
Chapter 1285: Treasure of Rules

It was not really silent, but it was as if the sound was too loud. Thousands of lightning bolts were blocked outside this door, and the huge door was pushed out in a terrifying arc. Countless wolf poison roots were broken layer by layer, and wood chips flew everywhere. Behind the door, Xu Yangyi's expression was even a little ferocious, his muscles bulged, and he completely ignored the wounds on his body, and poured all his magic energy into killing.

Ten meters... twenty meters... fifty meters! The wolf poison door had been pushed out into a huge arch, and lightning snakes rushed out from the gaps in the roots, electrifying Xu Yangyi's whole body and charring it. His hair and beard stood up, and the wildly growing wolf poison roots tried their best to hold it back. It actually formed a rare stalemate!

This stalemate would not last too long. Xu Yangyi immediately saw the clues. The lightning burned with a blazing high temperature, and all the roots were charring rapidly. He gritted his teeth, and his power burst out completely. He no longer cared about hiding, and he used all his strength to activate the swallowing talisman.

Buzz... The void trembled slightly, and the swallowing talisman formed a black hole several meters in size. Just as it was condensing, there was a loud bang, and the Wolf Poison Gate was completely shattered! It turned into a sky full of spiritual light splashing.

This had never happened before, let alone killing, there was no one who could break through the Soul Hunter, and now, under the rule magic weapon, his defense was broken three times in a row!

"Puff!" Another mouthful of blood, the domain was broken, and it was completely connected to the consciousness and soul. The injury could not be said to be not serious, but his eyes were shining as never before.


The invincible spear finally dimmed!

Before, it was like thunder... No, it was thunder! And now, the shape of the spear can be seen in it.

It came and went like lightning, fast like wind, powerful like divine grace, and severe like divine punishment.

It rushed into the Devouring Talisman with its last madness. In an instant, there was a thunder that shook the earth. A circle of extremely tiny mysterious runes around the Devouring Talisman lit up around it, and dark auras from all directions gathered in it, forming a vortex of a black hole. He withstood the brilliant lightning.

The war between the black hole and the thunder, rebirth and destruction, kept alternating ten meters in front of him. Ten meters away, the brilliant sea of ​​thunder, the power of the sky. The rule treasure, the Spear of Destruction, finally stopped here.

It was produced by Taixu, but the Devouring Talisman was more powerful. It could break through Xu Yangyi's three bottom-line defenses and finally stopped in front of the Devouring Talisman. Its power was simply unimaginable. Being hit head-on, there was only one way to die.

Spinning rapidly, annihilating, the Spear of Thor finally had only the last bit of light left. All this happened in just three seconds. Xu Yangyi's heart was still beating wildly in his ears. He didn't relax at all and stared at the Devouring Talisman closely.

At this moment!

Sha... The Devouring Talisman suddenly dissipated. This unknown divine object actually devoured it to its limit. The next second, the Spear of Thor shook slightly, bursting out the last brilliance, and shot away at a speed that the eyes and consciousness could not capture at all.

As if Xu Yangyi had expected it, his figure suddenly disappeared in mid-air. With a muffled groan, his entire left arm disappeared in an instant.

No blood, it was erased, not torn.

At the same time, the terrible spear shot out for three thousand meters, and finally turned into a sky full of spiritual light and disappeared into the void.

The horrible explosion and the runes of the rule treasure blocked everything. No one could see the inside through this magnificent shock wave. At this moment, Xin Lu Yade in the corner suddenly raised his head and looked at his hand in disbelief.

In its left palm, a silver-white rune was shining. But it was dim.

"How is this possible?" It was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised its head and looked at the center of the shock wave.

Unfortunately, it could not see anything.

"He actually blocked the Spear of Destruction?"

"No matter how strong he is, he is only a saint! Although the one I gave that idiot is a fake, its nature is completely different from that of a saint! It is not something that a saint can block at all! He... How did he do it?!"

Suddenly, it was filled with murderous intent.

No one had ever made it want to kill. At first, it was just obeying the contract with the demon god. With the demon god seal, it would die or live. But at this moment, it actually had a killing intention that it could not restrain.

It knew that this was fear.

If it could not kill this person, the other party would grow up and reach Taixu, and that would be the time for it to hide!

The center of the explosion was now only silent.

The rumbling explosions around seemed to be inaudible. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. There was only a buzzing in his ears. Blood flowed all over his body, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead. The speed was too fast... so fast that he could not react. If it weren't for his nerves being tense, he would probably still be dead now if he relaxed a little just now.

Swish... The thunderstorms all over the field dissipated, and the broken void was reassembled. Severe pain came from his arm, he gritted his teeth to regain consciousness, and the infinite truth started immediately. After evolving into a demon body this time, he already had some of the demon's immortal physique. The wound healed quickly, and the broken arm showed signs of regeneration.

But he knew that it would take at least a week.

