
Chapter 1279: Fear (I)'s the Chinese New Year, so I really don't dare to add more...


Still silent.

Tens of seconds later, a hoarse voice sounded: "I'm not sure, he's very strong."

"I should be glad that I have seen the Shadow Crystal. His power...has exceeded my imagination. It is no less than any top three. It's really hard to imagine that this is just a substitute seat!" "Not only the top three, Fellers's top three is One of the weakest top three in this year. Even compared to the top three top-ranked top three, he is probably not inferior to the top three. "How can humans produce such a monster? Now that I have successfully promoted... I don’t want to face him.”

Their eyes intertwined with each other, each trying to detect whether there was murderous intent in the other's eyes - but soon, everyone was disappointed with Xu Yangyi's murderous intent.


Perhaps before, Xu Yangyi's strong performance in the last game has made too many players secretly afraid. But the moment they saw Alpha, they knew it was impossible to succeed. If they had to take action forcefully, not to mention damaging the magic crystal, and making Alpha really angry, their team would probably be in trouble.

In an extremely inconspicuous corner, a demon like a skinned skeleton had soul fire dancing in its eyes, and said hoarsely: "How is it?"

A slight voice sounded in its ears: "It's very strong, about the same as you. The gap between you and the evil is about 12%, and he is 20%. But... he should be better."

The soul fire in the demon's eyes beat hard twice, but he did not speak.

"Are you doubting my judgment?" The voice seemed to be smiling: "Don't doubt the great scholar in the fourth seat of the Eye of True Knowledge. I tell you, the most powerful place of the human race is in the field, and all their essence is in the construction of Domain. If you use the Abomination as a benchmark, your 12% is 12% of the total explosion, but once he uses the domain, the gap will be reduced to 10%!"

The soul fire jumped suddenly again, and then he said in disbelief: "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure that the field explosion is a qualitative leap, 10-15%, haha... You all have the possibility of defeating the gods, but you are more likely to lose. Compared with other players, you can already be called the unparalleled genius. Fortunately, you and Shen Ai are not on the same team. If you make no mistakes, you and Shen Ai will enter the next round together in this final group, but the top four will be eliminated, but the champion and runner-up will have been firmly promoted."

Xu Yangyi ignored the thoughts of other players. Since he decided to go his own way, why should he be afraid of strong winds and waves?

Only the strong can be feared.

They had reached the center of the Eternal City, under the huge tree map.

The golden light is like the sea, the giant trees are like mountains, and countless golden roots spread up to form the second layer. The bottom layer has turned gray and become a thing of the past. The player's avatar will no longer change. From now on, anyone's opponent can be calculated.

Countless demons from all directions disappeared quietly in the darkness, their blazing eyes staring at the supreme crown, all landing on the highest peak. From time to time there was the sound of heavy breathing.

"Only the weak will look forward to it." Alpha glanced contemptuously at the figures hidden in the shadows and sneered: "Because the strong always know that no one can get this honor except themselves."

He walked all the way to his training room, but to his surprise, the restriction on the door had been unlocked, and at the same time, there were several figures standing there.

"Yi Ferrers?" Before anyone else could walk in, a deep voice slowly sounded.

"Who are you?"

"Finally I see you! Dear player!" There were three people coming, all of them shrouded in cloaks. The person at the back did not speak, and the fat figure in front immediately walked up quickly and extended his hands enthusiastically. However, before he walked in, Alpha said to Xu Yangyi indifferently: "The second rule of survival is to never have any physical contact with the other party. Even if you have a conversation, keep it five meters away."

The fat figure paused, extremely embarrassed: "Your Excellency, the great scholar...I...we come with great sincerity..."

"Stop your poor performance, the aura on your body is exactly the same as the restriction on the door before." Alpha stepped in front of Xu Yangyi, held the black hand, looked directly at the shaking body under the cloak, and said He said word by word: "Introduce yourself. You may have heard of me, Liangqin Director Alpha. It's an honor to meet you."

"Vicious and arrogant... No, the great and true Alpha?!" The fat body trembled like an electric shock, and his voice almost screamed, trying desperately to throw away the other party's hand: "No, no, very honored!"

Alpha was like a stone sculpture, his eyes narrowed slightly: "You just said a word that I really don't want to hear. Which faction are you a disciple of true knowledge? Or... just come and grab a handful of salted fish and leave?"

He came closer and said coldly to the side of the other party's cloak: "You dare to touch my people, are you stretching your hand too long? Or, is the price you offered to the Shadowsong Brotherhood too low?"

"I, I..." The fat figure trembled for a few seconds without speaking. Suddenly, it let out a heart-rending scream, and just where the hand touched, a spark began to appear.

Xu Yangyi was a little surprised, how did he do it? Can mere contact create a killing situation?

"Your Excellency!" "Master Scholar!" The two demons behind them suddenly exclaimed. However, no one dared to come forward. The posture of wanting to move forward but not daring to move forward was so timid and ridiculous.

