
Chapter 1283: The Finals Competition (Part 2)

Swish... As these words fell, a pure white aura rose up like a fairy cloud, covering the entire arena. The void opened a door, and Xu Yangyi, shrouded in a black cloak, slowly walked out of it.

It was very quiet. Compared with the roar of Bisamaris, his appearance was silent. He just gently pulled out the fish intestines, and a pool of autumn water reflected the sunlight. You could even hear the sharp sword cutting through the void.

There was no boiling, only a biting cold.

The scene was silent for a second, but the next moment, the demons who had bet on his victory suddenly became excited and decided to leave. Since they had chosen, they would no longer care whether this person was an alien.

"Tear it apart in half an hour!" A tall demon, spewing flames, shouted at the top of his lungs: "You have three thousand magic crystals on you!"

It was not alone, many demons stood up, and the cheers echoed through the sky. Although there were few people, only one or two in ten, the base number was too large. For the first time, the cheers for him formed a continuous wave.

"Burn it! Human!" "Just like you defeated the twin demons! Tear the other party into pieces!" "Use its blood to exchange for your magic crystals!" "Human, you should win if you stand here!"

However, this is a minority after all.

More demons, they stand here with arrogance and prejudice. They don't want an alien to come to this point. Just when the tiny wave of cheering for Xu Yangyi just exploded, a voice far beyond this wave, almost suppressing from all directions, broke out from the mouths of more demons.

"Get out! Humans!" "This is not the place you should be!" "You are so self-righteous just because you defeated a small favorite by luck?! You dare to get involved in our demon feast?" "Arrogant, you don't deserve the name of the Ferrers family!" "Take off your cloak! Aliens, are you ashamed to be seen!"

If Xu Yangyi's cheering is a wave, now it is a tsunami! A little bit of cheering can't be heard at all, but in just a dozen seconds, the whole audience formed a rare voice, and all other miscellaneous voices were swallowed up.

"Samaris!" "Samaris!"

From all directions, the earth shook and resounded under the demon's crown. If it is a player with poor psychological quality, his heart will be confused at this moment.

"As the saying goes, people who are famous are prone to gossip." Xu Yangyi shook the sword slowly, not caring at all: "Since they are not convinced..."

"Then beat them until they are convinced."

The nature of the demon is to worship power. As long as he keeps winning, and keeps winning, in the end, his waves will also turn into a tsunami, sweeping the entire abyss arena!

He was looking forward to that day.

"Swish!" Just as Xu Yangyi appeared, a screen of light lit up, and the scene of him quietly drawing his sword was instantly reflected on it. At the same time, the stars in the sky shone, and countless silver-white lights flew from the sky, forming a huge family emblem behind him.

Very big, much bigger than the bloody swamp, black, on the family emblem, a roaring ram spewed magic flames, becoming the most dazzling flag in the entire arena!

This is the treatment that only the original family in power can have.

Boom! Torches on both sides lit up, forming a dark night lighthouse, illuminating the sky, and all emblems dimmed under this ram. Qila raised his neck and shouted excitedly: "Both players are on the stage, now... the game begins!!"

Cheers, roars, accompanied by a rain of magic crystals, like fireworks at a grand event. In the fireworks, a man and a demon faced each other from a distance, and no one made a move.

Samaris was extremely solemn, and could not hear anything. During this period, he studied Xu Yangyi's several photos. He had to admit that it was no accident that this human defeated the twin demons. The opponent was very strong... stronger than it! It had no tricks to win!

His pupils were erected, and his breathing was extremely rhythmic. The five senses were already at their best, and he stared at Xu Yangyi's every move. At this moment, the opponent raised his hand gently.

His hair stood on end, and he almost subconsciously wanted to pinch his fingers, but just as he raised his hand, he was stunned.

The opponent did not move, but made a V gesture.

Samaris's anger suddenly rose in his heart. He announced his victory before it even started? Or using such a naive method?

However, it did not move. It knew that the faster it moved, the faster it lost. Long-term combat experience told it that if it did not move, it would have a little chance of winning.

However, Xu Yangyi saw that it did not move, and actually raised his hand and shook it again with a V sign.

What on earth was he doing?

All the audience were stunned. When Xu Yangyi shook the V for the third time, Samaris' pupils suddenly widened, and all the pores of his body suddenly spurted out a mist of fire. Two thick flames spurted out without warning, and instantly reached a rage.

"You are looking for death!!" With a loud shout, its body rushed forward like lightning and meteorites. Wherever it passed, the void was burned, forming a charred passage.

It understood...

This is not V...

This is 2, 200 million! It is the decent price that the other party wants it to lose!

In front of so many people... This V... is like a slap in his face. If he could still keep a trace of calm just now, now the string called reason in his mind is broken in an instant.

With its explosion, the voices shouting for Samaris from all directions suddenly became fierce, suppressing like mountains and seas, and countless screams and roars seemed to be able to strengthen Samaris with their voices.

