
Chapter 1294: Huge Contrast (Part 2)

"The Ferrers family is invincible!!" "Come on! You are the strongest!" "Kill that so-called undefeated creature! You are the pride of our original family!"

Suddenly, a vast roar, mixed with excited screams, thundered from all around. Xu Yangyi was stunned. He never expected that he would get such cheers. He was facing a divine evil this time!

But he immediately saw clearly that those who were shouting were the deceitful demons of the Ferrers family. Many demon kings even stood up in person and let out roars that shook the sky.

"Everyone knows that player Yi Fellers is the first player in history to participate in the gladiatorial arena as a foreigner, and the only player to reach this point." Kira opened his arms and shouted: "A player who has never been taken seriously. , to the favorites, step by step, we already know exactly how strong he is! The battle never lasted more than four hours! "

"But this one is different." Its voice suddenly stopped, and it bowed to Xu Yangyi: "As usual, I still have to ask."

"Mr. Yi, do you want to abstain?"

This sentence seemed to have magic power, and eyes from all directions suddenly stared into the void, and there was silence for an instant.

As these words fell, a wave of spiritual energy bloomed in the void. Different from the previous restraint, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy completely exploded as soon as it came out, like a mountain or a sea, and the terrifying spiritual pressure made all the demons around him tremble. Looking sideways, even the demon king in the first row has a sharper magic light.

Honor the Saint or Honor the Saint...

As long as they are not too weak, there is still a limit to their strength... The Grizzly Bear Prince took a deep breath and sent a spiritual message towards the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant not far away: "How is it?"

"It's hard to say." The other party pursed his lips and said with a hint of nervousness in his voice: "He is the last flag of the Ferrers family... but he is just like the god of evil. In the previous battles, he could not see the upper limit or lower limit."

In this deathly silence, a figure, like an immortal in the clouds, slowly appeared in the field with slight steps. Suddenly, Xu Yangyi's face was projected on all the projection screens in the world.

Looking at his unimpressed face, watching him slowly pull out the fish intestines. It was exactly the same as the previous dozen games, but with an added solemnity.

"No." His voice was as soft as gold, yet it penetrated the hearts of all demons like a needle.


A second later, all the demons who were looking at the arena stood up together, raised their arms wildly, spread their demon wings, and roared at the top of their lungs, "Well done!!" "Don't be afraid! Come on! You stand. This is the glory! "The blood will vindicate your name!" "Your name will be immortal in the Abyss Arena!"

The first player to declare war on the gods...

The first player to say no to evil!

A foreign race, in such a huge ceremony of all demons, did something that countless demons could not do!

There were many demons who could not stand in front of the gods, but he did it, and many demons gave up, but he said no.

Countless arenas and many demons all saw this scene. After all, this was a battle between gods and evildoers.

In the 72nd Arena, a demon king with a huge head gently caressed the ring. It was thirty meters tall, and there were countless teams preparing to record the ring next to it.

"Write down everything." It slowly ordered: "Don't miss anything."

"I hope he can last a little longer. I hope this generation of gods will not be as despairing as before..."

In the 80th Triangle Arena, several demon kings looked deeply at the light curtain without saying a word. In the 92nd Arena, there are countless eliminated contestants staring here. The Eternal City... there are countless semi-finalists staring at the light screen.

Some of them will soon meet the winner of this battle.

Boiling sounds swept through the 100th Arena, and it took several minutes for it to quiet down. Although this had been expected for a long time, when the real scene appeared, it was so exciting.

The scene was filled with suppressed rapid and heavy breathing. Kira took a deep breath and asked again: "The battle of the abyss, life or death. Are you still not ready to give up?"


"Very good..." Qi La's chest swelled again: "Now, let's take a look at Mr. Yi's gambling capital."

As if there were some changes in the program, suddenly, a field of numbers jumped above Xu Yangyi's huge light screen.

One, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand...

One hundred thousand, one million, then tens of millions, and then quickly jumped to hundreds of millions! And it hasn’t stopped yet!

All the demons who looked at this scene narrowed their eyes. They were facing a divine evil... and they could actually reach hundreds of millions. I have to say that in the previous dozen or so battles, Xu Yangyi had impressed many demons, and he is still doing so even now. Someone bet on him.

But... don't stop yet!

Three hundred million, four hundred million... When it exceeded 500 million, the entire arena was silent.

All that's left is the numbers that are still bouncing fast and not yet quiet!

And... and more!

Seven hundred million, eight hundred million, nine hundred million... When it reached one billion, a demon finally exclaimed softly in disbelief: "What... what is going on?"

It is very rare to break 100 million, but now it has jumped to more than 1 billion? Overtaking the favorite?

when! When the last sound fell, the eyes of the demons in the 100th Arena went straight.

1.2 billion...

This losing battle actually involves 1.2 billion magic crystals!

Who the hell is so crazy? !

Xu Yangyi was also stunned, it was so unexpected, but soon he understood.

