
Chapter 1289: The Forbidden Gate of God (II)

" is written in the Hongmeng Contract Book that it was 'defeated,' but it was not killed...the godhead did not appear either. It...was imprisoned somewhere for tens of millions of millions of years..."

"In order to seal it, a huge prison is needed. This prison... is probably the Devil's Oven..."

"So, the Yahwehs have to be here, so they have to go through endless time to build the furnace, and therefore, they can't leave when casting, but they will definitely leave in the end. That's why they built Scythios in such a perfunctory way... …”

"This is where all the laws of the Devil's Oven originate..."

This guess was so terrifying that even he broke into a cold sweat from the thought.

All the weirdness of Sketios is answered... who forged the Demonic Oven, and why.

This is something that even the Hongmeng Contract Book doesn't dare to record... It only vaguely mentions this matter, maybe in the second half of the book. As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he was immediately filled with doubts.

"There is a Yahweh sealed in it." He could not solve this doubt himself, so he turned to Alpha and said: "It is probably not dead, or... half-dead. And this Yahweh is the culprit of Ragnarok. One. Even the biggest one.”

Alpha's ears were incredibly sharp. He immediately jumped up, grabbed a piece of paper, and looked at Xu Yangyi with excitement: "Do you know the identity of the creature buried here? Is it the so-called First Pillar of Desire? Why didn't he die? ? And why did it fail?”

"It's not important." Xu Yangyi said thoughtfully: "Have you noticed that there is a huge paradox here?"

Alpha frowned slightly, lowered his head and pondered for a few minutes, then suddenly raised his head and said: "The strength of the restrictions represents the consciousness of the Yahwehs. If they don't allow it, the restrictions here will be so strong that we will despair."

"But they didn't! In other words, they allowed us to come in here?"

"This is impossible." He immediately explained to himself: "The King of Sins who may not be dead is being held here. How can anyone be allowed to enter such a place?"

"The creatures that know Yahweh's name are not considered extinct, right? They only have a divine ban on their own names at their entrances. If we can unlock it, are they not afraid of others coming in?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes burned brightly: "Yes, their actions and ideas are contrary to each other. Why?"

"What are your guesses?" Alpha asked.

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and looked at the huge invisible building: "If you put yourself in Yahweh, the monster's imprisonment must be foolproof, and every link in it must be indispensable. But now, there is an extra link. "

Alpha was so smart that he immediately said: "Battle of the Abyss?"

"Yes, you said that the history of Tiragandis did not mention how the Abyss Arena appeared. Everyone believes that it should exist. This custom has been around since the beginning of demons, but there is no record of this custom. "Is this possible?" Xu Yangyi said in a confused tone: " was deliberately erased."

Alpha's eyes revealed a kind of wise madness: "Is this an extra step for them? So...even the rules of the Devil's Oven are filler content for this step?"

He trembled all over: "Even... the entire Tiragandis exists because of this?"

Xu Yangyi looked into the void with deep eyes: "Who knows..."

Silence, no one spoke. After a long time, Alpha made up his mind and said generally: "Yes, we don't know. But when we walk in, we will definitely know."

Xu Yangyi was noncommittal.

The tomb of a Yahweh... God knows what lies ahead. There were some things he could touch and some he couldn't.

Moreover, he knows better than Alpha what the First Pillar of Desire is. It is the only defeated enemy of the Supreme God King and the instigator of the second Ragnarok. It can be said that it has at least hundreds of Yahweh's lives under its command. , it even changed the biological development trend and power distribution map of the universe!

Hero, hero?

The probability of the opponent being buried here was as high as 90%. After hesitating for dozens of minutes, he finally shook his head.

"No." He looked at Alpha and said, "Leave immediately and forget about this place. This is not something we can participate in."

"Are you crazy?!" Alpha suddenly jumped up: "This is the secret of Yahweh! It is related to Ragnarok! Even the entire Tiragondis! Even the origin of demons! The law of the oven! This is what a scholar deserves It’s a super subject to study for a lifetime! This door is right in front of us, but you want to leave!”

Xu Yangyi's voice turned cold: "Let me say it again, I am not a scholar. I have been forced to break into the devil's oven by a mark of gods and demons. Do you still want to make the same mistake as me?"

"That's you!" Alpha resisted Xu Yangyi for the first time, and his attitude was extremely fierce and resolute, and his whole body was trembling: "Do you know what the Temple of True Knowledge is? There are five Dubu Bachelors there! More than a thousand Taixu University There are tens of thousands of scholars and sages! As for the disciples of Nascent Soul Golden Pill, they are all over the world!"

