
Chapter 1298: Fight between Dragon and Tiger (Part 3)


Rumble... violent tremors came from the void. Alpha and several true seers looked at everything in front of them in shock. Countless huge stones emerged from the void, slowly piled up into the shape of a pyramid.

In front of them, a road covered with yellow sand had already appeared with stars. In the void, the unknown shadow flickered again, and even the voice that called for help before, the breath of the dying, also hurried a little bit in the eternal river of time.

Brush... the strong wind blew the yellow sand, rolling up the dust. Several true seers' hearts were beating wildly. Alpha was about to raise his foot to move forward, but a true seer said, "Wait."

The other party squatted down and groped the ground of the yellow sand. There was only a thin layer left there. The other party's fingers brushed over, and there appeared below...


"What is this?" Alpha's eyes lit up, and his aura danced like a dragon. In an instant, this yellow sand stone road had been swept away, and a full relief appeared on it!

Everyone squatted down to study it. Alpha only looked at it for a few seconds, and his eyes suddenly jumped.

Tree diagram...

Here, there is actually a huge tree diagram!

He immediately raised his head and looked in all directions, carefully, without missing a single detail, but a few seconds later, he took a breath of cold air.

Eighteen entrances...

This pyramid has eighteen entrances. Eighteen explosions of the demon furnace, eighteen tree diagrams...

Indistinctly, he had an extremely ominous premonition.

He did not speak, but looked at these tree diagrams carefully. The more he looked, the faster his heart beat. The light on these tree diagrams flowed, and it was obvious that countless magic powers were flowing here.

However, where is this?

He took a deep breath and stood up, looking around. This is a lonely void, a plane torn apart by the gods. As a true knower, he never reduces speculation for the name of Yahweh. Bold speculation and careful verification are their principles. Therefore, he knew very well that energy, power, and kinetic energy could never be created out of thin air.

In other words, this huge pyramid has been running for countless thousands of years, where does its power come from? How can the demonic energy carried away in the tree diagram still be running? This is impossible.

"Could it be..." He had a terrible guess in his mind: "Every time the demon furnace explodes, it is actually to enhance the energy of this pyramid? Let it run forever and imprison this monster forever?"

No one answered in the void. Many true knowers have already followed this path. When they reached the end, the tree diagram reached its peak, and there was a name engraved on it.

"It's the common text of Yahweh again." A true knower looked carefully and said in a deep voice: "Ancient latecomers, you have set foot in an unimaginable place. As a tomb keeper, I ask you, do you want to continue?"

Below this sentence is a line of ancient text, which is very vigorous and reveals the weight of history.

"Chi... You?" Alpha finished reading slowly, frowned and asked others: "Legend has it that Chi You has been in Tiragangdis for a long time, and even caused a war between several demon gods, and the third hell became a ruin... How could it have a name?"

Just in front of them, countless talismans gathered into a rune wall, blocking everything.

All the true seers shook their heads, this question had no answer. A white robe changed the topic: "How did you get in? It is possible to read the true name of God to be qualified to enter here."

Alpha shook his head: "I don't know... Yi. Ferres brought me in before. But you feel it, the restrictions here are still not strong, or it is still to the point where it can be forcibly broken?"

All the true seers felt it, and it was indeed the case. At the same time, a different kind of doubt emerged in everyone's mind.

Why... the restrictions on Yahweh's tomb are so simple? There is no restriction on the entry and exit of living beings?

"If we force it open, we may encounter other problems. However, I don't care about that. I believe that anyone standing here has the awareness to dedicate their life to the 'truth'." An old knower took a deep breath: "Let's start... Standing in front of this huge secret, I can't help it..."

The surroundings fell silent. After dozens of minutes, a slight click sounded, and a golden light flashed on the rune wall in front of them, as if the dust of history finally opened a crack.

All the knowers looked back excitedly. They were too involved and didn't see... just behind them, the tree-shaped diagrams flashed quietly and began to move at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.


Swish! Two figures crossed each other in the void, and the white horse passed by in a flash. A hole as big as a human head appeared in the chest of the evil god. He looked at his chest in disbelief, and his body fell slowly like a puppet with its soul taken out.

There was only a bright green light in the air, which penetrated the sky and did not go out for a long time.

Roar... Silent roar, the demonic energy burst out from its chest, and the whole arena was dead silent.


The evil god lost? That invincible demon actually lost to an alien?


No one can feel it more clearly than Xu Yangyi, he knows that the evil god has not lost!

The opponent's life breath is still as magnificent as a furnace, but it is getting stronger and stronger. He gritted his teeth, the previous attack almost exhausted half of his spiritual power, and stopped his body in the air, raised the spear in his left hand, and the endless green light condensed again.