"It seems that I don't accept it..." Xu Yangyi sighed regretfully, and in the seemingly calm atmosphere, a sword light suddenly shined. The pupils immediately turned into black holes.

boom! The meteorite came from the sky. With an extremely angry roar, Samaris punched out, and circles of bloody ripples bloomed, forming a huge bloody hand, burning with dark flames, covering hundreds of meters in radius. Inside.

Getting closer and faster! All the demons' breathing quickened and their voices became hoarse. They saw Samaris descending like a god, but there was only a sword light in front of his opponent, like a swimming dragon, with no defense and no demonic shield.

Suddenly, shouts shot through the sky, but in the midst of this earth-shattering sound, the slow sword light in front of Xu Yangyi suddenly exploded, creating a ghost-like sword light.

All the shouts were like a duck being pinched by the neck, and there was silence for a moment.

It's so gorgeous.

Like flowers in summer, snowflakes in winter.

It's too harsh.

The passage of geese between heaven and earth leaves traces that will last forever.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and the giant bloody hand met the sword light in an instant, and a white and red shock wave bloomed in the void, weak but sharp, ruthlessly tearing apart the surroundings like a knife, and the space was shattered. The seemingly majestic bloody hand actually collapsed under the light of this sword!

The force was like breaking bamboo, and the sword soared into the sky. At the moment of contact, Samaris felt an almost unstoppable tsunami of power coming towards him. It was obviously just a sword mark, but it made him feel unable to resist. Without any hesitation, its roar suddenly turned into a scream. The body immediately leaned back, and the sword light instantly cut through the sky and turned into a meteor in the sky.

Every demon raised his head and stared blankly at Yi Jian Feixing.

Is this... really a sword?

The giant blood-red palm, which seemed clumsy and clumsy, seemed to be light and mighty, turned into a red light like butterflies floating in the sky. The light and skillful sword suddenly caused a violent sea wave in the calm, and opened the sky with one sword.

And Samaris... came with endless fury, but ended up screaming and dodging in an anticlimactic manner?

No head-to-head confrontation?

"Awesome...awesome..." After being stunned for a few seconds, a demon who supported Xu Yangyi finally reacted, raised his hand tremblingly due to excessive excitement, and shouted hoarsely: "Awesome...awesome! So awesome! !”

The noise came so naturally, starting from a little bit and converging into a majestic sound wave in a few seconds. All the demons who bought Xu Yang Yisheng were infused with endless confidence because of this sword. If it was excitement at first, it is now frenzy!

"Yi Ferrers!" "Yi Ferrers!!" Another three seconds passed, and the whole audience could only hear their low-pitched voices of support.

But it was the only voice.

None of the other demons of pride and prejudice spoke.

These voices finally awakened Samaris's nerves. How loud his support was before, but now he is so embarrassed. This is a silent shame. Its eyes turned blood red instantly, and it roared: "Kill!!"

The figure has once again been wrapped in countless flames, charging madly!

This kind of humiliation can only be repaid with the blood of the opponent!

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin." Xu Yangyi said lightly. When the last word fell, the fish intestines trembled slightly, and countless swords of spiritual light sprayed into the sky and slowly rotated. A huge spiritual light sword lotus actually formed behind him.

The next second, thousands of swords rained down, driving a killing frenzy. A sheet of silver light burst out from Xu Yangyi's side like a lotus, endless, like stars flying upside down, the Milky Way was as bright as a star.

The world is quiet.

Only the setting clouds and the lonely owl are left flying together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky.

The fully exploded spiritual power enveloped the sky, and only Ten Thousand Swords and Flying Immortals could be seen in a radius of tens of thousands of meters. A stream of light flashed across the faces of the demons in the audience. Even the demons who supported Xu Yangyi had their mouths slightly open and their eyes wide open at this moment. Watching this scene.

The world of swords, the ocean of kendo. But that man didn't move a bit from beginning to end, but he was like an emperor in the sword, with thousands of swords obeying his orders.

They don't understand this artistic conception, but they can feel the shock of silence being better than sound.

Time seemed to stop for a tenth of a second. Then, Samaris took a breath and did not dare to say another word. The ice and snow that had just been crazy to kill him melted, his wings suddenly closed, and countless bloody talismans spread all over his body. , the body immediately becomes a metallic color.

The same fury comes, the same anticlimax.

At the same time, dozens of magic weapons flew out of the body together, and a rich shield of demonic energy opened. With one move, just one move, Xu Yangyi made the opponent open all his defenses.

Dang Dang Dang!

Dense sounds sounded like raindrops, and swords rained across the sky for three minutes. When the auras and fireworks all over the sky dissipate at the same time. Not a single demon in the audience could speak.

Only a pair of dull eyes stared at the sky.

"Ha..." In the first row, an archduke looked at the sky, then at Xu Yangyi who was strolling on the ground, and took a deep breath: "The Diamond Beyond Eternity..."

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