
Chapter 1268: The Second Battle! (IV)

I don’t know how long it took, but a voice rang out.


That was applause. The white-robed creature was unconscious and was the first to applaud.

He didn’t see it clearly, or not completely. He only saw a little bit, at the moment when Xu Yangyi disappeared. If he was not mistaken, it was the specialty of the original insect nest, the colonized armor.

But how did the weapon spirit disappear? !

How did he do it!

Just now, so many Taixu Demon Kings swept the whole field with their consciousness, but they couldn’t see this invisible killer!

“Assassination-type field… The consciousness can’t capture it. Pis and Muse died well… died well!!” He lowered his head, and his mouth under the cloak was already laughing: “If you don’t die… How can I see such a shocking scene!”

“Pa pa pa pa…” Sparse applause sounded, and at some point, another demon king applauded, looking at Xu Yangyi with strong interest in his eyes.

A small hot player, from beginning to end, did not turn over, and did not show his trump card. Looking at the opponent’s current state, it is obvious that he has used great strength, and the injury is not too light. However... he won. So, the status is useless, because he is standing here!

The Demon King took the lead in applauding, and the other demons were stunned.

Are we applauding now? Or not?

Even idiots know that what happened just now was absolutely an amazing fight between dragons and tigers, but... applauding for a human?

I can't accept it at all!

"Sir..." A servant of the Demon King looked around and gritted his teeth and said, "You represent the top demon nobles... Madam Ten Thousand Beast Skeletons, applauding for a human... Look..."

"Excellent." Madam Ten Thousand Beast Skeletons didn't look at it at all, but looked at the field. As the Taixu Demon King, the ugly face under the cloak actually had a kind of... appreciation?

Damn appreciation!

"It's really wonderful." The waiter turned his head in astonishment. Not far away, another demon king also said sincerely: "I thought the Saint Competition was mediocre, but I didn't expect to see such a wonderful battle. I can't even think of any other words except amazing."

Far away, a demon king looked at Xu Yangyi with burning eyes: "Seize an opportunity, master the rhythm, and never give the opponent a chance to activate the trump card from beginning to end. In the end, it came naturally and killed with one blow. This can be called the art of fighting... It's a pity that this creature is not a demon. He was born to fight and live for practice."

The demon king's applause was a switch that turned on the hearts of all demons. They finally reacted from the emotion called shock and had an extremely complex mentality.

Many demons raised their hands, as if they were about to applaud, but this slap couldn't clap together.

Exactly the same as the last game, they had the same feeling.


Great shame!

The louder I shouted before, the more humiliated I am now!

A human being, in the main battlefield of the demons, killed the favorites they favored, poured a basin of cold water on their hot hearts that wanted to make a fortune, and turned them cold. However... at this moment, they actually had a kind of... worship in their hearts?

The natural worship of strength slowly fermented here. They saw the strong man, in the battle that lasted more than an hour, and in the last amazing 15 seconds of silent killing, they saw the figure of the strong man.

Then the question came, the devil took the lead in applauding, did they applaud or not?

No one cared about them, Qila had already wiped the cold sweat and walked from a distance, taking a deep look at Xu Yangyi. He puffed up his chest and suddenly shouted: "Yi. Ferres, against the twisted city, the twin demons Pis and Muse, Yi. Ferres wins!!"

It was still the same as the last game.

No cheering, no screaming, no courtesy of the winner. Fortunately, Qila had already watched the last game, and was not embarrassed, and was about to bend down. Suddenly, a voice came into my ears: "Such a wonderful battle, but no one cheered and no gift money, it's such a pity."

"Then let me give this warrior some gifts."

Before the voice fell, a magic crystal ticket fell from a certain position in the front row.

Lonely and abrupt, it was extremely dazzling in the entire arena. There was silence in all directions, only here the magic crystal tickets were flying.

If other arenas were flying snow, here were at most shredded paper scraps. Facing such a huge arena, you can't see it at all if you don't look carefully.


This was the first thought of all the demons.

Who cheered for a human, a foreign race who had just killed an Eternal Diamond Demon?

All eyes looked over at once. Tens of millions of eyes were as hot as fire, and instantly fell on a short black cloaked figure. After seeing the mark on the other's chest clearly, the whole audience suddenly gasped.

"The King of Eternal Sleep..." "'Sleeper' Rafanios... King of Tyranny..." "Dream Tyrant...'The Cancer of the Ten Hells'..."

The discussion was overwhelming, but only these few voices were the clearest.

The short demon stood up, not taking it as an offense, and laughed hoarsely: "It seems that this king is notorious... But it doesn't matter."

It said lazily: "The Abyss Arena has never said that aliens are not allowed to go on stage, but the standard is a little higher. Strong aliens are also qualified to go on stage, but they didn't before..."

