
Chapter 1271: Goddess Contract (II)

His body burst into a bright brilliance in the void, so powerful that it directly penetrated all the talismans.

His figure became blurred and turned into a spiritual body that looked like moonlight. An ancient Elvish language was spoken from his mouth, and the atmosphere here became more and more majestic.

Yuchang's eyes flashed, and Xu Yangyi immediately said: "No need."

"He has no ill intentions." He squinted his eyes and looked at Alpha, who was so excited that he was a little abnormal. He didn't expect that the Hongmeng Contract Book was just a name, like throwing a bomb. This noble and elegant scholar was shocked. At this moment, the other party's aura is sacred and noble, without any malice.

Swipe, swipe, swipe... The silver light is like a sea, directly breaking through the ancient trees. At the top of the ancient tree, an old human man with two heads and a crown suddenly raised his head from the mountain of files in front of him. His brows wrinkled slightly, and then he stood up suddenly and took a breath.

"Goddess of Life Agreement?!"

"This is... Director Alpha? He... he launched the Life Goddess Agreement? Did he find the person who decided to assist?"

"No...if that were the case, he would not launch such a high-level agreement. Once the agreement is formed, he must not harm the other party before it ends, and the termination of the agreement requires both parties to reach an agreement! What is going on?"

Not only him, but all the great scholars in the top ten seats saw this in astonishment. At the same time, in various corners of the city, there were some players whose names were not even known to the middle and low-end demons. In their rooms, a group of figures in cloaks raised their heads in shock.

"It's Director Alpha..." A figure in white robes stood in front of the window, looking in the direction of the ancient tree in astonishment: "Which player is worthy of him doing this?"

"Alpha University Scholar has decided on the candidate?" "No... no matter how determined, this kind of agreement will not be used. Is this player worthy of him? Or is something else happening?" "The contract with the Goddess of Life... how much is it? I haven't seen it in years..." "Once finalized, this player... will get the full support of university scholars... It's really unimaginable. I don't want to be a rival with university scholars at all. "

The brilliance was so bright that the devil in the center of the square also saw this scene, but he didn't know why. Only the few demons who really had the strength to attack the supreme position looked over there solemnly.

"Fufu... a great scholar..." Shen Sin raised his head in deep thought: "The person you support... really makes me look forward to it..."

"I will make you regret not choosing me. In this group, without the other monsters I know, I must be number one."

On the other side, a demon that looked like a skinned human raised its head, took a deep look at the location of the ancient tree, and then turned back and said, "Are you sure?"

"Haha..." From the shadows behind him, a gray voice came: "It's Alpha... Don't worry, every time there is a battle between scholars in the Devil's Oven, I am ranked fourth, are you right? Do you have any doubts about my strength?"

"Follow my plan. Even if you are a sinner, your strength is not incapable of giving it a try."

Inside the tree house, the silver light finally converged, and countless ancient words formed a circle, appearing in circles around Alpha. He finally opened his eyes: "You should understand."

Xu Yangyi nodded. This was ancient Elf language. Although he didn't recognize it, it clearly reflected in his mind.

This is an agreement, called the Contract of Praise of Life. The general meaning is that as long as you don't take action against Alpha, Alpha will never be able to take action against you before the end of the agreement, even if you think about it!

The moment he saw the text, he clearly felt that there was something mysterious in the void looking at this place. It was ancient and powerful. This agreement was like being protected by the other party, and no one could cross it.

"Use your blood and write your name at the end, and the agreement is completed." Alpha looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "But if you dare to deceive a great scholar, even though you are very strong, I am afraid you will not be able to withstand the wrath of knowledge. "

"I will let you know... Even if I am Yin Zun, the great scholar Yin Zun, I am still different from the ninety-nine percent of Yin Zun in the planes of heaven."

His eyes flashed silver: "We are not one creature."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. In Alpha, he could feel a terrible power. The other party had too many things. This kind of power made him not want to confront the other party head-on, and there was no need for it.

"Answer me a few questions. If the answers are correct, you can sign." Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to nod, he asked hurriedly: "If you have really read... this legendary book, then please tell me, the universe Why is this happening?”

"Seven Pillars of Desire." Xu Yangyi answered without hesitation.

Alpha raised his swan-like neck and let out a groan like a drug addict, his voice trembling a little: "That's right... So... what are the events that caused the current universe?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Are you talking about the first time or the second Ragnarok?"

He really knows!

Alpha's whole body was shaking violently like he was having a stroke, and he kept telling himself to hold it in. If other scholars knew about this, it would probably attract those great bachelors hiding in the galaxy!

They are lonely, prisoners of knowledge, and they have their own organization. Everyone in this organization will do anything for knowledge and true knowledge. Therefore, he suppressed his fluctuating heart and gasped: "Who won... back then? And why was he defeated?"

