
Chapter 1277: Different Dimensions (I)

"She?" Alpha immediately perked up. Facing a treasure house like Xu Yangyi, he was always in a state of digging, and he cautiously probed: "Who is she? Your woman?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and walked forward without saying a word after a few seconds.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu!" Alpha immediately chased after him: "Don't you think there should be an explanation for me! This is a purely academic discussion! You... you wait!"

The two quickly walked to the center, and the ancient magic circle suddenly appeared in front of them. Xu Yangyi walked over cautiously, took a quick look, and immediately took a deep breath.

Alpha calmly took a step back and carefully observed Xu Yangyi's attitude. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the other party's knowledge to understand these words, and even he cannot do it. He could only recognize which race it belonged to, but other than the elves, he couldn't understand the other bans at all.

But he keenly discovered that the other party was different.

The other party's expression was extremely complicated, as if hesitant, as if suddenly enlightened, as if something from the past had been connected.

"You... know him?" Alpha asked in a deep voice after ten minutes.

Xu Yangyi nodded silently. To be precise, he not only knew what these words were and what they represented, but he could also recognize the person who wrote these words!

After pondering for a long time, he stood up and looked at Alpha deeply. The other person immediately realized something and his breathing became thicker.

"Don't worry about me." He looked strong and excited, his chest rose and fell, and he said hoarsely: "I can dedicate everything to true knowledge, including my life. I know that there is an old saying in the Eastern genealogy of your human race, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. I also Same, as long as I can unlock the biggest secret in my heart, my life is not important in comparison!"

Xu Yangyi was silent, and then slowly said after a few seconds: "We are actually the same kind of people. The only difference is that I still think life is more important."

Alpha smiled and said: "So I am a great scholar and you are not."

The space fell silent again, leaving only the beating of Alpha's heart. He wanted to speak several times, but held back. He swore that this silence was the longest he had ever spent. It lasted for half an hour before he finally heard a sound that sounded like the sounds of nature.

"Once...after the first Ragnarok, the universe was divided into seven races. They were not the only ones, but they were the seven most powerful races."

Brush... Alpha grabbed the void, a piece of golden paper and a quill appeared, and he started writing non-stop.

Xu Yangyi didn't mind. He suddenly thought that he was now bearing the weight of Yahweh, like a little ant moving this huge mountain. Because of the secrets hidden by the River of Time, he was hunted by a first-generation Yahweh. But...what if more ants join in?

The true knower, the palace of true knowledge, I don’t know where they are, I don’t know how big they are. But compared to Yahweh, he is still an ant, perhaps stronger than him, perhaps not as strong. But there is no doubt that when these madmen who specialize in academics know certain information, they will go crazy and come out in droves, sharing too much pressure for him.

Although he had received too many benefits in the hell plane, he did not want to be under the malicious gaze of a Yahweh.

He needs an ally, even if this ally is hundreds of millions of light years away from him.

"Insects, humans, demons, angels, elves, desire walkers, and dragons." He said slowly: "And the first page of the Hongmeng Contract Book records the real names of all Yahwehs who participated in the revision of this book."

Pfft... Alpha's pen tip pierced the paper, his hand trembled with excitement, and his face turned white. When he heard the words "Book of Hongmeng Contract," Xu Yangyi felt that the other person's spiritual energy began to become crazy and disordered.

"I'm sorry..." He crumbled the paper and grabbed another one from the void. His voice was hoarse: "I lost my composure... You don't understand. This is my lifelong proposition. Anyone with true knowledge can enter the realm of scholars. Every time, I will choose a proposition as the object of my lifelong study. You can’t imagine my expectation when I see the first ray of sunshine rising in the darkness after pursuing it for thousands of years to no avail..."

"You... are my sun that tears apart the darkness..." He licked his lips deeply: "Don't worry, even if it's to preserve your knowledge, I will do my best to serve you!"

"The leaving fee of one billion is my pledge." He raised his finger: "Three games. After three games, I will let you see the results! Now, let's continue."

Xu Yangyi's heart skipped a beat and he nodded: "Remember what you said."

He continued: "And on the first page, the names of these Yahwehs happened to be recorded."

"The other runes should be the runes that make up this formation. Only the last true name of Yahweh may be the key to opening it. Yahweh is different from other creatures. They already have a strong sense of sensing what they deliberately leave behind. And most of the time, it’s by calling the real name.”

Alpha could not help but bite his pen, and they knew this, long is the real name of a Yahweh? Even the literal and pronunciation are completely different! The pronunciation of modern and ancient words is also different, even as far as the opposite. For example, Freyja of Life - the earliest recorded Yahweh among the elves, her real name is unknown to anyone.

Now...I can actually hear...the real names of the six Yahwehs...

