
Chapter 1286: Imminent (I)

After a few seconds, the sword was taken away.

Samaris was in disbelief and wanted to raise his head desperately, but suppressed it.

Survived... survived!

After seriously injuring this monster, he actually survived!

Yes, monster, it only has this idea now. It is afraid, it is afraid. For this kind of monster, it is a great gift to be alive!

"Thank you, thank you for your kindness!" he said tremblingly, and immediately got up and left.

Xu Yangyi looked at it coldly, watching the opponent limping towards the edge of the arena, where a light door had been opened. However, suddenly, Samaris paused, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Xu Yangyi with his mouth wide open.

"" It pointed at the other person with trembling hands, and a strange black color appeared all over its body. It fell down immediately without saying a few words. The moment his body landed on the ground, it turned into countless flames and flew into the air.


Died without warning.

Many Taixu pupils in the front row suddenly became sharp, and they took a deep look at Xu Yangyi.

"I never said you could live." Xu Yangyi coldly threw away the storage ring in his hand: "But I can make your death more pleasant."

"You have to pay for your life anyway. Why not be smarter from the beginning?"

At this moment, it was silent.

His voice was not loud, but he could be heard extremely clearly. Just after the silence lasted for three seconds, a wave of noise enveloped the arena without warning. Those who bought his victory and worshiped his strength had already stood up crazily, shouting his name with all their strength.

"Yi Feilus!!" "The original family is invincible!" "Too strong! You are the strongest demon I have seen so far! There is no one!" "Unbelievable... unbelievable!!"

Wow... I don't know which noble started first. A scattered rain and snowflakes of magic crystal coupons were flying, as if they were carrying magic. Within five minutes, the whole place was sprinkled with magic crystal coupons like fireworks, mixed with shouts from all around. They gathered into huge waves that shook the sky, and finally, the same voice rang out across the entire venue.

His name became the only one at this moment.

Xu Yangyi stood in the heavy snow of magic crystal coupons in the sky. He seemed calm. Only Yuchang could see that his hand had clenched the hilt of the sword.

This is convincing.

From being expelled from the audience to occasionally cheering, now with the fall of Samaris, he has finally won the recognition of many demons with his strength.

The most powerful plane in this countless light-year radius has been recognized by the main plane of demons as a human alien.

The proof of strength, the powerful brand, and the feeling of guilt made his blood boil, but he remained calm.

After taking several deep breaths, he wiped the blood from his body and said in a deep voice: "What are you stunned for?"

"Announce the results."

"Ah...yes, yes!!" Kira woke up from a dream, cleared her throat, her chest swelled up again, and shouted with all her strength: "The thirty-sixth main election, the winner, the original family Yi Fei. Les player!”

In an instant, the fiery sea wave once again reached a peak, and his name resounded throughout the nine heavens.

It took ten minutes for the tide to return to calm. Qi La took a deep look at Xu Yangyi and shouted: "Okay... let's see how many magic crystals Player Yi got this time!

Suddenly, a number appeared on Xu Yangyi's light screen portrait and jumped rapidly.

"Odds: 70:20. Betting capital: five million!"

"That is to say... he gained 350 million in this battle?" Countless demons' eyes were red, staring at Xu Yangyi, their eyes reddened by this huge number.

"Excluding the profits from the arena, he also has 175 million!" "His investment is only 5 million... Which of the popular players doesn't have tens of millions of investments! But one victory is just that. Four to five billion! "Half of the bets will win the same bounty. This, this is really..."

The sound of the magic crystal resounded in their hearts, making their hearts beat faster. I don't know how many neutral demons looked at Xu Yangyi with completely different eyes.

The snowball has begun to roll silently, and soon it will turn into a roaring chariot.

The excitement in his heart had calmed down, Xu Yangyi no longer paid attention to other people's thoughts, and the huge stone in his heart finally relaxed a little.

One hundred and seventy-five million, plus the amount from the previous game, exceeded the 200 million mark, plus Samaris's 400 million...

There are only 400 million away from one billion.

Without another word, his figure turned into a shadow and disappeared into the void.

The scene was still immersed in a fiery noise, and from time to time you could hear "What is that sea of ​​thunder?" "It's so scary... I have never seen such a treasure." "What's even more terrifying is that this monster is actually alive. Came down and killed Samaris lightly!" and other words.

However, all the Taixu Demon Kings in the front row were staring deeply into the field, all in deep thought.

"Poison?" A demon king said in a deep voice. Demons were immune to 99% of poisons. However, today, right in front of them, Samaris was poisoned and died. And...even they didn't feel when the other party used poison.

"Interesting, the poison that can make a demon fall... is really unheard of." Madam Ten Thousand Beast Bones snapped her fingers, and two waiters immediately knelt on the ground behind her. She said calmly: "How long will the battle between the gods and evil ones last?"

"Twelve more, ma'am."

Having hindered this moment, a demon king not far away smiled and said: "Do you think the evil is not 100% sure of victory?"

