
Chapter 1282: The Main Competition (I)

In the whole hell of deception, as long as the devil is watching this scene, no one can say anything.

"Twin demons... lost?" There was another demon who didn't pull out from what he saw, and said to himself in a daze: "This... this is so strange..."

"It's impossible to happen... It actually lost to a human?" "Demon God, how is this possible?" "Oh my god... the little popular player lost! And it was so easy..." "Ninety Five to five...what's going on with this odds?" "How could there be such a high odds?"

After the initial shock, the voices of discussion grew from small to loud, and finally connected into a noisy wave, resounding in countless places in the Abyss Arena.

I don’t know how many demons have noticed this human being who has never been noticed before, and there are more demons. Those demons who had bet on Xu Yangyi’s loss before were simply shocked at this moment!

After being shocked, countless blazing eyes turned to the betting shop opposite.

Ninety-five to five... Recommended by great scholars... Defeat the minor favorites... A one-sided battle...

No matter what, they are worth betting on!

That's how it is sometimes. Demons looking for their favorite players are undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. There are hundreds of millions of players, and they can't find them all with scattered demons. They get irritated after looking at thousands of them. Where would you notice a human being among them? I don’t know how many players still have zero investment in them.

If Xu Yangyi was not on the Ferrers bench, would he want to get investment based on his reputation? That is simply a fantasy. At most, only 10% of the devils can get investment in the first round! And all of them are concentrated on those small favorites and popular players! How can we get a foreigner in his turn?

It's different now. The term "foreign race" was instantly diluted by great scholars and the ultra-high odds of ninety-five to five. In the intertwining of fiery gazes, many demons walked silently towards the betting shop on the opposite side without saying a word.

"A thousand magic crystals..." A three-meter-tall fiery red demon stood in front of the counter and gritted his teeth for a long time while looking at Xu Yangyi's portrait. Finally, he suddenly slapped a magic crystal coupon on the table and said with flames spraying from his nostrils: " I’m the best player for Feilus with one thousand magic crystals!”

Someone started, and those demons who were still dissatisfied with a human being participating in the abyss arena finally let go of their prejudices and poured into the betting center like a tide.

Ninety-five to five is enough to make all demons put down their pride.

"Eighteen hundred magic crystals!" "Two thousand magic crystals!" "Three thousand!" "Two thousand five hundred!"

Shouts came and went, and for the first time, the number of Xu Yangyi's bets slowly increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Eighty to twenty?" In a huge cave, the Grizzly Bear Prince raised his glass in astonishment: "So fast?"

"Yes, my lord." In front of it, a gray-white demon crawled and replied respectfully.

The Grizzly Prince didn't speak, and then smiled after a long time: "It seems that our Quasi-Saint Master is unwilling to reveal his title... But the sudden surge in betting is really beyond my expectation. In the first few games, I was betting. He made a little money, but now he has really won his first audience.”

The gray-white devil asked cautiously: "Do you want to raise your bet?"

"No, no need." The Grizzly Prince muttered: "The next battle is a life and death battle. He can be considered a dream start. Whether it can turn into a snowball or disappear into oblivion depends on the next one. It's a pity... "

His fingers gently slid over the wine glass: "This is the death group between deception."

"Why did the great scholar choose him? It's obvious that he will lose in more than a dozen games. No one can win against the evil beings. Could it be that... the great scholar thinks he can defeat the evil beings? This is simply impossible. Except for the fallen. Angels, no one can challenge the gods."

It put down the wine glass and disappeared into the shadows: "Continue to pay attention. Although I am not optimistic about his prospects, I am more curious about how many demon fans a human can get. This is a very interesting game, isn't it? ?”


Several days passed quickly.

Xu Yangyi didn't do anything else, but adjusted his energy and energy to the peak. He didn't know the number of bets on Devil's Oven. He only knew that Alpha had taken action. As for the specific number, he would know it when he went to the competition field.

A few days later, he opened his eyes gently, and the throbbing in his body buzzed again. This was the call from the Demon Oven, and the next battle was about to come.

Brush... A flash of light flashed, and his figure disappeared from the room. The next second, he immediately appeared in the abyss arena.

Wow! In an instant, overwhelming cheers resounded in the ears, overwhelming rain of magic crystal coupons fell from the sky, and Kira's familiar voice sounded again: "Dear Sirs, I am very happy to have everyone gathered at the main competition venue of the Battle of the Abyss!"

"Oh!!" The earth-shattering voice resounded through the sky, and the surrounding clouds and fog instantly cleared. Countless demons raised their arms feverishly, roaring at the top of their lungs and meaninglessly.

Their passion can reach the sky, their desire can fill the earth, and their blood boils to the point where the air becomes blurry. No one can escape the infection of this once-in-a-ten thousand-year festival, and everyone is intoxicated and crazy in it.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, the scene was so familiar, but...this time there was something unfamiliar to him.

