
Chapter 1273: Eternal Gold (II)

"I want to verify it." He looked solemn and stretched out his fingers gently. The spiritual power operates to the most exquisite level, sucking up a small powder. In an instant, an extreme coldness spread from his fingers. At this moment, a frightening scream sounded from the depths of his soul, echoing throughout his consciousness.

It's Kendra Mo!

His pupils suddenly turned into deep black holes, and the infinite truth was running. When he looked over, he was shocked to find that the silver-white scar that had spread to his shoulder blades was actually alive, shivering back a centimeter!


However, before he could get excited, a biting chill suddenly filled his soul. It was like returning to the mortal period, wearing sackcloth and standing in the ice and snow. The ruthless ice and snow covered his whole body, and it was so cold that no place was conscious.

Snap... snap... bursts of freezing sounds sounded from all sides of his body. His hair, hands, clothes, and even his breath turned into ice and snow. It spreads so fast that there is no way to prevent it, like thousands of venomous snakes of ice and snow invading from every pore.

At this moment, the Nanming Lihuo in the body boiled instantly, as if it had encountered an unprecedented enemy. It exploded suddenly, and a billowing heat wave swept through the whole body in an instant, and a hot current boiled all the limbs. However, before he could relax, the cold air immediately rolled back, suppressing Nan Ming Lihuo again and rushing towards his heart and brain!

Too careless...

His expression was extremely solemn. He never expected that the eternal fine gold was so terrifying. Just a powder could suppress the power of Nanming Lihuo! If he doesn't take protection anymore, I'm afraid he will really turn into an ice sculpture!

The spiritual energy was running wildly, and Alpha also saw that something was wrong. He had never touched the eternal fine gold with his body. For such a scholar, caution was already engraved in his bones, and such a terrifying cold air could not be seen from the surface. . And they just got it, and they didn't have time to experiment with living things.

However, he did not take action. Instead, he grabbed the void, took out a pen and a piece of paper, and quickly recorded it.

"In the Year of the Sunflower, 21321, the powder treasured by the Grand Master is named Eternal Fine Gold. Named by: Yi Fellers. Race: Human. It has extremely low temperature. It is just a powder. The Saint cannot withstand it..."

Xu Yangyi just wanted to kick this idiot to death!

He was already gritting his teeth to resist the cold, but he still had time to record and analyze it?

Suddenly, the cold suddenly disappeared, and Alpha, who was writing furiously, suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of displeasure and confusion.

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief. In a hurry, the swallowing talisman was running, and this grain of eternal fine gold was completely swallowed by the swallowing talisman.

Like stars entering a black hole, the bone-chilling chill finally disappeared. But at the same time, as the two of them looked at each other in astonishment, the box with the tree of life engraved on it actually flew up!

"This..." Alpha looked at this scene in astonishment, and the pen in his hand stopped. The next second, the swallowing talisman suddenly expanded to the size of a fist without Xu Yangyi's command! A vast suction force spurted out crazily from it, and in just a few tenths of a second, all the eternal fine gold was sucked in!

In the dead silence, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and blinked. The change happened suddenly, and no one expected it.

Alpha also opened his eyes wide. After being stunned for a second, he suddenly let out a sharp cry and rushed over like crazy, with his hands in the shape of claws: "Damn it!! Damn you!! Spit it out! Give it to me immediately Spit it out!!"

Swipe... Just when Alpha's hands touched one meter outside Xu Yangyi's body, a magnificent circle of light rushed out without warning. Alpha was caught off guard and was knocked backwards for dozens of meters. With a loud bang, he was hit behind him. On the pile of crystallized waste, there was a spider web pattern on his back. As soon as he stood up, his face turned red, he covered his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand in astonishment. Two souls suddenly appeared in his mind, one was a human and the other was a demon, and the two... actually started to merge strangely!

Boom! The towering mountain of demonic energy burst out instantly! A terrifying whirlpool was formed around it, hundreds of meters large! Milky white and jet black intertwined, and all the genetic talismans in the body suddenly doubled! A terrifying feeling of swelling and pain instantly filled his body.

Kakaka... The bone spurs began to spread from the whole body, and the eyes turned black. There was a crash, the clothes tore, and the muscles on the back rippled exaggeratedly. With a roar, two huge devil wings grew out!

"This..." He gasped while holding back the severe pain in his body, and then he understood immediately.

Eternal fine gold... According to the Hongmeng Contract Book, even the godhead can be fused! A little powder blending into his body is no problem at all!

But he couldn't think about it anymore. The sudden change of swallowing the talisman left him no time to think about anything else. The power in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and the flames of hell begin to spurt out from all over the body. The teeth are clenching. The intertwined souls and the power of two different systems have finally reached the breaking point!

"Roar!!!" He roared to the sky, and the power belonging to the demon body was pouring into his human body crazily. The body was suddenly huge, and then became smaller. It kept changing between the demon and human bodies, and the power index kept rising. And the black and white tides in all directions rotated more and more violently, rolling up those extremely precious crystals, forming a powerful storm of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

"Two souls in one body?" Alpha was about to rush forward, but he immediately stopped. Rows of data and talismans flashed in his eyes, and he murmured: "It's not something you are born with, but it is acquired, it is the result of your skills... …What kind of technique is this?”

