
Chapter 1265: The Second Battle! (I)

Jie Jie... The twin demons' wild laughter resounded through the deathly silent Holy City. After a few seconds, it suddenly lowered its head: "Human... I haven't eaten human flesh and blood for a long time..."

"And for an arrogant human being like you who doesn't know where the sky is and who has no self-awareness, I think when I tear your flesh off piece by piece, your expression must be the most delicious seasoning."

"However, even if you are just an insignificant human being, you still have the right to survive. Therefore, I plan to make you a good proposal."

He lowered his body slightly, looked at Xu Yangyi, who was not taller than him, and sneered: "Abstain, how about this proposal?"

"Look, you can continue to live humblely and without any scruples. Oh...I know, I understand your sad thoughts. You don't know what clumsy means you used to get into the arms of the Ferrers family, and you look like A bed bug bites you like that, but don’t you just want to be famous here?”

"You've achieved it, human being. You've passed the first level. You've become famous. What else are you dissatisfied with? I don't have time to fight you without any suspense. You abstain and I advance. Everyone gets the best of both worlds, isn't it? ?"

"Shut up." The head behind him roared angrily. Its body turned 180 degrees without warning. The other head said indifferently: "It talks too much nonsense."

"Yeah..." Xu Yangyi looked at his hands with a smile: "It's indeed a lot."

Buzz buzz... The sky in all directions began to shake. All the players felt their souls shaken, and a call from the soul filled the air.

Swish, brush, brush! The next second, the endless stream of light rushed into the sky, turned into stars in the sky, and bloomed into numbers. All the numbers began to be sorted chaotically, looking for their opponents.

"It's about to begin..." The twin demons looked up and said in a somewhat urgent voice: "My words are much simpler than it."

"Abstain or die. Every minute here is precious, I don't have time to tangle with you!"

"Go away." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I hope you can still laugh when you get on the field."

The twin demons seemed to be stunned, and then sneered: "Very good..."

"Surely, it won't take too long to kill an ant. I will use my precious half hour to bring you an indelible and last memory in your life."

brush! As soon as the words fell, the two people's figures turned into a stream of light and disappeared together.

"Idiot." The devil not far away sneered and took in the whole scene: "Challenging a little popular player is really unreasonable."

Another demon also said lightly: "I heard that humans have a very useless emotion called dignity. When I saw it today, it really made me vomit. But it doesn't matter. After this scene, this disgusting bedbug will never appear again. here."

Not many people cared about this scene.

The ending is doomed, isn't it?


His eyes were spinning slightly, and as soon as he landed, cheers from landslides and tsunamis came from all directions.

Even worse than last time, more violent, more exciting!

"In the twisted city, the twin demons will win!!" "Tear that pathetic bastard to pieces!!" "Kill! Kill him! Go to the top! Pace and Muse, I pressed five thousand magic crystals on you. ! "Give us the feast of flesh and blood! Let this alien know where he should stand!"

The noise was overwhelming.

Xu Yangyi looked at them. Just like last time, they were between virtuality and reality. He could see everything clearly, but the audience couldn't see him.

"I really hate people and ghosts..." Seeing the fanatical shouts from all directions and the entire tens of thousands of meters of sky city boiling, he shook his head and smiled.

"What's the point?" Yuchang knew that Xu Yangyi had chosen to explode with all his strength this time, and his opponent was definitely not weak, a popular player, at least the Diamond of Eternity level. Its body also trembled slightly because of the coming battle.

"Dear demon guests, whether you are civilians or nobles, the Abyss Arena welcomes you!!"

At this moment, a loud voice resounded throughout the sky, and a high-level servant demon walked out, it was Kira.

Its chest swelled several meters, expanding and contracting between every word, and its voice spread to the top of the clouds.

Wow! ! Following its sound, all the demons stood up excitedly, and countless magic crystal coupons fell down like snowflakes. An unknown number of middle and low-end demons raised their hands, their eyes were red, and they could not hear the roaring in their throats. of devilish language.

Sound and passion converged into a wave that swept everything at this moment, bombarding everyone's heart.

Both players and spectators.

As long as they gather in this sea, there is nowhere to escape.

Even Xu Yangyi felt his heart beating faster. Millions and tens of millions of people were watching, just to watch the players show their swords. He couldn't help but hold on to some fish intestines.

"Come..." Kira smiled and took a few steps back, waving his hand: "Let us welcome, the seed player of the ancient demon family from the northwest of Deception, the pinnacle of the Fortress of Distortion, the City of Distortion, the twin demon aberrations, the Saint Midterm! Pace and Muse!”

Brush... A huge light curtain fell, and the projection of the twin demons appeared. In an instant, the boiling ocean just now set off a wave that swallowed everything.

"Twin demons! Tear your opponents to pieces!!" "Fight for your honor!" "Blood and glory! You can't fail!!" "You are invincible! Invincible! Kill your opponents! Prove everything for us!"

