
Chapter 1280: Fear (II)

When no one spoke, Samaris suppressed his beating heart and spoke cautiously: "I have checked Mr. Yi's odds. Although they are high, there are not many people betting on them. You will be the same in fifteen games." When the gods meet, your steps will end there. Five hundred million is enough to compensate you for everything, and there is still more."

"We participate in the Abyss Arena, naturally for a higher ranking. If we can't reach the top thousand, then we can earn more magic crystals, which will never be used up! I believe you have the same idea. After all... we I’m in the same group as that monster. I’m pretty sincere about this price.”

This time, even Mao Baer stopped talking and looked at him like he was an idiot.

There was still silence, and Samaris hesitated. If possible, it really didn't want to come here! But there is no other way now, the second game will be held in about a week, and he definitely doesn't want to collapse here!

They are grouped with the gods, which can be called the group of death. No one can advance except the gods, and it is impossible for anyone to do it! Now that the first place has been decided, all that remains is to find benefits under this premise. The other party wants money, and it wants fame. This is what gives it the confidence to stand here.

However, the current silence made him feel a little flustered inexplicably. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you think the price is too low?"

"Seven hundred and fifty million..." It gritted its teeth and reported its bottom line: "Mr. Yi, this is my highest offer, and it is an absolutely sincere offer..."

"Ha..." Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi finally spoke, looking calmly at his crossed fingers: "When... can I buy my victory or defeat with money?"

Samaris did not hear the underlying meaning and spoke cautiously: "I checked the classics and found similar situations in every session."

Xu Yangyi finally raised his eyes, met the other person's expectant gaze, and suddenly smiled: "Then I will give you a price."

Samaris still didn't feel anything. He just thought that the other party had agreed. The ecstasy in his heart suddenly broke through the sky, and his breathing began to become heavy: "You said, as long as it's not too much, I can negotiate."

"Don't make a mistake." Xu Yangyi smiled lightly and said, "Twenty million."

"Give you the dignity to lose."

"What?!" After the last word fell, Samaris breathed out demonic energy from his seven orifices and stared at Xu Yangyi: "Are you... crazy?!"

"Do you think the price is not enough? We..."

boom! ! !

Before he finished speaking, a magnificent aura instantly enveloped the entire place, carrying endless murderous intent. Samaris's pupils suddenly narrowed, his cloak suddenly lifted up, his hands tightly grasped the armrests, and his body was already slightly suspended in the air.

This is the instinct when facing a powerful creature. The body is not under control at all, and his demonic energy has fully exploded! However, as soon as its demonic energy appeared, it was almost immediately covered by the spiritual energy that spread throughout the place. Except for the five meters around it, it could not spread at all!

So strong...

Samaris took a deep breath. Even though he knew he was very strong from the shadow of the magic crystal, facing him in real life was completely different! The feeling of being an isolated island in the middle of a raging sea is enough to put any contestant to shame!

"You..." Xu Yangyi was calm and composed in the entanglement of spiritual energy and demonic energy. Samaris was already covered in cold sweat. Just as he was about to speak, an incredible idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

"You...are you going to challenge the gods?"

"It's not a challenge." Xu Yangyi stood up, walked over with a smile, leaned on the opponent's armrest, stared at the opponent like a tiger preying on prey, and said word by word: "The number one in this group is... me."

Samaris almost held his breath.

The other party's shadow loomed over its head, and it felt it... The other party didn't say harsh words, but just felt it.

Crazy...crazy! It met a madman!

Someone actually dares to challenge the evil being? Challenge for first place?

No... there have been seventeen major outbreaks in history, and the final result of Divine Abomination is sixteen times in the top 100, sixteen consecutive victories among the top 100, the first major explosion, killing the top three among the original in three hours. No one survived the second outbreak for two hours. The third time, killing the disciples of the Demon King, took two hours and forty-seven minutes. The fourth time... he was placed in the group of death, among the vicious ones from the original family, and the last ones to qualify... were actually him and a little-known player!

Without it, this time, all the original families were on the same side as it. result……

No one is qualified!

The original family was almost wiped out!

Starting from the fifth time, once encountered, everyone will abstain unless they are from the original family. This has become an unwritten practice. Because of their status, the original family did not have this option. Otherwise, more people will abstain.

This routine continued until the eighth time, when the divine evil finally met the most powerful opponent, the eighteen-winged fallen angels from the end of ice. The battle lasted for a total of 172 hours in darkness and darkness. In the end, the fallen angels won. This is also the only one that God Sin has lost in the seventeen abyss battles.

After this game, the Fallen Angel was too seriously injured and announced his abstention. When players of the same level compete, no one can stop. There is no such thing as reaching the end and making a sure move. Without this awareness, there is only death.

And this one is also known as the top ten classic battles in Devil's Oven, ranking first.

