
Chapter 1276: The Divine Spirit is Introverted, the Middle Stage of Yang Sheng

As soon as this thought came up, Alpha took a deep breath. He didn't care about the burden on his body. He faced the cold storm in the center and quickly started kneading with his hands!

"Six Rings of Magic, Green Forest!"

Swish, brush, brush! The huge restriction that was buckled upside down on these four hundred meters burst out with brilliance reaching the sky, and the green sky began to grow again. If it had formed a dam just now, now... it is developing towards a dense forest!

However, it’s no use!

Countless green talismans spread out from the void, intertwined at extremely high speeds, and rushed towards the light pillar like streams from all directions. However, before they could reach it, they were just within fifty meters of the light pillar, and were instantly turned into ashes by the terrifying shock wave! And the shock wave didn't stop at all, spraying towards the outside! A silver halo formed in mid-air!

Whoosh... The aperture came in an instant, and wherever it passed, the void collapsed layer by layer. Alpha's pupils stood up. Without hesitation, he folded his hands again and pressed hard against the ground.

"Seven Rings of Magic...Sea of ​​Blue!!"

Buzzing buzzing... The forests in all directions seemed to be on steroids. From the dense forest just now, they started to move towards the virgin forest in an instant! In an instant, ancient trees dozens of meters high sprouted their own twigs, forming a canopy that filled the sky. Continuous and vast as the sea, in the blink of an eye, it has become a huge forest.


Still useless!

At the moment when the forest was established, the stream just now turned into the green talisman of the river, roaring and rushing towards the giant beast that exploded wantonly in the center. Just when it entered the thirty-meter range, a circle of silver-white and A huge green light burst out suddenly! Like a white-green sun rising in the ban!

There was no cry at all. Alpha's sixteen wings were fully unfolded at the same time. Shulala was blown hundreds of meters and finally stabilized. At the center of the restriction, the white-green sun once again shook the sky, and three full circles of shock waves ravaged the entire place! Devouring the surrounding void wildly!

"Can't control the seven-ring magic?!" His eyes were really red. It was not that he had never been in a similar situation, but it was definitely not this critical. At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​letting go of the restrictions. It was like a nuclear bomb exploded in front of him! Still in such a small category! Once he cannot defend himself, he will be seriously injured!

He can't do this. The situation outside is unknown and he will definitely receive all kinds of attention. Before Xu Yangyi told him everything, he couldn't bear to let the other person lose a hair.

How much power does the other party's saint contain? !

There was no time to think about it, the speed of the shock wave was so fast, he made a hand seal again, and his hands became phantoms. With this hand seal, endless green talismans appeared around him, mysterious and ancient, and endless blue light burst out from his body. His silver hair was flying like the god of the forest. He clasped his hands deeply and said in a deep voice: "Quasi-forbidden magic...eight-ring magic...ancient forest."

Boom! This time the giant tree is even crazier, getting thicker and bigger! Finally, it grew to hundreds of meters high, touched the forbidden area in the sky, and then curved up. In less than a few seconds, the inside of the forbidden area seemed like a cocoon growing in an ancient tree. There were densely packed growth rings, forming an extremely complex talisman, messy but mutually exclusive. Intertwined and turned into a web of life.


Still no use!

The shock wave has swept here, and this time the green talisman spread to within ten meters of the light pillar, but it is useless! Ten meters, like the opponent's absolute territory, all the talismans collapsed again!

In Alpha's eyes, time seemed to have stopped for a second, just as the eight-ring magic collapsed again.

"Oh... damn..." He gasped and shook his head. His expression was calm in shock, but the spiritual energy in his body was already boiling, no less than when he faced the new Luyard just now. Silver hair and white robes flew straight up, and his hands seemed to move slowly, but in fact they changed dozens of gestures in one second.

He knew very well... that once the power of the quasi-forbidden magic that could destroy eight-ring magic exploded in such a small area, he... could go back and retire.

"Forbidden magic..." His expression was still calm at this moment. Countless talismans were walking on his body, and then he pressed the ground with all his strength: "Freya's courtyard!!"


The sky is filled with flowers.

This huge ancient forest is blooming at this moment, with colorful swaying, forming a surrounding clouds, green leaves swaying gently, and emerald catkins flying. It seems quiet here, and then ancient pillars grow rumblingly from the ground. It shows its long history. The next second, it immediately merged with all the green talismans and suddenly merged towards the center of the light pillar!

boom! !

Earth-shattering, green light burst out, Alpha was like a piece of paper, and the sixteen wings seemed not to exist. With a whoosh, they were blown hundreds of meters further, and crashed into their own restraints. The skin on his body was covered all around, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

However, he didn't even have time to wipe it off. He stared at the center of the explosion and already held the magic formula to unlock the restriction in his right hand. If there was anything wrong, he would immediately unlock the restriction!

Nothing is as important as his own life, and he doesn't want to expose his trump card here.

However, this time it didn't happen.

