
Chapter 1291: The God-Guide Between Deceptions

Once the qualifying battle begins, it will never stop. Sixteen, seventeen battles followed.

Sixteen rounds, sixteen top-level battles, Xu Yangyi killed his opponent in three hours and one minute. So far, no one has been able to hold back, and there is no possibility of finishing.

Although the Abyss Arena does not advocate killing opponents, one cannot help but live and die. At this point, without the awareness of life and death and the idea of ​​​​discussing, there is no way to get to the next round.

So does he.

The other party's family didn't say anything and silently took away the body, but his magic crystal exceeded 900 million, reaching a terrifying 980 million! Approaching the billion mark!

In seventeen games, the opponent abstained. He is a succubus opponent, and the family behind him is not strong. In order to preserve the precious demon seeds, they do not dare to try whether Xu Yangyi can hold him back.

Except for the gods, the only abstentions in this year's Abyss Arena all happened to Xu Yangyi.

Magic crystal coupons were raining down from the sky, and Xu Yangyi stood on the stage, already able to calmly welcome his own glory.

But strangely, after this victory, the scene was completely silent.

Starting from the tenth game, his name echoed in every game, and became louder and louder later on. The sudden silence really made him a little uncomfortable, as if he had returned to the first and second games.

The rain of magic crystal coupons is still flying, but it can't give people a feeling of joy. It's like paper money on a memorial ceremony, scattered everywhere, not boiling, only lonely.

"What a bunch of snobbish wild dogs." He was not surprised and said lightly, looking calmly at the supreme crown surrounding the entire arena. As if seeing his gaze, the entire audience looked at him silently.

After seventeen fierce battles, all the players' avatars have turned gray. Now, only four of them are still shining like the sun!

Left half: Anonymous. Never emerged from under the cloak. The second one is the Prince of Nothingness at the Gate of Bones.

In the right half, the bench of the Ferrers family is Yi Ferrers. Karan, the sinner. The sinner.

The top four have been finalized, and the next game will be the top four double dragon meeting! It was also the time when he and the god of evil officially met!

time, a week later.

"Is it finally here..." When it came to the end, he was very calm, put on his cloak, turned into a black shadow in the sky and was swallowed by the void.

At this point, the main draw competitions are all over, and the 18th semi-finals will be held a week later to determine the qualifications for this group.

At that time, the main selection of all arenas will end, and the peak battle will begin in January.

Betting has reached its hottest moment. All capitals, big and small, have appeared. Betting in the entire arena has reached the highest peak outside of the peak battle. Behind every player are hundreds of millions of magic crystals. Even big families have begun to find ways to contact the players they value. The capital they invest is definitely not trivial, and they must know the other party's intentions.

Xu Yangyi didn't care about this at all. He already had billions of magic crystals in his hands. For this grand ceremony that took place every ten thousand years, the amount of money he spent in gambling was far from ordinary. Even if he returns to the Seven Realms, it will be enough for hundreds of years.

After adjusting his condition, he was ready to find Vincent and Hogg. Fight the gods at their peak.

Therefore, any force that wanted to contact him was excluded. Mao Baer volunteered to guard the door, but in fact he wanted to guard and steal, but he sternly refused.

The day's breath adjustment has reached its peak again. In the early morning, he opened his eyes again.

His heart was beating faster for the next battle, and he took a deep breath, just when he was about to leave here. Suddenly, a voice came over.

"Yi Ferrers."

Very ancient, very ethereal. The other party did not hide his faction, and the extremely rich magic of deception instantly enveloped the surroundings. He had never felt this kind of magic, and...he couldn't actually see its depth.

It's obviously not like Taixu, but it gives him a kind of Taixu... no, even more terrifying pressure than Taixu.

"Who are you?" His hand that was about to tear apart the space stopped and he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Our existence is forbidden to be known." The voice seemed to be very old, and he said slowly: "We will only appear at certain special times. And everyone who has come in contact with us is forbidden to mention us. Even... …The princes among the deceivers are not clear.”

"We are also special and can ignore the rules of the Eternal City. That's why you can feel my consciousness here."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, seemingly thinking, and had already considered it carefully in his mind with photographic memory.

I have never felt a demonic energy before. In fact, it is such an ethereal and ancient demonic energy that I will never forget it once I have experienced it.

"You smell like Yahweh... and there is more than one. That's good, so I don't have to spend too much time talking." He said in a hoarse voice: "When we first met, I was the divine guide between deceptions."

The divine guide?

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly, the divine guide is a creature that can directly communicate with Yahweh! Why did a divine guide find him?