His body immediately returned to human form. He didn't want anyone to know his trump cards, which were only prepared for the gods and evildoers. Just after it returned to its original form, runes shone in all directions. In the haze, the arena from another world vaguely appeared.

It was also quiet outside.

But there were countless fiery eyes looking at this place. When the spiritual light dissipated and his figure reappeared, all the demon kings in front of him flashed their eyes.


He blocked it!

"He actually blocked the treasure of rules?" A demon king involuntarily hung his butt in the air, looking at Xu Yangyi in astonishment: "Holy Saint... blocked Taixu's attack... Although it is a fake, this is... too incredible..."

No one spoke, and all the demon kings exchanged glances, as if asking other demon kings: Can you, a great demon, block the fake treasure of rules.

Then, all the demon kings avoided each other's gazes.

Can't block...

Rules are rules! The so-called rules are because they must exist. Even if it is a fake, there are such rules!

Like light, air, water, these natural laws exist forever and cannot be erased!

The same is true for this gun of destruction. The opponent's rules are a must-kill. Anyone who touches the locked part will die. The way of Taixu, except for monsters like gods and fallen angels, can anyone block it!

"Draw other betting funds." A demon king closed his eyes, his chest rose and fell sharply, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "At the same time, all teams immediately study this player. Before meeting the evil god, all bet on him!" "I firmly believe and am sure. Before the evil god, he had no opponent!" It opened its eyes and took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "Terrible human... Tiragangdis is so powerful, and there are only a handful of new generation strongmen like him!" The demon king did not lose his composure, but the other demons began to talk in a low voice after being stunned for a full ten seconds. Or it could be said that they were talking to themselves unconsciously. "My God..." "He... He survived... survived the horrible celestial phenomenon just now..." "Demon God is above... Demon God is above! Who can tell me what happened just now? What is that? In this horrible vision, how can he, he survive!" Even if you didn't bet on Xu Yangyi, you can't speak at all at this moment. Conquer. Conquer by absolute strength. These low-pitched discussions gradually turned into a huge tsunami, and finally, formed a sound wave that resounded through the nine heavens!

"Awesome! Awesome!!" "Unbelievable! Just now, just now the sky changed color! I, I have never seen such a formation!" "Strong! Absolutely strong!!"

They could not forget the horror of the Ten Thousand Thunders Law just now.

They could not forget the sky changing color when the Spear of Destruction shot out like a dragon.

They could not forget the fear of the Thunder God walking in the arena.

However... this human survived!

He survived like this!

Samaris stared at Xu Yangyi dully, his mouth wide open, his mind was blank, his lips trembled several times, and he trembled: "You... why are you..."

"Why am I still alive?" Xu Yangyi looked at the blood-stained clothes, the severe pain from his internal organs, and the crackling sound in his bones, which made him want to close himself immediately, but he did not do so.

He just smiled, a smile covered in blood, and walked forward slowly step by step. With every step, Samaris took a step back.

"Of course it's to... come and collect the debt from you."

Samaris was shaking like a stroke. Of course, he knew what it was. It was the treasure of rules! It was the treasure of rules! It couldn't kill this human!

After taking a few steps back, he suddenly raised his head and wailed sadly and hoarsely: "You lied to me! You lied to me!!"

"You said the treasure of rules is invincible! You said that everyone under the rules is an ant! You lied to me! You deserve to die! You deserve to die!!"

Xu Yangyi still smiled, but his eyes gradually turned cold.

He had guessed who gave the treasure of rules to the other party.

There was only one demon who met all the conditions.

The Morning Star Dragon, the incarnation of Mammon's three armors, the new Luard!

"Spare my life..." Samaris had already cried, not out of sadness, but fear, and uncontrollable physiological tears. He crawled on the ground humbly. Although his situation was much better than Xu Yangyi's now, he had no intention of fighting at all. He didn't dare, didn't want, and didn't want to fight against the human who could survive under the treasure of rules.

"Please... spare my life..."

"No matter how much money you want... I just hope... I can walk out of the arena alive... I was wrong, I shouldn't have come... please..."

All the demons shut up. The supporters of Samaris before couldn't say a word.

Their players welcomed the mercy of their opponents with the most humble attitude, which was like a slap in their face, and they couldn't say a word.

Xu Yangyi walked over with a smile, and when the pair of black boots stood in front of Samaris, its huge body shook. Hearing the gentle voice above his head: "How many magic crystals do you have?"

Samaris' eyes lit up, and infinite hope was born again in his desperate heart. He crawled forward like a dog, kissed Xu Yangyi's shoes, and said hoarsely: "One billion! I have 400 million on me, and 600 million... I must use a special method to notify the family and let them send it over... Please..."

"Really..." It heard the voice above its head and the rustling sound of metal rubbing. That was the sound of Yuchang slowly pulling out. Its pupils shrank, but it couldn't move.

"Give it to me."

Without saying anything, Samaris gritted his teeth and spit out a storage ring, which was then taken away by Xu Yangyi.

Yuchang touched its neck.

The sword tip was cold, and Samaris trembled like a dog.

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