
Chapter 1297: Fight between Dragon and Tiger (Part 2)

Kakaka... The joints of the bones exploded, and the rune chains all moved toward the center. In just one second, an equally majestic figure stepped out of the radiant light.

He still has his original appearance, but his whole body is covered with a kind of bone armor. No, it's not covering him, but growing on him. His left hand below the elbow becomes a spear, and his right hand turns into a giant shield of equal height. Like a dragon-slaying warrior from mythology.

The armor is majestic, the aura is mighty, and the spear is pointed straight at the throat of the god.

This is a real battle between monsters.

The god's eyes narrowed, moving up and down, and his four eyes looked at each other like flames. After a long time, the god of evil spoke hoarsely: "Colonial armor? Which insect nest does it come from?"

It bent down like a hunting cheetah: "Very good... you are indeed worthy of me playing more."

"Ha..." A smile appeared on Xu Yangyi's face, and it disappeared in an instant. In this form, he could feel how powerful he was. The muscles, blood, and bones all over his body had reached an almost holy and perfect form. The body paused slightly, and then, for the first time, he took the lead in blowing the attack horn.

A violent shock wave erupted in the void, and with a bang, the arrow left the string!

Just as fast!

The same extreme speed!

It's not inferior to the deity in unlocking the first gene sequence!

The violent wind brought by the extreme speed blew around the fields, and the pupils of the god suddenly became sharp. However, at the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure instantly turned into nothingness and merged into nature. In the empty hunting forest, only the sound of the biting wind and the sound of the woods could be heard. Prelude to the killing.

"This is..." All the demon kings in the first row sat upright.

can not see.

It was difficult for them to capture Xu Yangyi's movements. They could only see a stream of light chasing the stars and the moon! This is not really disappearing, it is completely blending into the surroundings.

The first element of colonized armor: mimicry!

The god took a deep breath and stepped on the ground suddenly. Suddenly, everything collapsed, and endless rubble hung upside down in the sky. Then, it immediately saw a brilliance that looked like a swimming dragon.

So fast……

Only a hundred meters away from me!

"Gate of Sin!!" With a loud shout, the eyeballs densely covered in its body burst out with billions of purple lights. These purple lights flew and intertwined, forming a huge door in half a second. The head reliefs of the seven monarchs surrounded the side, and majestic evil aura rose into the sky. At the same time, the invisible figure rushed to the thirty-meter restricted area without retreating, facing the huge door.

Time seemed to be silent, and all the demons could see a void image rising high in the sand and dust in the sky, shooting at the giant door with all its strength under the sunlight!

God-destroying gun.

This scene is fixed in their hearts.

The next second, time turned again, and with a loud bang, the huge door shattered into demonic energy that filled the sky. The demonic void relief of the Seven Lords exploded across the entire audience, passing through the eyes of every shocked demon.

The supernatural power of the god was defeated with one blow...

How can this be!

The god of evil was also stunned, but he had no time to think about why. The invisible sharp edge was approaching ten meters away, pointing directly at his throat!

At the critical moment, a circle of silver-gray magic light suddenly erupted from its body, but...

Still broken!

This piece of magic light was like paper. It had just formed a shield, but it was immediately broken, and the spear had already penetrated deeply into the chest of the god who quickly blocked it!

The second element of colonization armor: the attacking spear.

No shield will work. Regardless of any form, spiritual energy, demonic energy, or physical magic weapon. This is the pride of the Zerg's top masterpiece!

The scene was completely silent. If it was still dead silence just now, now countless demons had stood up tremblingly. They wanted to scream, roar, and cheer for the gods, but they couldn't shout at all. My throat felt like it was blocked and I couldn't pronounce a single syllable.

This alien... who said no to the gods... actually stabbed the gods in the chest?

Apart from fallen angels, this is the first time a demon has done this! Even if the devil has not yet started to abandon the craze, no one has ever done it!

Brush... Xu Yangyi's figure has appeared again. He exerted force with his left hand, and the tip of the spear came out and penetrated the god. All resistance seemed to be non-existent in front of the colonized armor. Then, a loud shout broke out, and the muscles of his left arm became lumpy. He raised his spirits and used all his strength to lift the god into the air.

The lonely figure flew into the air, the killing was completely dark, day turned to night, the bloody prelude to the eternal night began, and his body had already rushed to the sky like lightning. The phantoms of Yuchang appeared at the same time, and then, the phantoms of Long Yuan, Gan Jiang, Mo Xie, and the four holy swords flew across the sky, up, down, left, and right, all surrounding the gods.

"This is..." Some demons have already understood, and their hearts are trembling: "This is... the prelude to those brilliant fifteen seconds..."

No one can forget the unforgettable fifteen seconds of killing the twin demons.

Are the flash of youth and the flying stars in the dark night going to reappear at this moment?

The facts immediately answered them.


Silent murderous intent broke out instantly, and a snow-white sword light first lit up in the sky. Durable, retinal remains.