"Supreme..." As soon as Xu Yangyi said these two words, Yuchang immediately said: "Don't say it!"

"He doesn't know this part!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned: "How did you know?"

"I have been paying attention to him." Yuchang said solemnly: "He is very good at suppressing his aura, but when he encountered such a secret that had never been seen in millions of years, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his body temperature also increased. I think he have no idea."

"Don't forget, my master was once the most famous assassin in history. Any assassin who wants to assassinate has his own set of observation methods for all the characteristics of the target."

Xu Yangyi withdrew his consciousness, but before he could speak, Alpha walked over with heavy breathing: "What is the Supreme..."

"Tell me... what is supreme... Moonlight Goddess above... you... you actually know more than me! This... this is impossible! This is simply impossible!"

"I have studied for thousands of years... and practiced hard under the great scholar's seat for two thousand years. I have used the most advanced methods in the universe and the heavens. I have seen the tombs of the gods and the empire of the beginning... I have seen the War to End the War...but I don't know could you know!"

"Tell me, come... tell me what is supreme? Who won the original battle?! Tell me!"

Xu Yangyi smiled, cut his finger, and a beam of blood flew out, writing his name on the agreement.

"Any objection?"

"No!!" Alpha looked at the words being formed, grabbed the void, and all the words scattered in silver light to form a parchment, which he treasured away. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "The answer."

Xu Yangyi's face became heavy: "Did you know that because I learned this information, I was hunted down by a Yahweh?"

Alpha/ was stunned for a moment, trembling all over like cold water being poured on him. The fanatical reason finally returned to calm. He was silent for a few seconds, raised his head, and said with firmness in his eyes: "Yahweh... is just a creature that appeared countless years earlier than us and has more knowledge, and... I think even if they exist, I'm afraid they are not Not much more. If Yahweh who is chasing you is not strong, you can come to our refuge of true knowledge..."

"It's the first generation of Yahweh." Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"First generation?! There is still a first generation of Yahweh? In other words, Yahweh is not the same generation? They were not born together? There are second generations, or even third generations? I understand... I understand... No wonder... No wonder... …”

"Shut up!" Yuchang shouted angrily in his consciousness: "You kid...can you control the wind with your mouth?!"

"To this guy, these two words are worth hundreds of millions of magic crystals! You lost hundreds of millions in one breath!"

Xu Yangyi coughed awkwardly. He did not expect Alpha to react so strongly. The concept of the first generation of Yahweh already existed in his memory and he said it inadvertently.

However, he has no regrets.

For a long time, I was the only one who knew these secrets. Now, I finally have someone who can share them with me. Not a seeker of knowledge, but a seeker of what is known, this feeling is...complex, but not sad.

"Who is it?" Alpha asked.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "Asked this question, I will not answer what I said before."

Alpha's eyes flickered, and he nodded after a long time: "It can...confirm the existence of a Yahweh, which is also an unimaginable progress. Moreover, I have a hunch that it is too early for me to pursue the previous question."

Both of them took a few deep breaths to calm their fluctuating emotions, and then Xu Yangyi whispered: "Mamen."

"Mammon of Greed? The Seven Lords of Hell?" Alpha gasped: "This monster... is it still alive? The Seven Lords of Hell have not appeared for who knows how long... probably tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years... I didn’t expect it still existed…”

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I have said everything I should say, but it is not important to me, because there is one more urgent thing now. And...I am afraid that only you can solve it."

Without waiting for Alpha to answer, he continued: "There is an entropy demon from Taixu who planted the heart of the entropy demon in my body. I think you should have a way to solve it."

Alpha laughed.

"You asked the right person." He smiled: "I am a scholar who specializes in chaotic systems. Oh... my God, a living entropy demon! Another unexpected thing. Today is really my lucky day. . A too virtual entropy demon... It's too rare, the heart of the entropy demon. I've only seen this magic in some ancient books, but..."

He picked up the tea cup and sneered: "In front of other people, maybe even in its own eyes, this is a very perfect magic. However, in front of me, I can point out its fatal flaws."

"This shortcoming is enough for you to completely strangle the heart of the Entropic Demon...or even...devour that Taixu!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes burned: "Elaborate?"

"Follow me." Alpha pulled on his cloak and stood up: "To solve the heart of the entropy demon, it is inseparable from the demon oven. First, you must know what the entropy demon is. Secondly, you must know... what exactly is here where is it."

"Why did the Devil's Oven bring you here? And... why do we come here every time?"

"Do you really think that every force here is here simply because of the profit?" A sneer appeared on his face: "Don't forget...this is a cruel and cruel hell... To make money, you have to have life to spend..."

"If it wasn't for the secret of ancient times, who would take this fatal risk?"

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