The gods are different in every session. I don’t know which one it is this time. No one has ever thought of challenging it. Seeing that the gods are in this group, all the players have no complaints. The other party's realm no longer allows them to complain, so they can only accept it quietly.

Powerful enough to be powerless, powerless enough to tremble.

And now...this human being actually wants to challenge the gods?

"'re fucking crazy..." Samaris felt a surge of blood in his heart, but was immediately swallowed up by huge fear. He suddenly waved Xu Yangyi's hand away, panting like an ox, and walked away quickly without looking back. He left the last words.

"Since you don't know what's good and what's must defeat me first!!"


After taking everyone away, the door closed with a bang. Only then did it realize that it felt like it had escaped from hell.

"Do you really think that if you defeat the twin demons, you are qualified to challenge the gods?" He said bitterly to the back as he walked. His eyes were shining brightly.

Creatures always find other ways to hide their fears.

Because just now, it felt that the other party's power was terrifyingly powerful... It, it even wavered for a moment.

He quickly rushed out of the training area. It was clearly a dark night sky outside, but he felt that it suddenly opened up a lot. The oppressive feeling of being extremely powerful and forced finally slowly dissipated.

The first thing it did was take several deep breaths.

Then, he saw a dozen demons in front of him.

After everyone hid in their cloaks, the contestants took the lead, with several members of the team standing behind each one. Staring at it.

"How's it going?" One player saw it coming out and immediately said, "Has he...had this idea?"

"No!" Samaris didn't want to recall everything just now, gritted his teeth and said: "Go and ask yourself! I don't want to see this human being again!"

" not a human being! He is some kind of creature wearing human skin!"

After saying this, it left immediately, not wanting to stay here for even half a second.

Looking at its back, a dozen demons were all silent. After a few seconds, a demon spoke: "It seems that this human being is very confident in his strength... He wants to reap all the benefits before encountering the evil being?"

"If a great scholar joins us, we can only ask." Another demon said grimly: "If you really want to buy it, it's not that you can't buy it. His journey will end when he encounters the evil being. He should also understand, but The price is definitely too high, and if we buy it... I’m afraid we’ll have to wipe out our savings and incur huge debts.”

"But he is indeed very strong." A tall demon muttered: "Can any of you estimate his upper limit?"

"I don't know, I can't tell at all." "I can only be sure that he exploded in the last scene. But this explosion was controllable, and the twin demons and even the distortion did not unfold." "A total of three seconds of mantra chanting Time, he didn't give the other party a chance... It was not that he was forced to explode, but that he wanted to explode. "

"With the strength of the twin demons, we still can't force out his details... but... the twin demons can't do it, and I... can't do it either..." "It's the same as us, it's a small favorite, I think After checking the schedule and making estimates, we don’t have a favorite in this half. "Originally, Red Night Demon was slightly better than us and was considered a medium favorite, but... I don’t know who it lost to."

For several minutes, there was no conclusion, only things that everyone knew.

This person is very strong... very strong. As for how strong they are, their strength cannot be seen.

But damn, I'm going to meet him soon! !

Do you really think Samaris can stop the opponent?

Go to hell!

"Let's take it one step at a time." A demon finally spoke, shook his head and left: "I originally thought that there was only the big God of Death, Shen Ni, but I didn't expect that there was actually a small God of Death. This group... is really a deception of death. The group…”

Samaris didn't know anything, his heart was still beating wildly, and he quickly walked towards his training room.

If the other party doesn't want to sell, and he doesn't want to give in, then... there is only one fight!

"Damn humans..." Turning the corner was its training room, but as soon as it turned the corner, its eyes suddenly narrowed.

What it purchased was a palace-type training room. It was not just it alone, but also other demons. It was usually very noisy here. But now it is as quiet as death.

Sand...the wind blew by, bringing with it an icy coldness.

The cloak made a hunting noise, and it lay on the ground like a hound. Because of the nameless terror, its silent heart suddenly beat wildly again, and Dead Fang said: "Who..."

"Who's here?"

"get out!"

"Haha..." This space seemed to be cut open, and the things around it seemed to be like scenery in the steam, slowly floating, and a voice that made the whole body shiver sounded: "For hundreds of thousands of years... there is really no one." Dare you say the word "get out" to this king."

"This... king?" Samaris gasped: "You... no, you... no... this, this is impossible... it is impossible for the devil to enter the saint... you, you suppressed the realm ?”

"It's not important." The voice said slowly: "Are you willing to bathe in the light of the morning star?"

Samaris' head exploded.

Morning star...morning star!

An ancient legend, one even known to any demon, came to mind.

The spokesperson of the devil... was born from the first morning star in this area of ​​​​the sky, the Morning Star Demon Dragon...

"Almighty spokesman... humble Samaris is at your service..."

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