This was the action of the top nobles of the Ferrers family.

Their identities, the honor represented by Xu Yangyi, they must take sides. He smashed down a billion magic crystals to win the battle that they thought they would lose!

It was dull and you could hear a pin drop. It took a long time for Qira to react and shouted at the top of her lungs: "One billion two hundred million! One billion two hundred million!!"

"Everyone, this is the highest gambling amount so far in the 100th Duel Arena! A total of 1.2 billion magic crystals! A sky-high gambling price! Even among all the arenas this year, it is definitely ranked among the top ten!"

The scene was completely exploded by this ball of fire. I don’t know how many demons looked at me and I looked at you. Words of doubt flowed through the crowd.

" much did you invest in Yi?" "How is that possible? Although he is very strong and I almost fell in love with him, but this is a sin! How could I suppress him?" "I didn't invest either..." "Yes, he is nearly invincible, but his only enemy may be the evil one..."

"I heard that the fallen angels appeared in the Third Arena... If I encounter either of these two monsters... I, there is no way I would vote for anyone else..." "This is a sure win odds..."

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Qi'ra immediately shouted: "Now, let us welcome the super popular player, Karan. The sinner, the sinner! The absolute strong man who only lost once!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a muffled "Boom..." sounded in the void.

It was as if an invisible thing stepped on the arena. Suddenly, countless demons felt breathless. It was the fear that the extremely powerful demonic energy condensed into a point. If Xu Yangyi's appearance was the fairyland, then, The evil is just a little bit of ink. Enough to swallow the ink that pollutes the Immortal Kingdom.

This bit of ink spread rapidly in the void, and after a few seconds, it became a huge black hole of more than ten meters, tugging at the surrounding space of a kilometer, and a heart-stopping killing intent spewed out from it like a tidal wave.


"Finally someone didn't give up... I'm really bored..."

Tear... As the void was torn apart like rags, a two-meter-tall figure slowly walked out of it wearing a cloak. Before I even stepped down, the scene had already erupted with a crazy heat wave that was far worse than before!

"Karan! Karan! Karan!!" It was hard to hear clearly at first, but in the end, it all condensed into this name! Resonating throughout the sky!

It was completely a landslide and tsunami, and the mountains and rivers changed color.

The Abomination also doesn't roar much, but is relatively quiet. At this point, it no longer needs to use extra movements to attract attention. Its presence is where the gaze is.

Kira couldn't help but take a few steps back and shouted with all his strength: "Welcome the evil one! Now, let's see its gambling capital!"

A number immediately appeared on the light curtain belonging to the god, but what made all the demons change their colors was that it was not zero at first.

But...500 million!

The next second, all the numbers jumped crazily! Eight hundred million, nine hundred million! Breaking through one billion instantly! After another thirty seconds, the number in front became two! The frequency of beating at the back is faster!

Three billion, four billion, five doesn't stop, it keeps going up!

Sixty, seventy, ninety...

Ding, when this sound sounded, all the demons were shocked.

12.7 billion...

The first time the god of evil took action, he actually chased more than 1.2 billion in gambling money!

No one expected that Xu Yangyi's gambling capital would be so high, let alone that the gap between him and the gods would be so exaggerated.

"This...this..." A demon was stunned for a second, and then shouted wildly: "You are bound to win! You are invincible!!"

"You are the champion!" "Go ahead! Tear the opponent to pieces!" "The opponent is strong, but you are stronger! Your magic crystal is our determination!"

The shouts that resounded in Xingyun shocked the nine heavens and ten places. There were too many... There were too many demons betting on the gods. At this moment, they seemed to have found their backbone and their own comrade team, and they all roared.

Amid a mountain of cheers, Shen Ni slowly looked at Xu Yangyi: "Even if you abstain now, I won't allow you. Because I'm too busy."

"I really didn't expect that... at that time, a foreigner outside the magic crystal redemption office could actually walk in front of me... I admit that you are very strong..."

It paused: "What a pity, you met me."

The next second, it didn't even wait for the shout to start, and it was already rushing towards Xu Yangyi like lightning.

So fast!

As the semi-finals started without warning, Xu Yangyi could no longer hear the earth-shattering shouts from all directions. The moment the god took action, his energy and spirit immediately reached its peak. Just like a lazy sun-shooting bow, it immediately tightened.

Swish... the pupils turned into black holes, and the infinite truth immediately started to work. However, at a glance, he discovered that...

no the same?

The evil talisman is different from the talismans of all demons. The genetic talismans on its body are still countless small runes, but... they are condensed into a huge, perfect and harmonious whole!

This overall genetic rune penetrated the whole body of the god, which showed that the opponent's body was perfect. Xu Yangyi had no time to think about whether this was the point that Infinite Truth needed to strengthen his body, because... this huge rune was too perfect, and the person who hit it had no time to think about it. Time to cut through space! A huge ravine was instantly created on the ground, like a meteor impact!

This is just a simple charge.

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