
Chapter 1284: The Final Competition (Part 3)

"If a person doesn't move, the spirit of the weapon is enough to kill the Eternal Diamond in an instant..." Next to him, another Grand Duke also stared at the field with eyes like fire, and suddenly said: " and the evil?"

All the demon kings looked towards a screen of light, but this time, they did not speak immediately.

Getting closer...

No...somewhat close!

The lower limits of the two are almost the same! Instantly kill the Diamond of Eternity, just watch... the upper limit burst when you encounter a real opponent!

There are actually such players! This group is the real group of death, he is the second god of death!

"That's interesting." A fat grand duke sat up straight, but did not smile: "I have a hunch that there will be a shocking battle here in two months..."

"It turns out to be a human and a deity..."

No need to doubt.

Because... just above the sky, Samaris opened his trembling wings, letting out a heart-wrenching cry. Its devil wings were incomplete, its body was covered with numerous wounds, and its devil horns were broken off. Completely different from the majestic Bloodswamp spokesperson just a few minutes ago.

One day at a time.

"You..." It opened its eyes hoarsely. If there was any luck before, it was already chilled by the sword rain just now.

What realm is this?

how so?

It is not as good as the twin demons, otherwise it would not secretly see Xu Yangyi. But... But when facing the twin demons, the other party took action himself! Facing yourself... you don't even need to take action?

It has studied that photo shoot countless times. Why...the other party has changed so much in the past ten days? Or was it that the opponent didn't use all his strength last time?

"This...impossible..." It looked at Xu Yangyi blankly and spoke tremblingly.

He knew that it was the other party who advanced in the Holy City, but it was just an advancement, how could there be such a big change! How strong is his foundation to become like this?

"Admit defeat." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "You are no match for me. Here... you can kill the opponent."

"We have no grudges at all. As long as..." He raised two fingers: "You still have a choice."

Seeing these two fingers, Samaris wanted to break them off and eat them!

To admit defeat in front of so many people...

Do you want to pay for the dignity of losing? !

It can't be done!

There was a flash of murderous intent in its eyes. It grinded its huge fangs and looked at Xu Yangyi as if it were a cannibal: "Then... just go and die..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly shot into the void, and a huge magic circle suddenly appeared. of bloody ripples crossed the void, and a majestic blood mist suddenly rose in all directions. A bloody frenzy immediately formed. At this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly felt a terrifying murderous intention. At the same time, the eyes of several demon kings in the front row suddenly flashed, looking at Samaris in disbelief.

"Treasure of rules?" A demon king said in astonishment: "How can it have such a thing?"

"According to the rules, the rule treasure is a too virtual item and cannot enter the Saint battlefield. Unless it is done here... the rules of escaping the eternal city. But a rule treasure is so precious... Even if the bloody swamp uses up everything, it will still be lost. It can’t be done here! No one can do it here!”

"How did you get it?! How did you escape the rules of the Holy City?!"

No one saw that in an inconspicuous corner, an inconspicuous demon was cheering crazily. Suddenly, it paused, and stars appeared in its eyes. Then, New Luyard's voice sounded in its mouth: "What a weak body..."

It immediately looked at the field, narrowed its eyes slightly, and then stretched out its snake-like tongue and licked its lips: "Yes... that's it... that fool is too big-hearted, and now he can use the gun of destruction to nail him to death." Maggot-like humans..."

Everyone was looking at Samaris, and even the lowest-level demons felt a terrifying pressure, like mountains and seas, and abyss and mountains. They couldn't help but hold their breath and stood up slightly involuntarily. At this moment, with Samaris's crazy roar, many stars actually appeared in the endless blood mist, condensing into a majestic vortex with its palm as the center.

"Oh my God..." A demon was finally shaken out of the shock and regained consciousness: "This... what is this..."

Rumble... The sky and the earth were buzzing. Samaris looked at the vortex in his hand with great excitement. It felt as if he was controlling a black hole. The terrifying power made the owner tremble.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and he already felt a terrifying murderous intention, like the sleeping God of Death opening its eyes and locking onto him.

However, he was unable to move. Samaris's demonic energy had become one with the black hole, and now the black hole was going crazy, extracting the opponent's power.

Need a chance... when Samaris is separated from the other party...

I'm afraid it was only a thousandth of a second. He suppressed his racing heart and breathed almost inaudibly. His energy and spirit had climbed to the top. His hands were tightly holding the fish intestines, like a rock in the angry tide, and his eyes were like torches.

The demonic energy was getting hotter and crazier, and with a loud bang, a golden tubular object suddenly appeared in Samaris's hand.