The waltz of killing is already dancing, and before the sword light disappears, the four holy swords shine through the sun, and the concerts sound from all directions at the same time. In the silent night of death, the epiphyllum-like sword light cut the void into fragmented patterns. The invisible god of death was noisy and roaring, killing the evil being in the center until the demonic energy splashed everywhere and roared endlessly.

This is not magical power.

There is no other magical power that can become the midnight orchid and the momentary beauty like now.

This is the presentation of Xu Yangyi's spiritual power, martial arts, and spiritual consciousness climbing to the top, a unique fighting method of his!

Chi chi chi! The sword energy crossed the sky, wandering in the blue sky, the gun shadows were colorful, and the sky was full of flowers. Fifteen seconds, still fifteen seconds, Xu Yangyi's figure panted and showed his true body. It was not that he did not continue, but that he could not continue. This fighting method was too demanding for the body and spirit. Even he could only use fifteen seconds.

The shadow of the evil god trembled in the void, and then it suddenly cracked into countless wounds, and the devilish energy gushed out like a tide. He lowered his head suddenly: "You... this..."

"Despicable race!!"

No serious injuries!

Xu Yangyi's heart trembled, and the spiritual energy in his body condensed again. Infinite green light burst out from his left arm, almost erupting from the pores, making his left arm form a sky-shaking gun covered with spiritual energy. The gravel beside him flew, and the spider web patterns under his feet shattered. With his beard and hair fluttering, the veins on his neck bulged.

All the strength condensed into one point...

His understanding so far, physical strength, spiritual consciousness... everything turned into a raging tide, spinning outside the spear like a whirlpool. With a loud bang, the ground trembled constantly, and the area within a thousand miles actually sank ten meters! A thrilling blue light that plundered everyone's eyes gathered into the Spear of Longinus, pointing directly at the head of the evil god.

There is absolutely no such thing as a stop in this level of battle. If you take the lead in one move, you must take the lead in every move!

"Die!" The evil god's eyes were red, and he had never felt such pain before. His whole body was torn apart, and the demonic energy could not be controlled and burst out everywhere. In his impression, except for the fallen angel, no one could be called an opponent, but now he was injured like this by a human.

The demonic energy gathered, as magnificent as the sea, and condensed into a huge cloud cave. In the center of the cloud cave, an ancient and majestic face condensed quickly. Every time it became clearer, the space on all sides trembled. Showing supreme magic power and holiness.

That was the face of Mephistopheles... Surrounding the sky, all things worshiped, the fierce magic power swept across the heavens, and many demons trembled when the face appeared, and a sense of innate worship surged in their bodies. And the mouth of the face was already bulging, and the raging flames were swallowing and spitting out.

The breath of the devil!

Can't retreat!

Xu Yangyi's figure was like lightning, and his speed increased instead of decreasing. This was the opportunity to give the evil god the strongest blow. In his eyes, there was already a red ocean above his head. At this moment, he shouted loudly, and the entire hunting forest, those towering trees suddenly pulled up their roots, twisted into countless spears, and actually pierced the body of the evil god in a split second! Fixed it in the air.

"Zizi!!!" A heart-wrenching scream resounded through the sky, and the huge face began to distort because of the sudden interruption of the transmission of magic energy. Tens of minutes after the battle began, the limbs of the evil god were pierced by the tree spears, and he finally felt the unbearable pain!

"This is..." The demon kings in the first row were stunned, and then they exclaimed in unison: "Illusion!"

"Illusion with real killing power..." The eyes of the god guide trembled: "This is... the magic power of the bloodline of the Ferrers family... the deceiving reality!"

In an instant, these demon kings understood, but then they felt extremely chilled.


This human has actually reached the pinnacle of the Venerable Saint. Except for the realm, he is already the strongest among the Venerable Saints! Even Taixu may find it difficult to completely kill him!

"We didn't see the spears of the trees just now, but they pierced the evil spirits in an instant. This is impossible. If implanted armor can break all armor, then these trees are not. They simply cannot pierce the evil spirits without resistance."

"Second, there is no time gap, just like the space god rule, it will hurt the enemy! There is no space conversion process! We can't find it, there is only one possibility, this is all fake, it is an illusion!"

"Third, the evil spirit actually felt unbearable pain, which means... this is unique to the Ferres family, the deception of illusion! Every deceiving demon is a grandmaster of fraud!"

The God Guide took several deep breaths, and his mind was already extremely chaotic. How did this human get the blood of the Ferres family... It must have demon genes to get it! And how to integrate the royal blood? One thing is to turn yourself into something that is neither human nor ghost!

It doesn't know that there is something called swallowing talismans, and there is something called infinite truth.

It could only see that after the other party's domain was unfolded, it climbed from the God of War to the God Killer, the real deception, the implanted armor... what else did he have? The power of this domain is definitely not that simple!

Unable to help it, it tightened its grip on the handrail. It had a hunch that its prophecy... might have seen something that was simply unimaginable...

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