"To make a long story short, I haven't spoken for thousands of years... First of all, judging from your expression, you should know what a divine guide is. But, do you know the specific functions of a divine guide?"

Before Xu Yangyi could shake his head, he continued: "You don't know, because no one knows except us. Our duty is to convey Yahweh's oracles and...prophecies."

The void in all directions seemed to tremble, and streams of silver-white demonic energy spread out from the surroundings, condensing an old face in front of Xu Yangyi: "Yi, remember, you must remember. Remember every word I say below. , every word is engraved in my heart, never forget it! Even on the edge of life and death, never cross the line. "

Xu Yangyi blinked silently, noncommittal. However, this unknown divine guide no longer wanted to wait. It took a deep breath and said word by word: "Gods cannot die."

"You can seriously injure it, you can defeat it, but... no matter what, you must not kill it!"

"This is an iron rule. In history, the gods have been defeated in battles, and even seriously injured, but none of them died..."

"Wait a minute." Xu Yangyi finally interrupted and said in a deep voice, "Why did you say this to me?"

"Second, you said you are a divine guide? Where is the evidence?"

The divine guide seemed to be stunned, and after a few seconds he said: "What do you think is the original family?"

"You should have seen that the individual combat power of many ancient demon families is no weaker than that of the original family. Some ancient families are not much weaker than the original family. Why do they all regard the original family as the ruling demon? No one has any objections?"

"You should also know the origin of the original family. Everyone has participated in the divine wars in heaven and hell. They have made great achievements and have been awarded the title of original. But except for the patriarchs of those big families, no one knows that the original... is actually a privilege. "

“A privilege to communicate with Yahweh!”

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and nodded slightly. It turns out that the Eighteen Original Families are actually eighteen divine guide families. Unexpected and reasonable.

Many things that cannot be explained can be explained. For example, when the Abyss Arena broke out, why did so many powerful ancient demon families suddenly appear, but they were not hostile to Ferrus. For another example, the order of hell was extremely chaotic, but he had never heard of anyone challenging the original family.

In fact, the existence of the eighteen demon kings has already revealed everything in a subtle way.

"So, what about the second question?" He looked at the guide with interest: "Why did you say that to me?"

The divine guide looked at Xu Yangyi deeply and said after a long time: "Do you believe in fate?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

To pursue true knowledge is to break destiny.

"I believe it." The divine guide lowered his illusory eyes: "The so-called fate is an unchangeable reincarnation. The divine guide can see the accurate future. Especially...when there is great danger..."

"I saw it..." It sighed slightly, and suddenly said in ancient magic language: "The grand arena..."

"That's not the Abyss Arena. It's far more magnificent than the Abyss Arena. The audience... is the demon spirits of the past... It... is a huge, triangular building... layer by layer... endless, and you, At the bottom level..."

"At the top, there is a huge star dragon, killing...destroying...rebirth...I also saw the elves, I saw you, I saw an Eastern ascetic, you and the devil are reincarnating here...I don't Don’t know where this is, but I saw the beginning of it…”

It suddenly raised its head and looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Because you killed the evil being."

Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly accelerated a few times, and after a few seconds, he calmly said: "You read that right?"

"I'm not sure I can defeat it, let alone kill it."

The illusory face did not speak again, but slowly began to dissipate, and the voice was sent to Xu Yangyi's ears like the wind: "That's right... the evil beings are immortal and eternal. The only thing that can kill them is time... I don't know either. Why did you give me such a prediction, but it appeared..."

"In the past, I would tell this to any opponent who faced Abomination. But I have never been so cautious. This time, I am warning you, because I have never seen this scene among previous players. Abomination The fall...I only saw it in you..."

"Remember... don't kill it, otherwise... you will regret it..."

The illusive face was about to disappear completely, Xu Yangyi raised his voice and shouted: "Why?"

There was no answer, and just when he finally disappeared, the other party's words came faintly.

"No reason."

"Tiragondis hides too many secrets. I am just a messenger, speaking for God, but I am not God..."

Swipe... The Divine Guider completely dispersed. Xu Yangyi considered it for a few seconds and shook his head.

It's impossible. I have the confidence to fight the gods, but I can't say victory. Not to mention killing the opponent, and if you don’t have the intention to kill the opponent, how can you enter this arena?

Incomprehensible dialogue.

He frowned, tore apart the space, and a few seconds later, he appeared outside the city gate.

Vincent and Hogg, like eternal sculptures, stood motionless in the void, with the huge demon wings behind them like the god of death coming.

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