The venue changed. A pale golden shield, completely transparent, was placed upside down on the huge arena - this was something that had never been seen before.

But this is not the point. Because in the passage of the arena, rows of torches on both sides have been lit, and the blazing flames are jumping dozens of meters high, forming huge lighthouses in the dark night. But the most conspicuous thing is the huge light curtains surrounding the four sides.

These light curtains are rectangular, suspended in the void, and are a hundred meters high. Arranged in a rectangular ring. And on dozens of these rings, there are already holographic images of some contestants.

Lifelike, there are silver-gray demons with horns all over their bodies, and demons shrouded in black cloaks, exuding an ominous aura. Their demonic energy is so fierce and so twisted that it gathers into this demon's crown, covering the sky above this arena. It's like a heroic spirit overlooking the whole arena, blood and glory, killing and conquest, the sonata hovers in the sky, shocking people.

Just under the crown, there are two huge torches on both sides of each rectangle, and behind them rises a family emblem that is tens of meters high, composed of demonic energy illusion. Countless famous or hidden demon family flags fluttered above the nine heavens, forming a battle formation of ten thousand demons. Giving supreme honor to the contestants who participated in the battle.

"The main competition is completely different?" Yu Chang raised his eyebrows: "This is too big. It really gives the highest honor to each contestant."

Before he finished speaking, Qila's voice sounded again. Unlike the auditions, his introduction was much more solemn and longer.

"The auditions have officially ended, and a total of 25 million contestants have entered the finals! In the 100 arenas of Zero Luo Zhutian, 200 contestants will eventually enter the finals! At present, a total of 47 contestants have been finalized. Let's see which demon will have his name engraved on this crown of sin next! Or...human!"

"Oh!!!" "Kill!! Tear your opponent to pieces! The candidate of the Ferres family!" "Samaris, you are invincible! Tear that damn human into pieces!" "The reputation of the bloody king is shining on you! Samaris!" "Human, for the reputation of Ferres, burn your opponent to ashes!!"

As the word "human" fell, it was like lighting a torch, and the whole audience was boiling in an instant. What surprised Xu Yangyi was...he actually heard his own voice! And it was definitely not small!

"I have fans?" He was stunned for a few seconds before laughing.

"Winning two games in a row, with odds dozens of times higher, plus the great scholar personally taking action and standing up for you, you should have it." Yu Chang was quite emotional: "But I didn't expect it to rise so fast. At least two or three out of ten people are shouting your name in this game."

Qira's voice continued to sound: "Everyone, let me say it again, this is the main competition. Every demon who enters the main competition is worthy of our cheering. Each of them is a generation of demons in Tiragangdis. First of all, let me introduce to you, Samaris Kampeya!"

Swish! The demonic energy was ten thousand feet high, and as its voice fell, Samaris walked out of the void. As soon as it appeared, all the voices were silent, and then a deafening shout broke out.

The demon spread its wings, and Samaris showed the demon form from the beginning, with two heads and four arms, and the demon horns all over his body twisted like an elk, a typical demon appearance, no different from the demons in the Western legends on Earth. Gray skin, blood-colored lines all over the body, boiling with the flames of hell.

"Roar!!!" As soon as he appeared, he let out a thunderous roar like a declaration, and a circle of visible ripples actually formed a shock wave that spread all around. At the same time, a rectangle on the ring-shaped crown lit up, and the pattern of Samaris's roar suddenly appeared on it. At the same time, the void twisted into a blood-red vortex, and the devilish energy swept wildly. After a few seconds, a huge flag rose slowly above its head.

It was a simple demon totem, burning with blazing flames, scarlet as blood, and demonic energy was surging. The next second, two pillars of fire rushed into the air, illuminating the world.

The heavens and the worlds, countless races witnessed this scene together, and witnessed the moment when the most powerful Tiragangdis, the super elite, appeared.

However, they had other ideas in their hearts.

The demon form is the most terrible killer of the demon. All the strength of the demon can only be fully erupted in this form. He showed his demonic form from the beginning, obviously he had learned the lesson from the unsuccessful transformation of the twin demons in the last game, and at the same time... it also showed that he attached great importance to this human!

This silent reminder made all the demons who bet on Xu Yangyi crazy!

"Kill! Players from the Ferrers family!" "Don't bring down the reputation of the original family!" "You are the real masters of deception!!" "The silver magic flame will eventually burn everything! You are invincible!!"

In an instant, the overwhelming cheers shocked the sky. Qila was also stunned. It didn't expect that Xu Yangyi had so many fans! Obviously, the whole audience was dead silent in the last game.

But it was not the time to think about these things. It puffed up its chest and shouted: "Next, let us welcome the next contestant, the Lord of Deception, the substitute of the original family. Contestant Yi. Ferrers! Race: human! Human! I repeat, human!"

"This time... no, in history, the only and first alien contestant to enter the Abyss Arena as an alien, and a weak human. He is the only one!!"

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