His chest rose and fell violently. After looking at it for more than ten minutes, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground without any image. The expensive white robe on his body didn't care about the close contact with the ground. He wiped away the cold sweat and said with a bitter smile: "What a big loss..."

"Mr. Xu, if you don't give me a satisfactory secret as work fee, I will fall out..."

In the field, the violent light pillar finally calmed down, and the white light was still gushing out. Instead, circles of green runes appeared outside, intercepting the shock waves layer by layer, and finally transmitted them to the trees. The entire restriction stopped trembling all the time, but No more crazy.

He adjusted his breath in silence. After two hours, six hours, or more than ten hours, the light in the sky suddenly disappeared, leaving only a fairy mist, and a figure appeared in the void.

"How are you, my friend?" When Alpha saw the figure appearing, he immediately felt bitter and resentful, and said through gritted teeth. What he was thinking about was how to dig out something more from the opponent's head.

A true knower actually knows less than an outsider. This is unscientific!

The figure in the fairy mist seemed to pause, and immediately, the skin all over his body shrank, and a kind of terrifying pressure pricked his whole body like needles.

His eyes flashed, and he pulled up his sleeves, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body. The feeling... was like a beast staring at its prey in the dark night, its true gaze was like a knife, and the knife was cold.

"Compared to the Divine Abomination and the Morning Star Demonic Dragon?" He was stunned, and then frowned: "No... it's still not as good. Facing the Divine Abomination, I don't want to talk, I just want to leave. Facing the New Luyard, If it were a life-and-death fight, I would probably only have a blank mind on the battle. But when facing him, I can think about other things and notice the changes in my body."

"The pressure on me can't keep my mind from thinking about other things. He is too sharp, and those two monsters have reached the point where they are ingenuity but not work, and the essence is intact. The difference is about 20-25%. Comparatively Morning Star Demon Dragon, I'm afraid the gap is 22-28%, hey... with this data, if he wasn't in this group, he would be within a thousand!"

At this moment, the white fog dispersed, and Xu Yangyi appeared with a smile. There seemed to be no difference from before, but after Alpha took a look, he felt that it was completely different.

The spirit is reserved.

Alpha smiled.

In the middle stage of the Saint... there is only one step left to reach the late stage. The two souls are united and the body is united. This is the most perfect form of the opponent!

His eyes flashed, and a five-pointed star appeared in the pupil. When he looked at Xu Yangyi, he felt that every talisman and every bone in the other person's body was shining with light fluorescence. The chain of human genes woven by the talisman is perfect. The seemingly ordinary muscles contain a great terror within the bones and blood.


It can be big or small, it can rise or disappear. If it is big, it will stir up clouds and spit out mist, while if it is small, it will hide and hide its form. If it is born, it will soar in the universe, if it is hidden, it will lurk in the waves.

The Hidden Dragon has fallen into a frightened sleep, and its roar shakes thousands of mountains.

This is the feeling it gives him now.

"A small gift for you." He rubbed it in his hands with a smile, and after dancing with his hands, a magic was issued casually: "It's called space collapse, part of the astral magic."

Whoosh... A black ball as big as a fist shot away with electricity as he shot. It grew crazily during the flight, swallowing endless black energy from all directions. There seemed to be stars twinkling around the edge. After a few seconds, it turned into a terrifying black hole more than ten meters in size. , is still growing rapidly!

"I forgot to tell you, this is a quasi-seventh level magic." He said quite insincerely.

Before the black ball came close, Xu Yangyi calmly raised his hand. In the next second, his whole hand turned completely black, with dense blood lines and towering bone spurs. There were blood-red bones between his fingers, and he pinched the magic lightly.

"Boom!!" With a casual squeeze, the black ball shattered instantly, and his whole arm just shook. He frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Alpha's eyes flashed unexpectedly, and he looked at Xu Yangyi deeply for a few seconds as if looking at a magic crystal. Then he pulled on his cloak and said, "Your current power coefficient is about 167, which is very good... the person I chose. It’s true. But the comprehensive evaluation of your body is something that will happen in the future. I think you should take a look at this.”

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Now, he had the illusion of being in control of everything. Even a slight clench of his fist could cause the void to tremble. He was curious about how far he had reached, but now he was more interested in, what could make Alpha let go of himself?

At a glance, his eyes suddenly jumped. In that deep passage, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

"This is..." He immediately put aside his exploration of the body and walked quickly over. The deeper he went in, the stronger the aura became. After a hundred meters, the aura that was vague at first became quite clear and pointed straight into the innermost part.

"Su Xingyao..." Yuchang's voice took a deep breath in his consciousness, and his eyes were like fire: "It's her breath!"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I felt her breath on the ground before, but I didn't expect it to be here!"

He looked around deeply, his eyes burning: "She still has the last piece of the puzzle. She left the Zhenwu Realm, then went to the Trapped Dragon Realm, and finally woke up on the earth. There is a crucial gap in the middle, I'm afraid... …Here are her last footprints!”

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