
Chapter 1266: The Second Battle! (Part 2)

"What a similar scene..." Xu Yangyi's voice slowly came from the void: "It was so quiet last time."

As these words fell, the twin demons let out a tragic cry, and their blood turned into flames to form a fountain, which shot up dozens of meters high. In this red fireworks, the whole body was neatly staggered, and the huge body was suddenly divided. Into thousands of identical pieces, the goddess scattered the flowers.

The torn head still had an unbelievable look of shock. In contrast, there was deathly silence in all directions. At this moment, all the viewers had only one thought: Is this true? The popular contestant Twin Demons didn't even manage to hold on to a single move? To be directly cut into pieces by a human in the early stage of Sainthood?

No one dared to speak. Ten pairs of eyes, hundreds of pairs, millions of pairs of eyes were all staring blankly at the twin demons rolling down in pieces in the field. There was nothing but deathly silence.

"Heh..." The white creature sat down with stern eyes: "Destroyed the first form of the twin demons with one sword... How long have you not seen such a player?"

He crossed his hands as if muttering to himself: "The so-called aberrations are mutations in genes during the evolution process. They are different from ordinary demons. They have multiple forms in their bodies. These forms coexist in one body and form a common heart, the so-called core. ...This is my research area..."

"It's interesting... it's really interesting... before the twin demons were deformed, players with 50% defense could not be defeated, but they were actually able to be cut through by you with one sword and directly enter the aberrant body... If it takes two people to defeat the aberrant body, This stage, you have ignored the first stage. I really didn’t expect... to see such a strong person here..."

Xu Yangyi had already activated the Devouring Talisman, hiding in the void, and killed Pis and Muse with one sword. This was something he didn't expect, but what was even more strange was that Qira didn't announce the end? He just opened his mouth wide and shook his head in shock as he looked towards the arena.

In other words... not dead yet?

At this moment, a magnificent demonic energy burst out, and the twin demon fragments rolling down in all directions shook together. The raging hellfire suddenly jumped on their surfaces, spinning like meteors, turning crazily.

Xu Yangyi didn't need to speak, the fish intestine shadow flickered slightly, and sword shadows poured down from the sky. The Milky Way fell for nine days, and everything around it was reflected in this magnificent sword curtain, hitting every fragment accurately. In an instant, a heartbreaking scream came from the fragments that seemed to come alive. All sounded!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!" A hoarse mouth grew out of each fragment, screaming and roaring. The scene was extremely strange. Xu Yangyi felt it. The moment the fish intestines touched each other, it was as if he had touched a "rule," but he couldn't penetrate it.

Boom boom boom... All the fragments rotated into a whirlpool of flaming meteors, getting faster and faster and more and more crazy. As they suddenly moved toward the center, an earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the square.

"Damn...damn! Damn!!" The heads of the twin demons appeared in the flames, their faces distorted, their staggered sharp teeth resonated like swords, their eyes were blood red, and they screamed with endless pain and anger: "This... How can this be?!"

"Even the top three can't break my virginity with one blow! You humble human... you... you... you ugly alien! You are just a substitute!"

"I will cut you into pieces!"

Fury surged into his heart. His distorted form was originally a trump card he would use when encountering equally powerful players in the future. He never dreamed that he would use it so quickly. He didn't even expect that the opponent's sword would render his original form completely incapable of resistance!

It actually felt the brilliant power of heaven under that sword.

Is this really the human being who made the opponent give up in the Eternal City?

Is he really not a creature in demon skin?

In the midst of the lightning and flint, a string of rapid ancient magic words came out of its mouth. It suddenly raised its hands, its upper body expanded rapidly, and countless talismans flashed on it.

Rules gone?

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. At this moment, the rules that protected the twin demons disappeared immediately. At the same time, the opponent's demonic energy expanded to a messy state. Logically speaking, such chaotic devilish energy would be exploded and annihilated. However, he A neat harmony can be read from this demonic energy.

The genes in the opponent's body were transforming at a speed he could not imagine, as if they were about to transform into another creature. Without hesitation, when the time to swallow the talisman was up, his figure turned into a stream of light and rushed down!

At the same time, the fish intestine spirit body was swimming in the void, one person and one sword cooperated tacitly, and at a tricky angle that the twin demons could not reach, an endless tide of swords instantly broke out, piercing all the weak spots on the opponent's back.

There was thunder on the ground, calm and calm one second, and sword energy flying across the sky the next.


Extremely fast, the only martial arts in the world that cannot be broken is fast.

There are no extra bells and whistles, no magical powers, just thousands of swords coming from behind, and a powerful force for hundreds of miles above the head. The twin demons were stunned for a moment. The first thing they felt was a thunderous figure above their heads, shaking the sky with thunderous force.

Absolute power!

Powerful as a mountain!

This force even made the surface of its muscles undulate like waves. It could not even imagine how a human could deliver such an extreme punch! It was visible to the naked eye that the sky was sinking, and even the void could not withstand this punch and was turned into ashes.

