
Chapter 1293: Huge Contrast (I)

The training room fell silent.

Just ten minutes after he flew into the void, the cocoon of aura surrounding Alpha suddenly moved, and then the ice and snow melted.

"Damn..." Alpha gasped and tore open the cocoon of spiritual energy, and took a deep look at the direction Xu Yangyi left: "He is obviously not a true knower, but he seems to have an incomparable understanding of the runes that make up all things. This unorganized person The ban actually stuck me for a whole week!”

He breathed a sigh of relief and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a one-meter square golden light screen rotated and twisted. He listened carefully. A few minutes later, a voice came from the light screen: "Do you need my help?"

"I've come out." Alpha gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry about him, nothing is as important as our discovery this time. Our existence is to dedicate everything to the truth of history, even our lives!"

After a pause, he pursed his lips deeply: "I will never shy away from difficulties like some people do! Even in the face of Yahweh."

"Alpha..." The voice on the other side was a little excited: "Has your successor been designated? This time we go... I'm afraid there is no chance of coming out. The tomb of a Yahweh... God, I can't help myself just thinking about it. …We first need to ensure that what we find can be communicated…”

"Preparations are complete." Alpha closed his eyes and said slowly: "In half an hour, we will gather at my restricted area in the scrapyard. All the great scholars will come."

Without saying another word, the light curtain slowly disappeared. He pulled on his spotless white robe and was about to leave when he suddenly realized that there were other creatures here looking at him.

A black and white dog.

"Go away." Alpha said indifferently: "I signed a life goddess contract with your master, not with you. If you want to stop me, I don't mind sending you to the west."

"Are you talking to me?" Demonic breath spurted out from Mao Baerqi's orifices, and Xing Tian's voice sounded, sneering: "Little guy, if I were the perfect body, you would have no chance of victory."

Alpha said coldly: "Unfortunately, you are not. And I am a true knower. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

As soon as Xing Tian's voice disappeared, Mao Ba and Mao Ba stood up and shrugged: "Oh my... it's really annoying. Yang Yao gave me a very annoying task. I don't like you even more, but forget it, originally He also said that you would give me some benefits and let you go, but I would still give you his things."

As soon as he finished speaking, a magic shadow crystal flew out and turned into another screen of light. Xu Yangyi's face appeared, his eyes emotionless, as if looking directly at Alpha: "I know, I can't trap you."

"But I can't ask someone to trap you. It will cause too much trouble. We have more secrets. If you are known, it will be a dead end."

"Ha..." Alpha took back his steps and looked at the light curtain calmly.

"My restraint has not fluctuated at all, but I also know that you should have opened it while waiting for me to leave. Alpha, I have no intention of being an enemy of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, but you have to think clearly and understand. That is a first The tomb of a generation of Yahweh, and..."

Xu Yangyi in the light curtain seemed to hesitate, and after a long time he said: "It is the source of Ragnarok... an existence that is extremely close to the Supreme God."

Alpha's eyes lit up and became even more intense.

"Don't explore him, Alpha. I hope you haven't foolishly invited other great scholars. This is not something we can intervene in. We are too small and insignificant to compare with Yahweh. I feel that we are still alive knowing this because we are not at all We don’t have the strength to shake it all. Even if the Yahwehs know our existence, they don’t care.”

"They cover up the truth and don't want people to know, and we are far from the point where we can spread it to all the worlds if we know it. This is the prerequisite for our survival. Don't try to challenge their nerves. Friends."

"But even so, I have been given the mark of the devil. I don't want those who walk on this path of true knowledge to get the same ending. I paid the price for what I know and came to Tiragandis alone. And yours Is the price the entire Sanctuary of True Knowledge being destroyed? Even if you have a living Yahweh, are you still the opponent who left behind the forbidden name?”

Xu Yangyi is not a talkative person, but in order to make it clear, he said a few words extra: "I hope you sit here quietly, and when I come back, I will tell you everything. Provided that you do not explore it stupidly , you have no idea how dangerous it is, and...there are still living creatures scattered there."

"When the sun is at its midpoint, it will be waning, and when the moon is waxing, it will be waning. Knowing too much and being too full is a dead end."

After saying that, his image nodded and disappeared suddenly.

The room became quiet. After a long time, Alpha shook his head. The anger had disappeared. He sighed and said, "Yi...we have never been the same kind of people..."

"The purpose is the same, but the ideas are completely different. You are a real monk, I am a real scholar, and our methods of dealing with it are completely different..."

