
Chapter 1269: The Great Alpha

"According to my calculations, you should have finished adjusting your breath by now." A white-robed creature appeared in the light curtain, with a smile in his voice: "It may seem that you were lifting with ease just now, but in the face of the twin demons' death struggle, I I know you suffered internal injuries."

"Who are you?"

The white figure nodded slightly: "Prudence is a good character, but it is not needed now. Allow me to introduce myself solemnly."

"The fifth in the Eye of True Knowledge sequence, professional analyst, data scientist, devil master, great scholar, true seer, the first and only owner of the Liangqin Library in the Cassiopeia Galaxy - Alpha."

"Or...can be called the great and truly knowing Alpha."

The eye of true knowledge?

The eyes of Xu Yangyi and Yuchang flashed at the same time, here it comes... finally here! They really need the help of the Eye of True Knowledge now. They originally thought they would need a few more games, but they didn’t expect that the first game against a popular player would attract the attention of the top management of the Eye of True Knowledge!

"You look surprised?" Alpha shook his head: "No, we will not doubt our eyes. Your performance in that scene was perfect. I believe in my eyes. I think we have a lot to talk about, such as... …team?"

Perhaps he was worried that Xu Yangyi didn't know about the Eye of True Knowledge, so he continued without waiting for Xu Yangyi to speak: "The team is very important. This is the guarantee for every player to earn maximum benefits. And... the team of the Eye of True Knowledge is definitely the most Professional. Your future opponents, its weaknesses, its strengths, what to be careful about, when it can explode, the specific values, you can do it yourself, you can't be more precise than us."

"We can give you numbers accurate to the decimal point. It allows you to intuitively see the strength comparison between the two sides, the outbreak waveforms of both sides, and formulate plans. The most important thing is..."

"The most important thing is that I have been to the Eye of True Knowledge before." Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi spoke calmly.

Alpha's smile froze.


Has he been there?

Damn it! Which elf is guarding the gate? ! Why didn't you notify yourself? What idiot left with such a cash cow!

This is the first time he has discovered such a player. The Eye of True Knowledge will never easily contact any player. It only selects the target after long-term observation and careful screening. Since he does not know the opponent's name, it is obvious that the opponent I didn't get any courtesy when I went to the Eye of True Knowledge.

Courtesy that corresponds to the status of a strong person.

"I'm really sorry." After a few seconds, Alpha's voice became solemn. This time he bowed deeply and could not stand for a long time: "On behalf of the entire Eye of True Knowledge, I would like to express my most sincere apology to you. This is our dereliction of duty. Players like you We should have noticed it earlier."

that's it?

Xu Yangyi didn't even raise his eyebrows. If apologizing was helpful, why would he need the police?

Alpha straightened up and pulled off his cloak. Xu Yangyi and Yuchang both looked a little shocked, because... the other party turned out to be an elf!

A male elf, extremely handsome, with pointed ears, long silver hair, and emerald green eyes with a hint of age... This is not important. What is important is that aren't elves and demons mortal enemies? How would it appear here?

Alpha lowered his head slightly again, his silver hair hanging down like a waterfall: "I sincerely invite you to the Eye of True Knowledge. I will wait for you there and give you a perfect answer."

"Perfect?" Xu Yangyi asked meaningfully.

"Whoever does something stupid must be punished. Cause and effect is the law of the universe, and retribution is never pleasant." Alpha said in a cold voice: "I guarantee this in the name of Alpha who has lived for five thousand years."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Alpha raised his head and waved his hand gently. Suddenly, countless talismans condensed in the void. The light curtain spread in an instant and turned into a portal of about two meters, which reflected the scene of the Eye of True Knowledge.

"As your future team leader, please allow me to be the first to express my goodwill." Alpha smiled, but his voice was indescribably solemn: "The first rule of survival in the Eternal City: Never leave through the main entrance."

"Just outside your door, I have already felt a wave of fire restriction. As long as you open the door, it will be triggered. It is not too big, Yuanying Dzogchen is perfect, and it happens to be the devil's oven. It is enough to pay attention to. Once it is touched, it will be immediately obliterated. But I won’t pay too much attention to it.”

"The Shadow Song Brotherhood has already taken action." He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and said, "And I will do my best to ensure the safety of 'my players'."

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, so fast! How long has it been since you won? half an hour? Someone has already started taking action!

I have begun to be feared by some people. It is self-evident who did it. It must be the next few players who are about to face off against me. Human psychology is a very delicate thing, and it is absolutely safe in the practice room. However, as soon as you arrive at the door and leave your own kingdom, your vigilance will immediately increase.