If it's just this punch, it can defend itself while reciting a magic spell until its deformation is completed. After all, it has two heads and four hands. However……

The waves crashed against the shore behind it, and the sword light shone through the nine netherworlds. It tried to move its muscles several times, but it could not avoid the strange lock!

It was like countless eyes in the void staring at its back, and there was no way to avoid it!

It had tried the power of this strange sword, and it would definitely be injured before the deformation was completed. These injuries might not be big, but...

It didn't have any time to recover!

Death knell!

In just a few tenths of a second, it realized the great crisis. Its body was constantly suffering unavoidable damage. Sooner or later, it would reach the peak of the waveform, and the immortal demon body could not repair it. In addition, the opponent's frontal army was pressing in, and the front and back were in perfect coordination. It... I'm afraid it only has tens of minutes to live!

However, there was no time to think about it. The pressure brought by the opponent was too terrible. With a roar, he could only follow the body's reaction completely, and the two bodies were one in front and one behind, fighting the enemy with all their strength!

"The rhythm of the battle has been mastered..." The white-robed creature licked his lips excitedly: "This human... and his weapon spirit have completely mastered the rhythm of the battle at this moment. The speed is too fast... Once the twin demons insist on deforming, it will be difficult to turn the tables even after the deformation. It can only use all its strength to create a flaw..."

"Good... Very good! Perfect combat awareness... I can see the leopard from the tube. Let me see if you can grasp this rhythm until the twin demons fall."

At this point, as wise as he is, he has already understood that there should be no suspense in the outcome of this battle. If there is, it is a matter of how much it costs and time.

A loud bang, two fists exchanged, fist to fist, eye to eye. Boom! ! A fist of silver ripples appeared in the air, instantly crossing tens of thousands of meters, blowing the flames on the surrounding demons swaying. In their horrified eyes, Pise and Muse were half of their bodies sticking out of the flame vortex. At this moment, the vortexes on all sides exploded, setting off a raging flame, and their figures suddenly dropped several meters. Even the surrounding ground was covered with dense spider web patterns of tens of thousands of meters.

It was like a hammer hitting a nail and driving it into the ground.

Frontal... not just over?

Countless demons opened their mouths at this moment, their faces full of shock. At the same time, Xu Yangyi's second punch fell, the official physical cultivation kingly way of fighting, every punch hit the flesh, every knife saw blood. It was getting faster and faster, more and more fierce, like a river bursting its banks, pouring down from mid-air.

"Damn... Damn!" Pis and Muse looked up frantically at the fist shadows in the sky, and countless fist shadows were swung out, like meteors rushing back, and the earth was surging.

Damn bastards!

They couldn't even deform themselves!

Damn humans... actually... actually suppressed the situation in full view of everyone!

Just as it swung its fist, Xu Yangyi's pupils instantly turned into black holes, and the Infinite Truth was activated. Suddenly, the world became clear. The twin demons below were no longer a single appearance, but a collection of countless talismans. Just as the opponent's demonic energy penetrated his arm and he had not yet fully exerted his strength, his fist force completely exploded!

Rumble... The collision between heaven and earth, countless ripples in the void exploded. Rolling into thunder all over the sky. With a muffled groan from the twin demons, their bodies sank half a meter again. There was no time to react at all, and another punch was thrown.

It didn't feel strange, but... there was a hint of awkwardness that was hard to describe.

It was hard to tell where it was, as if... I hadn't even exerted my strength in a punch, and it was directly intercepted by the opponent.

"This is..." The white-robed creature took a breath of cold air: "Intercept? Intercept the opponent's power when the local demonic energy has not reached its peak?"

"What kind of terrible fighting instinct is this? What kind of keen observation is required to do this?"

"Why didn't anyone report such a dark horse?! Are the others blinded? But... well, if you hadn't been stupid, how could I have picked up such a rough jade... Hehehe... Very good... It really makes me want to sing loudly with joy!"

In just one second, the two sides passed the trial period directly and entered a white-hot stage. The red and black fists divided the world into two extremes. With the boiling roars of both sides, this arena seemed like a magnitude 10 earthquake. Countless rubble flew into the air and was shattered by the majestic spiritual power and demonic energy.

Boom! When the two fists met, Xu Yangyi's arms trembled constantly, and his bones were crackling. The opponent's demonic energy had been twisted to a perverted level. This was the result of the opponent's power not fully erupting under the interception of Jeet Kune Do, but he knew that the opponent would only be more painful than him!

It is not obvious now, the power is held back and stagnated in the body. I am afraid that in less than 20 minutes, the opponent will vomit blood with every punch!

On the other hand, the more he fights, the more he feels comfortable and his thinking becomes clearer. Since he became a saint, he has hardly encountered an opponent. Many of his ideas and guesses can only be deduced by himself, but now there is an opponent who can shake his bones head-on. As he fights, his guesses gradually become reality. That feeling... is simply a great enlightenment, a sudden enlightenment.

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