"It's not about right or wrong, it's just a position... I can't wait for you to come back. Your battle with the evil gods... is very dangerous. Who should I go to ask these questions then?"

He turned and left, and Mao Baer spoke behind him: "Well...although I am very greedy, I want to remind you that this boy named Xu is very accurate in predicting danger, his intuition is amazing, and his observation skills are amazing. I have never I’ve seen him warn someone so solemnly. If he says this, then you will be dead.”

Alpha didn't even turn his head back, and a light door opened: "Take my words to him, if he comes back alive."


Xu Yangyi didn't want to think about these things at all. Facing the huge pressure of the evil god, he didn't have time to think about Alpha.

He did what he should do, and whether the other party was dead or alive had nothing to do with him. He could only be an ant, moving the boulder that buried history bit by bit, but he had a hunch that this tomb was a mountain, and if he moved it, Yahweh's eyes would immediately look over.

After a dizzy moment in front of him, he had stepped into the void, and was isolated alone like the previous dozen games. However, the raging sea waves from all directions rushed into his eardrums almost as soon as he landed.

Wow! The sea was surging, piercing the clouds and cracking the rocks, and it was deafening. It was a meaningless shout, a scream that made blood boil, and it was impossible to hear what everyone was shouting, but the continuous sound like the sea actually shook the light curtain covering the arena to ripple countless ripples, and the ground was buzzing.

If you don't see it, you can't imagine it. The atmosphere of this game is completely different from the previous ones. It is a long-awaited collision of passion and the most passionate hymn to the super popular players. All the demons have entered a frenzy before the game has even started.

Because they know that Yi.Fellers can't give up in this game!

How can he give up in front of his opponent after reaching the semi-finals with an invincible posture?

And its opponent is a god who has only lost once in history! A legendary creature! A collection of sins in hell! An absolutely invincible super hot player in the same level!

Xu Yangyi watched all this coldly. The semi-finals are completely different from before. It is countless times larger than before, as far as the eye can see, as if it is in a huge flat land, extending for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of meters. In the far distance, clouds and mist are lingering, and demonic energy is rising, forming a strange dividing line between white and black. And many light screens are flashing in the air, ready to transmit the projection at any time.

The fences at the edge of the arena were covered with countless reliefs, and the flames of hell burned on the huge sculptures. And in the distance, four huge busts, a thousand meters high, stood above the nine heavens, attracting all the enthusiasm.

The original family, the deceiving demon Yi. Ferrers.

The evil god, Kalan. The sinner.

The nameless person shrouded in a cloak.

The Void Prince of the Gate of Bones.

The four of them, in this 100-number arena, stood out from countless contestants and finally met face to face here.

He was very calm now, unexpectedly calm, and his eyes swept over and saw countless familiar faces in the first row. Prince Grizzly, the remnant of the Holy Flame, the King of the Thousand Maws, the King of the Evil Eye, the Speaker Sad Kurt... Almost all the top nobles in the world of deception were all present. There were also countless marquises, barons, and viscounts, emitting silver-gray magic that was completely different from the black magic, scattered throughout the audience.

There are many, but in the endless demons, it is really a drop in the ocean.

On this occasion, you can really see the hugeness of Tiragangdis... He thought secretly in his heart, and his eyes followed the distance, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the first row.

He saw a different demon.

It had no cloak, was dark purple, and had a beard. It had no demon horns, and was covered with black stripes and wrinkles. It looked extremely old, and a strange talisman shone in the center of its eyebrows. It actually carried a supreme sacredness in the demonic aura.

It was surrounded by the Prince of Grizzlies and the King of Thousand Throats, but these two famous dukes couldn't help but stay away from it. Not contempt, but sincere respect.

"God Guide?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt the taste of Yahweh on the other party, very faint, but it did exist.

What the other party said to him at the beginning reappeared in his mind. As if he felt his gaze, the other party nodded slightly, and his lips moved silently. Xu Yangyi saw clearly that the other party was saying: Remember my words, remember, never cross the line...

Damn it.

He cursed secretly, but didn't care. At the same time, Qila's voice rang out: "Dear audience, very happy No. 100 Arena semi-finals!"

"Oh!!!" In an instant, cheers like a tsunami suddenly broke out. It was a passion that made people's hearts tighten, and it was so hot that people couldn't help but be excited. The cheers of countless demons set off a thousand-meter sea tide from all directions, and all hit the center of the cloud.

There, it is the peak of the world.

"Now, first of all, let us introduce the first contestant, from the original family, the player between deceptions, the powerful Yi. Ferrers!!"

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