Even more powerful and violent than before, he swallowed several pills in one gulp and forcibly extracted the remaining spiritual energy. Even the sky tens of thousands of meters away was wailing desperately. And blue spiritual light points emerged from all directions, spinning around him like a sea, and gathered crazily on his left arm.

"No..." The Divine Inducer trembled and stood up suddenly. He couldn't care anymore and shouted angrily: "You can't kill him! Stop! Alien!!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's left hand had already condensed a cyan giant gun that was more than ten meters long. At the same time, his figure completely disappeared. The next second, a terrifying storm arose in the whole place!

All the demon kings stood up slightly, looking at this scene with twinkling eyes, the creation of history... Moreover, this time even they did not see any trace of Xu Yangyi!

Unlike mimicry, mimicry completely disappears into the void, but there are still clues to be found, but now it is integrated with the void! Regardless of each other!

What's this?

All the demon kings looked at each other. In their long lives, they had never seen the saint disappear under Taixu's eyes without leaving any trace.

Devouring Talisman is activated.

This is the best opportunity. Xu Yangyi must pursue a one-hit kill. The world turns into the original black and white, the void is shattered, collapses on both sides, and a hundred-meter-long crack is torn apart. Run through the void and take the general's head. On the left hand, the **talisman condenses the whole body of the spear, truly becoming a cyan thunder!

All the demons were stunned. This attack on the sky was too terrifying. He... really wanted to accomplish something that no one had accomplished in countless years?

Right now!

The moment the tip of the spear landed on the god's body, a dazzling golden light exploded. An angry voice echoed throughout the audience.

"very good……"

"I really didn't expect...I never expected that there would be an opponent like you!"

"This was originally my magic to avenge the fallen angels... Now, I will let you be its whetstone!"

"The perfect gene...starts..."

Swish, brush, brush! From the divine evil, golden light seemed to tear it apart, and in the endless ocean of light, a figure was rapidly condensing. At the same time, with a muffled groan, a figure flew out a hundred meters in front of it, and Xu Yangyi was ejected from the void!

A full-strength blow came back, and in an instant, he felt the energy and blood surge like a sea, and blood spurted out from the pores all over his body, immediately turning him into a bloody man.

For a few seconds, there were almost no thoughts in his mind, and he could only feel his body floating in the air and falling towards the ground.

It wasn't until Yuchang's anxious cry reached his ears that he suddenly woke up. The spiritual energy barely moved through his body. The first thing he felt was a sharp pain like tearing. Bones, muscles, sinews and blood...everywhere was wailing, and the spiritual energy was chaotic and unorganized. It was like hitting an endless wall just now, and all of his power was fed back.

"I..." He stopped and just opened his mouth, blood flowed down from his mouth like a waterfall. Fortunately, he had swallowed the pill in advance and was now desperately repairing his broken body.

Yuchang gritted his teeth and said: "It... was completely protected by the rules when the gene was turned on. Just now... you used your own power to challenge the rules of the demon world. It's already settled if you don't die... Tilagang Des is too powerful, and its rules are enough to tear any challenger into pieces!"

This is the world where Yahweh truly exists.

This is the rule set by Yahweh!

Using human power to kill gods, Xu Yangyi was already proud enough without being crushed on the spot.

Xu Yangyi's eyes turned black, and he couldn't hold on to the infinite truth. He immediately fell to the ground, supporting the ground with one hand, and the armor on his body was looming and almost disappeared.

The injury was too serious.

"Stuck... stuck, Karan!" The situation took a turn for the worse. No one expected that Xu Yangyi, who had maintained a comprehensive advantage just now, was suddenly traumatized. When the first audience member was shocked and hesitantly shouted out the name, an overwhelming crowd of sharp voices immediately formed. The cry resounded throughout the sky.

"Karan! The sinner! The sinner! You are indeed invincible!! Kill him! Kill this alien who provoked you! Use his blood to prove his merit! All my wealth is on you! Above ! Tear him apart!”

It was deafening, and Xu Yangyi felt that his meridians were buzzing. A little warmth spreads along the meridians in the body, which is the result of the elixir, but the injury is too severe now, and it cannot be recovered in a short while.

"That's it?" A cold voice came from above: "Yi Felus... I remember your name."

It didn't take action immediately. It also felt Xu Yangyi's state. If there were no other accidents, it was now that it was Dao Zu and he was Yurou.

"In my long life, you are the first creature that can push me to this point."

It looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, who was panting and half-kneeling on the ground, with blood flowing out of his body, and said quietly: "Except for mythical creatures, you are the first. You should be honored. Really, no one has ever..."

"So, you should be proud."

"That's why, let me personally take off your head and pay homage to you."

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