
Chapter 1287: Winning streak!

The screen slowly opened, a little blurry. It can be seen that this is not the original, but a copied copy. After all, it was tens of thousands of years ago.

Wow! ! As the scene unfolded, a vast sea of ​​sound instantly hit Xu Yangyi's heart. It was obviously a rubbing of the image, but he felt like he was in the center of a level 10 tsunami. That kind of infectious energy that makes people's blood rush, that kind of explosive power that tears the sky apart, even if he is facing a screen of light, it will instantly make his clothes float.

A scene that is far from comparable.

This arena is several times the size of the main game! It has become a mobile fortress across the sky. The sculptures of the seven monarchs stand around like giant skyscrapers. The eyes of each sculpture burst out with brilliance that illuminates the heavens and the world. The flames jump, majestic and majestic like the sea.

"I'm afraid it's the final least within a thousand." Yuchang said with stern eyes: "Look, there are only less than a hundred light screens above...and the mood is completely different. If you talk about your game And the divisions, here they are already crazy for the game itself.”

Xu Yangyi pondered and nodded. He also saw that at the front, even the usually calm Grand Duke showed his demonic nature at this moment. Hundreds and thousands of Taixu demonic energy soared into the sky, in red, silver-gray, and bloody colors. Green... spreads out from under their cloaks spread out like wings, making the first row an impassable sea of ​​emptiness!

"Kill!!" He vaguely saw a huge Taixu Demon King roaring, the demon wings spread out wildly behind him, and when he waved his hand, magic crystal coupons fluttered like a sea. Not just it, many demon kings squandered their terrifying wealth wantonly, turning this place into a blazing ocean.

That's not snow anymore.

It's rain, the heavy rain of magic crystal coupons, gathering crazy sounds and forming a huge storm.

"It's too powerful..." He breathed a sigh of relief. This is Tiragandes, the nest of demons that is rarely discovered. There are tens of thousands of Taixu, eighteen single steps, seven demon kings, and the home of the gods. Palace...

If you can fight out from here...fight out from the supreme palace of all the heavens and realms in this area, and after returning to the Seven Realms, who else in the same realm can be worthy of you?

On Earth Day, he believed that the Seven Realms came from behind and were extremely powerful. In the past, he had only one way to escape from Tengobal. However, now that I have arrived in Tiragandis, I look back on the past and realize that it was nothing.

This is what cultivation is like. A frog at the bottom of a well doesn't know how big the river is. In this endless world, with all the races in the sky, the plane of stars, and billions of creatures, only by stepping out can he see the reality he pursues.

"Tiragondis... this is just the first step..." Suppressing the waves in his heart, he immediately looked at the field.

Right there, two figures were so eye-catching. If this is a galaxy of stars, these are the stars that do not fall.

One side was completely shrouded in black mist, and its figure was changing every moment. The moment he saw it, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

God's evil!

Horrible... very scary. He himself was already considered a super strong person, but... the feeling given to him by God's Abomination was like facing the sea, unfathomable.

That twisted sense of guilt, that terrifying demonic aura, made him stop breathing for half a second.

On the other side, the eighteen wings behind him were fully unfolded, without the sanctity of an angel, and it was completely dark. With eight hands, it feels...even more powerful than the abomination.

"Fallen Angel..." Xu Yangyi clenched his fist, and his blood began to scream involuntarily, urging him to fight these two monsters to the death. Instinct instantly recognized that this was the most terrifying enemy besides Su Xingyao so far!

"This is the highest peak of the new generation of hell..." His eyes were like fire, and he looked at it carefully.

The sky was filled with noise, but the two monsters did not move. They all caught the opponent's aura and tried to use their own momentum to take the lead. However, no one seemed to succeed. Then, at the same time, the two of them moved.

Xu Yangyi only felt a blur in front of his eyes. He almost didn't see clearly, and then his eyes immediately moved in one direction, where the fallen angels and the gods were already fighting. From the beginning, it’s all full firepower!

"0.3 seconds slower..." He felt a little disappointed in his heart, and at the same time, he felt a fierce fighting spirit. With its strength, it could not catch the speed of the two! That grotesque body has no cohesion at all, and cannot feel the slightest fluctuation of the demonic energy. But in an instant, it exploded with more than twice the power of Samaris!

Boom! The ground is cracked layer by layer, and the eight arms of the fallen angel, like eight heavenly dragons, shine brightly across the sky. Each sword collapses the void. At the same time, countless divine patterns shine on the wings, cutting all space like knives.

Hundreds of eyes lit up all over the body of the god, capturing every move of the opponent. They moved very fast, incredibly fast. Xu Yangyi could only see 70% of the movements clearly, and the remaining 30% of the movements could not be seen clearly at all!

The light curtain progressed little by little, and Xu Yangyi saw a duel of demonic breaths across the sky. It was completely different from any demonic breaths he had seen... No, only the breath of the Gluttonous Demon King could stabilize the pressure, and the infinite true movement, but Only a thumb-sized defect could be found. The opponent's moves were almost perfect.

