
Chapter 1296: Fight between Dragon and Tiger (I)

At the same time, the evil god suddenly raised his head and let out a thunderous roar. This roar was so terrifying that the sound waves formed majestic ripples above his head, spreading out layer by layer. The demons in the entire 100th arena, the demonic energy and flames on their bodies were blown straight back, and even the demon kings in the first row had some corners of their clothes moved.

Karala... The field hundreds of meters below it was like being hit by an invisible giant fist, sinking layer by layer. Xu Yangyi's sword rain collapsed instantly. He fixed his eyes and immediately raised it again, and the void at the original place suddenly shattered.

The roar echoed, and half a second later, a vacuum zone of one kilometer appeared around the evil god! The ground and the void were cut into a huge circle. The power of a roar, even to this extent.

All the mouths on its body licked it with tongues, and it lay down like a beast, and said hoarsely: "Not a bad opponent..."

"So, I give you the dignity to fight with all your strength."

Kakaka... the sound of violent joints cracking resounded throughout the body, and a twisted demonic energy suddenly rose.

"Killing gene... first sequence unlocked."

Endless bone spurs burst out from its body, and a series of dark runes were very mysterious, looming under its body surface. Silver-gray flames rose all over its body. It was originally a perfect rune condensed from tiny runes, and it actually evolved again! Towards a more perfect self-improvement!

It was just like a trilobite turned into a reptile in an instant, surpassing millions of years of evolution.

"Oh!!!" "Kill! Kill! Kill!!" "You are invincible! You have never lost!!" "Let that powerful human submit to you! Let your name be engraved on the demon furnace!!"

The endless audience of demons may not feel the change in the nature of the evil god at this moment, but the magnificent demonic energy sweeping across the sky, the sense of admiration that rises from the bottom of people's hearts, makes them boil instantly.

The cheers of landslides and tsunamis covered the sky like thunder. Twelve billion, I don't know how many people suppressed the evil god. This is a battle that is sure to win. The jingling sound of magic crystals entering the bag is enough to drive them crazy.

Even the demon kings of all the Fellers family in the first row looked solemn. Their realm is clearer. The evil god's unlocking of the gene sequence only represents one answer.

The difference in strength between the two is far from the difference between heaven and earth. Just a tentative attack can't completely defeat the other party. The appetizer has been eaten, and everyone knows what's going on. Now, it's time for dinner.

The real prelude to killing.

Boom! ! The terrifying demonic energy formed a vortex in the void, and there were wails everywhere. Endless sins gathered and blew the fierce wind of the eight wastelands. Xu Yangyi's clothes and hair were almost blown straight up. The infinite truth in his pupils reached its peak. While he was mumbling, a bright sword light broke through the clouds and waves and cut straight into the demonic energy vortex.

Just before touching the vortex, suddenly, something in the void seemed to be triggered. Then, a piece of extremely complicated talismans actually formed a huge hexagram, completely protecting the evil spirit. His sword light was like an ant trying to shake a tree, and was suddenly bounced away.

In an instant, the noise from all directions seemed to collapse the sky and boil the sky.

"Rules?" Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air. The rules of the world, like people need to eat, the plane needs to rotate, like spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and hot, cold and hot. This is not within the reach of the saint at all, no matter how powerful the saint is! This is a qualitative change, something that only Taixu can touch. But the other party did it!

"It is deceiving magic..." Yuchang said in disbelief: "It actually has the protection of rules... How is this possible?"

Xu Yangyi held the sword tighter. In the vortex, the magic energy has reached a terrifying point that makes people's heartbeats stop. He suddenly remembered the instructions of the God Guide, the evil gods cannot die... The evil gods are protected by the rules... Is there any relationship?

Boom! ! Before the thought fell, the vortex suddenly exploded, and a tall figure slowly stepped out in the rolling magic energy.

A typical demon, the upper body is a rotten sheep, the lower body is a recurved demon leg, with bone spurs all over the body, eyes and mouth. However, the hideous appearance is no match for the vast magic energy on the other party, like an abyss, like a sea, the sharp magic energy is like opening a sword hell behind the body, and even the surrounding void is shaking gently between breaths.

Countless demons in the audience seats actually stopped their screams, and the suffocating oppression made the scene suddenly dead silent.

In this heart-stopping silence, the evil god squatted slightly and said hoarsely: "I hope you can hold on a little longer."

The moment the last word fell, with a loud bang, it rushed over like a cannonball.

It was too fast that the naked eye could not catch it at all. Only the stream of light in the sky could be seen.

It was too fast, and the void where it was located sounded with wailing, and it collapsed layer by layer.

Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank, and with a wave of his hands, Yuchang suddenly transformed into countless sword shadows, forming a vast sea of ​​swords covering the sky and the sun in front of this demonic nuclear bomb.

"Boom!!!" With a shocking sound, the demonic energy and spiritual light flew together, and the outer layer of the sword curtain shattered like paper. His whole body of spiritual energy exploded, and a huge white tide with a radius of 10,000 meters opened in the sky, like a fog locked in the ocean. Yuchang swung his sword into the air, and Moye, Gan Jiang, and Longyuan's phantoms surrounded him, like a dragon swimming out of the sea, bringing thousands of white lights, roaring towards the endless darkness.

