
Chapter 1270: Goddess Contract (I)

Everything similar to this happened in many places. The second battlefield's killing curtain had slowly opened after the battle. Xu Yangyi didn't care. In front of him, the face of the ancient tree appeared again and glanced at him indifferently: "Why is it you again?"

"I didn't make it clear last time? Unqualified creatures cannot enter here. How dare you come here shamelessly?"

It frowned anthropomorphically and slowly closed its eyes: "Don't you understand your identity? Leave here, weakling. The master of the Eye of True Knowledge is not someone you can meet..."

"Pah pah pah..." Before the words fell, a light applause came from upstairs.

A slender figure, with an Alpha rune imprinted on the back of the white cloak, clapped his hands gently and took every step down, and the dim stairs automatically emitted a dazzling luster, and then were brushed by his long white robe bit by bit. Just like all things welcome the arrival of the master of knowledge.

"Good...very good." Alpha smiled and looked at the tree: "Why don't I know when servants also have the right to decide for their masters?"

"Who gave you this qualification?"

As it walked slowly down, the whole square seemed to be quiet, and then a gasp sounded, "It's Alpha..." "The fifth among the ten great scholars... has the most profound research on the chaotic system..." "Master Liangqin, it's actually... It's him?!" "The fifth-ranked great scholar... This person... This person is really lucky!"

A series of fiery eyes were nailed here. Alpha had no obstacles at all, or it could be said that it was used to this kind of life under the spotlight. It just looked at the tree face coldly: "Is it you? Self-righteous elf? You are really bold..."

"Sir..." The tree face trembled, looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment, and then looked at Alpha. What's wrong? What happened? Isn't this a human? Is it wrong for me to reject such a weak race? Why... Why does the great scholar have such a fierce killing intent?

Alpha said calmly: "When you were making the decision for me, why didn't you think of your master?"

"Disappear, idiot. Go back to the Waste Star Prison and face the wall until you die. This is your best ending."

Swish... As Alpha snapped his fingers, green light suddenly emanated from around the tree face, as if it was going to peel off the face. The tree face suddenly burst into a terrified scream: "No... No! Your Excellency! I beg you! Give me another chance..."

Before the words fell, the tree face had completely disappeared. As if it had never existed.

The eyes of all the demons around were extremely solemn, with resentful jealousy in the heat. The fifth scholar personally took action to find a place for this contestant... Who the hell is this! Who can make the great scholar value him so much!

"The Wasted Star Prison holds all the lunatics who are crazy about knowledge. They can do any experiment on any creature for a guess, and there is no creature that can come out. Because it is hell... a hell more terrible than Tiragangdis." Alpha stroked his robe gracefully and said with a smile: "I wonder if Mr. Yi is satisfied with this?"

"I like this kind of real sincerity." Xu Yangyi smiled and raised his eyebrows.

The two smiled at each other and slowly walked up the ancient tree. The golden stairs disappeared as they stepped on them.

Soon, the two came to a tree house. This tree house was close to the top of the ancient tree. Countless vines were entangled into natural desks and chairs. Countless images were hung on the walls of the tree. They were some demon anatomical diagrams, and they were all extremely precious individuals. Books and files were piled up everywhere in the vacant corners. To be frank, it was messy.

Alpha snapped his fingers, and all the debris flew up and returned to their positions. The two sat down on their seats, and a group of flashing elves, about the size of a thumb, flew over with a teapot.

"Our galaxy's specialty, drink it..." Alpha's fair hands picked up the teapot politely, and just as he was about to pour the tea, he found that Xu Yangyi did not sit down, but stood in front of a several-meter-high anatomical diagram, pondering.

The picture showed a purple demon, like a spider, with a human body growing from the position of the spider's head, slender and weird. Countless symbols and runes were drawn into unique lines around it.

"This is an entropy demon." Alpha walked over leisurely with a teacup: "Even among demons, it is a very worthy kind of study."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi suppressed the pounding in his heart and said as if he didn't care.

Alpha said: "You know, all demons are condensed from desires. The demon furnace absorbs the desires of the heavens and the worlds, and breeds demons to explode. This is the origin of demons. Therefore, each series of demons is a negative desire, such as Ferrus. This series of demons is all deceiving desires."

"Others include malice, jealousy, corruption, etc., but the entropy demon is different. It has no desires. It will gradually change with a certain series. It is a very rare multi-variant demon nature. You should also know that a long time ago, demons evolved by devouring each other. Entropy demons can devour any demon because they have no attributes. So..."

He took a sip of tea: "Entropy demons are extinct."

"Extinct?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Not even one?"

Alpha blew the tea leaves: "Of course there are. Hell is so big that no one can say that they have walked through it, but no entropy demon has appeared since three thousand years ago. All the specimens I got are dead things."