"You still have three seconds." Alpha ignored them and looked at the fat demon and said coldly.

The fat demon trembled all over like chaff, and finally took Alpha's hand and knelt down devoutly, saying in a trembling voice: "Endless Rift Valley... The declining family of true knowledge, Suvelpan... pays homage to His Excellency the Great Scholar..."

It no longer denies the forbidden matter. In front of great scholars, this kind of clumsy lie is as pale as paper.

"It turns out that we are of the same kind." Alpha smiled and retracted his hand: "You saved a life."

The flames were extinguished immediately, and the fat demon lay limp on the ground like mud.

Alpha took out a silk scarf and wiped his hands, and said calmly to Xu Yangyi: "There are many ways to kill people in the Eternal City. You don't know whether the other party has a restriction on transferring the fire element and activating it for a limited time. Moreover, when talking face to face, There are some words with weird pronunciation that can activate spells at different times. The supernatural powers here are far beyond your imagination..."

He lightly threw down the silk scarf, covering it just over the fat demon's head. The other person did not dare to move. Alpha said slowly: "From the moment you met me, unless you are a true knower with a higher rank than me, You are in no danger."

Xu Yangyi was very curious about the two faces of the other party. In front of people who were more proficient than himself, the other party was as humble as an ascetic. In front of those who are weaker than himself, he is as arrogant as a king.

It is simply unimaginable that a few hours ago, the other party was trying desperately to please him, just to get him to say one more word.

He couldn't help but laugh: "I finally know how you got your vicious nickname."

"Is it weird?" Alpha didn't think so at all: "Why should I waste my time on useless waste?"

"Bah, bang, bang..." In the silence, the last of the three demons finally clapped softly, as if he had not heard the rubbish remarks just now, and said respectfully: "As expected of a great scholar certified by the Hall of True Knowledge. , completely different from other factions. I wonder if we have time to talk about it? Maybe we have some misunderstandings before, but I think we have a chance to resolve them."

"It's very nervous." Yuchang said slowly in Xu Yangyi's consciousness: "In front of an assassin, no matter how well you hide it, there will still be clues."

This time, Alpha did not nod, but looked at Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment, then waved his hand to open the restriction, and the group slowly entered.

As soon as I entered, I saw a black and white figure, wearing glasses and lying very elegantly in the center of the training room reading a book. A dog actually looked like a dragon. Just after everyone came in, it pushed up its glasses and sighed: "Ah... I seem to smell the magic crystal."

Fahai also came over at some point, sitting cross-legged next to it, turning the golden rosary in his hand, and everyone raised their eyebrows slightly when he saw it.

"This is your team?" Alpha glanced at it: "The old, weak, sick and disabled are really not good."

"Pay attention to the way you speak, elf." Mao Baer put down the book nobly and gracefully: "You are speaking to a noble demon. Old or weak, sick or disabled, please speak according to the facts."

"Ha..." Alpha sneered, Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers, and immediately, a void of white bones appeared, forming several seats. Mao Baer also closed the book and sat on it seemingly seriously.

The guests and hosts were seated. As soon as the devil who spoke last sat down, he said hurriedly: "Thank you very much for taking the time to meet me. I won't say any more gossip. I came because I have a business deal that I want to discuss with Mr. Yi."

"Business?" Mao Baer's tail suddenly stood up: "Should you find me?"

"It is?" Alpha raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Yi's chief agent!" Mao Baer raised his head and said.

Alpha withdrew his gaze: "Trash."

"Dead shemale! Say it again! Believe it or not, this divine dog closes the door and lets the potatoes go!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi frowned and raised his chin towards the devil: "Continue."

"That's it..." The demon pulled down his cloak, with a red body, a bald head, two huge demon horns, and black meridians all over his body. He took a deep breath and said: "I am your next opponent. , Blood Swamp, Samaris Campea of ​​the Campea Family, Eternal Diamond Level, I think you should have heard of my name.”

"No." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I have something to talk about, and I don't have much time."

Samaris took a breath, didn't he? Are you not noticed by him at all? He didn't even pay attention to his next opponent?

No time? unnecessary? Not necessary?

No matter which one, the anger in his heart went straight to Tianling Gai. It was so crazy... Could a mere human be setting his sights on the evil deity?

But... I had to apologize humbly! No matter how big the nameless fire is in my heart, I can only hold it back.

"It doesn't matter... we know each other now." He gritted his teeth and forced a smile, holding up seven fingers: "Seven hundred million."

He gritted his teeth: "Buy...Mr. Yi will lose the next game."


As soon as he finished speaking, the whole audience was silent.

Alpha raised his eyebrows and sneered without saying a word. Xu Yangyi looked at him like an idiot. Mao Baer had been beaten to a pulp by Yi Yi.


Xu Yangyi never expected that someone would be so afraid that he would bribe him to fix the match! The asking price was still a high price of 700 million!

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