"Go to hell and repent...human." It took a deep breath, and the moment it grabbed the object, golden light shone brightly, and runes were densely covered on it. With two swish sounds, two one-meter-long spear tips stretched out from the front and back of the cylindrical object. A flash of heat flashed in its eyes, and its body was like a spearman in ancient Greece, raised high. The spear seemed to have heard it, and instantly turned into a silver-white lightning, spitting out uncertainly. The surrounding void was left with only the void of destruction.

"Go to hell, scum." Sitting in the corner, Xin Lu Yade squinted his eyes comfortably, licked his lips and watched this long-awaited scene.

Those who blasphemed the majesty of the demon god, all heavens and worlds, have no escape.


Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, and he felt that the other party's magic energy had been transferred and was now completely separated from the Spear of Destruction.

Swish! A brilliant light shone between heaven and earth, and his figure suddenly disappeared in the air. Samaris' pupils shrank, and just as he was about to throw the Spear of Destruction into the void, his soul suddenly boiled.

It was not an ordinary boiling, but a desire hidden deep in the body. The obsession with the word bloody instantly turned into a raging wave, swallowing up his reason.

He stayed still for a thousandth of a second.

Then his instinct immediately responded, and he tried his best to suppress his desire. The other party made a move... He immediately understood, and with his eyes red, he roared in shock: "Die!!"

The Spear of Destruction whistled out!

Karala! ! Endless starlight shone on the thunder and lightning, and the gates of the stars in the heavens and the worlds opened for it. Wherever it passed, the void was shattered, and the area of ​​tens of thousands of meters became a sea of ​​thunder. It was the only true Lord, the only true God.

All the ground collapsed layer by layer, and the entire arena was turned into dust in an instant. Moses' water-dividing staff was only a piece of dust within two thousand meters. Then a terrifying shock wave spread in all directions.

Thor's hand, Zeus's spear.

However, just when it flew a hundred meters, a huge barrier appeared in front of it. Deep black, like a black hole. Thor's spear slammed into it, without any resistance, the barrier immediately shattered, revealing Xu Yangyi's figure inside.

"Huh?!" Several demon kings shouted in surprise, stood up together, and their eyes suddenly flashed.

"He is..."

Thunder roared, wind was like a knife, Xu Yangyi's long hair and clothes were all flying, in this sea of ​​thunder, the scene of the world's destruction, there was no retreat on his face, no fear, only the determination to move forward.


The tongue burst into spring thunder, not retreating but advancing, the spiritual energy shield in front of him collapsed layer by layer, and before the collapse was complete, a circle of golden sea tide suddenly broke out beside him, a long golden river dragon flew in the sky, madly swallowing hundreds of meters!

Devouring talisman attachment activated!

"Crack, crack, crack!" The invincible Devouring Talisman and Soul Hunter finally met their match this time. Layer by layer, they broke into circles of black shock waves. It was like a nuclear explosion. The black shock waves and the blood-red shock waves accumulated into circles of exploding mushroom clouds, swallowing everything and sweeping everything.

The Thunder God walks on earth.

The terrifying sea of ​​runes and the mountain of thunder swallowed Xu Yangyi in an instant. His eyes were shining like fire. Just as the Soul Hunter was retreating step by step, countless cracks appeared on his body, as if his body was about to break, and countless blood flowed out of it. However, he had no time to care about these, because... three terrifying killing intentions that made him feel his hair stand on end had completely locked him at this time!

The center of his eyebrows, the heart, and the dantian, in this thunder forest with divine power like the sea, he seemed to see the death god spread his wings and become a giant dragon, roaring and locking his three deadly points.

"Heh..." He took a deep breath, and the next second, the magic energy in his body suddenly burst out! Endless black aura came from the void, and the gene talismans on the whole body changed immediately. The joints crackled, and under the desperate defense of the soul hunter, the demon body was fully revealed!

The brilliance of the rule treasure blocked everything, and no one saw that in the center of the thunder sea, the demon spread its wings. The power surged again!

"Kill!" With a roar, the black world was fully unfolded, the God of Killing came again, the black tide awakened, and a bit of ink black rendered the sky. At the same time, the Spear of Destruction broke through the soul hunter's defense. Even if the swallowing talisman was an ancient artifact, his strength was not enough to fully exert. But... resisting the ancient artifact, even the fake rule treasure of Mammon's split god was dimmed by several points.

Xu Yangyi's hair stood up all over his body, his voice was extremely hoarse, and he suddenly pressed with all his strength: "Stop for me!!"

Boom! ! In the vast black sea, endless barbs stood up, and this time they were not scattered, but all piled up in front of him, forming a huge Rashomon!

The Gate of Wolf Poison

The Gate of God-Slaying!

At this moment, there was no sound.

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