
Chapter 1292: Devouring Yuhe

"I've met senior." Xu Yangyi walked up to the two of them, bowed and said, "Junior wants to go down there."

Vincent slowly raised his eyes, looked at Xu Yangyi for a long time, and then suddenly forced out an ugly smile: "It's you..."

"I really didn't expect that the Ferrers family would turn out to be such a dark horse this time. As a member of the family, I am truly honored."

"But glory is glory, rules are rules." Hogg said calmly.

Xu Yangyi raised his hand and flicked it, and a stream of light went straight to Vincent. He grabbed it and it was a storage ring. The consciousness looked at it for three seconds and nodded to Hogg.

"When are you leaving? Are your things ready?"

"Now." Xu Yangyi waved his long sleeves, and suddenly, thousands of streams of light flew out from under his cloak. There are all kinds of pens, compasses, parchments, and countless paints, all in a dazzling array.

Any of these things are expensive, costing him a total of hundreds of millions of magic crystals. And these two demon kings only need to turn stone into gold, which has to be said to be a waste of money.

The two demon kings had no unnecessary nonsense. It was their principle to use money to do things. Suddenly, countless demonic threads rushed out from the cloak, as if one hand was holding the pen and ink and starting to move.

Three hours later, a ten-meter teleportation circle appeared in front of Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and stepped into the teleportation circle. The brilliance in front of him changed, and a few minutes later, he had arrived in front of the Palace of Deception, his own palace.

Returning like an arrow, he immediately opened all the restrictions. The black light was like thunder. There was no need to cover up his traces. He rushed into the training room like a storm. When the last restriction was broken, a huge aura butterfly had already fluttered happily. Came over: "Dad, dad!"

"Be good." Xu Yangyi touched Hongxian's head and threw out a pill. Hongxian immediately started chewing it. He looked at Yu He and met the other person's equally cold gaze.

"Do you raise me like a pig?" A few seconds later, Yu He sneered: "Or do you treat me like a harvest? Is it time to harvest now?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Just this once, I will let you go in the future. As my creation, I will give you appropriate rewards."

"Really?" Yu He's eyes fluctuated slightly. The next second, the demonic energy boiled, and the restrictions in all directions rattled, roaring under this huge power.

"Exceeding the mid-term?" Xu Yangyi looked at the surging demonic energy around him with some surprise. It was as thick as substance and extremely pure. Non-demon races could hardly breathe in it. The terrifying pressure from all directions surged towards him like an overwhelming mountain.

The demonic energy was like a black tornado and black mist threads, forming an illusory demonic face more than ten meters in size in the center. He looked at Xu Yangyi with rapid breathing and said in a thunderous voice: "Do you still have confidence now?"

Xu Yangyi looked at the demonic face uninterestedly: "You have broken free from my restraint a long time ago? When? When you enter the middle stage?"

"Noisy!!" As Yu He shouted loudly, the demonic energy boiled like a sea, rising over the mountains like haze, and suddenly condensed into a huge hand, grabbing Xu Yangyi head-on.

"What a bad father-son relationship." Xu Yangyi sighed: "I think we lack communication..."

The next second, his hand turned into a huge pale magic hand. The clothes on his arm were shattered layer by layer, magic lines shone one after another, bone spurs spread, and with a shocking loud noise, two giant hands, one empty and one real, appeared The hand strikes in the void.

Rumble... The entire training room let out an overwhelmed wail, bursting out with waves of shock waves like a tidal wave. A sudden strong wind swept all the demonic energy aside in an instant. The fingers of the black demonic giant hand and the pale demonic hand were intertwined, shaking endlessly. Sand and gravel fell.

In the black mist, Yu He's body was completely revealed, and Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. Compared to the last time, Yuhe has changed again!

The long horns like a crown, the huge mandible, the staggered sharp teeth, the nostrils like a skull, and the demonic energy spurting out from the opponent's seven orifices... These are all details, and more importantly, it actually grew a thick Short tail.

The ugly face became more ferocious due to gnashing of teeth, and the veins were prominent, but Xu Yangyi was calm, feeling the huge power between the opponent's knuckles, and said calmly: "Your body seems to have changed a little, why haven't I evolved?"

"Are you still in the mood to care about this now?" Yuhe Yangtian roared. Its body was three meters tall, its eyes were red, its muscles bulged crazily, it twisted like an earthworm, retracted its claws, and punched out with a roar. .

The fist was like lightning, the demonic energy penetrated the air, and only a harsh cracking sound could be heard in the void. Xu Yangyi smiled: "It seems that there is still something wrong with my education method."

The next second, his upper body suddenly transformed into a demon, and his pale demonic body reappeared, with huge wings and crown-like demon horns. He also roared and punched his face.

I hate such disobedient children the most... But it doesn't matter. Good people come out of the golden stick. Isn't that how he came here in the first place?

The two fists met in the void, and a black wave bloomed again. He shrank his eyes and retreated several steps. With a scream, Yu He was directly blasted a hundred meters away, and hit the wall behind with a bang. , spreading out countless spider web patterns.