"We have the same dream. We are all ascetics walking on the road of truth! We are willing to pay everything for the truth! Which push of the universe does not come at the cost of the lives of billions of living beings? Our own lives are simply insignificant. !”

"To borrow a saying I heard in the human plane, if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening! What is my destiny for the eternal puzzle of the universe?"

Xu Yangyi fell silent.

After a long time, he calmly spoke under Alpha's expectant gaze: "I understand the lofty ambition, but I don't agree with it."

"If you insist on unraveling it, please do it after I leave Tiragandes. This place is very scary, and it may even cause changes in the entire Tiragandes. Alpha, believe me, this is just the center of this tomb. A Yahweh's hiding place not only has a center, but also has a periphery. The Eighteen Hells are probably its periphery. This... is a super prison measured in light years, which cannot be unlocked by the Saint of True Knowledge. "

"You are looking down on the Sanctuary of True Knowledge." Alpha said provocatively, his eyes a little red.

Xu Yangyi walked outside without hesitation, shook his head and said: "No, I admire you very much. But this place is too weird. Think carefully about why the Yahwehs arranged all this. If our speculation is correct, the devil is responsible for this Gatekeeper of the Great Tomb...not only will I not participate, but I also forbid you from participating until I leave."

Before he finished speaking, he pulled his hand suddenly. Alpha was not prepared at all, and was pulled back by his spiritual energy. Then Xu Yangyi pulled it out of the space without giving him any reaction at all.

"Kalara..." The silver door closed behind Alpha. He let out an angry roar and just appeared in the training room. Then, the golden wings behind him suddenly opened, and six arms condensed with golden aura immediately appeared, each one They all held a powerful magic weapon and stared at Xu Yangyi with tears in their eyes.

"You coward..." His silver hair flew up, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The truth is right in front of you! I can feel that you are also a creature who pursues the truth! However, you have done something that puts the true knowledge to shame!"

Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy spread all over his body and he stared at Alpha: "We can't take risks. Just calm down. We have plenty of time..."

"What are you afraid of..." Alpha took a step forward and looked at Xu Yangyi like a cannibal, his chest rising and falling sharply: "Are you afraid? Are you worried? Are you afraid that you won't be able to get out of Tiragondis?!"

"I swear to you! Even if the demon mark cannot be removed, I can still find a way to prevent Mammon from finding you!"

"There is also Yahweh in the Sanctuary of True Knowledge! The living Yahweh! We can pray for its appearance! Farakon, the God of True Knowledge, haven't you heard of his name?!"

"Sharpen your sword of truth! Come in with me! I need you! Don't be afraid of the truth! Human!"

It doesn't make sense.

Xu Yangyi and Alpha had huge differences in their ideas. He still had too many unresolved issues and was never willing to enter such a terrifying place, but Alpha was different.

This is a pure seeker of knowledge. Their essence is the same, but their practices are completely different.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless spiritual energy flew out and imprisoned Alpha. Alpha was stunned for a moment, and then thousands of spiritual energy erupted from behind him, and this time he killed without hesitation.

He didn't hold anything back at all. Each sword was running with at least seven levels of magic. This outbreak was even more powerful than when facing Mammon. In an instant, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, as well as light and darkness on the earth, appeared almost at the same time. There was a violent roar in the entire training room, and the restrictions outside the body were about to collapse almost immediately.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. This was the first time he saw Alpha take action. He didn't expect his strength to be so terrifying.

boom! ! When he punched out, he also did not hold back. Many halos of light mixed in the training room, forming a colorful ocean. The ground shattered into pieces with a loud noise, and both of them took a few steps back.

"Are you crazy?" he shouted angrily.

Alpha was furious: "I'm not crazy! I'm leading you to the light! It's you who are crazy!"

Swish, swish, swish... His whole body was covered with golden runes, and a spiritual energy several times greater than before was gathered crazily. Xu Yangyi cursed secretly, and was about to take action, when suddenly, the other party's spiritual energy faded away.

Alpha's face turned pale and he looked at his hands. Due to the existence of the contract with the Goddess of Life, he could not do anything to Xu Yangyi.

"I don't want to fight with you. I said that I recognize your goal, but I don't recognize your approach." Xu Yangyi walked up to him and said word by word: "Since you have been to the human plane, I will also send you You say something.”

"Keep the green hills alive and don't worry about running out of firewood. Once this secret is entered, we can't predict what will happen."

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