
Chapter 1288: The Forbidden Gate of God (I)

A battle without suspense.

After Xu Yangyi advanced to the middle stage, his demonic body and human body were completely integrated. His strength is no longer the same as when he first entered the arena. The ancient demon that he thought was difficult that day, the seed player, can't even last an hour under his hands.

In this game, when the opponent automatically admitted defeat, the number had jumped to 400 million magic crystals!

Surpassing the small favorites, he is moving towards the undoubted favorites!

But... it's not enough.

He was not complacent at all. He knew very well that everything now was just a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror. It's not enough... not enough to fight that monster.

He left the scene without saying a word and returned to the training room. Ten consecutive wins, he only did two things during this time.

One, repeatedly watching the peak battle.

Two, refining the golden cylinder.

The hand has grown out. It must be said that the demon's immortal body is a very useful talent. But Yu and he did not merge immediately. There are still eight games to go before the evil god. It's a little more time to give the opponent more absorption.

After the tenth battle, he already had more than 2 billion magic crystals in his hand. He did not buy other things with these magic crystals. After the integration of the demon body and the human body, he had experimented many times. Now he can partially transform between human and demon, and he does not need to operate the skills as long as he thinks. Moreover, he can absorb any kind of spiritual energy and demonic energy.

These magic crystals are equivalent to spiritual stones. They may not be used after returning to the Seven Realms, but they are his backup funds. It is better to be prepared.

The room was bright with golden light. With this victory, he no longer watched the peak battle. Every detail of it was remembered by his photographic memory. The golden cylinder suspended in front of him burst into golden light, and the mark belonging to the new Lu Yade was being blasted away bit by bit.

Countless mysterious talismans floated in the air, and he was fully focused on them. But at this moment, the training room suddenly shone with endless white light. Alpha walked out with a tired face.

Without saying a word, he rubbed his temples, and the light condensed into a golden chair below him, and he sat down on it.

Xu Yangyi stopped. Alpha was not in good condition. Looking closely, he was not only tired, but also had some stubble on his handsome face. His face was extremely pale, but his eyes were abnormally red.

That was excitement.

Extremely excited.

No one spoke. Alpha closed his eyes and rested for a full half an hour. Finally, he opened his eyes and said hoarsely: "Follow me."

Xu Yangyi's eyes jumped and he immediately asked: "Is it open?"

Alpha nodded, his eyeballs under his eyelids twitched violently, and after a long time he said: "We are afraid that we have discovered something incredible... Give me a day, I must be fully prepared."

One day passed quickly.

Alpha went to the Eye of Truth, and when he came back, he had a golden storage ring on his hand. He nodded to Xu Yangyi, waved his hand gently, and the space door opened again, and the two immediately walked in.

Lonely space, eternal darkness, all of this appeared before his eyes again, but Xu Yangyi's heart started beating wildly as soon as he took a look.

The seeds of Freya that he had planted before had grown countless vines, which intertwined and entangled. Climbing along some invisible but real traces in the void, an invisible image was outlined.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Building?

Following the lines of the vines, you can vaguely see the shape of the building, which is huge...indescribably magnificent. It is ten thousand meters high! Tens of thousands of meters in radius! It is like a cosmic canon sleeping in the starry sky, and the sun, which may be the devil's furnace, is at the top of this building! The center of this void!

From time to time, a series of restrictions flashed by, pulling out a glimpse of the entity. An invisible fierceness, dead silence, and majestic aura rushed towards you from the void. That extremely strong contrast makes people have great and small spiritual shocks.

"All plants will climb along everything they can rely on, and they will look for all traces of restrictions. I never thought that if the vines were allowed to climb, they would outline this kind of thing." Alpha took a deep breath and turned the golden ring. Suddenly, countless winged light spots flew out and surrounded him like stars shining: "Remember the nothingness creature before. "

He looked around solemnly: "At first we all thought it was guarding something that might be the devil's oven, but we were all wrong..."

Xu Yangyi said faintly: "It is guarding this building. Even the sun is one of the buildings?"

"The platform we came in from is just an entrance to this building?"

Alpha nodded, looking at the light spots around him with pain, gritted his teeth, and all the light spots flew out, quickly depicting along the traces of Freya's seed.

One hour, two hours... The speed of the light spots was extremely fast, but the building was too big. As more and more land was depicted, the light spots became smaller and smaller. After two full days, when the last stroke was drawn, all the light spots shook together and turned into splashes of spiritual light. And right in front of them, a huge building composed of lines of light, with a simple shape and a very different style, had appeared in front of the two.

Yu Chang and Xu Yangyi were stunned at the same time, and took a breath of cold air: "Pyramid? !"

