
Chapter 1299: Fight between Dragon and Tiger (IV)

Blood blurred his eyes, Xu Yangyi gasped and looked at the void. The demonic energy surged in the void, becoming a vast sky, and in the center of the layers of the Dead Sea, a low phantom, burning with red flames, stood proudly in the void like a god.

It was no different from humans, except for the demon wings on the back and the recurved joints in the lower body. Obviously petite, the demonic energy was unprecedentedly huge. It was like standing in front of a huge black hole, twisted, ominous demonic energy, enough to make people crazy.

Indescribably powerful, extremely perfect.

Sand... The other party spread his wings and slowly fell down like an angel descending. The endless demonic energy in the void actually gathered into a huge funnel, and landed at the same time with the wailing in the sky.

It seemed to pull down an entire sky by itself.

"Heh..." Yuchang took a deep breath and shone again. Floating beside Xu Yangyi, he said in a deep voice: "Are you okay?"

Xu Yangyi nodded silently, blood had spread along his forehead and stained his eyes, but his eyes were extremely bright, and his fighting spirit had never disappeared.

He was waiting, waiting for the most suitable opportunity.

"Are there any last words?" Sin descended, the incarnation of terror glanced at him, and slowly raised his hand: "If not, get ready to go."

"No one has ever forced this posture except the fallen angels, you should feel honored."

After the last word fell, the kingdom of heaven opened, the glow condensed, and hundreds of giant magic arrays were formed in the void. In each magic array, a well-known demon phantom appeared, Ami, Osei, Gimonri, Wabra, Segun... One by one, the phantoms of the demon kings who made countless planes tremble stood proudly in the cracks between reality and falsehood, like the stars in the sky, dotted with stars.

Ten thousand demons stared at the demon king's side statue.

The God Guide breathed a sigh of relief and sat down again.

"Heh..." Countless gasps sounded, and all the demons raised their stiff necks and stared at the shocking celestial phenomenon in a daze. There were no exclamations, no roars, only the most primitive worship from the heart.

Worship of the ultimate power.

"It seems there are no last words." The evil god lowered his eyes and pressed his hand down suddenly. At the same time, the shadow of the demon king in a magic circle suddenly opened his eyes, and his mouth opened to an exaggerated degree in an instant. With a thunderous roar, circles of dark ripples spread into the void, shattered the void, tore the void, and then annihilated the void.

A purple demon breath gushed out in the silent night, forming a scar of eternal glory.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi, who seemed to have fallen down in a gust of wind, suddenly slapped the ground, and rushed out like a cheetah in the eyes of countless shocked people. The colonized armor that was almost broken burst out with a golden light, and quickly reassembled while rushing forward, but in the blink of an eye, his speed turned into a residual image, and only a vague phantom could be seen passing in the air, and it instantly surpassed a hundred meters!

When the magical power was running, the opponent's magic power was drawn out, and he could no longer wait for the next opportunity.

"Looking for death!" The evil god raised his hands suddenly, and the next second, dozens of demon king phantoms opened their eyes at the same time, opened their mouths like the abyss, and at the same time... erupted the magic breath that tore the sky!

Sure enough, there is still the strength to fight! This cunning human!

Just now, it didn't know whether the other party could still fight, but it instinctively felt that the other party's strength would not make him fall to the ground. Although this scene was unexpected, it felt that it was unexpected and reasonable, as if this human should do this.

If he can't do this, the other party is not worthy of standing in front of it.

Dozens of terrifying demonic breaths crossed the sky, blocking all passages, forming a permanent net of demonic breaths, strangling any creature that tried to pass through. The eyes of the evil god were fixed on the looming phantom, but the next second the phantom suddenly disappeared!

"Baal's Thunder of Destruction!" The evil god's reaction was also extremely fast. With a silent scream, his wings spread out, and the devil came. A huge phantom of the devil condensed in the void magic circle. A cloud cave with a radius of one kilometer, thunder rushed, and a blue-white lightning dragon roared in the sky, descending into the thunderstorm of the devil!

The devil's punishment fell from the sky!

Rumble... The thunder dragon rain that shook the sky and split the earth fell, searching the world. The nerves of the evil god suddenly tightened.


No one knows better than himself how powerful it is in its perfect form. It doesn't believe that anyone can escape the vast net of the sky under the gaze of the gods, but now there is no trace of the other party at all due to the thunder and the divine consciousness!

The invisible death god hid in the void. Almost in the thousandth of a second when it was stunned, a terrifying spiritual sea suddenly erupted behind it. The timing was perfect. The piercing murderous intent suddenly erupted from the void. The instantaneous transition between extreme stillness and extreme movement, a circle of white ripples exploded in the air, and the void collapsed. Its joints all made a sound, and in the moment when there was no time to lose, its muscles became ossified. It was directly knocked hundreds of meters away by this punch, but only its muscles bulged, runes shone, and the magic energy did not dissipate.

The density and strength of the body have reached an incredible level in just a few tenths of a second!

However, this is just the beginning.

