
Chapter 1295: The semi-finals begin

"Zila..." As the slender fingers passed across, a flaming elf flew between the fingers, illuminating all the surrounding space.

"As long as we don't go out with the protective light shield, we will be protected." Alpha stood where he came in with Xu Yangyi, with several figures shrouded in white robes beside him, looking at everything in front of him in shock.

"Such a strong aura of Yahweh..." "This is a tomb? Are you sure?" "How do we unlock it?"

Alpha waved his hand: "I thought for a long time and finally came up with a way. Logically speaking, even if Yahweh's divine restraint is not strong, there is nothing we can do. But... there is Freya's restraint here."

"You mean..." A true knower narrowed his eyes: "Use that thing?"

"Only use it." Alpha gritted his teeth and said: "Freya's seed comes from the royal court of the elves, and what grows from this seed is the origin of the elves, Freya's tree of life. It represents all life. , on the contrary, can also detect all inanimate objects. Each of us has the fruit of the tree of life..."

He stopped talking, and a flash of physical pain flashed across everyone's faces.

"Three fruits in five thousand years... We spent a lot of money to get them..." A true knower looked at the void already covered with Freya vines with great reluctance, licked his lips and said: "Use It resonates with Yahweh’s prohibitions, thereby opening up… possibilities.”

"Then do it." Another older true seer did not hesitate. With a wave of his hand, a seed shining with colorful light and lingering with the endless breath of life appeared in his hand.

He took a deep breath, played the complicated magic formula, and the seeds burst into cracks. He said softly: "In the name of Farakon."

"In the name of Farakon." All the true knowers repeated, a total of five seeds entered the ground, and the next second, overwhelming seven-color brilliance spurted out from the ground.

Time has no meaning here, no one knows how much time has passed. Alpha suddenly stood up and his eyes flashed: "There is a reaction!"

An unspeakable shock appeared in the void, and on the invisible pyramid, runes like a sea surged, as if they were about to come out of the void.

"It's feasible!" The eyes of several true seers were blazing. At this moment, a dying voice, mixed with endless pain, appeared faintly from the sun at the top of the pyramid.

"help me……"

Dark, vast, and strange.

All the true knowers looked at each other, their clothes were wet with sweat, and they couldn't even finish the dying call, which actually made them have goosebumps all over their bodies.


In the 100th Arena, Xu Yangyi faced the charge of the gods, like a tank running wildly. The demon body had not yet arrived, and the overwhelming sense of oppression had already caused the surrounding land to surge.

boom! ! There was a loud noise, gravel flew, smoke filled the sky, and a huge pothole appeared where Xu Yangyi was. Spider web cracks spread horribly for hundreds of meters. And the god of evil slowly straightened up in the center.

"You can still run..." His body slowly fell down, and his limbs lay on the ground like spiders. At the same time, sword rain fell from the sky.

Swishing, swishing, the sword fell like rain, making a roaring noise beside the god of evil, splashing on the ground, and the golden sword energy pierced the ground into a bottomless pit. Butterfly-like black light suddenly erupted from the back of the god, and in the next second, two huge demon wings had wrapped it.

Its devil wings are very unique, as if they can twist the joints at will, but they form a huge shield in an instant. All the sword energy stabs on it, and the aura splashes out, but it cannot penetrate at all.

Above the sky, Xu Yangyi didn't panic at all. Now everyone was still in the realm of testing. Shensi also knew that he was not easy to mess with, so he launched his trump card without anyone starting. In his hand, the golden sword energy was like a dragon rising out of the sea, running across the sky, and his eyes were completely serious.

The Abomination is adapting to its own power... When it has almost adapted, that's when it attacks.

At this moment, his pupils shrank slightly and he shouted without hesitation: "Fish intestines!"

Brush... The weapon spirit appears, illusory and ethereal without a trace. Hearing only a crisp sword cry, if a dragon emerges from the abyss, in front of everyone's attention, a three-foot green blade rises.

At the same time, there was a terrifying buzzing sound on the ground, and a huge shock wave spread thousands of meters away, spreading out layer by layer from where the god of evil was. Wherever it passed, spider web patterns suddenly spread, and the ground for thousands of meters was incomparably huge. Spectacularly, they shattered into pieces, suspended in unison, and then turned into ashes in mid-air.

In this ashes, the shadow of the evil god rushed up like a shooting star chasing the moon. The speed is so fast that the main body cannot be seen at all, only a little stream of light in mid-air can be seen.

Xu Yangyi's breathing slowed down, and spiritual energy rushed in the void, rising rapidly. As his body shot up into the sky, the shadow of Yuchang's eyes turned red, his hands suddenly closed, and countless shadows walked out left and right. At the same time, the Sword of the Rising Sun turns into two flowers, two flowers into three, and three flowers into countless! The next second, thousands of assassin figures were holding swords in the air, and with the sound of "Kill!" that shook the sky, thousands of swords were shining in all directions.

