
Chapter 1274: The True Seer VS the Morning Star Dragon

New Luyad seemed to be stunned: "You want to fight me?"

It thought it had heard wrong.

Even if it was a foreigner, after hearing the name Mammon, didn't it understand what it meant?

A living Yahweh! The first generation of Yahweh!

"Do you know..." Alpha delayed time, looking coldly at the rolling black tide opposite: "Anyone who seeks knowledge does not believe in Yahweh."

"Because, true knowledge is Yahweh!"

"Nine-ring magic, forbidden technique. God's descent."

Hearing this name, New Luyad's pupils suddenly shrank in the black fog, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

"Almighty God of True Knowledge Farakon, your believers pray for your coming! Let me bathe in your holy light!"

As Alpha finished speaking, the entire sky... opened. indescribable terrifying pressure suddenly formed in the sky. Rolling into a surging black cloud cave, in less than a few tenths of a second, a holy beam of light broke through the restrictions of the City of Eternal Life and pierced here. Just like the spear of killing gods in the hands of the gods, nothing can resist it!

The surrounding void shattered layer by layer, and the night was dyed into day. At the gate of the city, Vincent and Hogg suddenly raised their heads, took a deep breath and looked at the light column: "The power of Yahweh? Someone is calling for the power of Yahweh?!"

"Damn it!" After a few seconds, Vincent lowered his head and gritted his teeth fiercely: "No need to ask, it must be those great scholars of the Eye of Truth. Who is so stupid to provoke this monster that we don't want to touch!"

"The True Seer..." Hogg's eyes were obscure, as if he remembered something, and snorted coldly: "Even if they are saints, they are also super strong people of the same level... They have mastered countless mysteries and laws, and generally will not take action, but once they take action, their power is by no means ordinary..."

In a training room, the evil god opened his eyes in the dark, and even it felt that its heart was beating faster at this moment.

It turned into a ray of blood and rushed out of the training room. The surrounding demons all retreated when they saw it, and said nothing respectfully. It rushed out of the house quickly and immediately saw the pillar of light that reached the sky.

"What a powerful force..." It stretched out a scarlet tongue from under its cloak and licked it: "This session... is really full of strong people..."

On the other side, at the Eye of Truth, several scholars who were still here looked at the place where the pillar of light fell at the same time. All frowned.

What happened today was too strange. First, Director Alpha used the Goddess of Life Contract, and then he actually activated the God's Descent?

Who dares to attack a great scholar of truth?

Or... what powerful enemy did he encounter? He was forced to use his trump card? In the name of Farakon, it is called less and less...

All of this has nothing to do with the center of the demonic energy explosion. Light and shadow intertwined, the holy white pillar of light hit the ground with circles of shock waves, and endless talismans lingered. A tall phantom had already descended on the earth in the white light.

Majestic, like a mountain. Magnificent, like the sea. Hot, like the sun in the sky. Holy, as if the gods were looking down upon the earth.

New Luyad squinted his eyes in fear, gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you protecting this human? I want to kill him, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"If it was a few hours ago, I wouldn't do it, but now..." Alpha's eyes were hot and cold, and he slowly raised his hand, and the huge figure behind him did the same: "I can't bear to see him die..."

"Then you can die with him!" New Luyad couldn't care about so much anymore. He was a little afraid of the mysterious true knower, but this damn human had never appeared since he entered the training room! It can evade certain rules, but it doesn't mean it can act against the players in the face of the rules.

However, Alpha was faster than him! At this moment, a brilliant golden light suddenly burst out from his fingers, and his thin body roared like a god, and a strange elf byte sounded from his mouth. The next second, the huge phantom behind him bloomed with a radiant light in his eyes.

Like a sleeping god awakened from a dream, the runes interwoven into chains shone on his body, and a huge finger composed entirely of golden light slowly raised up, breaking through the dark starlight and lighting up the heavens.

Swish! Endless whirlpools suddenly formed around the Morning Star Dragon, and circles of complex runes rotated around it, holding it in a bowl shape, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters. In the center of the whirlpool, a number of uniquely shaped spiritual light daggers were displayed in the sky. With Alpha's order, endless golden light cut through the ocean of Morning Star, and thousands of swords fell!

"Looking for death!" The tide of demonic energy was torn apart by the golden light, revealing the huge figure of New Roadard. At this critical moment, its scales stood up layer by layer, and it let out a thunderous roar. A circle of visible ripples spread wildly, and all daggers were immediately shattered into golden spiritual light when they entered the ripple range, and turned into golden feathers that floated across the sky and earth.

Rumble... This space was twisted crazily by the sound waves, feathers fell like snow, pulling out a vast ocean of gold and black. In the extreme twist, Alpha shot out like white lightning, and the wind blew his silver hair, like a silver waterfall. The huge shadow behind him actually pulled out the silk threads of talismans, and condensed two extremely gorgeous daggers in his hands.