At this moment, a sense of extreme danger flashed through his mind. He immediately gave up all his magical powers and rushed to the ground like a heavy weight.

However, he had just fallen a hundred meters and was immediately suspended in the air as if he were weightless. There seemed to be invisible chains in the void that pinned him in the air. An extremely strong danger surged into my heart, and without any hesitation, the Soul Hunter roared out and formed a golden ball. At the same time, countless beehive-like vortexes of demonic energy opened in the Eight Desolations and Liuhe, and illusory ones appeared one by one. Hands, I don’t know where they start, and I don’t know where they end. The sky is filled with stars. Surround him tightly.

With him as the base point, a huge black vortex formed without warning, and the surrounding three thousand meters suddenly fell into deep darkness, with no light entering and no force being able to escape.

There is no aura, no gravity, only the absolute realm of the gods.

"No one can escape the prison of sin." The voice of sin came from above the head, standing proudly in the void like a god, and slowly stretched out a hand: "The void is torn apart."


It was like a dark sun rising in the entire void, blooming with brilliance. The glass in the surrounding space is generally broken layer by layer, shining thousands of meters. The terrifying shock wave changed the world, dust suddenly flew on the ground, and a spherical section of several thousand meters was as smooth as a mirror. The vortex became bigger and bigger, and became more and more terrifying. All the crushed boulders were sucked into the vortex. After a few seconds, a terrifying black hole was formed!

Kakaka... In the center of the black hole, Xu Yangyi's cloak suddenly shattered, and the powerful demonic energy around him made his bones crackle. Amidst the turbulent black hair, his eyes were as sharp as a lone eagle. After taking a deep breath, his eyes calmed down.

"Did you attack with all your strength?" The black light devouring everything from all directions was overwhelming, and he was like the only fallen leaf in this shock wave. He took a deep breath, and his spiritual power exploded completely: "Then let me show you my true strength!"

Brush... The same bright blue-black brilliance surged out of his body like a tidal wave.

Fight with all your strength!

A black hole spreads across the sky, an area of ​​absolute death within thousands of meters, the sky collapses, and everything becomes extinct. All the demons took a deep breath. With such a terrifying supernatural power, how could anyone survive this move?

"Is that player from the Ferrers family still alive? Will he be torn into pieces by the black hole?" A demon muttered to himself, watching this scene in shock. No one expected that the two top saints would take action. , it’s like Mars hitting the Earth, and it’s dizzying from the beginning.

"It's too scary..." Another demon looked above his head blankly: "This move... is like destroying the world, no one can survive... Wait... This, this, this?!"

The demons who were shocked just now opened their mouths wide and gasped.

Collapse, fragmentation, destruction, lightning and thunder thundered in the center of the black hole. At this moment, a darkness deeper than the black hole suddenly erupted in the center of the black hole, and then spread over the entire place, forming a mountainous tsunami.

A bit of brilliance suddenly rose into the sky and turned into a dexterous butterfly, blooming with dazzling brilliance. The blue-black spiritual energy tore through the eternal night, and endless black shadow dragons surged up from the black mist, filling the whole place.

"This is..." Prince Grizzly narrowed his eyes and sighed: "His domain?"

Shulala... The powerful spiritual energy completely exploded, and the black hole was torn apart. After the brilliance, all the demons opened their mouths and looked at the scene in shock.

Towering ancient trees burst out from the ground, forming a vigorous forest. The sunlight shines and the leaves sway gently. The magnificent sunlight casts down from the leaves, pulling out swaying shadows.

There is no darkness, only a peaceful hunting forest with endless killing intent.

Killing reappears, changing the world.

"Your Majesty the Demon God..." A demon opened his mouth wide and said: "This, is this the confrontation between the top saints?"

Xu Yangyi gasped, standing on a branch, staring at the evil creature in the center, and wiped the corners of his mouth.

The cloak was completely torn, and the clothes were torn in too many places. The opponent's void tear just now was extremely powerful, especially the place where it appeared was even weirder. If he hadn't used his domain to tear it apart forcefully, he would have been seriously injured on the spot.

In the silent confrontation, it seemed that they were evenly matched, but one of his trump cards was forced out first.

The blood in his body was boiling and his bones were rattling. He immediately took out a pill and drank it. The pure medicinal power turned into heat and spread all over the body. Shen Sin looked at the huge forest in surprise, then looked at Xu Yangyi and nodded: "Not bad."

"It actually made me feel a long-lost surprise. I thought this feeling could only be felt when I met a fallen angel."

"As the hot-hand opponent, you played that role perfectly."

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi's whole body was filled with strange power, which seemed to be becoming more and more transparent. A kind of terrifying murderous intention that did not belong to magic power or spiritual energy traveled through his limbs, his eyes were like swords, and he sneered: "I hope you You’ll still be able to laugh later.”

As the last word fell, his whole body suddenly erupted with endless golden light, a vast life force as deep as the ocean, and a strange talisman he had never seen before exploded in his chest, pulling out countless talismans. The chain engulfed his whole body in an instant!

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