All the demons' eyes were wide open. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's figure was moving upwards. Below him was an endless rain of swords, which completely enveloped the evil spirit. It was no longer clear whether it was a person holding a sword or a sword carrying a person. One by one, ancient Chinese swordsmen with bamboo hats, transformed by spiritual energy, appeared in the air. Every sword was at its peak in a second, and every sword was forward without retreat. Even the clouds in the sky were cut by the sword energy!

"You can only run away?" The voice of the evil spirit came from the sword energy that enveloped thousands of meters. It spun rapidly and formed a black storm in an instant. It wanted to use its vast spiritual energy to completely shatter these phantoms, but at this moment, all the phantoms suddenly accelerated and passed through this black tornado and came out!

"Huh?" The evil spirit was slightly stunned. These figures seemed to have eyes. The defense was completely ineffective. Unfortunately, they were not too strong and could not break their own defense.

However, defense has its limits. This is like an ant gnawing at its own protective shield, and it will be eaten up sooner or later. At that time, these seemingly weak swords will become deadly killers.

Completely locked!

The talent obtained by Yuchang after swallowing three swords, combined with the infinite truth, there is no trick that cannot be hit with flaws, except for true perfection.

The evil god was stunned, but immediately raised his head, because he felt that just above his head, a vast aura was condensing crazily!

"Heh..." "This is..." "My God... This, this is too terrible..."

In the audience, I don't know how many demons have already gasped and looked at the void in shock. There, Xu Yangyi held a sword in one hand and stood upright in front of him. The aura even formed a brilliant storm. The sky and the earth were divided into black and white boundaries by the magic and aura. The shadows of the four sharp swords around him were suspended, faster and faster, more and more violent, forming a frenzy of sword rain.

Longyuan, Yuchang, Ganjiang Moye, the four ancient swords completely showed the shadows, and Xu Yangyi's veins on his hands were prominent. At the moment when the evil god raised his head, he fought with Chunlei: "Kill them all!"

Kill all four swords!

Boom... This time, the killing was extremely terrifying. The sky tilted and the sword split the sky. It was visible to the naked eye. Under the terrible spiritual power of the Venerable Saint, the sky was torn into two pieces. No one could see the move or the sheath. Only a residual light left in the retina could be seen, which was endless.

Like a wild goose flying by, like a white dragon across the sky. The cloak of the evil god was torn into pieces. Without hesitation, the body made a crackling sound and immediately fell down. But at this moment, its pupils shrank suddenly. Because just below, another terrifying spiritual energy, which was not weaker than Xu Yangyi, was gathering rapidly and facing its body!

"This is..."

The young version of Yuchang, with a tiger step and a dragon, pressed the sword with one hand, and his body was slightly crouched, like a green dragon in the clouds. At the same time, an equally brilliant sword light burst out from his hand.

There were stars falling from the sky above and a sword waterfall hanging upside down below. The two sword energies, one above and one below, actually formed a huge cross in the air, and the center was the evil god.


Three million jade dragons flew up, and a sword crossed the sky, and the stars were cold.

The scene was silent for a moment. The contestants in the City of Eternal Life who were watching this scene looked at each other. The sword that separated the man and the weapon spirit, which had been swallowed by the fish intestines until now, has completely erupted. The man and the sword are intertwined, and they are indistinguishable. This is just the beginning!

The Fellers demon kings on the edge of the arena narrowed their eyes slightly. The upper limit... They seemed to have sensed Xu Yangyi's upper limit.

In the process of probing, such two sharp swords can appear, and the upper limit is self-evident!

In a dead silence, the body of the evil god paused in mid-air, and then, the black robe suddenly exploded in the exclamations of the whole audience!

The true appearance of the evil god!

No one can see it. The competition has been going on for so long, and everyone has seen the true appearance of this evil god for the first time.

It was extremely strange, like an ugly devil, but it was split from the mouth to the crotch, and countless meridians inside connected to a huge eye, with bone spurs all over the body, other demon heads, and huge demon wings. The left hand had three tentacles, and the right hand had sharp claws. Eyeballs and mouths appeared in every corner of the body. It was completely like a hybrid of various demons.

It didn't open its mouth, but raised its hand, looked at the rags hanging on its tentacles, and then looked at its body, muttering: "Unbelievable..."

"You got me excited..."

"I thought it was just a wild dog who didn't know the height of the world, but it could bite me so hard..."

But Xu Yangyi didn't give it a moment to breathe, and Jie Sha couldn't even cut through the opponent's defense! What kind of strength is this? When Shen Nie was in a trance, the vortex of sword energy around him had turned into a huge sky sword, a hundred meters in size. With his strong swing, the Milky Way fell from the sky.

The sky is bright and all demons are swept away. At this moment, the entire sky is a sea of ​​swords, a world of swords.

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