"No." A blood-red eye lit up under the cloak of the Lady of the Ten Thousand Beast Skeletons, and a pale tongue stretched out and licked the edge of the cloak: "I just never looked forward to the dragon-tiger fight among the saints so much."

"I have a hunch that when they meet, it will be as fierce as the collision of the Eighteen Hells, and it is no exaggeration to say that it will be earth-shattering. And the evil gods..."

It laughed hoarsely and leaned back in its seat: "I insist that it still has a 70% chance of winning."

"It is not just this little monster who can take over the treasure of rules..."

No one saw that in the farther corner, Xin Lu Yade was watching this scene grimly without saying a word.

After a few seconds, it let out a long breath and said coldly: "It seems that I still have to do it myself."

It retracted its gaze and hooked its fingers lightly. It is better not to let others see the Spear of Destruction.

However, there was no response.

Hook again.

Still no response!

It stood up suddenly, looking around in shock and anger, and its body was shaking.

It could not sense the existence of the Spear of Destruction!

The terrifying demonic energy rose and fell, and even the demon king in the front row felt it. Its anger was like a suppressed volcano. It was ready to erupt at any time and anywhere.

"Scum!!" After a long time, it gritted its teeth and looked in the direction where Xu Yangyi disappeared: "You dirty thief..."

"You... you dare..."

Its teeth were clenched, and it groaned, and its body turned into starlight and disappeared on the spot.

The Spear of Destruction was gone!

The rules exist forever. In other words, the Spear of Destruction is not a treasure that can be used once!

He... this humble human, actually stole his treasure under his nose!


With a little dizziness in front of his eyes, Xu Yangyi soon appeared in the training room. Mao Baer and Fahai saw that he was covered in blood and jumped up immediately.

"Met a powerful opponent?" Fahai was a little unbelievable. He was also quite conceited about himself, but after meeting Xu Yangyi, this conceit was gone. He couldn't believe who could hurt Xu Yangyi like this.

As soon as Xu Yangyi came out, he felt dizzy. He lost too much blood and his five internal organs were damaged. He immediately took out the pill and swallowed it. He started to recuperate without saying anything.

A few days later, when he opened his eyes again, his breath had recovered.

Although he was seriously injured this time, his left arm was slowly growing. But it was not fatal. After all, the attack of the Spear of Destruction did not hit him once. After all the trump cards were revealed, although he was affected, it just looked miserable.

"It will take about a month to fully recover." He felt that there were still many imbalances in the internal organs and meridians in his body. That was caused by the fierce power of the Spear of Destruction. Now he needs a little effort to drive these powers out of his body.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, waved his hand lightly, and a golden cylinder appeared in his hand.

"This is..." Just after he took it out, Fahai's voice sounded behind him, and he took a breath of cold air: "Daoyou, where did you get this thing?"

"Do you know what it is?" Xu Yangyi asked without looking back.

He is strong, but compared with the old saints, he lacks broad knowledge, after all, he advanced too quickly. So he doesn't know what it is.

"Let me take a closer look." Fahai walked up with a burning gaze, looked at it carefully with his spiritual sense, and finally looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "If I'm not mistaken, this is a rule magic weapon."

"Rule magic weapon?"

Fahai nodded: "The realm of cultivators is not groundless. Refining Qi into practice, building foundation flat ground clouds, golden elixir training spiritual consciousness, Yuanying opening the field. The saints turn spirits into gods. And Senior Xiaoqing once mentioned it occasionally, Taixu, that is, transcending the ordinary into saints, contacting rules, and transforming life."

"The so-called rules are the cause and effect that must exist in the universe. For example, for the earth, the rules of human beings are: air, water, plants, etc., these are all rules. The overall classification is divided into five elements, light and darkness, time and space, etc., among which time and space are called the two major divine rules."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and said: "It is the same as the field. How to divide it?"

"The next step of the domain is the rules." Fahai said in a deep voice: "But this is a fake. The rule magic weapon is almost all Taixu's life magic weapon, which will not appear easily, nor will it be used. It is even more impossible to hand it over to the hands of the Venerable Saint. In other words..."

He said with a burning gaze: "You have added a strong trump card to deal with the evil gods!"

"It may not kill it, but it will definitely bring you a crucial period of breathing, and it is not difficult to even hurt the opponent."

"This is a tactical card."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a fist-sized white magic crystal rose up. His voice sank: "Don't think this is an exaggeration. I even think... no matter how cautious you are, it is not too much. Because..."

The magic crystal exploded, shining a ten-meter-wide light curtain, and some hazy scenes slowly lit up. Fahai's voice was extremely solemn: "Alpha got this thing three days ago. You should know that no one challenged the evil god after several competitions. And here... is the trace of its last battle."

"The most classic battle in the history of the Abyss Arena, a textbook for the peak of the Holy Saint, the eighth Abyss Arena, the battle between the contemporary evil god King Xixi and the fallen angel Black Evil Wings of Sin. This is an out-of-print classic. After watching it, you will understand what kind of monster you are going to face..."

"They...are beyond the understanding of the Saint...I have never thought that there are such creatures that should not exist..."

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