would have a chance to collect enough magic crystals!

As long as he could get the red line back and devour Yuhe before the evil spirit, he would still dare to fight the evil spirit!

He continued to look up until he saw the 501st group. His eyes flickered and he settled down.

Kalan. The Sinner.

Against: Executioner Gulkos. (Absent)

The opponent had already given up... Did the evil spirit advance directly... He licked his lips. The Dan Ling who had a photographic memory had already played a role. Except for the group of the evil spirit, no one gave up.

Those standing here were the top powerhouses who were the backbone of the demons. Who was afraid of whom?

"What a pity..." He sighed: "If we went two more tree diagrams, I... would not be in the same group with it and would meet at the end. But now, we will meet in the semi-finals between deceptions."

He continued to look down. He had seen everything he should see. As for his opponent? Whether it is a dragon or a tiger, you will know it by taking it out for a walk. The war is coming. It is meaningless to consider these things, which will disturb your original intention.

The most important thing is that he has absolute confidence in himself as a strong man.

As long as he does not encounter the evil god, even in his current state, he can fight any opponent!

He does not believe that such monsters are everywhere!

Going forward, there is nothing that arouses his interest, but when he reaches the first one, his eyes become serious again.

More serious than when he saw the evil god.

The first row, the first one, has no face.

He remembered what the gatekeeper said, "There is a demon who is faster than you, but the other party escaped the rules of Skettios and did not come here."

"Is it you?" He looked deeply for a few seconds, and just as he turned his head, a divine consciousness full of murderous intent rushed to his face, and was gently blocked by him and shattered.

"Yi. Ferres?" Two voices sounded at the same time, which was a very strange feeling. It was obvious that they heard two people, but not a word or a tone was different.

"Want to die?" He raised his head, and his eyes under the cloak were also boiling with murderous intent: "Tell me your name, demon."

Opposite him, there was a strange demon, about four meters tall, with a red body, snow-white hair, and two demon horns winding out of his hair. One body, two feet. Ferocious face. But at the shoulder position, it is divided into two heads, front and back, and four arms.

"Maybe you don't want to hear..." The demon looked like seeing plump meat, with a blatant look, and stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick his lips: "Twisted City, the seed player of the Ancient Demon Family, the twin demon deformed, Pis and Muse."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand from under the cloak and rubbed it in the air: "Are you eager to die before going into battle?"

"To die?" The twin demons seemed to have heard the biggest joke, and their huge bodies laughed up to the sky, which was extremely harsh in the silent night.

Many demons looked over, and when they saw the arm outside Xu Yangyi's cloak that was completely different from that of a demon, many demons raised their eyebrows.

"Who is he?" A demon contestant tilted his head and asked the team members around him with a cold snort: "I never knew that a mere human could step onto the supreme stage of the demons."

"Just an insignificant maggot." The demon behind him said lightly: "But... he was really unlucky to meet the killing maniac of the twisted city. I'm afraid he can no longer return here intact and alive."

"Pease and Muse, seeded players of the Twisted City, odds of 50 wins and 20 losses, definitely a small favorite, a high-level player in the Eternal Diamond. Killed the second in the top three of Crazy on the spot, a total of one hour and fifteen minutes. One of the hundred players with the most hope of confronting the evil spirit in the right half."

"And this human..." It glanced at Xu Yangyi with contempt: "95 losses, 5 wins, no comparison."

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