"Melding... Two souls are merging? No... not only the soul, but also the cultivation level... The strength of his physical body, the cultivation level... are actually merging!"

This force was so powerful that in an instant, the eyes of countless places in the city were all looking towards this place.

"A player has advanced?!" "Who... actually advanced at such a critical moment?" "What a terrifying power... This... is probably a player who has the hope of reaching the top 10,000, if it weren't for Kagome If they are in the same group..."

brush! A figure rushed out of the training room, spread its wings, flew at low altitude, and rushed towards the advanced level. Behind him, several demon dogs howled wildly and rushed out with the flames of hell.

There was another figure, as if walking in the void. The old fence door opened with a flicker, and the figure appeared dozens of meters away.

In different places, different demonic shadows flickered, dragging the flames towards the place where the demonic energy broke out, like meteors across the sky. This aura is so strong that it makes most demons tremble in their hearts. They want to see who can advance to such a level!

This kind of... situation where it's hard to sleep and eat well without killing.

In the scrap yard, Alpha's eyes had turned cold.

He felt that there were at least hundreds of fish approaching here quickly. He finally put down the parchment and clapped his hands: "Ah... So they are just some trash fish that I gave up... Now they actually dare to come to my fish pond to cause trouble. , Although I am not your combined opponent, if you want to enter my territory, I am afraid that you will not be able to do it on your own without the appearance of a god. "

He took a deep look at the huge whirlpool behind him. Xu Yangyi in the center was completely black and his breath was heavy. Countless golden lines on his body were disappearing and appearing. His hair, which was wearing a wooden hairpin, was scattered. He was flying upwards like a waterfall. The red Flames surged from the seven orifices, like a demon coming.

But... the aura on the opponent's body became stronger and stronger, and he was getting closer and closer to the middle stage of the Saint. With a loud bang, the whirlpool carrying countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures suddenly merged, and actually formed a vortex of more than ten meters. A tall crystalline cocoon.

All the demonic energy is trapped in it, and so is the spiritual energy. He finally withdrew his gaze, drew a light like a silver dragon with his fingers, looked at the figure that had appeared on the ground in the distance, and murmured: "Learn to say hello to knowledge, little guys..."

"Seven rings of magic, the dark side of the goddess." "Six rings of magic, the sorrow of life." "Six rings of magic, Freya's elegy." "Six rings of magic, the green vine."

Any sage can only use one kind of magical power at the same time, because any magical power is produced by the resonance of mudra, mantra and power. But he happened to break through this exception and cast four magic spells in one shot!

Swipe... A silver-white light curtain, with vast runes, instantly surged, covering a radius of 500 meters! Flowers are blooming below and the trees are like shade. He didn't look at the result at all, but turned back to look at the weird cocoon, rubbed his chin and walked a few steps. Just as he was about to speak, his eyes suddenly turned cold and he looked behind him: "Get out."

"It's really not easy for you to enter my restricted area..."

"Jie Jie..." A strange voice resounded through the void, and then grew louder and louder, forming terrifying ripples. The ground was shattered and cracked layer by layer because of these ripples!

Alpha's eyes hardened.

very scary……

The moment this demon appeared, his hair stood on end! It feels like facing a god!

Who is it... He is so strong, but there is no demonic energy of this player in his database!

"Who are you?" His eyes were cold, and countless silver threads were drawn on his hands: "If you dare to break into the palace of knowledge, do you know the consequences?"

"Fufu..." the voice smiled: "Have you heard of my name?"

"The legend of the Morning Star Demonic Dragon..."

Alpha's eyes suddenly became sharp. As the demonic energy billowing from all directions became more and more powerful, countless eyes lit up like stars in the darkness. A silver brilliance suddenly erupted from his body, like a god slowly rising from the ground.


"Suppress your own realm, enter the battlefield of the Saint, one of the three incarnations of Mammon... you are indeed still alive..."

"Are you here to hunt him down? Use the majesty of Mammon to escape the laws of the Holy City. No wonder I can't find you..."

"It's so powerful, even...maybe even higher than the gods. It's such a terrifying monster..."

New Luyard's voice slowly sounded: "You know too much, but you are a seeker of knowledge, and I will not obliterate you. Only by minding your own business can you live longer, so please get out of here."

"Hahaha..." Alpha suddenly burst into laughter. A pair of silver wings grew out of his back. Emerald green runes spread all over his body. A piece of platinum armor was slowly built on his body. His silver hair was flying, and his face looked divine. And awe-inspiring.

"In the face of true knowledge, even you are just a maggot under the mystery. What qualifications do you have to tell a true knower to get lost?"

"Interesting...really interesting...I haven't touched it in thousands of years, so I'll let this curator see which one is stronger between the incarnation of Mammon and my thousands of years of knowledge."

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