Xu Yangyi did not continue to ask this question. Before it was finalized, he could not let the other party see any clues. He sat down: "What do you want? What can you do? And... your realm?"

He could not feel Alpha's realm!

Changing between Yuanying and Zunsheng, every moment is different!

"I am in the late Zunsheng, and there is no Yangsheng in the elves. What I want is very simple, 30% of all your profits. I can do it even simpler. I can avoid all possible assassinations for you and let you see all the secret information of all the opponents you want to see. Customize your waveform chart, and most importantly, let you earn the most magic crystals, etc.... As long as it is related to the Abyss Arena, I can do it."

Yu Chang has taken a deep breath in his consciousness.

The other party said it very confidently, but how much work is involved? How much secret is there?

The information of all the players? What about the gods? What about the legendary fallen angels? And what about the top three of the original family? Even the ancient demon family who has been hiding from the world knows it?

"Don't underestimate these few words." Alpha smiled and raised his glass, with great courtesy: "If I can't make 3 billion magic gold from the beginning to the end of the Abyss Arena, I will lose. My time is far more valuable than 1 billion. If you can meet a so-called scholar in the future, especially a creature like me who is called a great scholar, it is best to respect him more, because everyone has some secrets of the universe...secrets that ordinary people can never hear."

Xu Yangyi tapped the chair with his fingers: "Yahweh?"

Alpha narrowed his eyes, but did not answer, but took a deep sip of tea. When he raised his head, he said: "You actually know Yahweh... It's really not simple. Generally, you can only touch the existence of Yahweh when you reach Taixu. Du Bu can sense Yahweh... These are all nonsense. I mean, scholars can exchange with each other. If you have enough documents that attract my attention, I don't mind working for you for nothing."

Smart people don't need to be clear about what they say. This document "worthy of his attention" must be worth at least 3 billion, and every word is worth a thousand gold.

He didn't see that Xu Yangyi's fists were clenched a little.

Indeed, the role of the team is very important. He must get the red line before meeting the evil spirit, otherwise the same group will not be able to qualify!

The Abyss Arena is divided into countless blocks. He is only in the Sky City between deceptions, and it is only one of them! There are no similar arenas in the Cloud Top Palace that covered the sky!

In other words, if he loses to the evil spirit and becomes the top four of this arena, it is impossible for him to enter the top 100 of the entire hell and walk before the demon furnace!

Time is very tight, and... the most important thing is Kendra Mo!

It is like a tumor in the body, and he doesn't know when it will erupt. This is what he values ​​most, especially after seeing the anatomical diagram of the entropy demon, he has determined his confidence in cooperating with Alpha!

This matter involves too much, involving a deputy speaker of the House of Commons between deceptions. He is not sure whether Alpha dares to do it. This kind of freak of knowledge cannot be completely won over by magic crystals alone. The other party comes here just to make money and it is impossible to have deep contact with anyone. In other words, the other party is impossible to take these things outside of business.

And even if he did, would he really dare to rest assured?

Just now, he had an idea.

An idea that made Alpha, a great scholar, completely convinced.

"Is it safe to talk here?" he suddenly asked.

"Of course." Alpha's eyes twitched, and he suddenly had a premonition. He stood up suddenly, his hands flew quickly, and Yin Zun's understanding of magic was fully presented. Countless runes were written almost instantly, and instantly turned into silver butterflies and flew away. This place was immediately surrounded by chains of runes.

"Now, it is absolutely safe." He breathed a sigh of relief, but the quick action made him sweat on his forehead: "Even if the Demon Lord wants to peek, it will take at least two seconds. I can feel it."

Xu Yangyi smiled.

The smile was very sinister, and this sinisterness had burned into the flame of knowledge in Alpha's eyes.

"If you're going to talk about the contract next, I'll make you regret it." He panted a little, took two steps forward, propped himself up with his hands on Xu Yangyi's armrest, looked directly into his eyes, his long silver hair spread out: "Tell me... you have information about God... right?"

The last two words, his voice was trembling, as elegant as he was, his chest was suppressed at this moment. Xu Yangyi took a sip of tea slowly, and said slowly: "Have you heard of the Book of Hongmeng Contract?"


All the talismans in the whole room suddenly shook! Alpha screamed and flew into the air, holding his head, his silver hair flying, that was a cry of joy, a cry of extreme excitement, and a selfless roar of a great scholar when he heard the treasure house of knowledge opened.

"Hongmeng Contract Book...Hongmeng Contract Book!!"

"You...I...No, I thought I was the only one who knew this name! I, I thought it was just a guess! You are the second...You are the second creature to say its name!"

"Moonlight Goddess...I have been pursuing for thousands of years and finally heard this name! I praise you!"

"I have traveled for thousands of years...I have always been seeking the truth, and finally I have heard this name..."

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