It laughed hoarsely, leaned on the fence, looked at Xu Yangyi and said: "That's because they are not strong enough."

"Now, the real strong has appeared. Tell me, what is respected in hell?"

"Power." The waiter beside him immediately spoke respectfully. Rafanios snapped his fingers: "That's right, so, little guys, learn to kneel down to power, this is the rule of hell."

"Come here."

"Here!" Immediately, several demons appeared. Rafanios waved his hand: "Reward."

Swish... Suddenly, snowflakes of magic crystal coupons fell here. The denomination of the magic crystal coupons is not large, all one magic crystal, but this is the rule of the Abyss Arena, and the tribute to the recognized players has nothing to do with the denomination!

As it moved, finally, there was a sparse applause from the depths of the clouds, and then a little more, but most of the demons were still silent.

The inherent thoughts were at work, and they still couldn't accept this unique player!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, his meridians were aching, his heart was beating wildly in his chest, and he was covered in cold sweat. But his heart was burning.

His market is opening up little by little...

This is the recognition from the demons. After two battles, the top demon nobles who are completely unfamiliar with him have recognized him! There are even ordinary demons applauding him!

In addition, his odds have been lowered from 100 to 1 to 95 to 5. Where does this 5% come from?

In the first game, he conquered some demons with his absolute strength and let them put aside their prejudices. In this game, he believes that his odds will be lowered! If he keeps winning like this...

He will conquer the Abyss Arena as a human!

He will be respected by demons as an alien! Enjoy the glory he deserves here!

From this game on, there are more words in the announcement. It can be imagined that the more it goes on, the more grand the specifications will be. At the end, the contestants will appear and hit with one move, and the streets will be empty!

I can do it...

He closed his eyes, suppressed his burning expectations, and bowed to Rafanios.

"Well said." At this moment, the second voice sounded, and a figure in a white robe stood up and waved his hand: "Such a wonderful battle, how can there be no prize?"

"Take it, this belongs to you."

A stream of light flew to Xu Yangyi. He took it and saw that it was an exquisitely shaped ring. The ring face was a crystal gem of unknown origin. The whole body was azure blue without any flaws. It was just that in the center of the gem, an eye was condensed with a talisman.

The second noble made a move!

However, the other nobles were still reserved. Although they admired it, they did not move.

Most of the demons did not move either.

Xu Yangyi did not care. It was a matter of time. And Qila took a look and immediately said: "Next, let's see how many magic crystals Yi.Fellers won in one battle!"

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared in the air and changed rapidly.

Swish... The numbers on it jumped rapidly, and soon, it turned into a number that made Xu Yangyi's eyes light up.

Two million!

"A total of two million magic crystals have been bet!" Qila tried his best to stir up the atmosphere, shouting: "His odds are 95:5. Ninety-five times two million... a bounty of 190 million!!"

Wow... sparse applause, but many demons have changed their eyes.

Such a terrifying odds... Such a powerful strength...

Qira continued: "The Abyss Arena takes 50%, 95 million, and Yi. Ferres won a bounty of 95 million!"

"Not bad." Lafanios leaned comfortably on the throne, and his consciousness immediately whispered: "Go immediately and bet 5 million for me!"

"Okay, please..." The waiter glanced at Xu Yangyi cautiously: "Is it... him?"

"Of course... Oh, by the way, check his match table for me, I want you to come up with a betting plan for him immediately!"

Not only it, many demon nobles have conveyed this order. Yes, they don't like humans, but who would mess with magic crystals?

This is just the beginning. Once they are involved with the magic crystal, they will have no choice but to cheer for Xu Yangyi!

The light fell, and Xu Yangyi was already shrouded in the beam of light. He took a deep look at the scene for the last time. Finally, there was a commotion, instead of the dead silence of the first game.

The curtain that belongs to him has been slowly opened.

Swish... The light flashed, and there was a dizziness in front of him, which soon passed. He had returned to his training room.

"Hmph..." As soon as it fell, he couldn't help but cover his chest and groaned.

The blood was surging, and the feeling of exhaustion after the battle spread. After all, he was a small favorite player, and his strength was definitely not bad. His fists under his cloak had been broken in too many places, and blood was pouring out.

In the last fifteen seconds, it seemed easy, but in fact, he used almost everything he could mobilize. Except for the two talismans that did not move, even the implanted armor showed its edge. In fifteen seconds, he played 70% of his current burst, which made the opponent have no chance to transform.

He took out a pill and swallowed it. After adjusting his breath for a while, his complexion finally improved. He just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a white light flashed in the storage ring, and a silver-white light curtain was formed.

A figure in a white robe appeared in the light curtain and bowed slightly: "Hello."

"We finally have the opportunity to meet face to face."

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