This is a manifestation of biological territorial rights and self-defense awareness. The vicious thing about this restriction is that it is not set outside the practice room, but on the door. Before the prey has left its "own land" and has not yet established its vigilance, give the opponent a fatal blow!

As the second battle came to an end and the order of the contestants was finalized, the bloody curtain of the Eternal City also opened silently. Assassinations are everywhere and everyone is treading on thin ice.

"'Your player?'" He smiled and stepped through the door.

"That's right." Alpha flicked his fingers, and the light curtain slowly disappeared: "So, I very much hope that we can put aside our past differences and reach a consensus."

The light and shadow in front of him rotated, and after being slightly dizzy, he came to the Eye of True Knowledge again.

This is the center of the Eternal City, where players have gathered and many demons are flowing. At this moment, a portal opened silently, and a figure in a black cloak slowly walked out of it. All the demons around him were stunned, and then looked here at the same time.

"Who has been spotted by the Eye of True Knowledge?" A demon just walked out of a building. He looked at the gorgeous portal quietly opened in front of the huge ancient tree in astonishment, and gasped: "Isn't it true that among the ten? Have you finished selecting the foreign scholars? Are they among the top ten?"

"Which lucky guy is he?!" A muscular, ten-meter-tall demon spewed white air from his nostrils, stared at the figure in front of the big tree with jealous red eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Damn... …What a piece of shit! How lucky!"

"The top ten academics... can almost eliminate all unspoken rules in the city!" "Each of them only selects one player, and I have never heard of them losing!" "Damn... who is this? He actually won Favored by top ten university scholars! ”

Whispered discussions arose one after another. Beside the Shadowsong Brotherhood, several figures stood there quietly. He looked at the Eye of True Knowledge with a sinister look.

The ancient tree is the least visited place in the square building. Without it, every scholar of the Eye of True Knowledge would choose it carefully. It does not mean that the demons who come here have messengers of the Eye of True Knowledge. On the contrary, most teams are formed by themselves. Whether it is erudition or professionalism, they are completely incomparable with the other party. Otherwise, how many people are there in the entire Eye of True Knowledge and how many players are there?

Not proportional at all.

"The most famous thing about the Eyes of True Knowledge is its extremely high success rate... not many of the players they picked fell before the competition. Five hundred and twenty scholars of true knowledge, ten great scholars... few among the hundred failed. Ten. There is no record of failure in the name... What's even more frightening is that the players they selected have entered the top 1,000 every time... They are all lame horses with extremely high odds and were not favored by the devils in advance..."

The speaker was a demon covered in a red cloak. Countless lavender demonic energy floated from below. A skinny blue claw protruded from the sleeves, like a bird's claw, holding an irregular crystal. Xu Yangyi's face was shining on the crystal.

"The top 100 of the previous term, 'Fallen Heart', the top 100 of the 17th term, the top 1000 of the 16th term... Almost all the players selected by their top five scholars will enter here without any doubt... Damn it... …Damn it!”

The hand holding the crystal made a rattling sound, and the purple demonic energy surged like mist under the cloak. It gritted its teeth and said: " next opponent, he...he can actually kill the twin demons..."

"Piss and Muse, the seed players of Twisted City... actually fell into the hands of a mere human! The restriction I set at the door was not triggered. This cost a full 500 million magic crystals! I brought it here All the magic crystals have been drained by the greedy vampires of the Shadow Song Brotherhood...and they haven't succeeded yet! Now they are favored by the Eye of True Knowledge!"

After a long time, it gasped and calmed down, and looked at the cowering figures behind it: "Idiot... If you can use it more easily for me, you won't let all the magic crystals I brought up be swallowed up! A bunch of useless trash! How dare you call yourself an analyst?”

Several figures behind them buried their heads and did not dare to say anything. Finally, a short and fat demon said hoarsely: "The share you gave is 10%. With this kind of share, do you think you can invite a master with the Eye of True Knowledge? They Everyone’s share is more than 30%, and... reservations are never accepted... unless they are from the original family."

"They will choose even the original families. I heard that seven families including the Ferrers family, the Anthony family, and the Thor family were all rejected this time. It is because their top three families are not strong enough and they are afraid of ruining their own brand... …”

Before he finished speaking, the pudgy demon was rolled up by a tentacle protruding from under the red demon's cloak. The other party's voice was as cold as ice: "I don't want to hear inferences."

"I only know that there are five more games! I met this terrible human being in just five games!! No matter what, you come up with a way for me! I still have a way to get the magic crystal. No matter what, before meeting me It must die! At least it will be disqualified!"

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