He also saw the unimaginable magical power of blood. The majestic Kingdom of God spread out behind the fallen angels, and the bottomless abyss appeared under the feet of the gods. These two moves made the recorded light curtain waver. Xu Yangyi in front felt a tingling sensation on his skin.

This is just a scene from tens of thousands of years ago.

One hour, two hours...

He did not leave, watching the battle between the two from beginning to end, watching more than one hundred and seventy hours of fighting. Nothing was said.

The fish intestines did not open their mouths, and everyone felt extremely heavy pressure.

Powerful beyond imagination!

It's hard to describe this feeling. There is no move that makes me shine, because the whole audience never stops. It starts from the beginning, it is stormy and airtight, there is no climax, no foreshadowing, and no ending. But it makes it impossible to breathe easily.

The venue after the game... no, there was no venue anymore. There were countless huge potholes, bottomless, and the ground was covered with spider web patterns, as if they would crack if touched.

Only three of the eighteen wings of the fallen angels were left, lying on the ground panting violently, while the god of evil was wailing, and his ugly body was as limp as mud. The surrounding audience was already silent, but their eyes were all red.

Xu Yangyi was silent and clicked on the magic crystal. Suddenly, the magic crystal quickly rewound, and he looked at it from the beginning again.

Time and time again, I kept thinking in my mind, what should I do if it were me?

But he discovered that he couldn't find a way to crack many magical powers!

It's not that it doesn't have shortcomings. In the face of infinite truth, there is no perfection. Even the breath of the Gluttonous Demon King has weaknesses. It's just...the other party's power is too huge! In the face of this tsunami-like pressure, it is impossible to have time to attack weaknesses.

"Strength defeats skill." He breathed a sigh of relief: "To fight this kind of monster, you can only fight with the true foundation. No tricks will work."

"But..." He pursed his lips: "Infinite truth is not a 'gimmick'..."

You won’t know until you do it once.

At this moment, his body began to throb again. The call of the Abyss Arena appeared again.

"Here it comes again?" He was a little stunned, and so was Yuchang. Fa Hai's voice came faintly: "The two donors have watched the battle in its entirety twice, more than 170 hours. The two times lasted for more than ten days, and the next battle of the Abyss has arrived..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's body disappeared again and appeared in the arena.

This time his opponent was a huge demon twenty meters tall, with four wings, two heads, and a tail like a manticore.

Also this time, his cheers reached 34 out of 10! The audience accumulated from three battles, three convincing battles, killing Chen Xingjun first, Killing Waltz in fifteen seconds, surviving and counterattacking under the Thunder God's Spear, and the roll call recommendation of the great scholar have made countless demons remember him. name.

The voices telling him to get out almost disappeared, but this time, Xu Yangyi killed his fourth-round opponent, Crazy Garm, in 27 minutes. Obtained 200 million magic crystals!

The 18th Abyss Arena, the fifth match between deceptions, the original family Yi. Ferrers defeated the seed player of the Night Castle of the Ancient Demon Family in 58 minutes and won 250 million magic crystals.

The 18th Abyss Arena, the sixth match between deceptions, the original family, the candidate of the Ferrers family, Yi. Ferrers, defeated his opponent in the sixth round in 42 minutes and won 300 million magic crystals!

The 18th Abyss Arena, the seventh game between deceptions, the opponent abstained.

The eighth game, win again! Defeat the opponent in sixty minutes.

Ninth game, winning streak! The opponent abstains!

The tenth game... His cheers have reached a boiling point!

"Yi Ferrers!" "Yi Ferrers! You are invincible!! Tear your opponent apart!!" "You will always be bathed in the glory of the Demon God!" "Go! Kill him! Give him Let's show your strength!" "You are the strongest warrior I have ever seen!" "Join the devil's arms! You are born to fight!"

Xu Yangyi slowly pulled out the fish intestines, the same way of appearing, the same silence, the rain of magic crystal coupons from all directions had reached the point where snowflakes filled the sky, and even flooded the arena!

"Contestant Yi Fellers...the most terrifying dark horse of this year!" Kira shouted at the top of his lungs. Only Pale Eyes and Xu Yangyi were left in the original family. The sinful Peter Pan had been eliminated in the first game, and it had never been I never thought that a candidate could be so hacky!

It's the tenth game... We are getting closer and closer to the decisive game of this competition! There are eight games left, and the battle for qualifying rights in the right half will begin. Two Dragons reunite!

Who will face the gods?

The answer is very clear. The appearance of Xu Yangyi made many demons who thought they could live a little longer shout that the God of Death is coming. He actually forfeited the game against him!

Kira shouted: "Never before, a human has won nine games in a row! And none of them lasted more than an hour! This... this is simply the reincarnation of a god! The birth of a little god! Can anyone end him? "

Wow! ! Boiling noises arose one after another, and the demons opposite Xu Yangyi were ready. As soon as he came on stage, his demonic energy was already fully erupted.

No one in the Eternal City has ever thought that a human being could do this!

His sudden appearance disrupted the arrangements of almost all players in this arena.

Except for the gods.

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