"Partial demonization?" It looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief. It was deceived... It deeply felt the malice of the world. Partial demonization is a typical manifestation of high-level demons. It can't even do this. Damn it. Didn’t the man say he didn’t? Doesn’t that mean he hasn’t evolved?

"Liar!!" Furious, it rushed forward again without hesitation, its huge demon wings flapped, almost turning into a flash of lightning, walking in the void, with murderous intent boiling.

However, when it rushed out 300 meters, it suddenly stopped, took a breath, instinctively used its wings to protect its whole body, and shrank into a ball.

Right in front of it, Xu Yangyi's half-demonized body bulged up his chest, a full three meters high, and a terrifying fire in his mouth, nailed to it like a sight.

Very strong...

Very scary...It had a premonition that if it rushed forward, it would definitely be injured by this demon breath. This demonic had never felt it before. It was obviously a pure demonic breath, but it was mixed with the taste of human spiritual energy. The addition of the power of two different systems was definitely not as simple as 1+1 equals 2!

The sea-like red flames were surging and dissipating. After a few seconds, they turned into demonic energy and dissipated. Xu Yangyi closed his mouth, and a dark breath gushed out of his seven orifices: "Have you calmed down?"

"Damn it..." Yuhe spread his wings tremblingly: "You... have become stronger again... Why... Why do you become stronger every time I become stronger!"

"Call me daddy." Xu Yangyi popped out a jade bottle: "This is compensation for you. If you are still so weak next time, don't blame me for swallowing your cultivation again."

Yuhe's essence is very strong, but he doesn't know how to use it at all. He has no combat skills, no magical powers, and only simple demonic energy collisions. It's too easy for him to clean up.

Yuhe grabbed the jade bottle and opened it. Dozens of pills inside were shining like stars. His eyes suddenly lit up and he gritted his teeth and said: "You will regret it..."

"I look forward to it, if you can do it." Xu Yangyi stopped talking nonsense and looked at Yuhe, who had no resistance mentality. The demonic energy surged and completely enveloped the other party.

The demonic energy of both sides quickly intertwined, forming a vast ocean. The auras of the two people merged rapidly. In the demonic sea, Yuhe's curses became stronger and weaker until they disappeared. Half an hour later, this place had become a sea of ​​silence.

A powerful life force was born in it, like a seed that emerged from a cocoon and became a butterfly. It quietly pulled out a tender branch in the dark night, and then bloomed silently, becoming stronger and stronger.

As time went by, a blue-black aura quietly mixed with the demonic energy, adding a bit of mystery to this pure black vortex. The demonic energy and aura intertwined silently, and the aura in the center, which was no longer known whether it was a demon or a human, became stronger and stronger. The feeling of power was like a surging river, and all things coexisted.

The middle stage of the Venerable Saint... one percent, two percent, five percent of the middle stage... bit by bit, but never stopped.

Yes, power, I don't know whether it is aura or demonic energy. The genetic changes of the infinite truth, and the inhalation of the powder of eternal refined gold, Xu Yangyi himself didn't know what his power was.

One day, then another day, three days later, a deep blue sea of ​​light suddenly exploded in the training room. A towering figure appeared in it.

Xu Yangyi is now five meters tall, his muscles have developed from streamlined to blocky, the magic patterns on his body are more complicated, and there are more bone spurs. Other than that, there is no big change.

He raised his hand to look at it, and suddenly his arm was blurred. Even Yuchang in his spiritual sense could not see it clearly. With a loud rumbling sound, the palace actually wailed from it, dust suddenly rose, and neat cracks appeared in the upper part, and it collapsed.

"Late Saint?" Yuchang said in astonishment.

"No..." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and returned to human form, and his strength was only the appearance of the middle stage just now.

"Only the demon form is in the late stage of the Venerable Saint, the human form is still in the middle stage..." He closed his eyes thoughtfully, feeling everything in his body, and said after a long time: "Too little eternal gold."

"I just inhaled a few drops of powder, and the fusion is not complete enough, otherwise my human form should also be in the late stage. I didn't feel it before. Now it seems that there are still many talismans that have not been completely fused."

Opening his eyes, looking at the silent Yuhe, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the teleportation array outside.

The necessary preparations have been made, and now he is eager to return to the City of Eternal Life and make full preparations for the next battle.

There are still four days.

Swish... The light and shadow in front of him changed, he set foot in the City of Eternal Life again, and immediately returned to the practice room and closed himself.

Time passed day by day, and four days later, he opened his eyes again.

Clenched his fists, all the functions in his body reached the peak, every muscle, every drop of blood, was clamoring for boiling fighting spirit.

"Come on." He took a deep look at the void and closed his eyes. In the body, the shouts of the Abyss Arena have resounded throughout the body, and every cell is trembling.

Swish, swish, swish... Thousands of rays of light, four rays of light rise into the air and rush straight to the arena.

In the midst of deception, the 100th Arena, the semi-finals officially kicked off!

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