The combination of movement and stillness is extremely natural, like flowing clouds and water, and antelope hanging horns. The mediocre use swords, and the strong use freehand brushwork. Once the prelude to the counterattack is opened, it will be like the Yangtze River, rushing endlessly.

The ethereal immortal body is fully developed, and it can attack invisibly, swallow the talisman and move, walk in the void, and the death god of the dark night opens its sharp fangs and suddenly bites at the throat of the evil god.

The death god is beside me.

The overwhelming spiritual power set off a furious wave behind him. There was no sound in the thunder and rain, only heavy breathing, punches to the flesh, and a sea of ​​fighting boiling with red bayonets. The god of evil gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. The devil's wings instantly retracted, and barbs several meters long sprouted from his body. The runes shone, locking the muscles of his body like a lock. However, one move behind, every move behind, the defense that has been reflected to the extreme cannot stop the brilliant sparks from exploding all the way.

Countless ripples exploded one after another, and the demon below was completely stunned. The human... I don't know when he had broken through the blockade, and he turned from defense to attack without anyone noticing.

The god of evil could not feel it, but he captured the opponent's thoughts with an astonishing combat acuity. This kind of storm without warning was actually defended by it!

One punch, shocking Baili. Another punch, a thousand-meter roar!

The punch was fierce, and the god's teeth were chattering, but he controlled all the demonic energy more precisely, and with each punch, he gritted his teeth and spit out a number.

"Nine seconds...ten seconds?"

"There was an interval of ten minutes... This should be one of his biggest trump cards. He is invisible and invisible. Even I can't find him. Now he is already a trapped beast. Spiritual power cannot break through my perfect form of defense. This... should be That was his final outburst.”

Eleven, twelve seconds, just when thirteen seconds arrived, it keenly captured the slightest drop in the strength of the opponent's punch. At this moment, the hedgehog-like body suddenly unfolded, one after another. The dark runes gathered into chains and exploded. At the same time, no shadow could be seen waving on the wings, and at an extremely weird angle, it completely cut through the surrounding 100-meter void.

As quiet as a virgin, as active as a stray rabbit. With a muffled sound, a figure finally flew out of the void, gasping for breath, pulling out long sparks in the air, and slid down a thousand meters away.

All the demons finally saw the entity of this invisible god of death. The form of the armor had completely changed. His hands were two raised swords, which were now folded together as shields, and two crystal wings like insects actually grew out of his back.

Dead silence.

Dead silence on all sides.

"The devil..." A few seconds later, a baron's throat was dry, recalling the offensive and defensive battle that was so fierce that his eyes could not keep up, he opened his mouth wide, shook his head and said in shock: "This... who is the monster? …”

"An attack from an unexpected angle... The two people seemed to be thinking at the same level... If there were other players, no matter which minute, it would be enough to break them into pieces... The same unexpected attack, also without warning... And the two of them actually defended everything... No, it's not just defense, their offense and defense are integrated. As long as they seize a chance, they are like sharks that smell blood... It's terrible..."

Shen Nie and Xu Yangyi looked at each other. Xu Yangyi's eyes were extremely solemn, while Shen Nie only had suppressed excitement and killing desire.

"You always ask me to refresh my evaluation of you again and again." Shen Ni breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly: "12.8 seconds of complete invisibility. This is your limit."

"To be honest, if you hadn't met me, there would have been no problem for you to reach the top 100. The name of a foreign race will definitely be engraved on the top of the Devil's Furnace. You... can really make history."

"I respect you, so I will give you the grandest funeral."

Kara... Kara... Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed slightly. The effect of the elixir was slowly taking effect. The severe pain in his body was a little better, but it would take a long time to recover as before. At the same time, he keenly noticed that the rubble around the gods seemed to feel some terrifying power and began to stir uneasily.

Like a living thing.

An indescribable pressure enveloped his heart. The god of evil slowly raised his right hand, leaving hundreds of shadows of his hand in the void. A little blood-red light bloomed between the fingers of his right hand, like a lighthouse in the eternal night, like an ark in the sea of ​​suffering. Like the torches of the stars, a low voice lingers in the sky: "Diablo's Echo."

As the last word fell, a blood-red thread quietly appeared between heaven and earth. It was unknown where it started and where it ended.

The world was opened, as if a new dimension had been opened, endless red light spurted out from it, and wherever it passed, the void dissolved, and the gods stood proudly in the center of the red light, existing like gods. And the red line got bigger and bigger, and finally... it opened completely.

It was a blood-red eye, old, majestic, with an arrogant gaze, and its pupils were like the eyes of gods. When it opened, the whole place seemed to be blown by a fierce storm, with sand and rocks flying.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi in the distance suddenly stood up.

"Fifteen seconds." He slowly raised his hand, his whole body was bleeding even more due to the violent exercise just now, his breathing was unusually heavy, and his chest was rising and falling sharply.

The god's eyes narrowed, and he wasn't sure what it meant for a while.

"I mean..." Xu Yangyi licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice: "After the middle stage of the Saint, I have been able to travel through the void for about fifteen seconds."

"Then here's the problem."

"Where did the missing three seconds go?"


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