Just for this reason, he wanted to kiss Xu Yangyi's shoes to vent the ecstasy in his heart!

Xu Yangyi read the ancient text on the ground bit by bit: "Zerg... Apostle of Zero, Origin Apostle Ecclesi. Grisfasa. Sistoni, 'Originator' 'Queen of the Zerg.'"

Alpha let out a groan as if he was raped, his hands trembled badly, and he wrote quickly.

His hands were usually steady, but now he made several mistakes, and the silver ink dripped down. He immediately wiped it off with his precious white robe, not caring at all.

"Dragon, 'Seven-Colored Dragon', 'Star Destroyer', Immortal αλφαβητον.σ?Σ... Don't ask me, I only know how to read it."

"Demon... 'Fallen Angel' Lucifer. Samuel. Peter. Adversary." "Elf, Immortal Freya. Crescent and Verdant Forest. Saen." "Angel, Seventy-two-winged Seraphim, Godlike, Archangel ???????? Micha'el. I can tell you this, this is Michael, of course, this is what most creatures call it."

"Finally..." He looked at the human text with a complicated look: "Human..."

"'Beichen', Taishang Kaitian Zhufu Yuli Gaotian Shangsheng Daci Yuhuang Datianzun Xuanqiong Supreme God Hanzhenti Dao Haotian..."

Alpha Pen stopped, looking at Xu Yangyi with a look that was obviously: Are you kidding me?

Xu Yangyi looked at him sincerely, his eyes meant: I'm not kidding you...

Just based on the length of the name, Haotian is actually longer than the six Yahwehs combined...

However, they didn't have time to respond at all. At the moment when the six names were finished, a golden light suddenly flashed in the cave. Everything was swallowed up by the tide of light.

Alpha was stunned for a moment, and then his voice broke with excitement: "It's opened... It's really opened! My God... This is the first time we have stepped into the secret of Yahweh!"

Swish! The light swallowed the two of them in an instant. When they opened their eyes again, they both took a breath of cold air.

There was endless void in all directions, but in the starry sky, there was a long road under their feet.

It was made entirely of stone, ordinary slabs of stone, each of which was several meters in size, and the entire stone staircase was about fifty meters wide. It goes straight up, winding endlessly, and at the end of the road, there is a huge thing like a red sun, emitting endless light and heat, and the surrounding miles are dyed blood red, and farther away, the rolling demonic energy turns into a magnificent vortex like tentacles, rumbling towards here.

There is only this star in the entire void. And this star is enough to illuminate the eternal night.

This place is like a tomb abandoned by the universe. Silent.

"This is..." The moment he saw it, Alpha took a deep breath and said in astonishment: "Devil's oven!?"

"But... what about its pressure? This place is at most tens of millions of meters away from the oven! If it is a real cosmic artifact, we would have been turned into dust long ago."

Xu Yangyi looked up and looked around: "Maybe... it's not that there is no pressure."

Just outside them, a green light curtain enveloped them, about one meter in radius. Countless incomprehensible runes shone.

His slender fingers slowly crossed the light curtain, and the light curtain was rippling. After a few seconds of hesitation, he suddenly flicked his fingers, and a stream of spiritual power gathered into a white light, which broke through the light curtain and flew out with a whoosh.

However, just as the stream of light just left the light curtain, the pupils of the two suddenly shrank, their hearts almost stopped, and their legs suddenly sank, directly inserted into the ground for dozens of centimeters!

Boom boom boom! The heart beat rapidly in a few tenths of a second, and the bones were creaking. At the same time, the stream of light suddenly dissipated! As if swallowed by an invisible giant mouth in the dark night!

A trace...

Just at the moment of the fluctuation just now, a trace of pressure was transmitted, and it was this trace that they could not resist at all!

"Look!" Alpha suddenly shouted, and Xu Yangyi raised his head with difficulty, as if his bones were almost broken. This simple action took all his strength, and blue veins jumped out.

"Heh..." He took a breath of cold air, and his whole body was cold. In the deep darkness, a huge shadow appeared. It was hard to tell how big it was, or what it was. It might be a dragon or a human. The blue was mixed with paleness, just like the protector here. It appeared and disappeared in an instant.

Walking alone in the dark night, followed by ghosts.

Then, a majestic divine consciousness swept through everything. They didn't dare to breathe at all. As the divine consciousness swept through, goose skin spread all over their bodies for no reason.

That was the natural reaction of creatures under great terror - reducing their sense of existence.

One second.

Everything happened within a second, like an illusion, the phantom disappeared quietly, as if it had never appeared. Neither of them spoke, their hearts were still beating wildly in their ears. After a few minutes, they carefully lifted their legs. No one suggested, the two of them leaned back against each other, and looked around the void with great solemnity.

Here... there are other creatures.

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