In front of them, it was nothing else but a typical pyramid on Earth!

The pyramid, the seven unsolved mysteries of the earth. According to the history of human development, the Egyptians of that era could never build a pyramid! It is a perfect equilateral triangle, a concept that did not exist at that time! Moreover, each stone is of the same size, not a centimeter different, not a millimeter less. Not to mention thousands of years ago, even now, before Xu Yangyi ascended, it was only a hundred years ago that this could be done!

The most important thing is that there is no restriction of the monks in the pyramid, and no trace of spiritual energy. It is not something left by the cultivation world! This is the answer that the Egyptian monks have proved countless times.

So... who built it?

"Do you know it?" Alpha's extremely tired eyes suddenly flashed: "This is called a pyramid? What civilization's architectural style does it belong to? Which coordinates of the universe is it located? Why is it here again?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer. This was related to his birth, and he could not answer it. Before the earth had the strength to resist these other races in the heavens and the worlds, he had no intention of exposing the location of the earth.

He tried to take a step forward. Originally, there was nothingness in front of him, surrounded by vines, but when he stepped on it, countless rumbling sounds rang out in the silent abyss, and countless boulders with rolling yellow sand emerged from the bottomless void, slowly assembled, and spread out with his footsteps.

The two looked at each other in silence. Alpha was about to move forward, but Xu Yangyi squatted down.

The road under his feet was covered with a thin layer of yellow sand. He scratched the gravel bit by bit, and a clear pattern appeared under his hand!

"This is..." Alpha's eyes flashed, and he immediately squatted down, his eyes were burning, and he pushed away the yellow sand without any image. Soon, the two-meter range within their protective light shield had been completely cleared. Revealing the mottled traces buried under the yellow sand.

The stone slab, which had been there for an unknown period of time, was engraved with clear words. Alpha took a deep breath: "How do you know there are words here?"

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, looking deeply at the surrounding void: "I can tell you that the pyramid is a sacrificial building. No matter what pyramid it is, there must be words on the outside and inside that record the contents of the pyramid."

Alpha was thoughtful. But before he could finish thinking, Xu Yangyi's voice rang again: "More importantly... the pyramid has only one use."

He stroked the ground inch by inch, gritted his teeth and said: "Tomb..."

Alpha's eyes suddenly became hot, and then his whole body trembled.

The vast void, at this moment, actually made him feel cold in his heart. It was like a pair of ancient eyes, looking here through the mist of history.

"You mean... this is a void tomb? And it's an ancient tomb sealed by the gods? Who is sealed? Who deserves to be sealed like this? Are you sure? What if it's not?"

"I'm sure." Xu Yangyi had seen the words on the ground clearly, gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Ancient Egyptian..." In his consciousness, Yu Chang murmured in disbelief: "The demon's lair, the city of immortality above Tiragangdis, actually hides a pyramid deep inside, and it is recorded in Ancient Egyptian..."

"What...what's going on?"

Xu Yangyi said deeply: "Everything from hundreds of thousands of years ago is closely related to the earth. The appearance of Ancient Egyptian is not too strange. Don't forget that there is a seal of Yahweh on Earth outside, and it is the first generation of Yahweh..."

He looked at the words carefully: "The first sentence, 'In my name, commemorate the sad years.'"

The finger slowly moved forward: "The second sentence...the creatures who came here, you have stepped into a period of taboo."

"The third sentence, if it weren't for the great who already knew the truth of the universe To the process, you can't come here. Here... there is an immortal monster sealed..."

"Once, it was invincible and the most powerful existence in the entire Yahweh tribe. However, it fell, but its godhead did not appear! Any Yahweh dies, and the godhead will condense. It didn't, it... probably didn't die! "

"What is the godhead?" Alpha asked anxiously: "Is it what I imagined and recorded in history?"

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "I don't know what you recorded, but... I'm afraid it's a little different."

He pondered for a while before saying: "The godhead can create Yahweh."

Alpha groaned like taking drugs, and a new knowledge point was opened, and his hands on the ground trembled.

Xu Yangyi ignored him, but looked at the vines running around in the void, and looked at this invisible pyramid, and the terrible guess in his heart became clearer and clearer.

A tomb that was so powerful that Yahweh looked sideways, and the first generation of Yahweh sealed it together!

Who has this qualification?

It's not the God King. This unknown God King was taken away by the instinct of the universe and disappeared in the records. Then... there is probably only one creature with this qualification!

"The First Pillar God of Desire..." He uttered the name gently, and as if there was a response, a silver-white thunder suddenly sounded in all directions, illuminating the invisible tomb. And that majestic creature seemed to appear for a moment, and then disappeared immediately.

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