More magic crystal tickets flew in the void, and the surrounding clouds dissipated.

Except for the demon king seat in the front, almost all demons screamed excitedly, but no one saw it. A slender demon, completely shrouded in a snow-white cloak, was sitting elegantly with his legs folded in an inconspicuous position.

"Pis and Muse... devoured their father, a deformed form at the peak of the Saint, and reached a terrifying level..."

"Practicing for 2,400 years, the late Saint, with a moving core in the body, this is a significant feature of the deformed demon. It belongs to the humanoid system of the Alien Department, the attack is not strong, but it is weird and unpredictable. The core can move at any time, and it will not die if it is not broken. The bloodline is the most common immortal body, which complements each other..."

If someone hears its words, the hair must stand on end. This person could classify a player so clearly, including weaknesses, strengths, and even past experiences. It was incredible!

The hand under the white cloak, with a platinum ring with a golden eye on it, was placed on his knee and tapped gently: "The possibility of becoming a dark horse is 20%. If there is no mutation of the magic body, it is impossible to enter the top 10,000. Forget it, today I am the supervisor of this arena. After all, it is the second round. Those players who were not good in the first round should also show some strength."

There was a burning look in his eyes: "Come on... Let's see who is the most worthy of our investment..."

"We... There are only the last forty people left who have not chosen a target..."

As the heat wave at the scene boiled, Qila took another step back and shouted with all his strength: "The next one is the only alien in our Abyss Arena! The original family, the substitute player of the Ferrers family, Mr. Yi Ferrers! Excuse me, Mr. Yi's odds are as high as ninety-five! The highest among all the players!"

However, the scene was silent.

As expected... Xu Yangyi even laughed and said to Yu Chang, "I almost suspected that I had learned the taunting skill. It was so embarrassing that the atmosphere suddenly became silent."

Yes, it was so embarrassing. The atmosphere was very lively the previous second, but it was so quiet the next second. In this silence, two rays of light fell from the sky, and the players from both sides appeared in different corners of the arena.

"Kill him!!" "Tear him apart!!" "Let him go back to the human world!"

Suddenly, the scene that was silent just now became lively again.

Xu Yangyi slowly pulled out the fish intestines, sand... This sound was extremely clear in the midst of the noisy crowd, and with the autumn water lingering around, Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Last time, it was one hundred to one."

"This time, it's ninety-five to five."

"Sure enough... Demons are creatures with no moral integrity." He casually made a sword flower, raised the sword tip to the twin demons on the other side, and smiled: "If I continue to win, will the odds become 100 wins and 1 losses in the end?"

In the group of demons, the white-robed creature cast a subtle glance, but shook his head silently.

If the twin demons have a 20% chance of becoming a dark horse, this human... doesn't even have 5%.

In the early stage of the Venerable Saint, he was able to pass the first game, which was really a great luck.

"A battle without suspense." He murmured.

"Do you regret it?" Pis and Muse walked over step by step, licking their tongues hoarsely, with an unnatural red in their eyes: "But, it's too late."

"I will pull out your tendons and bones here, wasting my time, and I will give you the most unforgettable death."

"Roar!!!" As the last word fell, its front and back faces suddenly opened up, a full two meters in size, and circles of visible sound waves spread, and the surrounding ground shattered. At this moment, Xu Yangyi moved almost at the same time!

"Yuchang!" He shouted in his consciousness: "Let me see your true strength after swallowing the two swords!"

"Okay!" Yuchang's beard and hair were all raised, and a hint of murderous intent also appeared on his cold face.

Swish! A stream of light lingered around him, and Yuchang appeared, his hands quickly forming seals. Just as Xu Yangyi rushed out, an illusory figure suddenly appeared behind him, without any control, and broke through the air with a sword!

The white-robed creature suddenly opened his eyes.

The demon kings in the first row also said "Hmm?" almost at the same time.

It was an extreme sword light.

There was no extra movement. It was just a sword, only a sword. It came from the sky and was born from the sea. It was so fast that it was unbelievable. Even the retina of all the demons only had the light of autumn water.

"Gan Jiang and Mo Ye have magical powers... one body and one mind." Yu Chang's voice sounded from the void: "From now on, I don't need to drive it at all. I have my swordsmanship."

"The sword of the ancient Chinese assassin."

The sword light was like a white horse passing by, rushing to the ground like thunder. A cry of surprise came from the other side of the void, and then a flame burst into the void, and the bodies of both sides crossed. The figure that was too fast to see clearly stood still. Pise and Muse covered their shoulders in astonishment, and the flames inside erupted. They looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "You..."

"The magical power of the four swords combined into one, locked." Xu Yangyi's body was still missing. Yu Chang's phantom stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly: "Once you find it, there is no escape."

Puff! ! A huge crack appeared on the shoulders of Pise and Muse, and the flames gushed wildly!

Swish! The white-robed creature had suddenly stood up.

In the sky above where countless demons opened their mouths, but everything was silent, he stared at Xu Yangyi.

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