The fluttering white robe was like the wings of a swan, chasing the wind and lightning. The golden feathers that passed through did not shake at all, and almost at the same time as the feathers fell all over the sky, his figure had appeared in front of Xinlu Yade.

Even Xinlu Yade was stunned. This speed actually surpassed the pursuit of its retina and the sweep of its spiritual consciousness.

"No one has ever seen me like this." White hair, white robes, and wings swept across Alpha's cold face. His right hand slowly raised, pulling out a series of talisman lines from the void: "You should be thankful."

"This is..." New Luyad's eyes shrank slightly. When the opponent raised the dagger, it felt that its whole body was locked by a terrible murderous intent: "Solomon's reverse blade... No wonder... Damn the true knower!!"

Swish! ! In response to it, sixteen golden wings suddenly grew out from behind Alpha, who was suspended in the air like a god! Magnificent, noble, and blooming with infinite murderous intent in holiness.

The next second, a silver-white dragon flew into the sky!

"Roar!!" New Luyad let out a shocking roar. On the long dragon neck, layers of scales flew up, and the terrible cracks were neatly formed, revealing the silver flesh and blood underneath, and a dazzling flame ran wildly. However, before it could fight back, at this moment, the sky... dawned.

The concerto of the dark night bloomed silently, accompanied by a series of muffled groans, and hundreds of silver lines appeared almost at the same time. Alpha's figure could not be seen clearly, and only the silver light of the dagger could be seen for a long time. It was like drawing white marks on black paper, imprisoning this ancient dragon.

The sound of shattering resounded through the sky! Xin Lu Yade gritted his teeth and turned his head. There was a bloody scar under his eyes that was deep enough to see the bone. Not only that, the sword light of the Tianhe River caused countless wounds several meters deep on his body in an instant. The scales were like paper in front of the daggers! Its thousands of eyes turned at the same time, but it could not catch the figure of the emperor of light at all!


Completely invisible!

The opponent's speed has surpassed the saint at this moment! Reached an incredible level!

More and more white light! Faster and faster! In just a few seconds, the black paper seemed to be rendered in white. The silver light was like snow in the falling golden feathers. The angry roars of Xin Luyad sounded repeatedly, but he could not stop the raging of silver. Pieces of dragon scales flew and flames rose. Just when an unprecedented silver light lit up, a muffled sound suddenly sounded in this space.

All the brilliance disappeared suddenly. Alpha was like an angel, with a dagger facing Xin Luyad's head. However, in front of him, two wings like an ancient wall blocked him.

"True knower..." The blood burned into flames and became a flaming dragon. A gnashing voice came from behind: "You really pissed me off..."

The red flames soared into the sky behind the wings. In the endless purgatory, the silver-white dragon raised its head and roared to the sky, with a ball of black flames swallowing and spitting in its mouth. The mouth was like a black hole, and the demonic energy from all directions gathered madly in it. The chest had expanded to more than ten meters in size.

The breath of the devil!

"Roar!!" The power of destruction gushed out! Because of excessive anger, the pupils of thousands of eyes stood up. The whole holy city trembled because of this furious breath.

The furious tide of red flames, the world in front of Alpha instantly turned into an eternal hell, the violent demonic energy blew his clothes straight to the back, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand.

The phantom behind him also stretched out his hand, one big and one small, equally majestic, equally sacred, as if under this hand, the universe can be swallowed and spit out.

"ΥΦΧΨΩ." The ancient language traveled through time and space, facing the overwhelming waves of fire, this sound was so slight. However, at the moment this sound came out, the rolling demonic breath that had rushed to him in the blink of an eye, even making his hair curl slightly, instantly turned into fireworks and dissipated.

"This is..." Xin Lu Yade was stunned. In the middle of the two people, the dissipated flames did not dissipate, but rolled back with a bang! Then... a silver-white hand with dotted lines appeared quietly, occupying its entire field of vision.

There was no vibration, as if it had been there from the beginning.

There was no majesty, but it seemed to have traveled through eternity and occupied the mind.

In the palm of the hand, the stars were full, like a miniature universe, and the world was changed within a space of hundreds of meters. The starry sky collapsed!

"You actually opened the secret book of Yahweh..." Xinlu Yade took a breath. As this hand came from the sky and controlled everything, it already felt that this world was already controlled by this hand. The invisible pressure rushed towards it like a tide, suffocating it. There were still hundreds of meters, and countless cracks had spread on its scales.

"This is impossible..." It looked at the broken scales in astonishment and said hoarsely: "You... are you sending me away?"

"You... this young creature, can actually send me away from here?"

"Did you find it?" Alpha panted slightly and pressed his hand suddenly: "Too late."

"Ridiculous!!" With the extremely angry roar of New Roadard, all the scales turned into flames. In the flames, a giant dragon like a star map spread its wings. It has no complete shape, as if it is just a nebula, countless stars flickering, connected by silver lines as its body. At the moment the dragon appeared, countless stars suddenly rushed up under its feet.

Vast, endless, mysterious, profound, this dragon bathed in the light of the stars, and the stars lit up quickly, forming a weird name!


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